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Page 27

by Viktor Zólyomi

  `True, but why didn't he try to conquer the demon inside him? He certainly could have tried. With all that power, he could have tried. Or he could have just lived with it. Much as Flora chose to live with her vampiric instinct and thirst. Did he even think about that? It would have given him a free life, to embrace it. Had he accepted what he was, he could have lived free.'

  `He never could have been free of the demon this way, and it is this that he longed for.'

  `But he knew he would die if he does it.'

  `He knew, yes.'

  `So why did he choose this? Why did he not choose to fight the demon? Is a life you spend fighting not better than a death like his?'

  `I am sure you would have fought to the end, my young friend. But Jason wanted peace in his life, and he knew he'd never have it as long as that demon is part of him.'

  `Peace? What's the point of that? Life ain't fun if you have nothing to fight for.'

  `Perhaps so, but his life would have been a constant, neverending struggle, a fight he could never win.'

  `I'd have chosen to fight anyway.'

  `I know, but Jason was different. He valued different things than you do. Perhaps as you grow older, you will understand.'

  `Yeah, perhaps.' he says, shrugging his shoulders. `Well changing topics somewhat, did you think about the consequences of Jason's actions?'

  `Yes, I did. There are troubled times ahead for Ess'yer.'

  `Indeed.' he nods. `Jason killed everyone in the Council. While no-one knows yet, the news will spread, and they'll reach the wrong people first.

  Eric is in hiding, and it will take time until he realizes that Johnny Boy is dead and so he's in charge of Re'Cas. By then, Meliorath's agents will have already sown the seeds of chaos. Word of Jason's success at destroying the Council and his sacrifice will spread throughout Ess'yer. They will look upon him as a martyr and a hero. Mel's agents will do all they can to make them continue Jason Vogan's legacy, and thwart the powers that control Ess'yer, to dethrone the followers of the fallen Supreme Council, to prevent a new Council from being formed. It's all just a matter of time, and chaos shall reign. Then, Mel' will make her move...

  Whether Eric is up to the task of facing her, is anyone's guess. If you ask me, he's not. If I'm right, Ess'yer is going down in flames pretty soon. Unless somebody comes in out of nowhere and saves them, like you did a thousand years ago. Do you think anyone will do so this time?'

  `I try not think of that any more. Ess'yer has long not been my home, and every time I tried to do something for the good of that place, it was followed up by catastrophe.'

  `Yes, of course. The Time of Retribution, and the fall of your guild. I can't blame you if you don't want to go back. Hell, I agree with you wholeheartedly!'

  `It's not about that. It's not that I don't want to help them. It's that I doubt my help would do them any good...'

  `Why bother to help them anyway? They should help themselves. A little purging will do them good. Those that survive the dragons' attack will eventually revolt. Like the dragon's broke free of the Draconian Brotherhood, so will Ess'yer break free of Mel's tyranny in time. I say, let things go on their way.'

  `A cruel attitude, my young friend.'

  `It's all about self-preservation. If that's cruel, fine. It's simply the proper way of things. Ess'yer would never have ended up in such a mess over the thousands of years of its history if the people had kept themselves to the principle of self-preservation first and foremost, instead of doing what they did, forming a society that cheats the principle of self-preservation.'

  `I do not agree with you, but I guess time will soon tell if you are correct. If indeed things go down as it can be foreseen now... then indeed self-preservation will be the only law in Ess'yer. Time will tell if that will make it into a better world.'

  `It will. It's the proper way of things. Just look at Kh'Tal. Look how untamed it is. Self-preservation governs things here. It always has. And it works. Works very well!'

  `It works here, but I doubt it will work in Arghard. This world is far different from Arghard.'

  `Time will tell, I suppose. Shall we make a bet?' he asks, smiling.

  `If it involves eating my hat again, forget it...' I tell him.

  `Just kidding! Well, time has really run off, I should go.'

  He turns to conjure a Portal.

  `Before you go... I would ask you something.' I tell him, before he could begin.

  `Go ahead, old friend.' he says, turning back.

  `Do you feel anything strange?'

  For a while, he looks at me puzzled. He then scratches his head and replies:

  `Errr... nope.'

  So, he does not sense it. I should not trouble him with it then.

  `Never mind then.'

  He blinks a couple of times, and then shakes his head.

  `Oh no... Not again. You do this too often, old friend. You drive up my curiosity, and then you leave me among questions. Come on, tell me... What should I be feeling?'

  `It's nothing. Perhaps I am mistaken.'

  `Come on, just tell me. What could that hurt?'

  `Very well...' I tell him with a sigh. `I sense... a presence... A presence that has not been there before. Somewhere in Arghard.'

  `A presence?' he asks, raising his eyebrow in curiosity.

  `Yes. A presence. A powerful presence. Somewhere in Arghard. Strange, that I'd feel it across the Planes like this. It is troubling me. Whoever, or whatever it is, brings me a feeling of unease.'

  `Do you think the appearance of this... presence... might have been a consequence of Th'Mesh's destruction?'

  `Possibly yes. I started to sense the presence... just a few hours ago.'

  `Just a few hours ago? That's very interesting. I'll keep it in mind. But I can't help you much with it right now. I don't sense anything. Perhaps I'm too young.'

  `Perhaps... Or perhaps I am getting old and my senses are toying with me.'

  `Nah... You've so much time ahead of you! You may be old by numbers but you're still standing tall and going strong. No, if you feel this thing, it must mean something. Whatever it is. What do you think it could be?'

  `I don't know. All I feel is a presence of immense power. Something inside tells me that this presence may cause the world to change forever. Not just Arghard, but the whole Multiverse.'

  `I see. Now I know why you're so troubled. Well, look at the bright side, what's the worst thing that could happen?' he asks with a wide smile. `The Multiverse ends up destroyed. Big deal. We know well that sooner or later, the whole Multiverse must perish. If this presence brings it on, at least we'll be there to see it happen, heh!'

  `You're always in a joking mood, my young friend.' I reply with a slight smile. `But this presence might actually be the cause of what you joke about. It holds power. Power I've never felt before. Who knows what it can do. Who knows what it wants to do.'

  `Well, time will tell, won't it?'

  `Indeed, my young friend. Time will tell... But will we be ready?'

  The presence

  Somewhere in Draconia, just a few hours ago (1 year, 1 month, and 5 days before Twilightfall)

  Draconia is a place full of wonders, they said. It's full of treasures, they said. Full of ancient mysteries, they said. As well as untold dangers.

  Well, they were right!

  I and my six companions came here several months ago. Being the mage of our group, I was the one who had to prepare the teleportation magics necessary to come here. It was difficult and the magical components were expensive, but it was worth it. This place is everything we ever dreamed of!

  All our lives we've dreamt of riches and glory, and when we banded together a few years ago, we became regular treasure hunters. But it's a difficult time in Ess'yer, what with the Council being so damn strict, and lately, these foolish rebellions... It was high time we tried our luck in Draconia.

  In the past few months, we found several interesting - and richly rewarding - places, and managed to
avoid the dragons all the time. These were old underground ruins from the time of the Draconian Brotherhood. There were a few valuable trinkets in all of them, but this last one we found was the proverbial gold mine among them.

  Here, we found several writings about the history of the Brotherhood, writings that were thought long lost. If anywhere, here we should be able to find magic tomes from the era of the Brotherhood. That would be more than treasure... It would be an invaluable find!

  We chose to stay here and try to explore it deeper, see if perhaps we could open up some of the collapsed passageways. We had little luck with that. In fact, it seems our luck finally ran out on us... Tonight, after so many months of good fortune in finding the most coveted places of Draconia, we also found danger.

  Or rather, danger found us...

  I awoke when one of my companions called out my name. He told me that there was a mage here, killing the others. He said the mage appeared out of nowhere. One minute he was nowhere, then he was there. Whether it was teleportation or invisibility, he could not say. I got up and quickly rushed after him.

  Now, here I witness this mage's power.

  Whoever he is, his power greatly surpasses my own. I have not seen such power among my former teachers, and I can only assume that the Councilors have this kind of power. The mage is practically playing with my companions, they are like rag-dolls caught in a violent storm. Two of them are already dead, but the other four are still standing and fighting the mage.

  They call out to me.

  `About time you got here! Quick, take him down!'

  Take him down? They don't realize what is happening.

  `Listen to me... We must surrender. It's our only chance to survive.' I tell them.

  `Surrender? Are you kidding me? He's gonna kill us anyway.'

  `We must make a deal with him!' I reply.

  Then the mage speaks out.

  `All of you pathetic worms will die for invading my haven! All of you!'

  `Your haven?' I ask. `We did not know anyone lived here.'

  `Ignorance is no excuse. Now defend yourself, like the rest! And then die, like the rest!'

  `I will not fight you.' I tell him. `Let us make a deal.'

  `Deal? Ha! If you will not fight... Then just watch as your friends die!'

  Then he casts a sophisticated looking, powerful spell with but a wave of his hands. Glowing beams of magical energy lash out towards my companions from his hand, grabbing their throats like a hangman's noose. He then makes a gesture, and the grip tightens on their necks. Then, silently, they fall to the ground. They do not move any more...

  My heart is beating in my throat, but I can't let the shock of what just happened weaken me. This mage is immensely powerful. I must think fast, or he will kill me just the same.

  `Your magical power is impressive.' I tell him.

  `And yours is pathetic!' he says.

  `Not really. I merely did not wish to fight a fellow mage. I respect those like you. Those that reached a certain mastery.'

  `Your words stink of deceit, worm...'

  `Look... We did not know this was your... haven... We thought it was abandoned. Let me help you... Let me join you. I can keep intruders out, and make this place as private a haven for you as you wish it to be. You will never have to be bothered by intruders again.'

  `Is that so? What makes you think I would want your help?' he says.

  Before I could reply, he waves towards me with his hand and a beam of magical energy lashes towards me. It grabs on to my neck, and I cry out in pain.

  `No... I can help you...'

  `You betrayed your own companions hoping to save your pathetic life. You do not deserve to live.'

  He tightens the magical grip on my neck, and I fall to my knees.

  `No, please... I would serve you, if you let me live...'

  `Serve me? Do you think I need you? Do you think there is anything with which I would need the help of such a weakling like you? Do you really think that I, who was once called the Dreamer, need someone like you?'

  `The Dreamer? You can't be him... He's been dead for five thousand years...'

  `No. Not dead. Just... missing...'

  It can't be. He can't be who he claims to be. It just can't be...

  `I have returned,' he says, `and soon I will reclaim what was mine. I will reclaim my place as leader of the Draconian Brotherhood.'

  `The Brotherhood is long gone...' I tell him. `The dragons wiped them out long ago...'

  `Did they? No matter. I will then reform the Brotherhood, with those who are worthy. This world needs our guidance. We will reclaim our old place, but you won't be there to see it.'


  No use. He tightens his magic grip even more, and then I feel a shockwave of magical energy striking me. He drops me and I fall to the ground, face down.

  I feel as my lifeforce begins to fade away. Whatever spell he just cast on me, will kill me.

  Looking up from the ground I still see as he turns around and walks away. I see his back, I see the cloak he wears. I see a symbol painted on it. A dragon's claw grabbing a glowing orb.

  I know that symbol. It is the symbol of the Draconian Brotherhood. So it is true. He is who he claimed to be...

  No doubt he will reclaim what was his, and as he said, I won't be there to see it. His spell drains my life. I can do nothing. I put my head down and close my eyes. I let the darkness consume me...

  Dust to dust

  Somewhere in Ess'yer, present day (1 year, 1 month, and 5 days before Twilightfall)

  Th'Mesh is dead. I killed him. My revenge is complete. At long last, I have avenged my life, and all those meaningless deaths at the hands of the demon in me. But as a consequence of my revenge, I have also perished. I am dead now. I have found freedom, and peace.

  But Flora, my dearest Flora, has found only sorrow.

  Death is so strange. When I died, my senses changed. I could sense everything around me. I could not see, could not hear, could not smell, could not touch, could not taste. I was dead, after all. But somehow, I sensed everything around me.

  I sensed how Flora held my lifeless body in her arms, and I sensed how she wept. She cried for me. Cried like a being that knows love, not like the ruthless killer I thought she had become. Hours passed and she just cried, couldn't stop. Dawn broke and the sun shone down on her. The sun's rays did not harm her. And still, she cried.

  How I wish it could have ended differently. How I wish I could have given her what she craved for. But I could not. I did not want to become like my father was, and that demonic power would have corrupted me. Yet without it, I could not survive.

  So, I left her alone. Sorrow has taken over her. She cried out so much tears that she could have drowned a troll in it. Had someone come by, I wonder what they'd have thought of the sight. But no-one came.

  She eventually stood up. She took my sword, and used it to loosen the earth in front of a nearby tree. She dug a grave for me with her hands, her eyes full of tears all along. She gently placed my corpse in the grave, and put my sword between my hands. Then she filled the grave up with the earth, and covered it with fallen leaves.

  She sat down beside the tree, and leaned against it. She buried her tear-soaked face in her hands, and sobbed. She's been like this for hours. And still I sense it all.

  The Afterlife calls me, but still I sense everything that happens around my buried corpse. I sense her sorrow, sense how she still weeps for me...

  Do not mourn for me, dearest Flora! I have found peace at last. I am free...

  She slowly stands up, and turns towards the tree. She stares at it, and then slowly begins to carve something in it, silently.

  When she is done, she silently walks away, still weeping. With my strange senses I examine what she carved into the tree.

  As I recognize it, I realize that she will never move on. While it feels good that she will always remember me, I wish she could forget me. I wish she'd forget me and find happiness
somewhere, happiness I could never give her. But I know now that she will never forget me, and never move on. For what she carved into the tree, are two elven runes. These runes are simple symbols that even human mage apprentices learn of. I know them. The first rune means love... The second one means... forever...

  Cast of characters

  Key Players:

  Jason Vogan: half-demon, child of the Demon Lord Th'Mesh, former apprentice of Supreme Councilor Jenathar

  Flora E'Lyn: elf hunter, former elite member of the most renowned elven hunter guild of Endarryn, the first elven vampire

  Kurt Aurach: the most powerful black magician Arghard has ever known, hero of the Great War, Jason's mentor

  Jenathar: Supreme Councilor of Delamar, Jason's former mentor

  Sewareld Worriil: Supreme Councilor of Endarryn, Eric's mentor

  Eric Shyrn: Commander of the Enforcers, right hand man and second in command of Sewareld Worriil

  Drabangar: ancient powerful magician, guardian of the Amulet of Darkness

  Zack Sands: black humored black magician and professional asshole, boss of Coldrock, Daniel Keehmor's best friend

  Th'Mesh: the Destroyer, one of the two most powerful demons in existence

  Belwor: lich, acquaintance of Flora

  Lyour: Supreme Councilor of Uldath

  Khargun: Supreme Councilor of Ordhiar

  Achmor Dahnir: Supreme Councilor of Arudden

  Aaron Chraem: dwarven merchant, renowned smuggler

  Errak: orc warrior, second in command of Coldrock

  Pinky: orc warrior with hormonal disorder

  Tarakosh: orc warrior, former Shaman of Coldrock

  Ildardque: former human outlaw, undead servant of Sewareld Worriil

  Meliorath: Queen of dragon-kind, leader of the Dragon Hordes

  Doorn: former magician turned warrior, Jason's mentor

  Daniel Keehmor: warrior turned semi-insane fighter-mage, Zack Sands' best friend

  Coming Soon:

  Rider of the Black Horse

  Part III: Twilightfall


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