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Neil, Louisa - Pyxis Island Triangle (Siren Publishing Ménage And More)

Page 6

by Neil, Louisa

  She felt his shifting behind her and reached down until her fingers glossed against her clit. Lila heard the noise of Wyatt’s zipper and the rustle of clothing. Heard the thud of his belt buckle hit the tile floor. He grasped her by the hips and stepped up directly behind her, his cock rubbing along her ass cheeks. “What will make you come, Wyatt? Do you want to fuck my tits?”

  “Absolutely, but later, right now I want…” He didn’t finish his statement. Instead he grasped her a bit tighter and pushed his hard cock into her pussy. “Christ, how much of a load did this guy shoot? You’re plain liquid inside, Lila.” He pumped her several times before pulling from her pussy. Lila groaned in disappointment.

  “The better to lube my ass with before you fuck it.” Lila felt him moving behind her and felt his fingers spreading her ass cheeks. First she felt the tip of his finger at her pussy and then his mouth covering her pussy, lapping at Ben’s cum. He would take long licks of her pussy and rise further to cover her anus. He would alternate using his index finger in her and dragging the wetness up along her skin. “Wyatt, I’m in need,” she said, and he laughed.

  “I told you to finger you pussy. You’re just rubbing your clit.”

  Lila did as he asked, sliding her middle finger inside her. When she did, Wyatt concentrated on licking her anus. He stood, spanking her several times. Glancing over her shoulder at him, she watched Wyatt take his erection in hand and push past her resistance. She groaned in pleasure and pushed back against him to take his cock in her ass deeper. “Can you feel my finger in my pussy?”

  “Of course I can. That’s why I asked you to do it. Add another finger and I’ll come in your ass.”

  Lila did as he asked, gently pushing a second finger in her already full body. With Wyatt in her ass and one of her fingers in her pussy already, she had to go slowly as she fit a second finger inside herself. “God, Wyatt, I’m so full, fuck me and let me come.”

  “Lila, I’m going to come.” Wyatt grabbed her waist and held her tight as he thrust several times deeper in her ass until she felt his unmistakable shudder and knew he’d finished. She moved her fingers in her pussy and rubbed them against his cock, making herself come with the movement. She let her hand drop from her body and rested on the cold counter before her.

  “Thank you, Wyatt, I was picturing that all day.”

  He pushed up from her back and stood tall to stretch. “Just let me know what else you picture, and I’ll be glad to help.”

  She turned and reached to kiss his lips. “Are we okay?” she asked, searching his face for a sign of jealousy or distress.

  “We’re more than okay.”

  “Did you watch us fuck on the cameras?”

  “No, but I sat at my desk and pictured it while waiting for you to come to me.”

  “And fondled your dick a bit, too, I bet.” She bent down and grasped her shirt, discarded earlier. They laughed together as she straightened her clothing and he pulled up his pants. “I’m exhausted and heading to a shower and bed.”

  “I’ll walk you. I’m done here for the night.” She waited while he shut down the lights in his lab. They walked side by side to the resident quarters. “Is my cum dripping from your ass?”

  “Yes, it is and it’s mixing with Ben’s dripping from my pussy. My thighs are a cummy mess, and I love you for it.” She paused to kiss him goodnight at her apartment door.

  “Good night, Wyatt, and thank you.”

  “Thank you, Lila, you keep me on my toes and my imagination burning.”

  “Tell you what, how about you think on what our next scenario should be.”

  “With or without Ben?”

  “Both,” Lila told him just before she went into her apartment. “Surprise me, Wyatt. You’ve always been a very creative man.” She leaned forward and gave him one last peck on the cheek before closing the door. Lila didn’t refrain from smiling as she walked toward her bedroom, stripping off her clothing as she went. It should be an interesting summer, she decided as she stepped under the hot shower spray. She soaped her body, lavishing a bit more attention to her pussy until first one then a second finger penetrated her. Lila relived the evening with both men, fingering her pussy and eventually her ass until she came. Exhausted, she dried and dropped onto her bed. Life was good on Pyxis Island.

  Ben felt he’d settled into his new position easily, the job interesting but not exasperating. Since Lila came to his apartment a few weeks back, he’d availed himself of the archives and learned more about the lighthouse than he thought possible. He saw Wyatt and Lila every day at some point, but there had been no repeat encounters of their sexual times. As spring blossomed, he spent more time outdoors surveying the island and coming to love the place. He continued to enjoy Saturday night suppers with Lila and Wyatt, but Sunday was his down day, and he usually used it to catch up on sleep and sports.

  On the first Sunday in May, Wyatt approached him at breakfast in the cafeteria and offered to take him into the old lighthouse. Ben eagerly accepted. Even with all his research, Lila had made it clear he was not to enter the structure until she gave permission. He got nervous knots in his stomach like a kid on the first day of school. With all the research he’d done, to finally see the interior was a gift. He was becoming friends with Wyatt, slowly but steadily. Occasionally, they shared a meal and often quipped about the weather or sports when Ben was summoned to the lab for specific jobs.

  “Why today?” Ben asked as Wyatt drove them toward the far end of the island.

  “It’s spring, and Lila decided you earned the privilege after all your good work. She’s very impressed with the way you’re doing your job.”

  “I’ve never heard it from her,” he mused and watched Wyatt have a good laugh.

  “You’re still here, aren’t you? Lila is careful with her compliments until she comes to trust a person. This is her way of saying job well done.”

  “I’m excited, I’ve been anxious to get inside since the first time I was brought to the island. I’ve walked the outside so many times. I can’t tell you how frustrating it’s been to not go in.” He hesitated. “Every time I come close, I start to feel guilty about going against Lila’s orders and back away.” He shook his head at the irony. “Now I’m glad I didn’t go in.”

  “Just be careful, it looks a lot sturdier than it is, especially the floorboards, and the circular staircase needs major repairs. It’s come detached in several places so hold on tight. But we should be able to get to the top; the view will blow you away. It always amazes me how far you can see from up there.”

  They arrived at the end of the island without verbal conversation and wandered the exterior for a while. Ben ran his hands over the rough stones, each one seemingly coming to life at his touch. “This is amazing. It’s like it has a life of its own.”

  “It just needs some tender loving care. Ready to go inside?”

  “Absolutely.” Ben waited while Wyatt unlocked the heavy wooden door. It took the two of them to push it inward on the creaky hinges. He knew the old wood could be refinished. With the door open, the first thing he saw was the dust motes in the air, swirling from the fresh air introduced. Glancing upward, he noted several panes of glass had been broken, letting in the elements. From the ground floor, he could just make out the modernized light installed in the late seventies.

  “Ready to go up?” Wyatt put his foot on the lowest step and hesitated. “We don’t have to do this if you think it’s not safe.”

  “When I come in to start renovations, I’ll insist on safety lines for the workers, but for today, I just want to experience the feel of the old place.” Ben waited until Wyatt was several steps ahead before tentatively taking his first. The old wrought iron seemed to roll with each movement either man made. They each held on to both railings, centering their steps as they ascended. Several times Ben stopped to run his hands along the rough stone walls. They stopped on the first level, the living area of the old house. While its floorboards were warped and some br
oken, it was the rotted ones they had to be careful of. They looked sturdy until weight was put on them, then they’d hear the crackling noise of the crumbling boards.

  “We’ll definitely have to scaffold the whole place as we go. I give Lila a lot of credit for wanting to rehab this place. Wyatt, does she really know what it will take to fix this up, to make it safe?”

  “She’s aware, but it’s her greatest ambition for the island. Let’s not disappoint her.”

  “She’s the boss,” Ben mumbled.

  “As long as you remember that, you’ll be okay.” Wyatt gave him a cryptic smile as he continued upward. They paused on the second level, one that would have housed extra equipment to keep the lighthouse in order. It, too, was in need of new floorboards.

  At the top, both men paused to catch their breath and footing. All the panes of glass had been broken with time. Ben drew a deep breath, visualizing what it would have looked like with its original whale oil lamps and then the tinsel lens. So he’d make sure the lighthouse was rehabbed for Lila. The floor up there was as rot-riddled as the lower levels, so they were careful where they stepped. Ben noted someone had placed large boards over particularly bad spots. He didn’t care, the view taking all thoughts of building from his mind. The three-sixty-degree view was incredible. From the east, he saw nothing but ocean and sky. To the west, he saw ocean and then the east coast of the states. Northward, he saw similar views and southward, all sky, water, and then land. It was a spectacular spot.

  “I feel so small and insignificant,” Ben mused, taking in the sight. “I always figured it would be similar to being at the top of a Ferris wheel. But I never could have imagined this.”

  “Now do you understand her want to bring it back?” Wyatt worked the weather-swollen door open, allowing them to step out onto the balcony. It, too, encircled the entire tower, its views just as breathtaking. “What do you think of Lila’s pet project now?”

  “I’m in awe of the view, the structure, and the woman.” Ben glanced from the view to Wyatt, wondering what his smile meant. For the first time, he saw Wyatt as a sexual being, not just another man or worker on the site. His cock stirred in his jeans, but he didn’t dare shift himself for comfort, instead, he continued to watch Wyatt. “I get the feeling our trip here today has another purpose beyond a reward to see the interiors and view.”

  “Am I your reward or you mine?” Wyatt spoke so naturally it took Ben a few seconds to get his dual meaning. By then, Wyatt was smiling at his discomfort. “We’re alone, Ben, let’s just be honest. Lila and I both know of your dual sexuality. I’m just letting you know on occasion I’m of the same mind.”

  Ben swallowed hard, choosing his words carefully. “Is this one of those occasions?”

  “It could be if you’re so inclined. But, Ben, it doesn’t have to be. If you’re not interested, just say so. Nothing will change between us working together.”

  “What about Lila? What would she say about…” His words trailed off, and it all came together in Ben’s mind. “That’s why she chose me. She wanted a second man and knew from her research I was bi. She told me just weeks ago to remember she was the Alpha female here. That makes you her Alpha male. I suppose that leaves me as the apprentice.”

  “An interesting choice of words, but accurate. Lila likes diversion and has an amazing mind of fantasies she wants to try. I need to know how far you’re willing to go. Do you just want to fuck and suck her, or are you open to my presence?”

  “I suppose in the back of my mind I’ve known all along what her ulterior motives were. Don’t you mind sharing her?” Ben needed to know he wasn’t coming between them.

  “Lila is not mine to share or yours for that matter. She is her own woman and in charge of everything here. I’ve come to accept her need for diversion, sometimes relish the idea of help when she’s in one of her insatiable moods.” The men stared at each other for a second before starting to laugh. “Yes, she is amazing, and I’m getting too old to satisfy her every whim. There will be times when I’m tied up in the lab and can’t service her. You’d come in handy those times, too.”

  “So, I’m to be your second from her perspective. What does it mean from your perspective?”

  “I figure we’re both adult men who occasionally will cross swords in the goal of sating Lila. If, on occasion, we choose to be alone together, I’m not averse, as long as it doesn’t interfere with my work at the lab.”

  “This whole situation makes me feel like Pyxis Island is a fantasyland.”

  “It can be if you’re interested.” Wyatt took a few steps toward Ben, pausing before him, his right hand extended downward, just inches short of touching Ben’s erection. “Are you interested, Ben? It seems your dick is interested. What about the mind?”

  “Damn, the mind and body were there weeks ago. I just didn’t want to do anything stupid and get thrown off the job.”

  “As long as you remember you’re being paid to run this island to Lila’s specifications. Anything sexual between any of us is purely recreational.”

  “It’s Sunday, my day off, and my recreational need is to suck your cock.” Ben stilled and felt his face heat with embarrassment. “I can’t believe I just said that, at least so bluntly.”

  “Most times, blunt works best.” Wyatt took one step forward and reached to stroke Ben’s cock. His hand cupped him, shifting up and down. Ben felt the tingle inside him pulling at his balls. His cock strained fuller, and he knew he had to stop Wyatt before he came in his pants.

  “Let me suck you,” Ben said, taking a step back from Wyatt’s touch and dropping before him. His fingers shook as he lowered Wyatt’s zipper and pushed his pants and briefs down his hips. Wyatt’s cock sprung free and Ben groaned. “Christ, you’re huge. Why would Lila want me when she’s got your cock?” He leaned in closer, his breath reaching Wyatt’s cock at the same time his fingers did. Ben made the instant decision that he wanted this, wanted to suck this man’s cock and would look forward to having him fuck his ass one day. Ben licked the straining cock before him before engulfing it with his lips and sucking it down his throat.

  He kept repeating the process, glancing up to see Wyatt, his hands tight on the railing, staring upward to the sky. He was a handsome man, tall and well-built, a bit older than himself and a tad gray at the temples, but what a cock. He continued to lave Wyatt’s cock, taking him deeper down his throat on each pass. One hand steadied and stroked the circumcised cock while the other started to fondle his sack. He noted that Wyatt was shaved closely around his cock and balls. Ben liked the smoothness of the shaft he repeatedly swallowed. He’d never thought to shave his own pubic hair, but now it became a glitch in the back of his mind. Maybe one day, he conceded but concentrated on sucking the smooth, hard cock down his throat. Wyatt groaned and dropped his hand to Ben’s shoulder.

  “If you keep that up, you’ll make me come, Ben.”

  “Wasn’t that the point?” he joked, going back to the cock in earnest.

  “Ben, drop your pants for me, let me see your cock.” Reluctantly, Ben released Wyatt’s cock and stood, fumbling with his zipper and pushing his pants down his legs. His boxers went with them, and he had no embarrassment standing at the railing of the lighthouse, naked from the waist down with his cock throbbing hard. He stilled when Wyatt dropped to his knees before him and fondled his erection. His lips were warm against his skin, his mouth hot. He sucked him down his throat, Ben feeling the stirring in his balls.

  Suddenly, he wished he was clean-shaven, too. He didn’t know how long he stood there on shaking thighs, only that it felt too good to stop. Wyatt fondled his sack and inched his finger toward Ben’s anus. He shifted his weight to allow him better access and groaned in pleasure when Wyatt slid the digit inside his anus.

  “That’s amazing, Wyatt. What would your cock feel like in there?”

  “We can find out if you’re interested.”

  “I’m interested, believe me, I’m anxious to feel the burn turn to need
. I want to feel you pounding against me until you come inside. And I want to feel your cum drip from my ass.”

  “Turn around and assume the position,” Wyatt told him. Ben moved to lean against the railing but was stopped with Wyatt’s large hands directing him toward his mouth. The kiss they shared spurred him harder, made his need deeper. When Wyatt broke the kiss, he kept his hand on Ben’s chin, looking directly at him. “Lila told you about our medical testing. Would you prefer I still use a condom?”

  “Hell no, I want to feel your skin against mine.” Ben stared at Wyatt. “I’ve wanted to feel your cock up my ass since we met.”

  “Drop and suck me slick so I can fuck you.”

  Ben dropped to his knees immediately and took Wyatt’s dick down his throat, coating it with his saliva. He tasted several droplets of pre-cum and stood before Wyatt came down his throat. Turning, he grasped the railing and pushed his ass backward. Wyatt took a step forward and with cock in hand, pushed into Ben’s waiting anus. They stilled for several seconds before Wyatt took hold of Ben’s hips and started to fuck him full-out.

  “That’s amazing, harder, Wyatt, make me burn.”

  “I can do that,” he answered and reached around to grab Ben’s cock. It was already releasing droplets of cum, bulging to come. “Ben, stroke your cock for me while I fuck you,” he directed, replacing his hands on his hips, pulling him tighter to his body. He absorbed each thrust and matched his hand pumping with Wyatt’s fucking. “This is amazing,” he said, more to the wind than to Wyatt.

  “Wait, things can get better,” he whispered in Ben’s ear, then lowered his lips to the back of his neck and lightly bit his skin. Ben came in his hand when he felt the bite, and Wyatt pumped him only a few times before emptying deep inside him. He let his weight drop slightly onto Ben’s back. “That was amazing.”

  “You have no idea, Wyatt. Women know how to suck cock, but only a man knows the small nuances that make it better. Women play with toys, but a live cock is always so much better up my butt.”


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