Book Read Free

Keep Her

Page 25

by Faith Andrews

  His expression softened just the teensiest bit, but the doubt had been planted and true or not, it was still there. It was up to me to make sure that seed never sprouted into anything. Especially not the pesky ugly weed that would keep popping up when you thought it was gone for good.

  “Say something, Beck. You believe me don’t you? Don’t you know me better than that? I would never lie about something like this. I would never hurt you that way. I love you. I love this baby. Please don’t let Marissa ruin that.” Now it was me who was desperate because I didn’t see him budging any time soon.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about Griffin in the first place?” He pinched the bridge of his nose, scratching his head. This was far from over.

  “I tried. The morning after we got back together. I was going to tell you, but you told me you didn’t want to know details about what I’d done while we weren’t together. I should have told you, especially since he’s still a client, but I just—I didn’t think it mattered.”

  “You had to know this would eventually get back to me, Riles. It’s a small fucking world. People talk. I’m not sure how Marissa put two and two together, but I’m sure it wasn’t that difficult.”

  “I know exactly how she found out about us. Griffin. At our last meeting I slipped about you and me. I never wanted it to get out because I had a feeling he would go and tell Marissa. But I never imagined it would turn into this. I knew she’d be jealous, but this—her lies could have ruined everything for us. I can tell you’re still not convinced and I fucking blame those two for this. As a matter of fact, if you don’t mind, I’m about to give him a call right now and give him a piece of my—”

  Stopping me from picking up the conference room phone, he sighed. “Don’t bother. I tried myself. He’s out of the country for a job he took in Malaysia. Some big break from Time or something. I didn’t really give a shit about listening to Marissa babble about Griffin’s career. All I know is he’s unreachable.”

  Fuck! If he’d tried to contact Griffin that meant—“Does that mean you still don’t believe me? Do you… do you want me to get a paternity test to prove it?”

  It looked as though he was contemplating that very thought. Fucking Marissa had just turned my life into the Maury Povich talk show! I wanted to kill her, but my hatred for that conniving, jealous twit might land me on Jerry Springer.

  I felt so helpless. There was nothing I could say or do to make Beck believe me. The tears ran down my face, unrelenting. I felt my body weaken and I leaned against one of the chairs for support. “Everything was perfect yesterday. So beautiful… and happy and… perfect. How the hell did this happen? Why is this happening?” I clutched my middle, trying hard to protect my baby from the fears that overcame me. Loss, loneliness, defeat. But when Beck’s arms wrapped around me and brought me close to his warmth, I knew I’d made a breakthrough.

  “I believe you, Riley and I’m sorry. You just have to understand… please don’t ever lie to me again. Please don’t keep secrets. There’s no reason to. It will only hurt us in the end. Nothing but our lies can tear us apart.”

  “What do you think of this one?” Marcus was perched over a glass display of engagement rings, soliciting my advice on the proper cut, carat, and clarity.

  “Dude, she’s your girl. How am I supposed to know what she’ll like?” I came along for moral support and because my best friend had asked me to, but my heart wasn’t in this. Had this ring shopping taken place say, three days ago, I’d be gawking over the monstrous diamonds right along with him. But ever since Marissa put a snag in my trust in Riley—I hated to admit it, but things were different.

  It’s not that I didn’t believe Riley about the baby, but the fact that she’d kept from me that she dated my ex’s brother was enough to make me doubt the rest of her sincerity. I didn’t want to fuck up Marcus’s happy moment, but I needed to talk to him. He was the only person who knew Riley better than I did. Maybe he could help.

  “Hey,” I nudged him as his face nearly pressed up against the glass. “Can I ask you something about your sister?”

  Standing at attention and ignoring the impatient saleswoman, Marcus looked me up and down with a smirk. “I thought you already got the old man’s blessing? Want mine too? How proper of you to ask, bro.”

  “I’m not asking for your blessing, dick. I already know I have it. Your pops gave me your mom’s ring and told me you were okay with it. That’s the only reason I’m not draining my own savings account today for one of these.” I pointed to the showcase full of sparkle with a pit in my gut. Having Claire’s ring wasn’t the only reason I wasn’t making my own purchase today. Doubt had a lot to do with it too.

  “Okay, then, what gives?”


  Marcus’s happy demeanor switched to anger immediately. “You’re fucking kidding, right? Don’t even tell me you’re screwing around on my sister, Beck. She’s pregnant. With your baby. I’ll fucking—” His fists balled at his side, probably by instinct. And that tattoo on his neck started pulsing over his pounding vein.

  Raising my hands in defense, I motioned for him to quiet down and calm it. “No, you animal. It’s nothing like that. Actually it’s Riley I’m wondering about.”

  “How so?” His breathing calmed, but his fists were still white at the knuckles.

  I took a breath and prayed that my friend could be loyal to me instead of his blood long enough to put me at ease. “Do you think she’d lie to get what she wants? Is she like that, Marcus? I know she’s your sister and I don’t want to tread on shaky ground with you, but you were my best friend before she was my girl. I need to know that I can trust her.”

  Eyeing the saleswoman, Marcus raised a finger. “Can you give us a minute? We’ll be right back. Just gonna grab a coffee next door. Would you ladies like anything?” He offered the staff the chance to place an order, but they politely declined.

  Ushering me toward the door, he gave me the game plan. “I need a break from all the bling. And some caffeine. Let’s grab a cup of joe so you can tell me what the fuck is going on.” It was the most rational I’d ever seen Marcus in my life. Tessa had done quite a number on him. Way to go, Tess!

  After ordering two coffees and half a sub each, we took a seat on the upper level of the deli shop. Cracking his knuckles before he shoved the overflowing hero into his face, he spoke with lettuce sticking out of his mouth. “So? What did my sister do now?”

  I unwrapped my sandwich and took a bite. After chewing and swallowing like a civilized human being, I pled my case. “You remember Marissa’s brother?”

  “Griffin? Yeah, nice dude. Why?”

  “Nice dude, my ass. Seems Riley was seeing him a little while back. In between the first time she and I got together and since we made it official.”

  “No joke? He’s a good looking guy. Right up Riley’s alley. Wonder why it didn’t work out.” He continued chomping away on his food and I wanted to slap the damn sub right out of his hands.

  “It didn’t work out because we did, asshole. I thought you were over this shit. I thought you were happy for us? I am the father of your niece, you know? At least I think I am.” I trailed off, hoping he’d take the bait.

  “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” Bait taken.

  “Marissa made it like Riley was sleeping with Griffin. Riley swears it never got that far, and I believe her, I really do, but—

  “Let me guess, you’re not a hundred percent sure? Bro, Riley would never lie to you about the baby. Even if she did sleep with Griffin, she would know who the father was. I hate thinking of this shit and my sister, but she’s always been so organized and by the book. I doubt she would sleep with the two of you at the same time. That’s not her MO. And not for nothing, but what makes you think Marissa isn’t lying just to make you run back to her? She’s always been a little off her rocker, if you ask me. I wouldn’t put it past her to make something like this up.”

  He had an excellent point, but Marissa
did have some validity to her story. “That’s the thing. It’s not a total lie. Marissa saw them together. Riley didn’t deny that. And she actually kept it from me. She should have told me she was with Griffin as soon as she found out he was Marissa’s brother. If she could keep that a secret—I just don’t know, man. You know what it’s like. We’ve all told a lie or two to cover our asses.”

  Wiping the mayo from his mouth, he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes on me. “Our lies didn’t involve babies, Beck. Riley would never stoop that low. She’s a good girl. She’s the girl you told me you wanted to marry, so give her some credit and forget what Marissa told you. Marissa’s trouble. Talking to her is trouble. Past, be gone!”

  If it were only that easy. I wanted it to be, but my whole attitude about all of this was distorted now. I wished there was a way to get ahold of Griffin. I didn’t want to go behind Riley’s back to check her story, but hearing the truth from the horse’s mouth would set me at ease and make all of this go away. Things needed to go back to normal. To when I was as happy as a pig in shit because I was in love and starting a family and ready to give my all to Riley and our daughter. The slightest thought that that little girl growing inside Riley wasn’t mine—it made my stomach turn. I had to get rid of this feeling.

  “You have to do this for me, Tess. I need to talk to her. I can’t snoop through Beck’s stuff because it will only make me look worse, but you—all you have to do it check Marcus’s phone. I know he has her number in there. I need to talk to Marissa.” That bitch needed to be put in her place.

  Beck had been so distant and weird since our fight at the office the other day. We’d worked it out after I swore up and down and tried to redeem myself, but something was still off. He was still not himself. And it was all that bitch’s fault!

  “Do you really think it’s a good idea, Ry?” Tessa peered over the pile of Luca’s clean laundry with a disapproving glare.

  Oh, screw that. I didn’t need her disapproval. I needed her to help! “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “Well, for starters, you’re pregnant. You don’t need her upsetting you and stressing you out.”

  “I’m pregnant, Tess, not a piece of glass. I’ll be fine. Besides, I’m already stressed out enough over this. Talking to her will make it go away—so would pulling her fucking fake red hair out of her head, too—but I’m not about to start a cat fight, preggers and all.”

  Standing to place the tiny paired-up socks in the laundry basket, she shrugged. “You should ask Beck. Tell him you want to meet with her. Together. I think that’s the safest bet. If you go behind his back and he finds out—”

  No! No! No! Not her too! “I already asked him to do that. He said no. He doesn’t want to risk an altercation. I get it. He’s worried about the baby, but I’m worried about him. He’s not himself, Tess. She ruined that for us. She made him think I’m a liar. I need to prove her wrong.”

  I would not let her win. I’d already tried to get in touch with Griffin, but I was unsuccessful. There was no way to reach him by phone and I had no idea when he’d be back in the States. I couldn’t wait a second longer to clear this up, to make it right. It was nagging at me like a festering sore. The more I picked at it, the worse it got.

  I was innocent in all this. I couldn’t allow Beck to think for one more day that I was pulling the wool over his eyes. He said he believed me, but I wasn’t sold. I would not let Marissa ruin what Beck and I had worked so hard for. I couldn’t believe I was in this predicament all because of that jealous bitch.

  “Please, Tess? I wouldn’t beg if I wasn’t desperate. If I promise to keep it civil and under control will you please, please, pretty please get me her number?” I clasped my hands together. Luca thought I was clapping so he started his own happy commotion, distracting me and Tessa from the matter at hand.

  “Fiiiine,” she drawled out. “But none of this comes back to me or Marcus. I don’t need to start a family war. We’re all a close knit crew; siblings, BFFs, and little spawn. I don’t want to spoil the good thing we have going. Got it?”

  “Tess, this won’t spoil a thing except for that rotten witch’s plans to sabotage my relationship with Beck. You’re the best. I can’t thank you enough.”

  That night, Tessa sent me a text with Marissa’s contact.

  Tessa: Make sure you erase all evidence of where this came from. Good luck.

  Me: Love you, chica. My lips are sealed.

  Tessa: It’s not your lips I’m worried about. It’s your phone history. DELETE DELETE DELETE

  Me: K, boss.

  Tessa: Let me know what happens.

  As soon as I ended the conversation with Tessa, I dialed Marissa’s number.

  “Hello?” she answered after a few rings. I guess she wasn’t one of those to screen unknown calls. Lucky me. It made my life a lot easier.

  “Hi, Marissa. It’s your new BFF, Riley. How’s it going?” I sounded so fake it was almost comical. I wanted to call her a million different obscenities, but I could handle this with grace, if I dug down deep enough.

  “What do you want?” She growled like the beast she was.

  “It seems we have a bit of an issue. I wanted to clear it up before it got out of hand.”

  “I’m not helping you do anything, Riley. The sooner you realize it’s not going to last with you and Beck, the better for both of us.” Snarky witch. I’d show her, but first… more Grayson gracefulness.

  “Is that what you really think? Listen, Marissa. I’m truly sorry if you’re hurt or upset over losing Beck, but just so you know, the two of us didn’t start anything up until you were out of the picture.”

  “Just so you know, I was never out of the picture. Did Beck tell you that he was at my place two weeks ago, on Saturday?”

  She couldn’t be telling the truth. How could she be? And if she was—I did the mental math in my head, calculating that the night she was talking about was the night I was attacked by Zack. “More lies, Marissa? Is that how this is gonna go? Beck was with Ramos that night, helping him put together the furniture for the nursery.”

  “Sure, he was there—before he came here. I invited him over to watch the playoff game with me and Griffin. He came by for a few hours. We had a nice time.” I could hear her smirk through the phone. I couldn’t confirm or deny what she was saying until I spoke to Beck. I wasn’t going to take her word over his. She was no one to me. I’d give him the benefit of the doubt and the chance to tell me otherwise before I thought the worst.

  “You know what, Marissa? Nothing you say holds any validity with me or Beck anymore. If you could lie to him about our baby just to get him to come back to you, I don’t even want to know what else you’re capable of. I called you to tell you to back off. Your plan failed. I still have Beck. He still loves me. I’ll be the one sleeping in his bed tonight. So you can cut the shit and leave us alone. And as soon as your brother gets home from his trip, I’ll be having a chat with him and Beck so he can tell him right to his face what a liar you are.” It was as if I’d said it all in one breath. I sucked in the air through my nose to fill my lungs again. It felt good to get it off my chest.

  But her obnoxious, villain-like laugh knocked me back down to size.

  “You have no idea what—or who—you’re messing with, Grayson. If I tell Griffin to lie about sleeping with you… he will. He’ll do anything for me. Always has. All I have to do is say the word and he’ll tell Beck whatever I tell him to say.”

  “You piece of shit!” Grace was officially gone. This was absurd. Unheard of. It was practically criminal. Why hadn’t I recorded this phone conversation? Why? Because who knew I was dealing with a mental case? There was no reasoning with her and no use wasting my breath or my time trying to do so. So instead, I just told her where to go. “Marissa. Leave. Us. Alone. Get your own life and fuck off.”

  “Good night, Riley. I’m sure I’ll be hearing from you again.”

  I hung up the phone so irritated and flustered I had to pace
my angora rug in the living room in order to get my heart rate back to normal. This was why Tessa didn’t want me talking to Marissa. This was why Beck told me no when I asked to meet with her. Feeling this way wasn’t good for me, and what wasn’t good for me wasn’t good for my baby.

  Feeling guilty for putting my baby in harm and going against Beck’s wishes, I picked up the phone and dialed my boyfriend.

  “Hey, sweet thing. What’s up?”

  “Please come here. I don’t feel right. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, but… I spoke to Marissa and it’s my turn to ask the questions now.”

  I was trained to deal with shit like this. I was qualified to handle stressful situations and remain composed while doing so. But hearing that something might be wrong with Riley or the baby—I could barely see straight, let alone keep my nerves calm.

  There was nothing like this fear—an uncontrollable, all-consuming terror that something could go wrong and nothing I did would prevent it. Wishing I was on the rig so I could switch on the sirens and run every red light, I prayed my girls were okay.

  I sped through the city, dodging the turtle fucking drivers as I weaved my way through the unexplainable evening traffic. By the time I made it to Riley’s, a cold sweat soaked though my V-neck. In my haste to get to her, I forgot to grab a jacket so the cool fall air brought a shiver down my spine as I ran up the steps to her front door. I’d double parked on the narrow street and the possibility of a ticket or a tow was pretty great, but I didn’t give a fuck. I needed to get to Riley and make sure she was okay.

  “Riles, open the door.” I banged on the wood as I pressed the doorbell down. “Baby, hurry. You’re freaking me out.”


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