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Grooming Kitty: A BDSM Romance

Page 3

by Kirsten McCurran

  “Hey, waitaminute!” she protested, but the couple ignored her. Mrs. Gardner stroked her hair, as if trying to calm her, while Mr. Gardner clipped the cuffs to a cord that attached to the horse at its base. He pulled the cord tight so Katherine was stretched forward. Her weight rested on the horse and her toes barely touched the floor, while her round little ass pointed into the air. Her arms were tight and the cuffs bit into her wrists, but they were padded, so it didn’t really hurt. She anticipated the forthcoming pain and regretted agreeing to any of this. What would they do if she backed out now?

  Although she couldn’t turn around to see, Katherine knew it was Mr. Gardner caressing her ass through her panties. His hand was large and strong, but not rough. He was a lawyer, not a man who worked with his hands for a living. It was shameful, but she kind of liked the way he touched her ass, like he was admiring her and wanted to make her feel good. That was a change. Boys her age were always grabbing, not caressing. Katherine gradually relaxed as he caressed her—despite her absurd position. Maybe he really didn’t want to hurt her? It could all just be an elaborate ploy to teach her a lesson. If it was, it had worked. Katherine would never go poking around other people’s things again.

  “You have to understand this is for your own good. This is only happening because of your own behavior,” Mr. Gardner said tenderly.

  “I know, sir. I’m sorry. I promise I’ll never do anything like this again.” She meant it, but put the extra emphasis into her voice for his benefit.

  “I have to ask you one more time, Katherine. You are doing this willingly, correct? You are doing it because you’ve chosen to?”

  “Yes, Mr. Gardner. I’m willingly doing this.” The truth was more complicated than that, but she had agreed to do this—to do whatever—to get herself out of trouble. She had chosen this punishment over any other that would come her way.

  “And if you want me to stop, at any time, and accept a more tradition punishment from your parents you will say the word Montana. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, I understand. Please, let’s just get this over with.” Katherine did not understand why she would name a state instead of just telling him to stop, but she had no intention of asking Mr. Gardner to stop. She was not prepared to suffer the alternative.


  His hand came down on her ass, but not too hard. The suddenness, after being so lovingly caressed jolted her and Katherine tensed. She was spanked harder than that when she was young.



  He spanked her harder each time, but still it did not hurt much. Katherine was confident she could get through this.


  “Do you remember the story of the curious cat?” Mr. Gardner asked, caressing her ass.


  “What happened to that curious kitty cat?”

  “She got in trouble.”

  “That’s right. She did not know to mind her own business and she got into deep trouble. In this case you are the kitty cat. You do not want to be in trouble, do you, Kitty?”

  “No, sir. I don’t want any trouble.” Katherine felt silly now and had to suppress a giggle.

  “That’s right, Kitty. That’s why I am teaching you this lesson, so you stay out of trouble.” He waited a moment and then spanked her once more, harder this time and she felt a tinge of pain. “Say thank you, Kitty.”

  “Thank you.”

  Swat! It was harder still this time. “I like it when you call me ‘sir.’”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” Katherine always called him sir as a sign of respect, so it just felt natural now, despite its new, darker meaning. She also realized he wasn’t calling her a kitty cat, he was calling her Kitty—like a pet name. No one ever called her that and she did not like it much. It made her feel like a little girl. Wouldn’t a Kitty be a silly little girl? She would never let anyone else get away with calling her that, but she wasn’t about to correct Mr. Gardner. Her name was actually Mary Katherine, but all her friends called her Katherine or Kath for short. She didn’t like Kathy either. She was snapped back to the present when she felt him tug her panties down her legs.

  “Wait,” she complained. Now she really was exposed and she turned deep red from shame. She was so exposed in that position and couldn’t do anything to cover herself. Her naked ass was high in the air and she pulled on the cuffs, but the cord holding them offered no give. She realized she was helpless.

  “Did you believe I would be disciplining you with your panties on? What kind of punishment is that?”


  “Silence, Kitty.”

  Swat! His hand came down much harder on her bare ass and she jumped.



  It stung and Katherine bit her lip because she did not want to cry out. She felt exploited and was becoming angry, so she was not going to give him the satisfaction of crying out. Of course she could stop this, but she was not going to do that. It was still preferable to the alternative.




  Katherine knew there was no escape, but it didn’t stop her from struggling. Tears welled up in her big, brown eyes, but he couldn’t see that.

  “You’ve been bad, haven’t you, Kitty?” Mr. Gardner asked and she heard excitement in his voice.

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry.”

  “And you’re going to be better from now on?”

  “Yes, sir. I promise.”


  He spanked her when she answered and Katherine struggled to keep an even tone. She was not going to cry out.

  “I’m only doing this for your own good, Kitty.”

  “I know, sir,” she lied. This was all for him. It had nothing to do with her.


  “Thank you, sir.” The last thing she wanted to do was thank the bastard. If her hands were free she would smack the hell out of him.

  Mr. Gardner caressed her stinging red cheeks and it was so soothing that she sighed involuntarily. His hands felt so nice when he wasn’t spanking her. Making her feel good softened her position toward him. Katherine was so full of conflicting emotions she didn’t know which end was up. She had begun to relax and didn’t pay attention as his hand strayed lower. Katherine pressed her thighs together when she realized, so he couldn’t touch her down there.

  “Do you need more punishment, Kitty?”

  She wanted to say no, but that was not the answer he was looking for. “Yes, sir.”

  “I want you to count as I spank you and then we will be done, but if you lose count I will start again.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Katherine braced herself, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth. She hoped it would be over soon.






  “Thhree.” He was spanking her harder and harder and it was so becoming impossible to keep from crying out. She concentrated on counting and tried to ignore her stinging cheeks.


  “Four!” She cried. Katherine pulled forward, pressing into the horse, but there was no escape.


  Katherine’s ass burned with pain and she could barely get her words out without screaming. She had trouble even keeping count. “Fourfivesix!” She blurted out.


  This time he struck her low on the ass, almost on her thighs and it hurt worse.


  “Does it hurt, Kitty?” Mr. Gardner asked pleasantly.

  “It’s not so bad, sir,” she replied through gritted teeth. And still, she did not even consider saying Montana.


  He smacked her ass so hard she was jolted forward into the horse.

  “Eight,” Katherine cried. She thought that one might leave a bruise and she hoped it hurt his hand. He spanked her and she counted it off and then there was one final, hard slap and sh
e practically screamed out, “Ten!”

  “Tara,” Mr. Gardner called.

  Katherine could not see what was going on, but she felt a hand on her ass and jumped. Any touch back there hurt after the punishment she’d just taken and she wanted to be left alone. But his hand was cool and moist and she realized he was rubbing lotion on her sore ass. It felt so good she sobbed and had to fight the urge to thank him. He liberally applied the lotion while massaging her cheeks and Katherine sagged against the horse.

  “You have such a sexy ass. Has anyone told you that before, Kitty?” Mr. Gardner said admiringly.

  “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” The words seemed to come so naturally. Her ex often told her how much he loved her ass. She didn’t think much of it—thought it was too small—but it was nice and round and firm and looked okay in the right pair of jeans.

  “Have a lot of guys seen your ass?”

  “No, sir.” It was strange, but her ass was so sore before that it felt incredible now that he was massaging the lotion into it. Without realizing it, she wiggled her butt for him to keep going.

  “How many boys have you been with, Kitty?”

  It was an intrusive question, but she answered. In that submissive position it just seemed normal to do as Mr. Gardner asked. Following his instructions seemed more and more normal every second. “Two, sir. I’ve only had two boyfriends.”

  “You are a good girl. My little slut here was with many men before she met me.”

  Katherine was shocked. Did he just call Mrs. Gardner a slut? Was she just going to take it?

  Mr. Gardner’s slick hand slipped down and was between Katherine’s legs before she realized it. She tried squeezing her thighs together, but his slippery hand kept pressing between them. He touched her pussy and she shuddered. She was so distracted by the pain of her spanking that she never realized how wet she’d become. He lightly stroked her lips and she moaned uncontrollably.

  “My Kitty, look how damp you’ve become. I guess you liked your punishment.”

  “I’m sorry, sir,” she whimpered without thinking. He was just barely touching her, but it felt so good. Katherine burned with shame and she felt so dirty. How could she be turned on by being humiliated like this? Being tied up and spanked was not her idea of a good time—at least, it never had been before. It was absurd, and she worried what the Gardners must think of her now.

  “You don’t need to be sorry, Kitty. Who doesn’t get aroused when touched the right way? I am glad you were able to enjoy yourself.”


  “You do not need to explain yourself, just relax. You took your punishment like a good girl and you took it very hard, too. I am impressed.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Have a look for yourself.”

  Mrs. Gardner stepped in front of her and loosened the cord and Mr. Gardner pulled her back on the horse. Mrs. Gardner had a silver framed, antique hand mirror and held it so Katherine could look behind her, where Mr. Gardner held a larger mirror. Her ass glowed cherry red and was shiny from the lotion Mr. Gardner applied. His handprint was clearly outlined several times in the red flesh and Katherine couldn’t believe she’d taken such a hard spanking. What really drew her attention, however, were her pink, swollen lips, which peeked out from between her clasped thighs. She could see how wet she was and stared in disbelief. Mr. Gardner stroked her ass while she watched. It was like she was in a some weird dream.

  “You’ve handled yourself so well I believe you deserve a reward,” Mr. Gardner told her.

  “That’s not...” Katherine began, but her words morphed into a strangled moan when he touched between her legs again. His fingers expertly stroked her lips and she was transfixed, staring into the mirror to watch Mr. Gardner molesting her. She just could not believe it was her own pussy she watched, but the pleasure pulsing through her told a different story. He peeled her sticky lips apart and Katherine jerked like she’d touched a live wire when he teased her clit. She gasped and rode the incredible feelings higher and higher as Mr. Gardner played with her. She was so sure she was going to climax, but then he stopped touching her and Katherine sobbed in frustration.

  “Don’t worry, Kitty, I won’t leave you hanging. I just want to make your first time here truly memorable. Tara, why don’t we show her your favorite way to use those pearls?”

  “I’m sure she will love it, master,” Mrs. Gardner said, laying the mirror aside. She removed the pearls from Katherine's neck and handed them back to her husband. Katherine was confused, but when she felt those pearls cascade across her ass, fear cut through her need and she tried to close her legs again. Mrs. Gardner pulled the cord in front of her tight again and Katherine was forced back over the horse with her ass in the air. Not only that, but she also felt the woman grab one of her ankles from behind and fasten a cuff around it. Katherine kicked and fought, but Mr. Gardner whacked her ass hard.

  “I thought you’d learned to behave, Kitty. You will stay still while my pet helps you,” he scolded.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I just…” Katherine stopped when he spanked her again, making her cheeks sting anew. Asking the couple to stop never entered her mind.

  Mrs. Gardner attached a cuff to her other ankle and Katherine found the padded leather cuffs were attached to a bar between them. Katherine could not bring her feet close together no matter how much she pushed. Not only that, but Mrs. Gardner pushed the bar open so the girl’s legs were spread wide apart. Katherine could only imagine the obscene view Mr. Gardner had of her now, with her legs spread apart by the bar. She strained and struggled, but she could not force her legs back together. Bound and bent over the horse, Katherine was completely helpless.

  “You’re going to hurt yourself if you keep struggling so hard,” Mr. Gardner warned. “If you relax you will find this experience far more pleasurable. Being willful only leads to further punishment, Kitty.”

  Katherine did not heed his warning. She couldn’t. This was not what she signed up for and she felt like a slut if she just gave into what he wanted, no matter how good it felt. That was what she’d been taught, that girls who just followed their pleasure were sluts. Even as Mr. Gardner touched her cunt again, strumming his fingers across her slick, swollen lips, Katherine pushed and pulled against the spreader bar and pulled on the cord holding her cuffed wrists. That word popped into her head: Montana. It was crazy, given her position, but she did truly believe that if she used that word Mr. Gardner would stop. It seemed very important to him that she not be forced to do anything against her will. But she never said that word. She gasped and went stiff for a different reason when he found her clit again. She was trying to push back at his hand as his digits danced all around her clit. It was electric every time he touched it and Katherine didn’t want him to stop. She did not realize her will to resist was eroding until it was too late.

  “You want me to play with your cunt, don’t you, Kitty?”

  “I..I…” she sobbed, clinging to that last shred of self control. And then Mr. Gardner lightly pinched her clit and Katherine cried, “Yes, sir! Please!” He rewarded her by vigorously rubbing her clit, until Katherine was sure she was going to climax, but he had a sixth sense about her body and eased back before she could finish. Katherine was moaning uncontrollably and could feel she was literally dripping back there. She had never felt anything like this in her young life.

  “You should thank the master, Kitty, he likes that,” Mrs. Gardner whispered, crouching down by Katherine's head and stroking her long, silky hair. Katherine was shocked to see the woman had stripped out of her dress and was wearing nothing beside shiny, black, spiked heels, thigh-high stockings, a tiny black thong, which concealed nothing, and a skimpy, matching bra that seemed to lift her large breasts forward, offering them up on display. Katherine thought she looked incredibly sexy and was shocked the seemingly reserved woman had that on under her dress, but then Katherine obviously had no idea who these people really were.

  “Thank you, sir,”
Katherine cried and was rewarded by his teasing her clit once again while pressing his thumb into her tight pussy, just to the first knuckle. It was tantalizing and Katherine pushed back for more, but was could not move.

  “I do enjoy your struggle, Kitty. I like seeing your passion rise to the surface. I could tell there was a passionate young woman lurking inside you, waiting to be freed,” Mr. Gardner said.

  Katherine took a deep breath and tried to compose herself when he stopped touching her, but events had progressed past that. She was going to be a mess until she got some relief and was rapidly approaching the point where she would do anything to get it. Even the thought of fucking Mr. Gardner was not out of bounds now. She was sure that’s what he was building up to and she thought it would be a relief if he just did it already. She just wanted to come!

  Feeling the pearls flowing over her sore ass like cool water felt nice and Katherine sighed, while still wiggling her ass for Mr. Gardner—hoping he would touch her between the legs again. The long strand slipped between her cheeks and she felt it tapping her inner thighs as it swayed back there. Katherine was ready to give up, deciding Mr. Gardner was having too much fun teasing her to allow her to orgasm when he swung the strand of pearls and it slapped against her splayed, swollen cunt. The tap sent a shockwave through her and Katherine gasped. He kept swinging the pearls and they landed against her pussy with more force and she couldn’t believe how good those perfectly smooth, round pearls felt tapping against her pussy.

  “I see you are beginning to understand why this is my pet’s favorite piece of jewelry. Would you like to learn what can really be done with them, Kitty?”

  “Yes, please, sir,” she gasped. In that moment, she was his.

  Mr. Gardner pulled the strand of pearls tight and slipped it between her dripping lips, pressing it into her cunt. Katherine cried out and shook, feeling so trapped by her restraints. If she thought the tapping merely felt good, then those little pearls sliding back and forth against her pussy was heaven itself. He slowly drew those pearls back and forth and every muscle in her body clenched tightly and her heavy breathing turned to sharp moans and Katherine was coming harder than she ever had before. It wasn’t like when a boy fingered her or she had sex, or even if a guy went down on her—she’d thought that was the best. But this was a different thing entirely and it made Katherine question if she’d ever really climaxed before. It was so intense she could hardly stand it and she thought her heart was going to stop. She could not catch her breath and so could not scream, even though she felt she had to. Except for her quiet, halting moans she was mostly quiet, but the handcuffs on her wrists jingled as she shook and the soft leather covering the horse creaked as she tried to fold herself around it. She had actually forgotten how uncomfortable her position was for a few, brief seconds.


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