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Romance: Romantic Suspense: Desire On The Run: (Contemporary Mystery and Suspense Romance, Action and Adventure Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult Thriller Drama Romances)

Page 9

by Jade Allen


  The other side just had a cryptic web address of letter and numbers. Rayne looked back to see the final train carriage disappear from view; the woman must’ve dropped this. Rayne tucked the card into her book and continued reading, deciding to check out the website once she was within Wi-Fi reach and see if she could drop the card off.

  Despite the lust and romance that sprinkled the pages of her favorite books, opening the door of her brownstone apartment brought Rayne back to her immediate future. Mentally exhausted, Rayne began to boil water for tea, getting out her favorite mug. Remembering the special business card tucked in her book, Rayne scrabbled around looking for it before booting up her laptop.

  Dropping onto the couch, Rayne turned the card over in her hand and carefully typed in the long URL, double-checking the letter and number sequence twice. Within a fraction of a second of pressing the enter button, Rayne’s screen went black. Of all the people in the world to type in a link to a virus…

  Then, the screen faded into white; a set of black letters materialized and faded in a gentle sequence:

  “Welcome to Eden. You have been selected to join us for an exclusive getaway. Disappear into a tropical island paradise. For your eyes only.”

  Oh crap.

  The screen changed to show expensive resort imagery with sweeping tropical landscapes. After one rotation through the images, a registration screen popped up demanding details. Rayne searched the static page looking for contact details, but there was nothing.

  I can register, but I’ll explain that it was a mistake and I’m looking for the right person.

  Rayne typed in her details and, after a moment of hesitation, pressed ‘submit’.

  Another screen popped up among a new gallery of resort images: “Thank you for registering. One of our resort team members will contact you shortly.”

  Rayne opened a new search window and typed in “Eden Resort,” only to get back tens of thousands of possible clues. She extended the search with “island paradise,” only to whittle a couple of thousand from the list. Before Rayne could contemplate another search term, her landline phone started ringing.


  “Hi, is this Rayne Baker?” a bubbly woman’s voice echoed down the phone.

  “Yes, who is this?”

  “My name is Cassandra from Eden Resort. We just received your registration.”

  Wow, that was fast.

  “Look, I’m glad you called because I actually think this invitation was for someone else.”

  “Was there a name on the card?”

  “No, just a web address.”

  The woman’s voice brightened, “In that case, it’s very much your card. This is part of a secret promotion Eden Resort is hosting prior to its official launch; I believe a few cards were distributed through random circulation."

  Smart PR move…

  Rayne could hear typing and clicking in the background. “You’re actually very lucky, Ms. Baker. I've just checked the reservation, and it seems that you have been assigned the Lotus Suite, one of the most expensive suites on the island. There’s yoga, massage and private dining included in your package, which… yes, you’re entitled to over $18,000 worth of value for a six day, seven night stay.”

  “I’m sorry, what? Did you say an $18,000 stay?”

  “Yes.” The disembodied voice was practically beaming down the phone.

  “Do I need to purchase anything for this?”

  The woman laughed, “No, not at all. It’s an exclusive invitation. A bit like what travel agents get to review resorts.”

  “So I am to review the resort in exchange for over $18,000 of value?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  Rayne sat, astounded by the opportunity that landed in her lap. “So, when do I leave?”


  Rayne massaged her temples and smacked her lips together, desperate for a steward to provide her with a glass of water. She had been hauled out of bed at 4 am and taken by private car to a private airport where she had boarded...a private plane.

  There were two other guests on the plane, though none had yet to say hello. The first she met was a man with stiff, swept back blonde hair, a gingham shirt and beige slacks. Despite the ungodly hour, he seemed preened and ready for a midday outing. The Tommy Hilfiger wannabee deemed Rayne worthy of just a small nod before staring pointedly out his window.

  Okay, not to worry--he’s just one prick.

  The second guest had arrived as Rayne was just tipping back the final contents of a fresh mimosa: a stunning woman with a magenta pixie-cut. The woman was swimming in furs, constantly peering over her sunglasses.

  It was at this point that Rayne had to admit she felt underdressed. Her ensemble of dark-washed jeans, leather boots and layers of cotton jersey stood in another world. The magenta vixen had chosen to associate with the blonde bastard behind her.

  The conversation between the two guests seemed to bubble along pleasantly enough, though they seemed to be discussing designer brands as though they were people. Then it dawned on Rayne that they actually did know the designers and they were talking about them.

  The magazine, the fashionable woman; the ease she had walking in stilettos, who was that woman who was supposed to have this card? I’ve made a grave mistake…

  Before Rayne could think of a surprise illness that would send her back home, there was an insistent tap on her shoulder. Turning, Rayne came face-to-face with the magenta pixie, a fixed smile emblazoned on her professionally made-up face.

  “Hi there, I don’t think we’ve met. My name’s Billie Toms,” she held out her hand.

  “Oh--hi, Billie. I’m Rayne Baker.”

  “You’re not of the Baker House Fashion family, are you?” Billie’s eyes widened.

  “No, I’m afraid not. I’m of the…” Rayne thought screw it “I belong to a prominent financial institute; unfortunately, my terms of agreement don’t allow me to mention the company’s name.” Where was this coming from?

  Billie nodded in understanding; Rayne had obviously passed some internal test.

  “So you’re here to review as well?”

  “You could say that. I’m sure there are some other members of my team who would like to come along with their wives and girlfriends--or both.” Rayne smiled conspiratorially.

  Billie smiled and sat back into her chair; the plane was readied for landing.


  Rayne exited the plane into a blast of warm humid air and a vague scent of coconut oil drifting across the tarmac. The plane sat on a heavy-duty runway that ended with a cluster of huge hangars. Makes sense, they would have had to maintain commutes for their construction and staff teams.

  The trio descended from the plane to be greeted by a slew of resort staff in freshly pressed linen uniforms and a tray of tropical cocktails. One by one, the guests were led to a brand new chauffeur-driven golf cart emblazoned with “Eden Resort” before they were whisked into the tropical forest that surrounded the landing strip.

  “You work in finance?” Rayne’s driver chirped. Obviously her suitcase and attire didn’t hint at any other reason why she would be invited to the resort. The driver wore a luxurious cream-colored linen shirt cut in a Chinese style over slightly darker slacks.

  “Yes, actually; how did you know?” She hoped he might reveal something of the other guests she would meet.

  “Pardon my frankness,” it seemed that English wasn’t this driver’s first language and he hesitated before continuing, “You seem very different from the other guests I have met. Is it, how they say, professional?”

  Rayne laughed and nodded, “I guess that’s the best excuse for it. I will take it as a compliment.”

  Her driver smiled and started pointing out various sites along their trip to the resort. “You may have noticed that the other guests have disappeared; they are living in a slightly different area from you. You are in the best area. Guests in cheaper accommodations a
re not given quite the same view.” On cue, they drove past a thundering waterfall that tipped river water from a height of several stories into a brimming lagoon. “They are also slightly further away from the luxury services.”

  They wound gently through the forest until the tree line parted to reveal a stunning vaulted cabin. The driver parked and hauled the suitcase off the golf cart, motioning to the doorway.

  Stepping over the threshold, Rayne was assaulted by the most magnificent views she had ever seen in her life. The entire far end of the cabin consisted of single-panel windows that reached from the hardwood floors to the vaulted ceiling two stories up. Beyond the balcony that sat outside the windows was a plummeting view of the tropical rainforest. To the left, misty mountains; straight ahead, a leafy rainforest canopy that cut sharply into the white gold sandy beach and aquamarine tropical waters; to the right, a gentle curve of similar style cabins and buildings--the continuation of the resort.

  “Wow,” Rayne stood stunned. The driver chuckled and made an attempt to explain where her amenities were before disappearing out the back door and to his golf cart.

  Everything about the cabin was supersized: the bed was a king, the bathroom had a shower you could cartwheel into, the spa was gigantic and the kitchen was better equipped than her apartment’s. Flipping idly through the amenities brochure, glossy magazine stock, how la-di-da, Rayne gathered that the cabin functioned as a complete separate entity to the resort. Guests were encouraged to hire the on-site chefs and staff rather than mingle with the ‘common people’ down in the restaurant and pool area. The room also came with a private-use golf cart, but as this was yet to be delivered (according to the booklet,) Lotus Suite guests were entitled to a courtesy driver.

  Just as Rayne began unpacking her clothes, there was a ring from her door. Rayne let in a petite, prim woman in Eden uniform. This attendant gave Rayne a quick once over before plastering what could only be a professional smile on her face. Am I going to be kicked off the island? This attendant’s glossy black ponytail and barely-there makeup made Rayne feel uneasy; she felt like, at any time, a photographer would pop out to take some in-situ shots for the staff training manual: staff evicts chubby sham guest.

  “Welcome to Eden Resort, Ms. Baker! We are so thrilled you could join us. I hope you are finding this room to your liking; is there anything you need?”

  Rayne had a quick, cursory look, “No, I don’t think so.”

  “I am so pleased to hear that, but remember, you can call housekeeping any time if you would like to make a request.”

  “Okay. I’ll keep that in mind then.”

  The attendant stood expectantly for just a moment too long—long enough for Rayne to rummage out a crumpled bill for the attendant’s tip.

  “Oh, no thank you, Ms. Baker; we don’t accept tips here. Thank you for your generosity, though. What I was going to ask, I mean, say, is that you have been invited to our beauty room for a free private session. It’s perfect timing as tonight we are hosting drinks with a pre-set dinner to welcome our newest guests.”

  “The three of us who arrived?”

  “Well, yes and no; we are also welcoming guests who arrived yesterday and the day before.”

  Rayne stood and nodded slowly, “Sorry, what time is the dinner?”

  “Seven pm.”

  “And what time is the beauty session?”

  “It’s happening right now. You would need to leave soon to be ready for dinner.”

  Rayne looked at the clock in the kitchen; it was just after lunchtime. “I’m going to be gone for hours?”

  The attendant had the conscience to look at least sheepish while she nodded, “It’s free, Ms. Baker.”

  Resigned to fate, Rayne gave a bewildered nod and followed the woman.

  Rayne had been plucked, massaged, trimmed, washed and blow-dried to a rosy pinkness before the beauticians had called it quits and trolleyed out a makeup stand worthy of a department store display. Two women had then worked on Rayne’s face, critiquing and refining their work until they both stood back and clapped. Rayne had never felt so humiliated; they’re relieved the Herculean task is over.

  Rayne was escorted back to her cabin where she had just the briefest moments to marvel at the work the beauticians had done. Losing two inches from her auburn hair and having a professional eyebrow threader at her face gave prominence to her cheekbones and illuminated her honey-colored eyes. Slipping into her favorite sapphire dress, Rayne couldn’t help but twirl before the mirror; I look like a million bucks. Stepping into a pair of mid-heeled pumps, Rayne clattered back to the doorway where her driver stood patiently; her beauticians refused to let her walk down to the party after their laborious work. The driver, the same from that morning, was taken aback by Rayne’s new appearance and ducked his head in embarrassment.

  “Good to see you again. Sorry, I didn’t get your name?” Rayne smiled as she slipped into the leather seat.

  ‘”Oh, it’s Adam, Miss. You look very lovely tonight.” Rayne failed to still her grin as the cart took off into the forest.


  The cocktail party was in full swing by the time Rayne arrived. Adam had said there were about twenty eight other guests on the island and that every night she could be sat with a different group of guests unless she asked otherwise.

  Men and women strolled and chatted amongst themselves at the party, which was hosted in the resort’s main atrium. The atrium was a vaulted common area of glass that ascended six or so stories into the forest canopy. The interior of the atrium was done in a minimalist earthy style to perhaps maximize the amazing views from above. A pond wove through areas of the atrium in a rather unique touch.

  A brimming piña colada was thrust into Rayne’s hand the moment she stepped into the atrium. Taking a sip to prevent accidental spillage, she was delighted by the deliciousness and gulped down a bit more.

  Occasionally, men and women would turn their heads to scope out their newest arrival, but it was the reappearance of Rayne’s magenta-headed co-traveler who swept her up.

  “Oh my gawd, you look amazing!” Rayne was prickled by Billie’s thick helmet of magenta as the maven went in for the double-cheek kiss. “I have to say I was convinced by your attempt to slum it into the resort; you had me, you know!”

  Rayne pursed her lips together just slightly, but decided that if she was going to play the role of a financial mogul, she might as well play along. Rayne was pulled through the crowd, careful not to spill her drink, and was led to a slightly quieter area where her other co-traveler stood nursing a rum and Coke.

  Blondie’s eyebrows shot up when Billie reintroduced Rayne, “This is the chick from the plane; who’d have guessed?”

  Blondie thrust his hand forward for a shake; Rayne gave what she would describe as an overly firm squeeze in response. “Nelson Patrick. Nice to formally meet you, Rayne.”

  Oh fuck off, you ass! “Likewise,” she smiled her HR this-is-a-formal-warning-you-idiot smile.

  The conversation drifted between Billie and Nelson with Rayne adding the special effects of “ah” and “really?” at the appropriate times. What had kept her going was the delicious cocktail in her hand. Within just a few minutes, there was a delightful buzz in her head and her muscle tension from an overly long day seemed to have melted away. Finishing her tall glass, and seeing her first legitimate reason to abandon these thieves of air, Rayne motioned that she was going back to the bar and tottered through the crowd.

  “Dear God…I think my brain has given up,” Rayne muttered to herself as she leaned against the bar.

  “Strong drink?”

  Rayne looked up to find the voice and took an involuntary intake of breath. A man of equal parts Wolverine and Patrick Dempsey was smiling back at her with genuine interest.

  “No, though it’s a good one. I picked the two worst people to meet on my first day,” she nodded her head back toward the crowd, “They were debating jacket cuts and now they are both insisting they got
the exclusive first looks at so-and-so’s next season wardrobe and are comparing very different notes.”

  The stranger laughed, giving Rayne the chance to drink in the cleft chin, gentle stubble and firm jawline. “Would you believe it hasn’t been easy for me to make friends here either?”

  Rayne raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at him.

  “It’s true--swear on my heart,” he leaned back from the bar and crossed his heart to reveal a rugged athletic build. “Seems that no one wants to befriend an advertiser,” he shrugged comically.

  A bartender dropped another piña colada in front of Rayne and waved away her purse. “Must be free tonight,” Rayne said as she took a large sip of her cocktail, thrilled at the creamy chill.

  “I’m Ben, by the way,” the handsome stranger extended a large, warm hand; this time, Rayne returned a gentle squeeze.

  It was a couple of seconds before Ben motioned to her, “And you are?”

  Rayne instantly reddened, and spluttered out a laugh; this cocktail is amazing!

  “I’m so sorry,” she coughed between gasps. “I’m Rayne, Raynebow Baker. Gee-whiz, this drink is definitely getting to my head!”

  “Raynebow?” Ben looked at her like she wasn’t telling the whole truth.

  “Yes, Raynebow. My parents had a spiritual awakening and joined some strange commune before I was conceived. Fortunately, they saw the error of their ways and we moved out, but not before they named me Raynebow. I was yet to learn the horrors of that name until I was finally let out of home schooling. You can call me Rayne.”

  Rayne was about to launch into twenty questions when the lounge music playing on the AV was muted and a voice cut across: “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here tonight. Please make your way to your assigned seats in the dining room and dinner will be served.”


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