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Falling Into Faerie After

Page 6

by Mercedes Jade

  “There’s air conditioning in this building,” I said dropping my gaze to Eloden’s nipples. They were too small to tell for sure, but they might be pricked with cold. I could always lick them to find out.

  “I burn hot, sweetheart.”

  I stopped myself from agreeing out loud.

  His eyes took their time giving me the same treatment as I had him. I had to stand there for it, gripped firmly by his hand on my wrist. I had a hoodie on but it was an old one, small and a bit tight over my chest, nipped in at the waist and with frayed cuffs so I had pushed the sleeves up. My skinny jeans were as skin tight as advertised but easy to move in, which is why I wore them to the lab. I wasn’t prepared to actually see anyone that would look at me like Eloden was doing.

  Time to nip this sexy ‘show and tell’ in the bud.

  “I’m cold blooded, so if you’re done manhandling me, I’ll get back to regulating my temperature to freeze your nuts off,” I told him, getting impatient and a touch worried. I had places to be that my bodyguard would never let me go if he found out.

  I heard a little snort. “Sweetheart, I missed you,” he said, sounding amused more than mad.

  “Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Keep holding onto me and I’ll show you what I did to the last Fae that gave me a surprise visit,” I threatened.

  Eloden pulled me against his chest, and yes, he did burn hot. Dark magic enveloped me from the tip of my toes to the top of my head, my nose hitting about mid-chest as I squawked a complaint. It felt good, much too welcoming. The first dip under a tub of steaming water that melted all your aches and made you want to float away.

  “Are you referring to the Fae that had his balls kicked into his throat or the one you had dragged out of your bathroom by the neck?” Eloden whispered into my bound hair, fingering the elastic with his free hand. “Or maybe, you want me to test the tightness of your pussy myself?”

  I tried to shake off the languorous feel of Eloden’s heated touch at that frank offer. He was not going to seduce me. Keeping my Marks from touching me was step one to stopping my libido from making my decisions.

  Eloden knew the details of last night. I wasn’t surprised. Falin probably had bragged after he got loose from Loren. I was the only one that wasn’t allowed secrets.

  “I’m here to work, not fuck,” I told Eloden. “I can arrange for you to be dragged out by security,” I warned him. “All it takes is a little iron and you’re magic is vamoosh, so with one of the fancy fountain pens here shoved into your thigh, there’s suddenly going to be an intruder for me to report.”

  The chest I was leaning on rumbled in response, causing the tiny hairs pressed up close to my face to tickle as Eloden laughed. I guessed that Falin hadn’t reported my new finesse with archery or Eloden was overestimating my fondness of him for past rescues. He was no longer my bodyguard and I had lost my hesitation to strike first after Kheelen served me up for his evil father. Hit hard and fast was my rule now.

  “I’ll need to lock up all the pens for the sake of safety and the preservation of my leathers,” Eloden finally said after his fit of laughter.

  He dragged me over to the desk and grabbed the lone silver fountain pen that probably wouldn’t have worked unless it was cheaper than it looked and opened the first drawer to hide it out of reach. His eyes caught sight of my resignation letter in all it’s tattered glory on top of the desk.

  “You are so nosy,” I accused, slapping a hand down on the letter before he could pick it up to read, although I had seen his eyes already scanning it. “Must be all that voyeurism rubbing off,” I said, reminding him I had caught him spying on me in a promiscuous situation once and I suspected it wasn’t the first time he had spied on someone getting it on. “This is not yours,” I told him, using a stern voice that would have done Kheelan proud. I tried to pry the letter edge out from under his fingers.

  “Why is your ripped up letter on this desk, sweetheart?” he asked, proving he read fast or had x-ray vision.

  “Oh, this letter that is mine and not yours?” I said, faking nonchalance. “Let me show you,” I offered, taking my hand off the letter since he had read enough that he wasn’t going to let go anyway.

  I used my free hand wisely, bringing my fist overhead in a swing towards the bridge of Eloden’s nose in a classic female self defense class move that was simple and effective. He blocked me, of course, using the hand that had been holding onto the letter because no way was he going to release my wrist. I then did the only thing left to hide the damning note and hopped up on the table to sit my ass on top of it.

  If I had my hands free, I could have torn my letter up again, or even, ate the damn thing like a deranged pitbull. Heck, it would have made a nice lining for Lady Antebellum’s cage, but all I had at my disposal was my butt and I put it to good use.

  Eloden smiled at me, releasing my fist to cup my face. He brushed his thumb against the corner of my mouth and his other hand dropped my hostaged wrist to tug the elastic out of my hair and release a cloud of wavy, sexy locks that probably looked like I had just rolled out of bed by Eloden’s fiery stare. I dry swallowed.

  There was no time for this but it was getting harder and harder to convince my libido.

  “Who’s desk is this?” Eloden asked, thumb moving on to rub my bottom lip.

  “My ex-boss,” I said against his thumb.

  “The one that wants to steal your babies?”

  Holy crap, did Eloden look mad. I might not have gotten a good look at him earlier because of the dark room, but up close like this, I could see his eyes narrow and darken, combined with a cruel twist to his lips that I never wanted directed towards me.

  “He’s the boss of that egotistical ass. I’m done with them both and the letter is my resignation, okay?”

  “Why is your letter ripped, sweetheart?” he repeated, softer this time.

  I wiggled my ass against the evidence, trying to put some distance between me and Eloden’s dark look by scooting backwards. His hand that had been stroking through my hair suddenly fisted and halted my progress.

  “He tore it up and threw it in my face,” I spit out, remembering the anger and humiliation of the moment.

  “Did you tell him to fuck off?”

  “No,” I said, but added, “I wish I had, though.”

  Eloden smiled at me and it was so damn naughty I wanted to look down and see if my clothes had spontaneously combusted and he was getting an unintended invitation. He had once burned the strings off my panties while I was wearing them and stole them right off of me. I’m sure burning the rest of my clothes off wasn’t that far of a stretch.

  “It’s not too late to send him a ‘fuck you’ message,” he told me, voice deepening in a way that made me instantly wet. I had gotten used to his accent for the most part, but when he said rough words like ‘fuck’ with that lyrical Fae tone turning them to honey, geezus that really did it for me.

  I’m knowledgeable on how to obtain my own revenge, but I wanted him to say it again, to hear him tell me all the dirty details of what he was planning in that smooth baritone.

  “Should I get out the permanent red marker and write ‘I quit’ on his desk in block letters? Use crazy glue to stick my ripped up resignation letter to his computer monitor? I could even misfile all his active trials before we leave.”

  Eloden’s eyebrows had risen by the time I was done my proposal. I don’t think he realized I had a bratty side to me.

  Maybe I should do all of it. I could get called in for property damage, but I’d flap my lashes and say it was all a mistake because of my youth. I wasn’t aware the glue and marker were forever and I had been looking for the nice paper to write my resignation on when I rifled through the filing cabinet. The old fart should have gone electronic years ago, but all he used his computer for was one-fingered typing of emails.

  “My idea was a little more grown up,” Eloden said, dismissing my evil revenge as child’s play.

  I gave him a bunny-nose
scrunch. “I’ll use black marker and nix the sparkles I planned to add to my letter.”

  He kissed me, right there, on top of Jeff’s desk.

  Oh. This was a much naughtier idea.

  Eloden didn’t need magic to set me on fire. My libido was already heated up and ready to combust again. I should have felt some smidgen of guilt or second thoughts, but once our lips touched, there was no way I could put out this inferno on my own.

  I was going to blame it on the magic anyways and let it burn.

  Chapter 5:

  Eloden’s lips had caught me completely by surprise, stuffing the half-hearted protest I made by using his tongue to sweep into my mouth and take charge. I reached out and grabbed onto his naked shoulders for balance as he crowded me back on the desk, kneeing my thighs apart and rocking an erection against me that left no question as to his more adult recommendation to dealing with my torn up resignation.

  “Are you crazy?” I hissed, breaking free of his lips to let my head fall back and pant. He worked my hoodie up and ripped it over my head, tossing it somewhere.

  Did we lock the door?

  Eloden ignored me as he licked and sucked his way down my neck, paying particular attention to my newest Mark. He likely knew a real protest when he heard one and mine was more a flustered response to finding out my sexy bodyguard wanted to indulge in some workplace sex. I had never fantasized about my bosses but my first impression of Eloden had been of a sexy Irish professor and I was seated on a nice, imposing desk for him to fuck me over.

  “This is really unprofessional,” I said, then took a chance and added, “Sir.”

  That address got his attention. A big hand on my right hip cupped around the top of my ass firmly and yanked me to the desk edge, riding me hard against the cock straining his leathers with a groan that seemed to be ripped deep out of his chest. He looked back up at me as I gasped and all I saw was unsated hunger.

  “I’ve been told about your misbehaviour by Falin and I believe it needs to be addressed now. Your new light-fingered friend has gotten more than his fair share,” Eloden said, using a stern voice I hadn’t previously heard from him.

  “I was minding my own business when they snuck into my room,” I said in defence. I wondered if Eloden knew the whole story.

  He nipped my left ear, fangs catching the fleshy lower lobe. “Sir,” he growled out into my ear with a heated breath.

  “Sir,” I whispered back with a moan.

  “Letting me spread you out on this desk to eat your juicy peach is just a prelude to me flipping you over and despoiling your sweet pussy with my Dark Fae cock to even things out.”

  Eloden had called me immature? We were practically back to asking them all to pull their dicks out to measure.

  He thrust against me to punctuate his meaning and instead of pushing him away again, I dug my nails into his shoulders and wrapped my heels around his ass to hold him tighter. A quickie would take what, five minutes? I doubted my orgasm was more than a couple minutes away, really, and I wouldn’t be here to face the consequences, if there were any, tomorrow.

  Hell, if I hadn’t resigned, I definitely would have been fired for this if Jeff found out.

  I was going to make it count.

  “This tells my boss to fuck off how, sir?” I questioned, squirming against his hold and rubbing up against his obvious erection.

  Eloden met my hot and bothered gaze with a determined one that dared me to make another peep as he unbuttoned my jeans and pulled down the zipper. To my credit, I never broke his stare even when he yanked my jeans down, working them over my hips and thighs to the knees. My speechless acceptance said plenty.

  His hand slipped between my legs and he fingered me right over my panties, soaking the silk in seconds. I saw a self-satisfied smirk cross his lips before I fluttered my eyes closed and moaned again, leaning back on my hands and thrusting my pelvis up.

  “When you think about quitting, it won’t be that asshole ripping up your letter and throwing it in your face you’re going to remember,” Eloden said.

  My eyes popped open and I squeaked a little as he yanked me up by the knees until I was hanging practically head down on the desk, hooked by my jeans-wrapped calves behind his head. The bondage with my legs still half in skinny jeans only made me wetter.

  “You’re going to remember this fucking only,” he promised me, lowering me back down slowly and resting my ass on the desk edge again. He pinned my knees to his shoulders with both his hands and then let go to inch me closer, hands smoothing down my thighs to cup and support my ass hanging over the edge.

  There was no way to escape. I got the message, but I still couldn’t stop myself from wiggling as he blew a hot breath over me.

  “Confess,” he said, licking the lacy edge of my panties and letting me feel a trace of his fangs. “You wanted to throw that letter in your boss’s face a long time ago. Every naughty thing you told me from the crazy glue to the misfiling were things you contemplated doing whenever he underestimated and undervalued you.”

  Didn’t everyone want to stab their boss at least once?

  “I’m going to punish you for waiting so long to rebel, sweetheart.” He nipped the inside of my thigh, licking it as I jumped with a tiny moan. “You’re going to lose control, let go and be yourself.”

  He scraped his teeth over the top of my pubis, tongue thrusting against my panties to lick my silk-covered clit.

  I moaned encouragement.

  “Bad girl, I’m going to make you scream,” he darkly whispered, dropping to his own knees.

  I whimpered and grabbed onto the edge of the desk. These Fae were always promising to make me scream and so far, none of them had been wrong.

  He chuckled against my core and shocks of pleasure from his hot breath danced along my clit right to the rest of my pussy, tightening in anticipation. I thought he was going to throw me over the desk and give me a ‘wham, bam’ but he was drawing this out until I could come from the wicked intent in his words alone.

  “You can try, sir,” I taunted.

  His thumbs slipped under my panties and teased my aroused bud out as he nipped the inside of my other thigh.

  “Is that how you say ‘please’ sweetheart?” he asked me.

  “I thought this was a ‘fuck you’ message,” I said as I squeezed my thighs against his dark head between my legs.

  I got pulled back open by his big hands just a little more, enough to know he was in charge and I had to submit. His eyes flicked to mine as he looked at me for a long moment, gaze challenging.

  “In case this isn’t enough of a ‘fuck you’ message, feel free to rake your claws against the expensive finish of this desk when I flip you over and fill your sweet pussy full of my cock and cum.”

  “Claws?” I said, trying not to clench my thighs against him again as he bent his head back down and licked right over my panties, grumbling at the thin material barring direct contact. I could tell him that wet silk was hardly an effective block as the heat of his mouth bathed me right through my panties, but my speech was quickly devolving into one-word sentences.

  “Sir,” he growled out once more. “Change, little Halfling, and show me your Dark half,” he suggested to me, catching the crotch of my panties in his teeth and pulling.

  He was making some sort of hot, animalistic noise as he fought my panties for access that brought a fresh gush of wetness between my legs and I clenched despite myself. A moment later, I felt a flicker of heat at my sides and my panties pulled loose with a snarl, burned off again at the sides.

  “My... mine,” I panted at him, outraged.

  Those were expensive. I also was not a fan of going commando, especially in skinny jeans. It wasn’t as if I could go back home and get another pair. My bags were packed.

  Eloden sank one finger in my pussy and used it to lift my clit up to his mouth to dive in, licking and sucking my soft, tender nub just like he was savouring each drop after biting into a ripe peach dribbling down his
chin. There was no other word for it, he devoured me.

  I screamed at the intense pleasure after such a prolonged wait. I couldn’t escape with my legs thrashing the tight confines of my jeans, quickly cutting my scream off as I remembered the office where I was being ravished.

  “I can’t glamour your screams and I didn’t lock the door. Do you care?” he asked me, pausing his sensual assault.

  Getting me to scream had taken about five seconds for him to accomplish once he stopped playing around. I hesitated, not really wanting him to stop but my natural inclination was also not to announce my presence. It was all fun and games until I got arrested for indecent behaviour by security.

  “I can be quiet, sir,” I answered, sounding chastened and a bit breathless.

  He started getting up off his knees and I quickly grabbed onto his upper arms to try to shove him back down.

  “No, I promise I’ll bite my tongue,” I said.

  This was like being offered chocolate souffle at the end of dinner at a fancy restaurant and then being told they forgot to put it in the oven. No, it was worse. It was smelling the rich, baked chocolate as the waiter walked over to the table with the souffle and then he tripped and dumped it all on the floor.

  Eloden was already back on his feet, leaning over me on the desk with my thighs wrapped around his shoulders and hips flexed as far as they could go, nearly bringing him nose-to-nose with me.

  I tried another ineffectual push back on his arms and then closed my eyes, quickly finding my snowflake and mouthing my rhyme so my glamour peeled away. Digging my claws into the muscled arms I had gripped, I repeated my push and added an order.

  “Get down on your knees and show me you aren’t all talk, just hot air and foxy tricks. Honestly, the Light Fae have beat-”

  He shoved my ruined panties into my mouth in a tight, wadded ball, tucking the loose ends in when I made an attempt to spit them out. I tasted myself, of course, and the burned, tingling feel of his fire magic.

  “This should help. If you’re not screaming, I’m not doing it right,” he told me, shifting slightly to the side so the left half of my ass was open. A hard slap to the exposed bum cheek quickly followed.


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