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Page 23

by Viktor Zólyomi

  I have taken a part of Jason's demonic power, I have become like him! I can now take the throne of Th'Mesh! Soon, I shall have the power of a Demon Lord!

  But how...?

  Hours have passed since the battle in the Summoning Chamber, and I still don't feel strong enough. I am stronger than ever, but I am alone, and Th'Mesh is a foe who is not to be taken lightly.

  And Jason... I must kill him, so that the rest of his essence shall also be mine. In fact, I should take his essence before facing Th'Mesh. It would make things easier. If only I could...

  `Hello, Jenathar!'

  All of a sudden, a voice from behind startles me. I turn around to face the voice. Much to my surprise, I see Sewareld's favorite lackey before me...

  `Eric Shyrn!'

  `Yes, Jenathar, it is I!'

  `You shall call me your Lord, servant!'

  `No Jenathar, I shall not. You are no Lord, not any more.'

  `How dare you?!'

  He steps closer and a wicked smile spreads across his face.

  `Your fellow Councilors are dead. You are left alone, with no allies. Alone, you cannot fight the followers of the Dragon Queen, or the rebels that will join the false cause of the fake Jason Vogans. Soon, there will be no Alliance, and not even your own kind will follow you anywhere. For all your power, you are powerless...'

  `You tread a thin line, night elf!'

  `As do you, human! I know what you want. I know you want Th'Mesh. I know you want his throne, and I know you can't take it alone...'

  `Of course I can.'

  He laughs rudely.

  `Ha! Can you? Then why haven't you done so yet? What are you waiting for? Come on! You want to conquer Hell? Let's see some conquering!'

  Very well, Shyrn... You seem to know more than I suspected. Let's see what you want...

  `Get to the point, and make your words count, night elf!'

  Again, that wicked smile spreads across his face.

  `I know what you planned. You wanted to absorb Jason Vogan's demonic essence, and then persuade one of your fellow Councilors to join you in slaying the Destroyer.

  I wonder which of them it would have been. Certainly not Worriil, you didn't trust him enough for that. Likewise not Khargun... He didn't trust you enough for that... So that leaves Achmor or Lyour. Which would you have chosen, I wonder? The big dumb troll, or the short fat dwarf? Perhaps both?

  Regardless, Jason killed them all, so they can't help you. I'm pretty sure you won't turn to your petty battlemages. After all, you need more than blade fodder against Th'Mesh. So, they're useless, and there is no-one else. In fact, the only one who could help you now... is me!'

  `You? Bah... What kind of magical power do you have?'

  `I had power enough to find you. I've power enough to do much more. There's no need for us to play each other for a fool. You've no doubt heard the rumors of my... mastery of the Dark Arts...'

  `Rumors are just that. Rumors.'

  `They often hold a lot of truth! Be assured, these rumors spoke the truth...'

  `You dare come before me and admit that?'

  `Of course! But please... There's no need to pretend like you didn't know, or that you despise the Dark Arts. I know well that you only had them banned out of fear for the powers of those like me, and out of envy because you cannot wield this power.'

  You would do better not to anger me, you worthless maggot... But I shall overlook this, for now.

  `Very well... So you have power with which you can aid me, fine! Why would you help me? What do you want in exchange?'

  `I want Arghard! No more, no less...'

  Arghard? Now how could I give you that when I did all I did for the good of my world? When I risked everything and sacrificed so much just so I could stop Sewareld and the likes of him from tossing our world into misery?

  You are no better than Sewareld, Eric... I couldn't let him go through with his plan, and I can't let you go through with yours, either. But...

  But I'll play along. For now...

  `You want... Arghard?' I ask.

  `Yes. It's not much to ask for. You must realize, that compared to the power you will gain, this single world is no loss for you.'

  `So let me get this straight... You want Arghard, and only Arghard? That's all?'

  `Yes. That's all. No more. But also... no less!'

  Now why would you be satisfied with so little, I wonder?

  `Do you expect me to believe that? You said yourself that my power would be a so much greater prize!'

  `What, did you expect that I'd want to share a demon's throne with you? Bah! I don't want any of that demonic essence flowing through me! I have my own ways of becoming immortal and all powerful, and I shall remain elven in the process. I want to rule over the perfect kingdom of elves, enslaving all other races. I don't need a demon's blood to ruin the flawlessness of my race.'

  Arrogant point of view, and so typical of night elves. Yet, he presents me with an argument that holds merit, even as it reeks of deception. He is correct. I cannot face Th'Mesh alone.

  I must take his offer, even knowing he'd betray me the first chance he gets, just like he betrayed Sewareld. I shall use his help, but I shall be aware. As soon as we defeat Th'Mesh, he will make his move. So I must strike him down before that. When he doesn't expect it. After Th'Mesh is already weak enough that I could finish him off alone...

  Yes. This is how it will be. Shyrn will never know what hit him!

  `All right, night elf! You have a deal!'

  `Good... I suppose you could use some time for preparation. I shall return in a few hours, and then we will sally forth.'

  `No, I don't need any more time. We should go now, while Th'Mesh is weak!'

  `True, but unlike you, I still need preparations. A few hours won't matter. He is weak. Very weak. The destruction of his avatar took a lot out of him. It will take him a very long time to regain his strength. Rest assured, I want to kill him fast just as much as you do. But, I need time.'

  Some ally you are... But at least it will be easy to dispose of you.

  `Very well! But do not tarry!'


  In the castle of Kurt Aurach, Kh'Tal, present day (1 year, 1 month, and 7 days before Twilightfall)

  Ever since we returned from Re'Cas, Jason's been just sitting and staring blankly in front of himself. Although Jenathar severely weakened him, I don't think that it's his injury that makes him so troubled, rather, it's that Jenathar escaped him. I know he will want to hunt down the archmage. I shall join him in the hunt, with the greatest of pleasure!

  `Don't worry Jase!' I tell him. `We'll get him. The Multiverse is not big enough for him to hide.'

  `He won't hide.' he replies. `He's just stalling time. He must finish the job. He must kill me to have what he really wants. He will come.'

  `Then we'd better find him first, while we have the advantage.'

  `Advantage? No... We are at no advantage. We never were. Just look at what happened in Re'Cas! I thought I had a perfect plan, and yet... He escaped me. Again. Once again, I have failed. Everything I ever do to try and get that bastard, fails. Sometimes I think my revenge on him is doomed to fail...'

  `It's just a matter of time, Jase! He's alone now... His lackeys are gone.'

  `Lackeys? Unwanted allies, rather. But yes, they're gone. No more Supreme Council. You know what that means for Ess'yer...

  Soon, war will erupt, and it won't be long before everyone will curse my name as the bringer of this war. One day, after centuries have passed, people will look back and say that I have brought them freedom, that I delivered them from the tyranny of the Supreme Council, and they will praise my name. Quaint, isn't it? But I know that I did all that I did only for myself, and only for revenge. Revenge on Jenathar, and on Th'Mesh. Yet, they both live...

  Only one thing gives me comfort. Do you know what that is? It's that the Councilors destroyed the avatar of Th'Mesh. That they were able to do it. This means Th'Mesh is not as strong
as I expected.'

  `So he will be easier to kill!'

  `Not easier... Just less difficult.'

  Finally, Kurt Aurach enters the room.

  `Are you feeling alright, Jason?' he asks.

  `I'm still breathing... but so is he...' replies Jason.

  `Do you know what he did to you?'

  `He drained some of my demonic power. I hope he chokes on it!'

  `He absorbed your demonic essence? Now we know what his goal is. But he needs all of it. He would have needed much more time to absorb it all however. It seems he could only absorb a fraction of it. It's still enough for him to take Th'Mesh's power though.'

  Jason raises his head and looks up at him.

  `Do you think he will try? Like this?'

  `I do not know. Perhaps he will attempt to defeat Th'Mesh, but perhaps he will seek allies, or at least followers first. If nothing more, he might gather a group of his battlemages to accompany him. Alone, I do not think he'd dare to fight Th'Mesh, not even now that Th'Mesh has been weakened by the battle.'

  `Can you find Jenathar?'

  `No. I... '

  Suddenly, a Portal opens in the far end of the room, and a man dressed in black steps forth from it. The sharp tongued black magician from Coldrock. Zack Sands...

  He heads straight to Aurach and greets him.

  `Greetings, old friend! How are you on this day?'

  `Fine, my young friend!' Aurach replies. `And you?'

  `Quite well! I had a great day just yesterday! Today was also good fun!' he says with a smile.

  Then he turns to us.

  `Ah, Jason, Flora! Great to see you didn't get yourselves killed after all!'

  Pfeh! Funny guy...

  `Hmmm... You don't look to be in much of a good mood. Well, I guess that's understandable. But guess what, I brought you news!'

  `Fine. What?' asks Jason.

  `Well, it's really good news actually. Johnny Boy is on his way to Th'Mesh, and is about to clash with him.'

  Jason jumps up.


  `You heard well, kid. Soon, you'll only have one guy left to worry about. Cause one of those two will be dead in a couple of hours.'

  `No... No! This cannot happen!'

  Zack looks confused, although I'm pretty sure he expected this reaction.

  `What's the problem, kid?'

  `I want to kill them myself! Both of them! Both!'

  `You really shouldn't let your thirst for revenge cloud your judgment, kid.' Zack replies. `Be smart. Don't be a retard. Let those two morons fight each other. The survivor will be severely weakened, and then you can have your revenge with ease.'

  `I don't care.' states Jason coldly. `I want them both.'

  `Are you certain, Jason?' asks Aurach. `Remember, you yourself have been weakened by the battle.'

  He nods.

  `I am certain.'

  `Fine, kid, have it your way.' says Zack. `But let me at least give you a little... insight.'

  `Insight?' asks Jason slowly.

  `Yeah!' nods Zack `I happen to know that Johnny Boy ain't alone. He's got some backup. Just one guy, but he's bad news. I think you know him. His name is Eric Shyrn.'

  `That son of a bitch?!' I exclaim. `I should have known! You can't trust a night elf!'

  `Ah, it's not exactly the way you think, Flora. The deal he offered to you was indeed his truthful intention, originally.'

  `Huh? You know of that?' I ask.

  `Of course I do! I knew Eric was there all along, and I eavesdropped on your conversation without Eric ever knowing about it. I followed his progress in Re'Cas with my own means. I assure you, he did all he could to live up to his promise. He just blew it, that's all.'

  `Blew it?'

  `Yes. He screwed up. Not just a little, but a lot. He only wanted Worriil and Johnny Boy dead, but he failed to prevent the other three from taking part in the fight. Since he didn't want anyone to know of his betrayal, he decided to go for his backup plan. He wanted to get everybody killed, Johnny Boy included, of course. His escape busted Eric's plans. So, he has moved to the backup plan of the backup plan. You see, he learned of Johnny Boy's intentions. Now, he offered him an alliance. I suspect he intends to betray him, but it's hard to say. You can never know with Eric...'

  Turning to Jason, he adds:

  `What matters, is that he and Johnny Boy are now about to play on your unquenchable thirst for revenge. They know you're coming. They're preparing appropriately.'

  `Let them, I don't care.' replies Jason.

  `You should. Because those two can outsmart you. They want Th'Mesh dead, and he's easiest to kill while he's weak. However, it will take all their power to do that. On the other hand, they can temporarily lock up Th'Mesh inside a stasis field with minimal effort. In the stasis field, he remains weak indefinitely. As long as the field is maintained, of course.'

  `How would you know that?' I ask.

  `I have my means of... watching Eric. If I bother to. He is very well attuned to black magic, and he has no idea how that compromises him at times...' he says with a wide smile. `Where was I? Oh yeah! They intend to put Th'Mesh in a stasis field. So, they can focus on the two of you when you arrive. With all their power...'

  `Let them come!' I exclaim. `We'll kick their sorry asses and rip their heads off!'

  `Ah yes, I'm sure you intend to do that. Well, let me give you a little advice. Try to take them in one on one battle. Each of you should fight each of them, so as to ensure that they cannot focus their combined magic on either one of you. If you don't, you will fall. I would suggest which of you to take which of them, but I don't think I have to...'

  No... Indeed you don't. I'll deal with that worthless night elf. Jase can take out Jenathar. We'll both have so much pleasure in this hunt, in this bloodshed...

  `Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go. I've pressing matters to attend to.'

  `Dinner?' I ask.

  He nods.

  `I guess you could put it that way...'

  He waves goodbye to Aurach as he steps through the Portal, and it closes behind him.

  `Do you think his information is reliable?' I ask of Aurach.

  `Probably yes.' replies the old magician. `Judging by your question, it seems like you do not trust Zack.'

  `I don't.'

  `I can't blame you.' he says, smiling. `I know that I can trust him, but I can't say the same for you. Zack has always been a man to walk his own path with little or no regard for others. Mostly the latter. He cares only for the few people that he calls his friends, but he will not necessarily care for friends of his friends. Such is his nature. He will give respect only to those who have earned it in his eyes. It's anyone's guess what he feels of you so far.'

  `How did you ever hook up with that guy?'

  `That is a long story. Jason has heard much of it already. Perhaps he will tell you while I prepare the Portal. That is, if you are still intent on going without further delay.'

  `I must.' says Jason. `I can't let them slip out of my hand now... Not after all I've done to get to them. The depths to which I've sunk...'

  `Very well then. I shall conjure the Portal for you. Good luck, Jason! I fear you will need it.'


  Realm of Th'Mesh, present day (1 year, 1 month, and 6 days before Twilightfall)

  It was not long after midnight that the old mage created the Portal for us. We said our farewells to him, and stepped through. It felt just like when we entered the Plane of Fire. But the place where we are now... is nothing like it.

  Once again, I do not truly know what I expected, but what I see feels out of place. I recall that Zack said something that mortals behold the Spiritual Planes in a way which differs from what they're truly like, but why does my mind make me see this place in this image?

  For what I see is a vast, endless ocean. With not an inch of dry land anywhere in sight. And we are walking on water...

  I lean down and touch it, trying to reach into the water, but it
doesn't let me. The water doesn't even wet my fingers. Is it at all water, or is it just something that resembles it? Walking on it feels like walking on sand...

  `Strange place, isn't it? Did you know what this plane was like?' I ask of Jason.

  `No.' he replies. `Nor do I care.'

  `Come now Jase! We'll get to the bloodshed soon enough. Does this place not fascinate you?'

  What did I just say?

  I'm starting to sound like that idiot Zack Sands...

  I shake my head.

  `Forget what I said, Jase. I think I took a hard blow to the head. Let's go find them.'

  `Let's.' he says.

  `So... which way?'

  He looks around, and just begins walking in some direction.

  `How do you know that's the way?'

  `I feel the presence of Th'Mesh. Wherever he is, Jenathar is close.'

  Sure enough, he is proven right. After just a few minutes, we find two figures. An old human man, and a night elf. Jenathar, and Eric Shyrn.

  `There you are. About time you showed up! I've had it with all this motherfucking water in this motherfucking world!' exclaims Shyrn.

  `Not to worry!' I tell him. `Soon, you can say goodbye to this place, and say hello to the Afterlife!'

  `After you, bitch!' he replies. He then reaches out with his right arm, and out of nowhere, a black sword appears in his hand. He slashes it in the air once, then lowers it and let's the tip of it touch the ground.

  I mean, the water...

  Jenathar remains silent, as does Jason. They just stare at each other, weapons sheathed. Jenathar looks stronger now than he did in the Summoning Chamber. That bit of demon essence he stole from Jase has revitalized the old man. I think he could have reason to be overconfident in his victory. His eyes do not show any sign of overconfidence though. Rather, they just show determination. He will not back down. But neither will Jase...

  Shyrn steps away from Jenathar, and gradually approaches me. I step away from Jase, and approach Shyrn. When we are only two feet away, he glances towards Jason, then looks back at me.

  `Let the game begin!' he exclaims, and he attacks.

  At the same time as we clash, Jenathar grabs his staff and points it at Jason, while Jase unsheathes his sword. While I must focus on the wretched night elf, I can't help but watch them battle from the corner of my eye.


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