Neil, Louisa - Pyxis Island Triangle (Siren Publishing Ménage And More)
Page 18
“Your cock is getting hard, not as hard as my nipples, but hard.”
“That sounds like a challenge,” he whispered, trailing one hand up along her chest to her chin, turning her face to the side where he could kiss her. It wasn’t a tender kiss. It was hard and filled with intent. He continued to pump her tit, and she pushed her weight into his palm, a silent plea for more. Their tongues battled and his cock got harder. “Are you wet?”
“Find out for yourself.”
“Lila,” he started and decided since she was baiting him, he’d take charge. “I’ll find out for myself.” He dropped his hand from her breast and moved to rub her crotch, using the material of her skirt to rub her clit.
“That’s all you’ve got? I figured you’d do better than this.”
“A dare or a challenge, I’ll accept it either way.” Ben understood this was her way of giving him permission to take what he wanted from her. Taking a step back and putting some space between them, he stripped off his outer jacket and quickly undid his pants, pushing them down his hips so his cock was free. It stood at attention, a drop of pre-cum already on his tip. He put his hand on her shoulder and turned her to face him. “Suck me,” he said and gently pushed her downward. Lila accepted his direction and kneeled before him, taking his cock to her lips instantly. Ben stood with his weight planted and accepted her attention. She licked him first and then took him in small increments between her lips. “That’s better, suck it.”
Lila glanced up at him, and he almost lost his load. What a sight. Her hair had loosened from the band and was falling forward, but he reached down and pushed it behind her shoulder, keeping his view of her tits unencumbered. As she relaxed into the act, she was taking him all the way down her throat.
“Use your hands to pinch your tits.”
She didn’t stop her motions, simply used one of her hands to fondle her tit and the other to pump his cock to her lips. Ben was in all his glory, Lila was sucking him and pinching her nipple. Half-dressed, she was an erotic sight. Just when he thought to let himself come, Lila bit the base of his cock, changing his attention. She held him between her teeth and looked up at him.
“I’m thinking you want something more. You’re biting my cock so I can’t come. You want to fuck. Am I right? Where, Lila, your pussy or ass?”
She let his cock slip from her lips and stood before him, using her hands to gather her breasts and bring them to her lips. She sucked her nipples, taking turns, one then the other. Still, she was silent.
Ben physically turned her around and pushed her to lean over the other end of the table where the printer sat. He tossed her skirt up over her back and stood for a few seconds appreciating the view of her perfect buttocks. There was no thought to his motion. He let his hand drop to her porcelain skin, landing with a light tap. Then the other hand dropped. He would have stopped if she hadn’t squirmed further back to reach his touch.
“Tell me Lila, what do you want?”
“You’re in charge,” she said, glancing over her shoulder at him. “Do what you want.”
He let out a grumbling breath and began to spank her ass cheeks, over and over until they turned a light shade of pink.
“Is that the best you can do?” Her taunt made him apply more pressure until her butt cheeks began to glow red.
“If I touched your pussy, I’d bet you’re dripping wet.”
“Find out,” she answered but didn’t pull from his hands. “Go ahead, Ben, finger me and see if you’ve got me excited.”
“I’ll do better than that. I’ll fuck you and find out.” Ben grasped her by the hips and tugged her backward. He was able to slide his cock in her pussy from behind in one push. “Christ, you’re not wet, you’re fluid. Does spanking your ass make you this hot?” When she didn’t answer, he let his hand drop down and contact with her skin. He’d push inward and spank her, on an outward pull, he’d raise his hand. Ben didn’t know how long he fucked her like that, only that his cock was straining to come and his palm was tingling.
“How far, Lila?”
“As far as you want.” Her words were punctuated by her heavy breathing.
He pulled his cock from her pussy and with one hand guiding him, pushed in her anus in one move. He stilled so he wouldn’t blow his load on the first stroke.
“What’s the matter, Ben, can’t stand how tight my ass is around your cock?”
He began to spank her ass again, slowly pulling from her anus and pushing fully back in. Ben didn’t know how long he went on that way, only that he was in a torment of heaven and hell. Her ass cheeks were glowing a beautiful red, his cock was gliding in and out of her ass, and he was having trouble holding back. “Finger your pussy, make me come.”
Lila followed his directions, and a moment later he felt two of her fingers enter her pussy. It was too much to hold back. She was so full, so tight that he grabbed her by the hips and fucked her harder. She pushed a third finger in her pussy, and he came when her body shuddered around him, sucking his cock deeper into her tunnel and clamping down on him.
“Christ, you are one hot bitch,” he managed to tell her, trying to garner his breath. “Your ass is a bright cherry red. You look amazing.” He pulled his cock from her anus and watched as his cum dribbled down her thighs. “Damn, Lila, I’m getting hard again.” He palmed his cock but knew he was exhausted. He lifted her skirt from her back and pulled it down to cover her ass.
“Are you warm now?” she asked, not holding back the smile on her lips.
“More than you could know.”
“Then we’d better both get back to work.” She stood tall, righted her blouse, and turned to face him. “See you later,” she told him, pausing only to give him a light kiss on his lips. She grabbed the pages she came in for and sauntered out. As she reached the door, she reached up and tugged the band from her hair, letting it go completely loose around her face and shoulders.
“Damn,” Ben said, finally reaching down to pull up his pants. “Now that’s what I call a break.” He put his clothes back in order, grabbed his coat, and headed out, having to return to take the radio with the new battery he’d come in for. “I’m all for diversions,” he said to the empty room. He knew it carried the smell of their encounter and didn’t care.
That Saturday, something was different when he arrived for supper. Though it was a hectic week, he’d longed for this night with his paramours. Wyatt was already there, looking relaxed in jeans and a T-shirt. Ben didn’t often see him so calm. Tonight there was no jotting notes or distracted conversations.
Lila was her usual sensual self, dressed in a black button-down-the-front dress with black leather boots with extremely high heels, making her appearance even taller than usual. Her hair was pulled back and twisted up at her neck, and her makeup was much heavier than he’d ever seen it.
“We’re celebrating,” she said, handing him a glass of champagne.
“Good news at the lab?” he asked.
“Yes, that, too.” Wyatt’s answer was a bit cryptic, but his smile made Ben relax. It was a smile he’d come to know as excitement pending.
“We’re celebrating your six-month anniversary here on Pyxis. You arrived just before spring and now we’re heading into winter.” Lila sauntered to the sofa across from him and lounged across the length of it. Ben wished he’d sat where Wyatt was because he knew the view up her dress would excite him.
“It doesn’t feel like that long to me, only that the weather is changing.”
“Are you still comfortable here with us, Ben, any changes you’d like to make?”
“None, as long as you two are satisfied with my work…and our private lives.”
“I think we’ve all settled in nicely. Shall we head inside for our supper?” It wasn’t a real question, Lila stood and Wyatt and Ben followed. They ate the amazing broiled stuffed lobster and opened a second bottle of champagne. Afterward, they remained at the table discussing current events.
“Wyatt, did you mention
to Ben how excited you were earlier in the week when you found my ass cherry red from Ben’s spanking?”
“No, I didn’t get a chance, but it did get my cock hard.” Wyatt lifted his glass to Ben in a toast and sipped. “Do you think he’s ready for the next step?”
Ben was confused. What next step? Workwise, he wasn’t worried, but in their private times, he couldn’t imagine what else they could do together. Had it really been six months? He’d never felt so content in his life. Lately, he’d found himself grumbling when he had to leave the island for any reason. Sunday, his day off, he chose to remain on the island. Any personal purchases he needed he made by online sites, allowing them to be delivered to the ferry dock and then to him. Ben decided he’d settled in nicely. He was calm and content.
“Let’s let him decide. Ben, are you up for a new adventure?”
“Always.” He answered a bit too quickly, for the others laughed at him.
“Come, let’s bring the champagne, and we’ll talk on the way.”
Lila led them from the room, pausing only to grab a cloth napkin to wrap around a new bottle of champagne that had been cooling in an ice bucket beside the tray of extra glasses. Wyatt grabbed three clean glasses from the sideboard. Ben noted how her hips swayed with each step she took, her body all but slipping effortlessly along the corridors.
“Are we going to the medical lab?” Ben asked after they’d taken several turns through the empty hallways.
“Even better,” Wyatt answered but didn’t elaborate.
“A new place for you to explore,” Lila said in a conversational tone. “One, of course, that is still covered by our agreements.”
“Of course,” Ben said, his tone serious. They descended to a level deeper in the complex, one he hadn’t had access to before. He waited while Lila used the iris scan to unlock the door, and once through, they waited while she locked them in. They walked through another room that reminded Ben of the upper medical lab where they occasionally played and they’d shaved him for the first time so long ago. He followed, his breath shallow, wondering what lay ahead.
Lila hesitated, handed him the champagne bottle, and paused before a nondescript door. She turned to Ben and asked, “Have you ever been to Alaska?”
“No. But someday I’d love to take a cruise to see the aurora borealis.”
“Neither Wyatt or I have been there. That’s why we use it as our safe word. Do you understand what that means, Ben?”
“A safe word, you mean to stop something we’re doing.”
“That’s right,” Wyatt offered, “Think of it as a failsafe. If ever we’re in a situation that you don’t want to continue, just say ‘Alaska’ and we’ll all take a moment to stop and regroup.”
“I can’t imagine that happening, but I’ll remember Alaska if things go past my limit.”
“Smart man,” Lila said and gave him a sly smile. She punched numbers into the keypad next to the door, and it swung inward to darkness. He followed Lila and Wyatt, waiting for his eyes to adjust while she relocked the door behind them. Lila moved behind Ben and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his shoulder.
“If you don’t like this or want to stop, just say your safe word.” Then she bit his earlobe. She moved from behind him, and muted red lights turned on above him. Ben knew they both heard his gasp as his eyes readjusted to the lighting. “This is my private playroom. As always, anything we do in here will stay within these walls.” She took the bottle from him and turned to the side where a small table waited. Wyatt put the glasses down and took over opening the wine, hesitating when Ben glanced to him. “Just remember Alaska.”
“Have a look around,” Lila suggested.
“Thanks,” Ben said, automatically running his hand along the leather-covered wall that was padded underneath. Interspersed throughout the walls were metal rings at different heights. His cock stirred in his pants, and he took a few deep breaths to control his building erection. He tried to take it all in, but it was overwhelming, so he began in one corner and scanned the room. It seemed three of the four walls were covered in the leather. The fourth and far wall was covered in mirror from floor to ceiling. He figured it would open because of several splits in the glass.
He noted the floor was wood, but there were mats under the tables. Ben decided they weren’t tables at all. Instead he began to recognize the items around him. Closest to him was a medical table, similar to the one upstairs. Beside it was a flat table with large O rings anchoring each corner. In the center of the room was a stand in the shape of an X. It, too, had rings in several places. He glanced upward and noted several large chains hanging at different heights. Wyatt walked ahead of him and pushed his hand flat against one of the mirrored walls. It sprung open, revealing a closet of sorts, one like Ben had never seen.
Inside was a cornucopia of devices. One wall held whips and chains of all sizes and lengths, along with lengths of common rope and a silky-looking cording. Beside them were sets of handcuffs, some metal, some leather, and some covered in fabric. Another wall displayed leather wear of all sorts, from crotchless panties to masks. He noted the large array of ball gags, vibrators, and dildos. His mind began to spin with the idea of the possibilities that lay within these walls. The back wall was covered with shelves that held bottles of lubricant, clean towels, and what he decided were clean bathrobes. Wyatt pushed another mirrored panel, and Ben watched that one swing open. If he’d been surprised before, this doorway would open a world he’d never considered.
“May I?” he asked, clearing his throat when his voice cracked.
“Of course,” Lila told him, watching his every move and expression. “I call this my little museum,” she joked.
“I’m not sure what half of this is used for, but I’m curious,” he admitted.
“Why don’t I open the wine,” Wyatt offered and walked back to the front of the room where they’d left the wine and glasses.
Ben knew they were all devices of torture in one way or another. Some were easy to pick out. The cage he understood along with the tomb-like structure standing in the far corner. He walked closer and peered at the spikes jutting through the inside. His body quaked at the idea of being enclosed inside it. There was a chair with a huge spike rising through the center of it. He immediately knew it wasn’t for play rather torture. As he wandered into the space, he realized it was larger than he’d first thought. Most of the smaller items were in glass cases for display.
“Don’t panic, Ben, this is my collection of antique devices. We don’t use them, just admire them and use them as basics for modern-day replicas.”
“They’re all so old looking,” he said without thinking.
“Everything here is museum quality,” Lila said, putting her hand on his shoulder to turn his attention away from the closet. “Over here are some of the ones we do use on occasion.” Lila opened the third panel of mirror to reveal another museum of sorts, this one filled with different, smaller items. He noted the metal masks, the different cuffs with chains attached in different lengths, the medical-looking items that frightened him in an inexplicable way. But his eyes landed on something he’d never seen before.
“May I?” he asked, already walking toward the item. Ben picked it up and held it, weighting it in his hand, turning it over several times before looking to Lila. She smiled and he walked back to the ‘museum’ closet, comparing it with a similar object.
“It’s called the pear of anguish,” Lila said, taking the wooden one from the museum shelf and holding it up next to the metal one Ben held. “During the Middle Ages, it was used to make one confess their sins.” She held the bulb-like head in her open palm and used the wooden screw-like end to turn the center. The bulb opened like a flower might, as if the petals were opening. “I assume it would have been very effective if used on anyone, guilty or not.” She continued to use the screw until the petals were open wide. He noted a strange smile on her face, an almost serene smile that made her look young, too
young to know about these kinds of devices. “Can you imagine how it must have felt to have this slipped inside your mouth, your anus, or vagina and twisted until it opened beyond reason?”
“Relax, Ben,” Wyatt said, moving beside him. “This replica is metal and plastic, and it only opens so far.” He twisted the pear Ben held and showed him it would only open to a certain point. “It’s really the idea of the item that intimidates and thrills. And that is the point really, to let yourself go to a place where your body overrules what the mind would automatically object to.”
“I’ve never…I feel so uneducated.” Ben continued to stare at the pear, using his other hand to close its petals and open them again.
“Would you like to be educated, Ben, or is this past your comfort zone?” Lila walked up to Ben and Wyatt and slowly unbuttoned her dress. She let it fall to the floor, revealing a black leather bustier and matching panties she’d worn underneath. Ben’s breath faltered when she reached into the first closet and chose a riding crop, running the item between her hands. He became mesmerized by her appearance. He’d always known she was in charge of all things on Pyxis, including him. But tonight, dressed as she was with her breasts spilling out of the tight garment, there was no doubt. Her waist was snugged smaller than its normal size, and her leather bikini showed the outline of her pussy lips. He became speechless. Without thinking, he wiped his sweaty palms on his pant legs. In that instant, he knew he’d let Lila initiate him into this new side of her personality. He also knew he wouldn’t use his safe word.
“Damn” was all he could say, his mouth suddenly dry.
“His cock is hard,” Wyatt noted, dropping his hand to rub across the bulge in Ben’s pants. His cock was throbbing, and Wyatt’s touch made it surge.
“I’ll come in my pants, Wyatt,” he warned.
Lila stepped up beside him and took the pear of anguish from Ben’s hand. “I think we’ll work our way up to this,” she said, teasing him but putting the device aside. “Are you still interested or shall we go back to our usual routine upstairs?”