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Page 7

by Viktor Zólyomi

  I think that it's time to rectify that! Yes... And what a glorious trophy a dragon will make...

  False revolution

  City of Re'Cas, present day (1 year, 3 months, and 19 days before Twilightfall)

  I knock on the door of Sewareld's study. The door is still closed, but he recognizes my knocking and calls me by my name.

  `Come in, Eric!'

  I open the door and enter his room. He stands by the window and looks down to the streets. What is he thinking of this time? He does that only if he has something complicated on his mind. That usually means I have to kill someone.

  How much longer must this carry on? What am I, Sewareld, your personal assassin? I have better things to do!

  Then again, as long as he keeps leaving these tasks to me, I can see to it that they are executed in my favor, when possible.

  Such as yesterday.


  We were chasing a man in Ess'yer who claimed to be Jason Vogan. Another one. It was the third man since the destruction of Gatestown last year.

  Who'd have thought that the Dragon Queen was so cunning? I wonder how much she knows... She certainly knows that Jason Vogan has escaped Arghard, but does she know where he went? Or where he is now?

  Does she know that Jason fled to Kh'Tal?

  Jenathar certainly does. But the rest of the Council has no idea. They don't know because I did not tell them.

  When Jason Vogan destroyed Gatestown, Worriil ordered me to lead the investigation. He wanted to know everything first hand. When I reported, I told them what Jenathar was hoping for. That we found no trace of where Jason had fled. In truth, we found the magic rods that Jason must have used to open a Portal. I found out what the runes on them meant, I found out where he went. I kept this knowledge to myself, thinking that it may come in handy to be one step ahead of everyone. Well, almost everyone. Jenathar knew, he had to know. But he wasn't telling anyone, and for good reason.

  There is something between him and Jason.

  Hatred unparalleled...

  Jason is a half-demon, and his demonic form reeks of the power of the Destroyer! I know well enough about the tale of how Jenathar supposedly destroyed the Cult of Th'Mesh decades ago.

  I smell a rat! Jenathar wants demonic power, and he'll do anything to get it. And I am sure he doesn't want Worriil to know.

  Well, neither do I. Especially not now. Now that the Dragon Queen has gone as far as she did.

  When Jason left, Worriil ordered his death sentence to be announced, so that every bounty hunter would be on his tail. Everyone knew immediately that it was Jason who destroyed Gatestown.

  And then what did the Dragon Queen do?

  Something unthinkably cunning!

  She sent her agents to Ess'yer, disguised as Jason Vogan, wearing his face with illusionary magic. Each agent presented himself to the people. The commoners. The peasants. Spoke to them of how he destroyed Gatestown with the intent to kill the members of the Council, how he wanted to bring an end to their tyranny. And so many of those fool peasants blindly followed them.

  From what I can tell, at least half a dozen of them came, each instigating rebellion in a different part of Ess'yer. The uprisings haven't been intense so far, there have been just a few conflicts between the peasants and the Supreme Guard. Not much they can do. I guess the Dragon Queen is hoping to stir enough unrest to launch the continent into disarray. Total chaos will favor her when she attempts to invade. But I doubt she would try anything until something big happens, something that cripples our forces. Such an atrocity is yet to occur, and as long as I am here, it won't occur at all.

  Of course I didn't know this for a long time. We just saw the uprisings, and everyone except Jenathar and myself thought and still thinks that Vogan was behind it. I knew it wasn't him, but had no idea what was going on. Then we found one of these agents around two months ago. We killed him. When he died, the illusion fell off of him. It was a wingless half-dragon. Then I knew. And so did the three soldiers that were with me and survived the battle. They never had the chance to tell anyone however, I saw to that. Then I disposed of the body as soon as possible. I did not want anyone else to know what we found.

  A few days later another agent appeared in front of a large mass of peasants. Then it became clear that there were more impostor's around. The agent told the peasants how one of his faithful men was killed by the ruthless Enforcers for trying to protect him. Thus, Meliorath's agents gained more support from those fool commoners...

  A few weeks later, my men found another one of these fake Jason Vogans. Those fools let him get away! Perhaps this was better. Like this, no-one could know what these creatures really are. I do not want the Council to be aware of the imminence of the threat of a dragon invasion. Not just yet...

  As luck would have it, my men found a third one just yesterday, and they were smart enough to contact me before they attempted to strike him down.

  We found him in a small village, giving a speech, and gathering more followers for his false revolution. We waited until he left, then went after him.

  We caught him alone. He claimed he knew we were there and lured us away intentionally. My men thought he was lying, but I could feel his power. I told them to attack, but already it was too late.

  He laughed, and started changing his shape.

  In just a few seconds, an adult dragon towered over us.

  He attacked my men, and cut down six of them before they reacted. None of them were armed properly to fight a dragon, nor did they expect such a turn of events. All of them were baffled and shocked, some even seemed scared. But they fought. They knew that if they didn't, I would kill them. There is no place for the weak in the Supreme Guard!

  They fought, but all they could do was keep the dragon occupied.

  That was all I needed. I used my black magic to wear him down. I slowly drained him of his strength, until he was finally too weak to be a threat. My men were then able to easily evade his attacks, and strike back. They caused only light wounds however. So I had to finish it myself.

  I teleported myself onto the dragon's head. I used some magic to hang on, while I empowered both my hands with powerful black magic energies. I smashed my fists into his eyes. He roared loudly at being blinded, but what was being blinded compared to what my black magic did to him afterwards. The spell slowly spread across his body, causing insufferable pain, through the veins, until it reached the heart. There, it took its intended effect. It made his heart stop.

  A final roar, and the dragon fell down, dead.

  I jumped off and ordered my men to cut out his heart. They did, and I placed it in a magic pouch.

  Then, I surveyed the carnage. Four of my men were left alive. I could not let them walk away, having seen the dragon with their own eyes.

  I told them to get moving, and once all four had their backs to me, I jumped behind the nearest one, grabbed his head, and with a quick move of my hands I broke his neck. It was too easy, they were exhausted by the battle. The others didn't understand why I did that, but dared not attack. This was a huge mistake on their part. I kicked the second one in the gut, and as he cringed, I grabbed his head and broke his neck like I did with the first one. Then I tossed his lifeless body towards the third one and attacked the fourth one.

  He was finally defending himself. He drew his sword, and tried to strike me. I slipped past his blade, leapt close, and knocked him in the jaw. The force of my punch made him drop the sword, and I quickly finished him off like the first two.

  The last one was trying to run away. The fool! I teleported right in front of him, and made him freeze in his tracks. And he...

  He did the unthinkable.

  He... begged.

  He actually begged for his life!

  How did such a pathetic worm ever join my Supreme Guard?

  It was more than a pleasure to kill him.

  With him, it was done. There were no witnesses left. So all I had to do was get rid of the dragon's body. I de
stroyed the corpse with black magic, and then everything was taken care of. It was time to report to Worriil.

  So here I am now, in his study, ready to tell him what happened.

  What happened?


  Rather, what I want him to believe...


  `Eric? Good news, I trust?'

  `Partly, Lord Worriil.'


  `We have tracked down the new lead. Again, it proved false. It was another impostor.'

  `Where is he?'


  `A pity. You should have interrogated him before you killed him. It would be good to finally find out who these impostors are, and why they are aiding Jason Vogan.'

  `I still can.'

  He looks at me with that disgusted look of his which he gives me every time we speak of black magic. But of course, as always, he ultimately cares only for the results.

  `I don't want to know how you do it. Just get the information, find out where the real Jason Vogan is! And then bring me Jason's head!'

  `I will, Lord Worriil!' I tell him.

  `Of course you will.'

  `However, if I may, let me say that I am not convinced that it is a good idea to turn him into a Death Knight, Lord Worriil.'

  `You're not convinced, you say? Why not? Don't you trust my judgment, Eric?'

  `I just think it's a waste of effort which we could direct better. I do not see how Jason could be of any use. His skill as a mage is meager. I saw no trace of dormant magic powers in him.'

  `It's actually very simple, Eric. You never knew Elaine Vogan, did you?'

  `Perhaps I met her on occasion, but I did not interact with her. I know little of her.'

  `I knew her. She was extraordinarily talented, a true master of the Arcane Arts. It was more than just her ability to learn. That power was innate to her, it came from within. Her studies merely helped her master that power. If Jason inherited just a fraction of that innate power, he will make an excellent Death Knight, just like poor Ildardque! Well, granted, Jason doesn't have such a powerful heritage as Ildardque, but still. The power he inherited from his mother will make him a perfect second general for Ildardque's army.'

  Oh, he inherited something powerful alright, but from the other parent...

  `If so, then perhaps he will be of use after all. We shall see. I will bring you his head, and then we shall see.'

  `Of course. Should things go wrong, we will merely dispose of him, and settle with Ildardque, as we originally planned.'

  `As you will, Lord Worriil.'

  I turn to leave, but he calls me back.

  `Eric, there is one more thing.'


  `Councilor Jenathar... grows weaker and weaker every day. Nature, it seems, has taken it upon herself to finally send him on his final journey, into the Afterlife.'

  `Such is the fate of us all, is it not, Lord Worriil?'

  `It is. But Councilor Jenathar keeps fighting it. He just won't die. How he resists so long, I do not know. It is impressive of him, don't you think?'


  `Nature is also capable of impressive feats. She can sometimes call upon the aid of others to help her out. Tell me, Eric... If nature were to call upon your aid in this matter, would you oblige?'

  `If that is your will as well, Lord Worriil...'

  `Splendid! I knew I could count on you!'


  `Not just yet, Eric. Maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks, maybe only after several months. You must be prepared though, for when the time does come, you must act swiftly!'

  `It shall be so, Lord Worriil!'

  `Good! You may go now.'

  I turn and leave his room.


  With the door closing behind me, I smile in ruthless satisfaction. Again, he ate my lies, again, he suspected nothing! I know well that he doesn't fully trust me, but he thinks he can count on me for now, and that's what matters.


  Sewareld and his subtle ways of telling you what he wants... He could have just as easily said that he wanted me to kill Jenathar, plain and simple. Sometimes he just fails to think simply, even when intrigue is unnecessary.

  Regardless, he will have his will. Jenathar is indeed a problem to be removed, and when he orders me to do it, I will deal with it. I must simply find a way to do it such that it best serves my interest. Such that through Jenathar's death I can aid nature in sending another mage on his final journey as well.

  Another archmage.

  Another Councilor.

  One Sewareld Worriil...

  The prey

  Somewhere in the world of Kh'Tal, present day (1 year, 1 month, and 17 days before Twilightfall)

  One of the most exciting things about being a hunter is tracking down the prey. Some prey are harder to track than most. And some, even once tracked, are difficult to reach.

  A dragon, it seems, is one such prey. I have spent the past two months looking for one. According to what I heard of them, they are native to Kh'Tal, but they are supposedly very rare. True enough, I never met one. In the past two months I inquired any traveler I came across, and eventually I ran into some guy who guided me towards these mountainous regions. It was a strange fellow with a gruffer voice than most the native humans have, but he seemed certain of his information. I've been here for a few days now, but I have not seen any dragons yet.

  Either that guy was screwing with me, or the dragons in Kh'Tal are extremely elusive prey. Ah... what is this sound? Footsteps...

  I quickly hide among the nearby bushes, and stay silent, watching. A few moments later, on the path just ahead of me, I see a man walking past. A traveler, all this way up in the mountains. Alone. I wonder why he is here. He hasn't spotted me yet.

  I can't see his face, but he seems like a human. He is wearing a red tunic, black pants and boots, and a magnificent red-black cape with a large red-black pentagram adorning it.

  Just my luck. I can feed on a human for a change. I've had no choice but to feed on the wildlife during my time here, there was nothing else around. They haven't really been satisfying...

  I sneak behind him silently and jump on him from behind, knocking him down. He rolls aside and draws his sword. With the same move, he cuts towards me. Like an expert swordsman... He may even be a challenge... Excellent!

  I jump back and push the sword away with my right hand. It cuts deep into my flesh, slashing through my palm and much of my forearm.

  It's a deep wound, but it's no trouble. It will seal up soon.

  I prepare to attack him again, but as I see his face, I freeze in my tracks. He's not just any traveler. He's someone I know.

  `Flora?' he asks with a surprised voice as he recognizes me.

  `Hi Jase!' I reply, smiling at him.

  He looks at the blade of his sword, and sees my blood. Concern spreads across his face.

  `Oh, don't worry. It's just a scratch.' I tell him, showing him the wound. It has almost healed already.

  He slowly stands up.

  `Why did you jump me?'

  `I didn't recognize you. I thought you were just some traveler. Never seen this red tunic on you before. Or this nice cape...'

  `It's new. I met a tailor who weaves magical cloaks a few months ago. I had him weave my family crest into it.'

  `It's nice!'

  `Thank you.' he says, as he slowly sheathes his sword. `Your new armor is also beautiful.'

  `You like it? It's pretty useful, you know.'

  `I see it is enchanted.'

  `Yes, indeed. It looks good on me, don't you think?'

  He nods slowly.

  `Did you ever think that I've the appearance of a night elf now?' I ask.

  `No. I never thought of that.'

  `I could fool anyone, Jase! Just think about it. Pale skin, dark hair, elven features... And the well known fact that elves cannot be vampires. And now, with this armor... Who would guess what I am? I look like a night elf assassin.'r />
  `I guess you are right. This may aid you one day, if you ever return to Arghard.'

  `It has already aided me here, in Kh'Tal. A world full of dangers, this place. But I like it here. I've become a part of it, I think. I feel at home. I don't know if I want to go back.'

  `I understand you. This place has a calling. Makes us all want to stay. Despite the darkness. But I can't. I've something to do.'

  `Yes. I know.'

  `What are you doing up here, in these mountains?'

  `I'm hunting.'


  Suddenly, a loud roar is heard from the distance. Sounding like the roar of a dragon... I look towards it, then smile back at Jason.

  `Hunting. And you?'

  He, too, peeks in the direction from which we heard the dragon. That look in his eyes betrays it all...

  `I see... You want my prey.'

  `Your prey?!'

  `That dragon. I came here to kill it.'

  `What?! You can't be serious!'

  `Why not? It is such glorious prey. I'm a hunter, Jase! The hunt is what I live for now.'

  `You can't just go up against a dragon alone...'

  `Look who's talking! Jase, you're also alone.'

  `You know well what I am...'

  `Ah, of course. But as I heard, dragons can be more lethal than demons... Are you sure you have what it takes to kill a dragon?'

  `I've done it before. I have the means.'

  `Ah, you've taken a dragon as your trophy? Then I suppose you don't mind if I take this one for myself. You already have one, as I understand it.'

  `Flora, listen...'

  `Let's have a little competition, Jase! Just for old times' sake! Let's do this. Round one: let's see which of us reaches the dragon first. Round two: let's see which of us wounds the dragon first. Round three: let's see which of us kills the dragon! I bet I'll win all three.'


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