by John Garth
Russia 22, 37, 51, 136, 146, 233, 245, 247
language 248
Russian Revolution 106, 223, 237, 239, 242
Sá (the Holy Ghost) 255; see also Secret Fire
‘Salford Pals, 3rd’ see Lancashire Fusiliers
Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire 24, 101, 102, 103, 110-11, 115, 116, 252
Sangahyando (sword) 127
Sanskrit 96, 98
Sarehole, Warwickshire 11-12, 72, 307
Saruman 311
Sassoon, Siegfried 288, 291, 295, 300, 301-2
‘Blighters’ 175
Memoirs of an Infantry Officer 265, 301, 312-13
Satan 222, 255, 257; the Devil 221
Sauron 263, 312
Sausage Valley, France 154, 161
Saxony 42, 130, 133, 189, 243
Scapa Flow 141, 142, 143
Schwaben Redoubt, France 191, 194, 195, 197
Scopes, Frederick (KES) 31, 32, 50
Scott, Captain Robert 22
The Seafarer (Old English poem) 47, 63
Second World War xii, 38, 190, 300, 309
Secret Fire 255, 258
Seddon, Arthur (Cambridgeshires) 169, 170
Sekhet 20 and fn.
Senlis, France 161, 162
Serre, France 173
Shackleton, Sir Ernest 46
Shadow-folk 96, 99, 100 and fn., 112, 215, 259
Shakespeare, William 33, 81 and fn., 82, 230, 263, 288
and fairies 96, 81fn., 217, 261-2, 275, 298
Shaw, George Bernard 7, 105
Sheaf 34
Shippey, Thomas A. 66, 81fn., 272, 298, 300, 308, 311
Shugborough Park, Staffordshire 134
Sidgwick & Jackson (publishers) 119, 134, 231
signalling, military 103, 114-15, 124, 134, 144, 150, 158, 161, 165-6, 167, 171-2, 178-9, 190, 192 and fn., 193, 194, 196, 197-8, 206, 234, 235, 239
Sigurd 16, 127, 270
The Silmarillion, see under Tolkien, J.R.R., stories
Silmarils (elven jewels) 262, 265, 272, 280
Silmo (the Moon) 126
Sindarin 213
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Middle English poem) 249, 278, 290
Sisam, Kenneth 34, 278
sky-myths 45-7, 65-7, 126-7, 258, 272-3
slang, First World War 86, 124
Sleeper in the Tower of Pearl 91, 92, 226fn. Smaug 267, 308
Smith, Geoffrey Bache (TCBS member) xii, 7,8
character and personality 7, 22, 55, 56, 56, 195-6, 209
at Corpus Christi, Oxford 7, 31-2, 36, 52
death 8, 211
and Gilson 102-3, 168, 174, 179
at King Edward’s School 18, 22
sobriquets 17fn., 18
and TCBS 6, 27, 54, 56, 57-8, 101-2, 103, 129, 136, 137, 150, 177, 178, 179, 180, 185
and Tolkien 7, 31-2, 55, 56, 82, 83, 88, 89, 122, 129, 135-6, 145, 150, 161, 176, 177-8, 179-80, 185, 190, 206, 250, 308
and Tolkien’s poetry 53, 64, 65, 67, 69-70, 72, 106, 117, 118-19, 173-4, 186, 253, 274, 279, 281
war service 56, 57, 67-8, 69, 82, 94, 95, 110-12, 117, 118-19, 124, 135, 154, 159-61, 177-8, 209-10, 287
poetry 26-7, 106, 116-17, 279, 287
‘Ave Atque Vale’ 57
‘The Burial of Sophocles’ 95, 111, 112, 211-12
‘For R. Q. G.’ 181
‘Glastonbury’ 67
‘Legend’ 123
‘Let us tells quiet stories of kind eyes’ 181-2
‘April 1916’ 135, 136
‘On the Declaration of War’ 39
‘Songs on the Downs’ 102
A Spring Harvest 174, 181-2, 210, 246, 274, 301
‘To the Cultured’ 175
Smith, Roger (GBS’s brother) 233
Smith, Ruth Annie (GBS’s mother) 111, 211, 212, 233
Smith, Thomas (GBS’s father) 27, 319
Solosimpë and pl. Solosimpi or Solosimpeli (shoreland fairies) 80, 81, 121, 124, 126, 259
Somme, Battle of the (1916) 161-8, 169, 170-3, 177, 178-9, 182-3, 187-95, 196-9, 201, 210, 211, 221, 291, 294-5, 300-1, 310, 312-13
approach of 146-51
and the ‘Battle of Unnumbered Tears’ 266, 298
Sophocles 25, 30
Oedipus Rex 270
Souastre, France 211
South Africa 11, 50, 242, 260, 295; see also Boer War
Southampton, Hampshire 111, 205
Sow, River, Staffordshire 134, 207
Spanish 16, 247
Spell of Bottomless Dread (Melko’s) 215, 222, 223, 266
Spenser, Edmund 76
Spider of Night 53, 127, 241, 258; see also Gloomweaver
spiders of Mirkwood 64
Spurn Point, Holderness 235, 243
Stainforth, Colonel L. C. H. (19th LF commanding officer) 82, 83, 89
Stevenson, R. L.:
‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ 219
‘The Land of Nod’ 78
The Story of Kullervo, see under Tolkien, J.R.R., stories
Suffield, John (Tolkien’s grandfather) 13
Suffolk Regiment, 11th Battalion see Cambridgeshire Battalion
Súlimi (Valar of the winds) 125; see also Manwë, Varda
Sumner, Sydney (11th LF soldier) 193
Sun 45-6, 60, 65, 81, 84, 91, 109, 126-7, 261, 275
Magic Sun 228, 258, 273
Sundial Society, Corpus Christi College 52 Superb, HMS 115-16, 119, 141-2
Sutton Veny, Wiltshire 102
Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver’s Travels 275, 276
Taniquetil 83, 84, 126, 213fn., 217
Taruktarna (Oxford) 128
Taunton, Somerset: Queen’s School 254
Tavrobel (Great Haywood) 207 and fn., 272, 273, 246
TCBS (Tea Club and Barrovian Society) 6, 7, 8, 14, 18, 19, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 54-6, 93
‘Council of Bath’ projected 103, 104
‘Council of Harrogate’ 232, 233
‘Council of Lichfield’ 101-2
‘Council of London’ 56-9, 60, 63, 105, 137, 174, 181, 231
‘Council of Oxford’ projected 67
debates over 135-7, 174, 179-81, 182, 18 3-5, 251
last meetings 101-2, 104-6
and members’ betrothals 100-1, 129-30
TCBSianism 5-6, 31, 33, 67, 105-7, 122, 136-7, 141, 146, 161, 174, 180, 251, 253-4, 308-9
‘Tea-Cake’ see Barnsley, T. K.
Tea Club see TCBS
Teleri (first tribe of Elves) 259; see also Inweli
Telimektar (Orion) 127
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 40, 116
Tetillë (flower fairy) 126
Tevildo (Prince of Cats) 127, 263
Théoden 295
Thiepval, France 157, 191, 194
Memorial 193
Ridge 159, 172
Wood 117fn., 186-7, 191-3, 308
Thirtle Bridge Camp, Holderness 234-5, 236, 238, 239, 242, 245
Thompson, Francis 13-14, 36, 47, 261
Thor 180, 256
Tiberth/Tifil 263; see also Tevildo
Tidworth Pennings camp (1909) 24
The Times 83, 163, 221
Timpinen 126; see also Tinfang Warble
Tinfang Warble (fairy piper) 74, 75, 77, 126
Tinúviel (Elf, lover of Beren) 262, 263, 264, 265, 271, 272, 277, 282, 305
Tinwelint (royal father of Tinúviel) 262, 265, 271-2
Tír na nÓg 107
Titanic, sinking of the 22
Tobin, Colonel (Bedford officer) 89
Tol Eressëa (the Lonely Isle, Britain and Ireland) 126, 128, 207fn., 236, 278
Tol Erethrin 207fn., 246
Tolkien, Arthur Reuel (JRRT’s father) 11
Tolkien, Christopher (JRRT’s son) 92, 272, 281, 282
JRRT’s letters to xii, 38, 94, 219, 2 38, 295
Tolkien, Edith (née Bratt; JRRT’s wife) birthday 128fn.
and children’s births 239-40, 242, 282
death 283
engagement and marriage 12, 26, 2
9, 30, 33, 43, 134-5, 207fn.
and Erinti 128, 228fn.
introduced to TCBS 100-1
involved in Tolkien’s writing 282, 290
and JRRT in wartime 64, 78, 83, 93, 104, 110, 131, 138, 144, 205, 232, 234, 235, 238-9, 245, 246-7
JRRT’s letters to 40, 50, 94
JRRT’s love poem to 72
with JRRT in Oxford 249
Tolkien, Hilary Arthur Reuel (JRRT’s brother) 11, 12, 41, 48, 68, 110, 138
and Amillo 128 and fn., 257fn.
Tolkien, John Francis Reuel (JRRT’s son) 242, 246, 249, 282
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel
birth 11
character and personality 48, 94-5, 110, 278-9
childhood 11-12, 13, 14-15
children 242, 278
death 284
education (at King Edward’s School, Birmingham) 5-6, 8, 12, 13, 16, 18, 21, 23-4
engagement and marriage 33, 43, 100-1, 129, 134, 207fn.; see Tolkien, Edith enlistment 40, 41-2, 43-4, 47, 69, 83, 88
at Exeter College, Oxford 3-4, 12, 24, 25-6, 29-30, 31, 33-5, 36, 37, 48-9, 52-3, 63, 81-2, 83, 130, 249
friendship with Gilson see Gilson, R. Q. friendship with C. S. Lewis 281-2
friendship with Smith see under Smith, G. B.
friendship with Wiseman see under Wiseman, C. L.
health 4, 11, 200-1, 205-6, 207, 231, 232, 233-4, 235, 239-40, 242, 245, 246, 247, 248, 252
identifies with Beren 284; Eriol 225; Lirillo/Noldorin 128 and fn., 257fn.
at military camps 23, 24-5, 50, 89, 93-5, 103-4, 114-15, 134
military service 137, 138, 143, 144, 147-50, 157-8, 162-73, 186-95, 196-200; (after contracting trench fever) 200-1, 205, 207, 231-2, 233-6, 238-40, 242-3, 245, 246-7, 248, 252
post-war career 248-9, 277, 278, 281-3
sobriquets 17fn., 18, 19 and fn.
attitudes, interests and opinions:
bureaucracy 94
France 189
Germans/Germany 41-2, 128-9, 133, 218-19, 289-90, 293, 299-300
invention of languages 15-17, 39, 60, 69, 97, 212, 218, 220; see also Qenya
language and philology 14-15, 26, 30, 32, 33, 34-5, 39-40, 51, 60, 66, 85, 114, 213, 289-92
mythology and mythography 38-40, 84-5, 110, 123-4, 125-8, 186, 187, 217-19, 241, 247, 256ff, 292, 295-7, 301, 303-6
officer class 94, 149
politics 21, 42, 51-2, 110, 230
reading 13, 26, 42, 44, 63-4; see also
Beowulf; Chaucer; Kalevala
religion 5, 12, 113, 121, 157, 173, 251, 266, 306
TCBS membership 6, 14, 18, 27, 31, 54-6, 58-9, 60, 63, 67, 100, 135-7, 179-81, 308
war 38-9, 217-19, 290, 292-300, 301, 309-10, 312
drawings and paintings 12-13, 29, 31, 40
Afterwards 29
Before 29
The End of the World 29, 47
Grownupishness 29
The Land of Pohja 60
The Shores of Faery 81, 83
Undertenishness 29, 64, 65
‘Beowulf: The Monsters and the
Critics’ 305
‘On Fairy-stories’ 77-8, 113, 264-5, 293
lexicons of invented languages
‘Qenyaqetsa’ (Qenya phonology and lexicon ) 60-1, 63, 81, 83, 98, 104, 107, 123, 126, 127, 212
‘Poetic and Mythologic Words of Eldarissa’ 212, 220
‘I·Lam na·Ngoldathon’ (Goldogrin/Gnomish lexicon) 229, 236, 246
poetry 92-3
‘The Battle of the Eastern Field’ 19-20, 66, 290
‘Companions of the Rose’ 240, 287-8
‘Copernicus and Ptolemy’ 70
‘From the many-willow’d margin of
the immemorial Thames’ 35, 36, 59
‘Goblin Feet’ 73-4, 75, 76, 81fn., 90, 93, 116, 117, 120
‘The Grey Bridge of Tavrobel’ 207-8
‘Habbanan beneath the Stars’ 112-13, 144, 182
‘The Happy Mariners’ 89-91, 92, 106-7, 110, 120
The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth
Beorhthelm’s Son (verse drama) 43
‘The Horns of Ulmo’ see ‘The Tides’
‘Iumbo, or ye Kinde of ye Oliphaunt’ 97-8
‘Kôr’ 78-81
‘Kortirion among the Trees’ 107-10, 115, 117, 119-20, 131, 186, 187, 222, 260, 279, 280
‘The Lay of the Children of Húrin’ (Túrin saga in verse) 278, 279
‘The Lay of Leithian’ (Tinúviel story in verse) 279, 282
‘Lo! young we are’ 65
‘The Lonely Isle’ xi, 144-5, 173-4, 186
‘Looney’/‘The Sea-bell’ 296-7
‘Sea Chant of an Elder Day’ see ‘The Tides’
‘The Shores of Faëry’ 83-5, 86, 120
‘A Song of Aryador’ 95-6, 98-100, 259, 277
‘The Song of Eriol’ 243-5
‘The Tides’/‘Sea Chant of an Elder
Day’/‘The Horns of Ulmo’ 59-60, 64, 237-8
‘Tinfang Warble’ 74-5, 77
‘The Town of Dreams and the City of Present Sorrow’ see ‘The Wanderer’s Allegiance’
The Trumpets of Faërie (unpublished volume) 76, 119, 134, 231
‘The Voyage of Éarendel the Evening Star’ 45-7, 52-3, 64, 92, 309
‘The Wanderer’s Allegiance’/‘The Town of Dreams and the City of Present Sorrow’ 130-3, 206-7, 216, 217, 243
‘Why the Man in the Moon came
down too soon’ 65-7, 70, 120
‘Wood-sunshine’ 14, 36, 70, 75, 76
‘You and Me and the Cottage of Lost
Play’ 72-3, 80, 86, 131, 226fn.
‘The Book of Lost Tales’ see especially 214, 229-30, 254, 277-80; also 91, 100fn., 226, 228 and fn., 241fn., 254, 270, 272, 288, 291, 292, 293, 297, 300, 303, 306, 310
‘The Cottage of Lost Play’ 224, 225-9, 282, 297
‘The Fall of Gondolin’ 38, 214-23, 224, 231, 240, 249, 260, 267, 282, 294, 308, 312
The Hobbit 13, 64, 78, 264, 267, 282-3, 301, 306-8
‘Leaf by Niggle’ 278-9
The Lord of the Rings 9, 13, 39, 53, 64, 80, 81, 91, 96, 97, 108, 113, 206, 228, 261, 272, 290, 295, 301, 306-7, 309-13
‘The Music of the Ainur’ 254-6, 301, 304, 306
‘The Notion Club Papers’ (unfinished) 44
The ‘Silmarillion’ see especially 280; also 39, 53, 186, 213, 262fn., 282, 295, 298, 301, 306-7
‘sketch’ of the mythology 279-80
The Story of Kullervo 26, 50, 59, 231
‘The Tale of the Nauglafring’ 271-4
‘The Tale of Tinúviel’ 240, 261, 262-3, 268, 270
‘The Tale of Turambar’ 240-1, 266-70, 275, 304
Tolkien, Mabel (née Suffield; JRRT’s mother) 11, 12, 13, 14, 48
Tolkien, Michael (JRRT’s son) xii, 282; J. R. R. Tolkien to 242
Tolkien, Priscilla (JRRT’s daughter) 282, 284
Tol Withernon (in the Lonely Isle) 236
Torhthelm 43
Trent, River, Staffordshire 134, 207
Trought, Vincent (TCBS member) 5, 6, 18, 19fn., 28-9
The Trumpets of Faërie, see under Tolkien, J.R.R., poetry
Tuatha Dé Danann 100, 222