Book Read Free

From Texas to New York

Page 7

by Stephen Brandon

Chapter 7 The raid

  We arrived just outside of NFH before dawn. After going to ground we sent three scouts forward to reconnoiter the area. The Indian had the annoying habit of sneaking up behind us and then asking us if we'd heard him approach. I jumped out of my skin more than once on the trip north because of that.

  When they reported back we knew we had it to do. There were about 75 enemy and they were rotating guards on three shifts with roving patrols. They also found a barracks with several women being used.

  The Indian suggested that we use claymores to eliminate most of the enemy in their barracks and set up claymores along the patrol routes. They would need three more stealthy guys to take out the guards at the motor pool and warehouses.

  It took half the next night to get the claymores set up at the barracks. By then the booby-trapped claymores were set along the patrol routes. We determined that the best time to attack would be 0600 because we only had six night vision goggles.

  The attack went off with only one hitch. One of the patrols was out of place because they'd decided to wander off and smoke their dope. We lost two men and three wounded because of those doped up assholes.

  The guards at the woman's barracks managed to kill one of the women before they were taken out. The scout that took them out said he'd never seen women so vicious when they realized they were rescued. They went out of their way to mutilated every enemy body they passed as they were escorted back to our rally point.

  We took every vehicle that would run from the motor pool and emptied the warehouses. We had to stash three loaded vehicles in the impact zone due to lack of drivers. On the way out we set fire to everything that would burn. The women rode in the back of an almost empty five ton truck.

  At the end of the day we set up a temporary camp near a dry creek bed. From what the 5 ton driver told me the women were going acting weird because they just huddled together and shivered, besides their moaning and crying.

  I grabbed a hummer driver, told him to drop his trailer and beat feet back to the main camp. He was to tell MSG Wilcox that I needed the Shrimp up here ASAP. I also reminded him what she'd done to the KP and warned him to keep his hands to himself. He wasn't happy when he left, but traveling light he thought he could make it back by noon the next day.

  Then I sent the scouts around camp to find clothing and blankets for the women. When they returned I led them near to where the women were huddled. I took a blanket and set of fatigues that smelled like mothballs and sat down about ten feet from the women. Quietly I announced my position and name.

  Several were looking at me.

  Then I said, “I have some blankets and fatigues. If one of you will come over here I'll give you a set. My unit consist of US Army soldiers that escaped the first attacks. We've been in a running battles since. If you decide to trust us you can join us. If not we'll give you a weapon, ammunition, food, and water and let you leave.” Then I sat there and watched them talk amongst themselves. Finally one got up and limped over, but kept just out of arms reach. I held out the blanket and fatigues at arms length. “Sorry they smell like moth balls, but at least they're clean.”

  She looked at me like I was nuts and gabbed the fatigues. After holding them up to her face and smelling them she launched herself at me and landed on top. I quickly realized that she was just holding me down, not trying for my knife or pistol. Two other women scrambled over and took the blanket and fatigues. One of them then said, “Do you have more?”

  “If you will let me up I will get more, or I can call my scout over that has them.”

  The woman on top got off and squatted beside me and then picked up a rock.

  I called over my shoulder, “One of you bring up the fatigues and blankets on my clear side and set them down. Then back off.”

  I then heard, “Sarge you got a pair. I almost pulled the trigger when she jumped you. If you'd fought she'd be dead.”

  “Then I'm glad I was relaxed. These women have had it rough. One of you guys find a couple of pots of water. I'm sure they would like to clean themselves before putting on clean clothes.”

  The woman with the rock dropped it, grabbed me and started sobbing. Her two companions started patting her on the back and I could see the tears in their eyes. I heard a quiet here as my scout set some blankets and fatigues down.

  One of the women grabbed him and also started sobbing. I caught the flash of his knife as he put it back in its sheath. Then he just started patting her on the back. After a minute or two he used his free hand to pick up several blankets and said to her, “Lets take these blankets over to the other women.”

  She had the blankets from his hand in a flash and was running back to the main group. The third woman then asked, “You're Apache, aren't you.”

  He replied, “Only half.”

  She replied in a language I didn't know and he answered, I guess in the same language. She then turned to me and said in English, “White eyes, you have my spirit.”

  I was puzzled by the comment, but then thought of something I'd read. “I return to you your spirit, and offer you my knife to protect yourself and the other women.”

  I guess my reply was what she needed because as I handed her my knife she grabbed my hand and made a small cut on it and her hand and clasped them together. Her only word was something in Apache, then she got up and strutted back to the other women.

  Looking at my scout I asked, “Was I just adopted?” He slapped me on the shoulder and grinned. Then he answered, “White eyes, you just got a wife if you accept her. When she gets done talking to the other women you may have a harem. Tread carefully if you don't want her. I'll tell you the custom later.”

  “Oh shit, I don't need another woman trying to get in my pants.”

  A look of astonishment crossed his face as he said, “The women with your unit. How many?”

  Answering him, “I don't know, I just found out the other night. We were interrupted and another mentioned an order that they were to get me in. I think I'm screwed!”

  With a laugh he commented, “I thought something more that sleeping was going on under that truck, but I didn't mention it to Wilcox.”

  The woman sobbing on my chest lifted her head and said, “You have other women here.”

  “No, they are south of here, but I've sent for one. They are all soldiers and hardheaded. You'll be safe and they can teach you if you want them to. Now take these blankets and fatigues back over to the rest of the women.”

  “No, you two bring them.” she replied and got up.

  Sgt Longbow got up and said, “Well you heard the boss sarge.”

  We gathered the fatigues and blankets and followed her back to the main group of women. She started calling them up one at a time and introducing them to us. My new name was White eyes and Longbow's was Sgt Elisha. That's when I figured out that she must be part Indian also when she started talking to the woman with my knife in that strange language. The other woman bent down, picked up a pebble, chanted over it and then handed it to me.

  I looked at Longbow and he said, “You need to accept. This is an exchange of gifts. You still need to either accept or reject the proposal, but at least you now have some time to make a decision.”

  Just after noon the Shrimp and her driver arrived. The hummer was piled high with stuff that wasn't in it went south. I saw the Shrimp question one soldier. I could tell from his posture that she intimidated him as he pointed over where we were. She started my way and the hummer followed. As she approached she took one look at me and then walked down to the women. Whatever she barked at the women made them all stand up. As the group approached the hummer the driver shut it off and ran.

  Sgt Longbow and I just stood there and laughed as they tore into the clothing and other stuff in the hummer. Then the Shrimp pointed at four soldiers and told them to grab the water cans and carry them down to the creek. They he
sitated until she put her hand on her bayonet. The women scurried to the side as the guys grabbed the eight five gallon water cans. Then they grabbed the bundles of clothes and walked back to their area by the creek. After the Shrimp saw that they were going to start cleaning themselves she barked, “You guys better face away so these women can have some privacy.” Then she marched over to me and turned me away. Longbow was laughing so hard he was crying.

  After a few minutes he commented, “Good thing she wasn't here yesterday. I think someone would be walking in the Happy Hunting Grounds.”

  As she twisted toward him I said, “Don't say another word, I'll brief her.”

  Grabbing her arm I drug her over to a fallen tree and told her to sit. “After rescuing these women I got some blankets and fatigues and took them over near them and offered them if one of them would come and get them. One young woman was selected and came over. I offered her a blanket and set of fatigues at arms length. She jumped me and forced me to the ground. I realized she wasn't trying for my knife or rifle so I lay there while two others came over. After smelling the mothball smell of the clothing she started sobbing on me. Her older sister and the other woman took the clothing back to the other women and they changed.”

  Squinting she said, “And what else, don't lie to me.”

  “The older sister offered her spirit. I declined and offered her my knife so she could protect herself and the other women. She cut my hand and chanted something. Sgt Longbow told me that that was a proposal of marriage Apache style. This morning she gave me a round pebble and Longbow told me to accept it as an exchange of gifts. I've still got to figure out to decline her proposal and Longbow said he'd tell me how later. Satisfied?”

  With a glare she jumped up and stomped over toward the women. Spotting a bayonet she zeroed in on the woman. After some words she pulled her bayonet. Feather Airwing picked up my bayonet off the blanket and handed it to Shrimp handle first. They exchanged bayonets and she stomped back to me. Handing me my bayonet she commented, “Stupid move white-man, you better get her straitened out fast or I'll scalp you.” She then turned and sundered back.

  I grabbed Sgt Longbow by the collar and said, “We will go get a cup of coffee and you'll tell me how to get out of this mess, or else.” I damn near had to hold him up, he was laughing so hard, as we walked to the mess truck.

  ~ ~ ~


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