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The Wrong Woman

Page 15

by Linda Warren

  “Yes. Do you know him?”

  “No, but I know the police are looking for him.”

  Sarah’s hands shook. “They’ll never find him.” She paused, then added, “I met Greg at the restaurant where I used to work. We fell instantly in love and we were so happy. He told me he was going undercover and the police department was renting him a new place so his identity couldn’t be easily traced. He wasn’t supposed to have contact with anyone besides his boss. The narcotics team he works with were after this thug, and they needed some hard evidence. Greg wasn’t supposed to tell me, but he said he’d be going to a strip club as a patron. I told him I could work there as a waitress. I’d be able to get inside information on a stripper’s life—what makes her do it, what motivates her, that kind of thing. It would be great research. I could also keep my eyes open…. Greg was against it at first, but we didn’t want to be apart, so he agreed. I moved into the apartment with him. I got the job without a problem, but I wasn’t prepared for the sleazy atmosphere. Still, everything was going okay until…” She paused.

  “Until what?” Serena prompted.

  “Until he took an interest in me.”


  “Rudy Boyd.”

  Serena remembered Ethan mentioning that name and how the police were after him. “Does he own this place?”

  “Oh, yeah, and a bunch of others. Greg finally put it together.” She gave a long, shuddering sigh. “Rudy comes to the club late at night through a back entrance. He has a room up here where he can watch everything downstairs. He finds a woman he wants and has Anthony send her up. One night Anthony said the boss wanted to see me upstairs. I knew what that meant and I told him I wasn’t interested. He said I’d lose my job, but no one fired me. The next night it happened again, and Greg said it was time for me to get out. I was packing my things to go back to Celia’s when there was a knock at the door.” Sarah paused again and tightened the belt on her robe with trembling fingers.

  “It was Anthony, two of his men and Boyd. That was the first time I’d seen him. I’d only heard about him from the other waitresses. I didn’t know his name until that night. I only knew him as the boss. The men grabbed me, and Boyd told Greg that he’d found out he was a cop trying to nail him. He said nobody nails him. I didn’t even see the gun until he raised it and fired. He…he shot Greg like a helpless animal. He didn’t stand a…” Sarah brushed away a tear.

  Serena murmured soothing words and stroked Sarah’s arm until she could continue.

  “I screamed and screamed and I thought they were gonna kill me, too,” she said in a stark voice, “but they put tape over my mouth and injected something into my arm. I woke up in a room. I don’t know where. Boyd was there and he had a disk from my computer. He knew I was writing about the strippers. He said I was working with the cop and I’d pay for that, but he seemed angrier that I’d turned him down. He said no woman turns him down and if I was so interested in strippers, I could get the information firsthand. I told him I’d never do such a thing and that he turned my stomach. He hit me. I’ve being living in fear ever since. I keep seeing Greg’s face just before he…”

  Serena placed a hand over Sarah’s. “Try not to think about it.” Silence ensued for a few moments, then Serena asked, “How did Boyd make you strip?”

  “He said if I didn’t, he’d slit my throat.” Sarah shivered. “Sometimes I think that’s preferable to what I’ve been going through, but I keep thinking I can get away eventually and go to the cops and tell them what happened to Greg. But, so far, Boyd’s men guard me day and night.”

  “I saw you last night.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes, Ethan and I came to the club to see you. I was the woman with black hair trying to talk to you.”

  “I remember, and if I’d known your detective friend was with you, I would’ve screamed my head off.” Sarah briefly closed her eyes. “I can’t take any more. He forces me to strip in front of him and it makes me sick to my stomach.”

  Serena took a painful breath and had to ask, “Has he…forced himself on you?”

  Sarah shook her head. “Not yet, but it’s just a matter of time. If that happens I’ll— He makes me physically ill.”

  “It won’t happen,” Serena assured her. “All I have to do is call Ethan and he’ll get us out of here. I should’ve done that earlier.” She turned and reached for her purse, but it wasn’t there. “Damn! No, no, no.”

  “What?” Sarah asked.

  “I left my purse in the car. How could I do something so stupid? I was just in such a hurry to see you, I forgot everything else. I didn’t even lock my car.” Serena let out a breath. “Don’t worry. The police are checking this place. It won’t be long before they find us.” Serena was trying desperately to convince Sarah, but she felt a spasm of fear.

  “The police were here last night,” she added. “But they couldn’t find you.”

  “Boyd moves me around,” Sarah said. “He knows the police are looking for me.”

  “Oh,” Serena answered, feeling more than a little hopeless.

  She and Sarah stared at each other and suddenly their plight didn’t seem so bad.

  “I have a sister,” Sarah said.

  “So do I.” Serena smiled.

  They embraced and held each other tight. “Trust me, Sarah, we’ll get out of this.”

  Sarah drew back and wiped away tears with her sleeve. “You’re very optimistic.”

  “I am because I know Ethan, and once he finds out I’m not at my grandmother’s like I’m supposed to be, he’ll come looking for me.”

  She didn’t tell Sarah that Ethan might not call her. That he might assume she’d made up with her grandmother and everything was fine.

  Oh, Ethan, don’t do the typical male thing and not call. I need you. Please call. Please, Ethan.


  ETHAN LEFT DANIEL at the police station. Now it was a waiting game. The redhead—Sarah Welch—would show eventually, and when she did, the police would be there. He took out his cell phone to call Serena, to tell her about Celia, but then wondered if maybe he should give her more time. That conversation with her grandmother couldn’t have been an easy one. He set the phone down and stared at it. But he needed to hear her voice. She’d reached his heart and opened up a whole new— He grabbed the phone and hit the speed-dial for her number. It rang and rang, and then her voice mail came on. He clicked off, not leaving a message; he’d try again later.

  He called Molly next. He had to talk to her. In fact, he should’ve done it this morning. Now he had no choice. Boyd was going down one way or the other, and Ethan didn’t want Molly anywhere near him when that happened. She picked up on the second ring.

  “Molly, I have to talk to you.”

  “Ethan, I’m real busy. I just got the uniforms and I’m going to the boys’ club to deliver them, then I’m meeting Rudy. Why don’t you come tonight before our set and we’ll chat?”

  “This can’t wait. It’s important.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s about Boyd.”

  “Oh, Ethan, stop looking for problems.”

  “I’ve checked him out, Molly, and he’s into all sorts of illegal activities.”

  “I know about his past,” she said to his surprise. “He had a record as a teenager. He was in a gang and involved with drugs, but he’s straightened out his life and I admire that.”

  Ethan sighed irritably. “Molly, when you’ve delivered the uniforms, go to the apartment and wait there until you hear from me.”

  “I will not!” she snapped. “I’m not fifteen years old and you can’t order me around.”

  He took a breath. “Have I ever steered you wrong?”


  “I’m not now. Just do as I ask. Please.”



  “I’ll think about it,” she finally said.


  She hung up.
r />   Damn. Why did she have to be so pigheaded? He started to call her back, but knew it was pointless. He remembered when she was a teenager and their parents had tried to warn her about getting too serious with Bruce. She hadn’t listened. Molly rarely listened to anyone; she did exactly what she wanted. That could have been part of the problem between her and Bruce. He’d never thought of that before, hadn’t allowed himself to think anything negative about his sister. Well, he couldn’t worry about that right now; he only hoped she’d listen to him.

  He called Serena again. Still no answer. He tried two more times and finally left a message. Still nothing. By late afternoon, he knew something was wrong. He got Aurora Farrell’s number from Directory Assistance and called.

  “May I speak to Serena, please?”

  “She’s not here. Who’s calling?”

  “Ethan Ramsey. I’m a friend of hers.”

  “She’s never mentioned you.”

  “We met just a few days ago.”


  “Mrs. Farrell, have you seen Serena today?”

  “No, she was supposed to come home, but she hasn’t and I’m getting worried.”

  Me, too. God, Serena where are you?

  “I’m sure she’s fine,” he muttered, trying to sound reassuring.

  “Yes, yes of course she is. But if you see her, will you have her call me? I’ve tried her cell phone, but she doesn’t answer.”

  “I will, and thanks, Mrs. Farrell.”

  A hard ball of fear formed in his stomach. Where did Serena go after leaving the motel? Why didn’t she go home to talk to her grandmother? Sarah. It had to have something to do with Sarah.

  A thought crossed his mind, but he pushed it away. No, she wouldn’t. Would she? Oh, God, Serena, please don’t tell me you went to the strip club to find Sarah.

  “YOU NEED TO GET over here and quick,” Anthony said into the phone.

  “What the hell for? You know I’m busy today.”

  “The redhead got out of the room. I found her downstairs.”

  “Goddammit, Anthony! How did that happen?”

  “Doesn’t matter. She’s trouble. I told you we should’ve gotten rid of her long ago. She could bring us all down.”

  “I’ll be over there as soon as I can to teach her a lesson, and, Anthony, you’d better make damn sure she stays locked in that room.”

  SERENA AND SARAH moved to the bedroom in case someone came in. They didn’t want anyone to see both of them. They sat on the bed and talked; that was all they could do and it helped keep the fear at bay. Serena learned that Sarah lived with Celia Welch and that Celia hadn’t liked Jasmine.

  Sarah’s life was hard because of money problems. After her husband’s death, Celia worked as a waitress and made just enough money for them to get by. John Welch had numerous affairs, but Celia always took him back. Serena found it hard to believe that these people were her grandparents. Sarah had a serious romantic relationship in high school and had briefly thought about running away to get married, but she didn’t want to make the same mistake Jasmine had. John Welch had died years ago, and Serena told Sarah about Henry Farrell’s death a few months earlier. Serena felt guilty about her private schools and the life of luxury she’d lived, so it was easy—and more comfortable—to talk about her financial difficulties and her relationship with Aurora.

  Serena and Sarah couldn’t figure out why their grandparents had chosen to keep the other twin’s existence a secret. They decided to confront their grandmothers together and learn the truth.

  “You’re so much prettier than me,” Sarah said, studying Serena.

  Serena lifted an eyebrow. “I don’t think so. We’re identical.”

  “But you have a polished edge that I don’t.”

  “I know exactly how much that cost. I have the bills at home to prove it.”

  They laughed together.

  “Seriously,” Serena mused, “you have an earthiness and a sensuality that I don’t.”

  “Yeah, that’ll get you stripping in a joint like this,” Sarah said sarcastically.

  “Don’t be bitter.”

  “I can’t help it. If he touches me one more time, I’ll die. I’ll just die. If I don’t get away soon, I’ll lose my mind.”

  “You’re stronger than me,” Serena said gently. “I could never strip in front of all those men. That takes courage.”

  “I, ah…the first time was just horrible.” Sarah blinked away a tear. “I was scared and humiliated, but… Boyd stood in the back with a knife in his hand, so I played this game in my head where I shut everything out and pretended I was alone. Greg’s face was all I’d allow myself to see. It worked and kept me from falling apart.” Sarah’s voice stilled. “I…I just want justice for Greg. Otherwise I’d never have been able to do it. Still, it’s awful and…”

  Serena held Sarah’s trembling body. “It’s going to be okay. What time do they come for you to strip?”

  “Between midnight and one,” Sarah muttered.

  “That gives us time. Ethan will find us. I know he will. Just stay strong.”

  Ethan, where are you?

  AS SOON AS Ethan drove to the club, he saw Serena’s car parked in the back. His fear became a palpable thing that almost choked him. Why would she do this? he thought again. He knew the answer. To see Sarah.

  He got out and walked to her car. The door wasn’t locked, so that meant she’d left in a hurry. When he opened it, a familiar fragrance greeted him. Lavender…Serena. His feelings for her were deep. So very deep. He loved her. He could finally admit it, and the air rushed from his lungs in a sigh of relief. He’d sworn he’d never fall in love again, but now… He realized that love didn’t give a man much choice and he was no longer sure he wanted a choice. He just wanted to find her.

  Her purse lay on the seat; as he expected, her cell phone was inside. Another sign that she’d left in a hurry. He glanced toward the club—she had to be in there. But how long? And what was happening? There was only one way to find out; he had to go in. He needed a way of doing that without being recognized.

  Looking around, he saw an Apex Plumbing truck parked near the back door. Ethan hurried over to it and peered through a window. A shirt lay draped over the seat. He surveyed the street—empty—then opened the unlocked door and grabbed the shirt. “Apex” was embroidered on the pocket, along with the name “Bill.” That would work. Fortunately the back of the van was also unlocked, and Ethan removed a small toolbox. He’d return both items later.

  At his own truck he removed his hat and changed shirts. The shirt fit well enough, a little loose, but that was okay. He took off his boots and put on some old sneakers he had under the seat. Then he opened the glove compartment and retrieved his gun, placing it in the toolbox. He was ready, but first he had to call Daniel. His friend answered immediately.

  “Daniel, it’s Ethan.”

  “I was just fixing to call you.”


  “I got a payroll list of employees at Teasers. Sarah Welch is listed as a waitress.”

  “So why’d she go from being a waitress to a stripper?”

  “That’ll be interesting to find out.”

  “I’m at Teasers now,” Ethan said abruptly.

  “What are you doing there?”

  “I found Serena’s car here. Something’s wrong. I’m going in, so get here as fast as you can.”

  “Dammit, Ethan! I’m way across town. It’ll take me a while.”

  “Just get here and bring some backup.”



  “Be careful. These guys play for keeps.”

  ETHAN SAW a baseball cap in his glove compartment and took it out. It was one of Cole’s and a little the worse for wear. He straightened it out as much as he could and fitted it on his head. He picked up the toolbox and made his way to the door, where a guard was standing just inside. Ethan held his breath.

  The guard pointed down the hall. “To the
right, and get the damn thing fixed before we have to open.”

  “Yes, sir,” Ethan said, and walked away quickly doing his best not to limp.

  A bathroom door was open and Ethan could hear plumbers talking inside. He slipped up the stairs before anyone saw him. On the landing he saw several doors and a man sitting in a chair reading a magazine, apparently guarding one of the doors. Ethan had to get in that room, and he had to do it fast. He pulled the bill of his cap low and strolled toward the man.

  “What the hell are you doing up here?” the guard wanted to know.

  “I was told to check the bathrooms—make sure they’re working properly.”

  The man got to his feet with a scowl. “I better talk to Anthony. He doesn’t want anyone up here.”


  As the man made to walk off, Ethan set the toolbox down and caught him around the neck. He knew how much pressure to apply and where. When the man went limp, Ethan lowered his body to the floor, then hurriedly opened several doors until he found a closet. He dragged the unconscious man inside. Finding a bedsheet on a shelf, he ripped it into several pieces and tied his hands and feet and gagged his mouth. He searched the man’s pockets until he found the key.

  Quietly closing the closet door, he headed for the locked room. The man was guarding it for a reason—and Ethan hoped Sarah was the reason. With a little luck Serena would be in there, too.

  Ethan collected the toolbox and inserted the key. He stepped into the room, locked the door and saw that this was a living area and very quiet. Suddenly a redheaded woman in a black robe stepped out of the bedroom.


  “Who are you?” she asked weakly.

  He didn’t have time to respond as Serena poked her head around the door. “Ethan,” she breathed, and ran to him.

  He caught her, just holding her for a precious second. “What are you doing here?” he asked, then held his finger to his lips. “We have to be quiet.”

  She drew back. “Don’t be upset,” she whispered. “I just had to see Sarah, but when I came in, they thought I was her and locked me in here, too.”


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