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Keep Her

Page 28

by Faith Andrews

  “You don’t believe me? How can you not believe me?” She whimpered, staring into her brother’s eyes.

  “Because you’ve taken it too far this time. He hasn’t done anything wrong. Falling in love with someone else isn’t a crime, honey.” He leaned down to her level and whispered something that sounded like, “You need help. I’ll help you.”

  “Griffin!” Her mother’s stone-cold eyes went wide. She didn’t need to say anymore. It was obvious she was mortified that Griffin was airing their family’s dirty laundry.

  Marissa’s face dropped as she lost all color in her usually rosy cheeks. “You can’t be serious. Why would you defend him? Do you know how he’s hurt me?”

  Turning to face his sister with his hands planted on her arms, he spoke in a calm, soothing tone. “You’re hurting and you’re used to getting your way, but we both know Beck isn’t capable of what you’re accusing him of. I spoke to the cop who made the arrest—there wasn’t a trace of alcohol. He passed the Breathalyzer. The stories don’t match up and I’m not gonna sit back and let you ruin his life—or hers.” He pointed to me over his shoulder. “They’re good people. They don’t deserve this.”

  Oh my God! Finally! Someone finally had enough sense to tell the damn truth.

  “I hate you,” Marissa whispered, like she was a bratty child who hadn’t gotten her way.

  Griffin kissed his sister on the top of her head. “No, you don’t. And you don’t hate him either. There are no charges to bring up and no restraining orders to file. Let’s just go home.”

  “Can I fucking get out of these now?” Beck yelled, raising his arms above his head.

  Griffin motioned to one of the officers. “Larry, uncuff him.”

  “Larry?” I asked, being nosy. “You’re on a first name basis?

  “Another friend. I told you I have a lot of them.” He flashed his dimple, reminding me of all the good qualities he possessed—and not just in the looks department.

  Larry ambled over to Beck, dangling a set of noisy keys. Marissa cried into her parents’ embrace, looking more pathetic than ever. One of the police officers went over to them and then quickly walked off when her father shooed him away.

  Marcus and Tessa stepped back, watching the show seemingly astonished by the events that had unfolded.

  Beck walked over to join me and Griffin, grabbing my hand and kissing me on the cheek. “I’m sorry, babe. I am so sorry it came to this. I should’ve never doubted you.”

  “But you did doubt me, B.” It still hurt. How could he think I would lie about the baby? I turned to Griffin, hoping he could finally rest this case.

  “Can you please tell him?” I asked.

  “Tell him what?” Griffin looked confused.

  “Your sister told Beck the baby was yours.”

  “She what?” See… he hadn’t even known. I knew he was a good guy! He had no reason to hate me the way Marissa made me think he did.

  Beck jumped in, “Griffin, you’re telling me you didn’t know she was spreading this shit around? You had no part in this, no evil plot against me and Riley because she called things off with you?”

  “No! Why would I? Riley, I liked you… a lot. But I have no animosity toward you for any of this. And Beck, not to get all up close and personal, but I barely even kissed her once. We never got far enough to… let’s just say, there’s not a chance that baby could be mine.” I respected him for his choice of words. Beck must’ve too because a smile spread across his face.

  “Oh my god, Riles. I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you. I feel like such an asshole.”

  “You always were a bit of a jerk,” Griffin joked.

  “Very funny, bro.” He punched Griffin in the arm. “Thank you for clearing this all up. I owe you, man. And you—” he turned to me. “I love you. I love you so damn much.”

  “I love you too, B. I guess we were both duped. I’m just happy it’s all over.” I inched up on my toes to kiss my boyfriend on the mouth.

  Griffin cleared his throat and I worried I’d made things uncomfortable. Still grasping Beck’s hand, I turned to Griffin. “Is this a recurring theme with her?” I finally asked, darting looks between the two men.

  They shared a knowing glance. Beck shrugged and then Griffin spoke. “Let’s just say we’ve been down this road before. Sometimes certain things set her off. When she was with Beck, things were under control—we didn’t really have to worry, but she has a bit of a compulsion. It’s a weakness we’ve unfortunately fed into to cover up for her, but I couldn’t let her get away with it this time.” Griffin raised a brow at Beck. “No offense, Beck, but I did it for her. I love my sister—we both know that—but Riley’s a great girl. She deserves happiness. I guess you’re her happiness.” Griffin’s eyes never left mine as he said it. His forlorn expression tugged at my heart, but his compassion brought an uncontrollable smile to my face.

  “Thank you so much, Griffin.” I beamed. He truly was a godsend today.

  “Yeah, man. I can’t thank you enough. I had no idea she would fly off the handle like that. She’s under a lot of pressure from your folks, but this was a new level of… out there. I’m sorry if it seems like I did wrong by her, but I assure you, I didn’t. We were broken up before Riley and I became serious. We were stupid in telling our own lies to keep things secret, but now—I’m just glad this shit is all over.”

  “Glad I could help.” Griffin nodded, this time only half the dimple showed. “Let me get back to my family. I’m truly sorry for any confusion.”

  “We’re good.” Beck fist bumped Griffin and it was like the world had returned to its normal state.

  As Griffin walked away to escort the rest of the Dennisons from the precinct, my brother and my best friend came to meet us.

  “The truth shall set you free, brother.” Marcus joked, punching Beck in the arm.

  Beck rolled his eyes and I slapped Marcus’s brawny arm.

  “What? Too soon?”

  One day we’d be able to laugh about this—maybe. But for right now, I wanted to shelve this night along with the rest of the nights from my past that I wished I could erase from my memory for good.

  As Marcus and Tessa walked ahead, Beck stopped me and spun me around to face him. “Do you know how worried I was when I saw you walk through those doors? I never want to feel that helpless again. I’m supposed to be your protector.” He cupped my face, placing his other hand on my belly. “Yours and hers. You’re my life, Riles. The both of you.”

  I smiled, trying to hold back the tears—both happy and sad—but it was impossible. The moment was too intense to fight the urge to let it all out. “You don’t think I felt helpless… useless… watching you in those cuffs, listening to her weave her lies and have people believe them? I wanted to punch her in the face so bad, B. But it’s over. I want to go home and never think of this shit again because the past is the past and I only want to think about our future.”

  “I couldn’t have said it better myself, baby. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Like you have no idea.”

  He kissed me on the tip of my nose and I snuggled against him, wiping away the last of my tears against his T-shirt.

  We caught up to Marcus and Tessa and the four of us walked arm-in-arm, like two matches made in heaven. Together we could probably weave a pretty gritty and interesting tell-all fit for a Lifetime network special. I’d recommend them calling it Fifty Shades of Grayson.

  The somber mood was already passing, but in an attempt to lighten the mood, I asked, “You think she’ll leave us alone now, B? Or do I have to worry she’ll be a forever-stalker?”

  Hooking an arm around my waist and kissing the spot below my ear, he reassured me, “I think we’re good. We have Griffin in our corner and we both know not to believe her lies anymore. Consider it a thing of the past.”

  I wanted to. I wanted to be the bigger person too, but I couldn’t resist the urge to belt out the way I really felt—with a JT song, of course. �
�You know what? Karma’s a bitch so I really hope what goes around, goes around, goes around, comes all the way back around.”

  Beck laughed, surprising me with a different verse of his own. “Bridges were burned, and now it’s her turn to cry… cry me a river.”

  It didn’t matter that he sounded nothing like Justin. It didn’t matter that I had no idea how he’d learned so many lyrics by a singer he supposedly didn’t care for. All that mattered was that everything turned out the way it was meant to be.

  Go freaking figure. Beck and I… meant to be!

  My mother would be proud of me for ending up with him. And I was ecstatic that he was someone she’d known. It solved a dilemma I’d always feared would hang over my head—would my mother approve of the man I chose to spend my life with? If I hadn’t fallen in love with my brother’s best friend, this was something I would never know. But holding Beck’s hand and imagining our future together—I somehow sensed I had her approval.

  “Get your ass over here, sweet thing,” Beck growled as he lunged for me across the king-sized hotel bed.

  “Do you ever get enough?” It had only been six hours since we’d fallen asleep naked from our last round of fun.

  “I’m taking advantage… this is our first weekend alone since Claire was born and I want a piece of that ass.” He pinched the flesh that felt flabby since the birth of our daughter, but Beck wasn’t complaining about the extra junk in the trunk. If anything, that junk was a magnet to him.

  Squealing when his tongue made contact with my thigh, I bucked off the bed. “She’s in good hands with her aunt and uncle and I’m sure she’s having a blast with Luca—but I kinda miss her, B.”

  “I miss her too,” he admitted, but I didn’t believe his words. His actions spoke louder: his hands roamed my skin and his lips. They were pretty close to distracting me from missing my eighteen-month-old too. “But she has no idea we’re gone. This is good for all of us, baby. I’ve missed this.”

  There was no denying our wild and crazy sex life had come to a halt midway through my pregnancy because of a scare with early labor. And once Claire was born—the bitch known as colic, an acid reflux disease called GERD (that inspired the nickname Gerdy from her uncle Marcus), and sleep patterns that could make any first time mother tie her tubes—yeah, I was lucky I remembered what the hell sex was.

  “You know what, B? You’re right. Let’s screw like bunnies until we have to go home. I want your hands all over me, your tongue inside me, your lips tasting me, and that long, thick, pulsating co—”

  “Okay, okay, shut up and let me fuck you already. I love your dirty talk, but I love your pussy more.”

  The two of us laughed as we tangled our limbs together, grinding our hips and kissing sloppily. I always hungered for him, always craved his touch, and lived for him to love me. It was our happily ever after.

  The day he proposed to me—New Year’s Eve in front of a just-wed Marcus and my sister-in-law, Tessa; with my father clutching his heart and nodding his approval; with my mother’s ring as if it were her gift to the both of us—was the happiest day of my life. I’d like to be that perfect mother who says that the birth of her child was the best day of her life, but the freaking truth was… that day was not one ounce of fun. It was painful and scary, but I could still call it the third happiest day of my life. Because the second happiest was the day I married Beck.

  We waited until after Claire was born so I could enjoy our special day and not have to worry about looking like an elephant in white or be unable to sip a glass of champagne. We chose the lake house as our venue and turned the adjoining dock into any bride’s magical dream come true. The guest list was small—the few close relatives we had, Fallon and the boys from Beck’s firehouse. Oh, and Griffin. He’d become a true friend, no awkwardness about our short-lived past. He was a good guy—who needed to find his own good girl.

  All in all the day was surreal, a fairytale beginning to what was sure to be a lifetime of happiness—crazy and all. We’d always have ups and downs. It was inevitable that we’d want to wring each other’s necks from time to time, but regardless of our rocky start, there was nothing but good things ahead.

  And right now Beck’s intention seemed to include giving Claire a little brother or sister.

  “Dude, slow down a second. I don’t want any of those swimmers making their way up.” His eagerness was a turn on, but the idea of getting pregnant again so soon—not so much.

  “Slow down? You’re always begging me to go faster and harder.” He thrust inside of me, causing me to moan.

  Forgetting any concerns, I urged him to continue. “Oh, baby. Always harder. I love it!”

  “And I love you,” he groaned, pulling my hair and burying himself deeper. Breathless, he asked, “Can I tell you something?”

  “Now?” We didn’t usually converse during our lovemaking. We were often panting and grunting with no room for words.

  “When I was younger and you were in college—about the time Marcus started crushing on Tessa—”

  “B, why are we talking about my brother while we’re having sex?” It didn’t stop me from grabbing his ass and pulling him closer while I wrapped my legs around his muscled back… but still, ew!

  Kissing his way up from my chest to my neck, he laughed. “There’s a point.”


  “I always wanted this. From the time I knew that a dick was good for more than just peeing.”

  “Wow, what a way with words.”

  “I’m serious, Riles. I think no matter what stood in our way—age, siblings, other lovers—I was determined to make you mine. I always knew I loved you.”

  I wanted to be able to say the same, but it would be a lie. And we’d vowed to never go down that road again. “I think that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard while being fucked to oblivion.”

  Staring into my eyes and rocking his hips with mine, Beck smiled. “I’m so glad we had to share that cab that night.”

  “Hey, I guess we do have Marcus to thank for this after all.”

  “Okay, no more Marcus talk. You’re right. It’s creepy.”

  Pulling his mouth down to mine, I lost myself in my husband’s embrace, forgetting about who or what brought us together. “Make love to me, Beckster.”

  He laughed against my mouth and then swatted my rear as he continued to rock my world the way he had from the very start.

  Keep reading for a preview of

  I’d like to do this without adding a hundred more pages to the back of this book, so I won’t drone on and on. But every single mention included here is because you helped this story come to fruition in some way or another. Gratitude like that cannot go unmentioned. So even if I don’t spell it out with some long winded ‘thank you,’ I can’t express how much it means to me that you’ve been a part of all this craziness.

  First and foremost, Keep Her would never have made it to the page had it not been for three of the most incredible betas on the planet. Ruthie, Tracey, and Trish; I thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting your hearts, brains, tears, guts, emotions (you name it) into this story. Your opinions matter to me, especially when it comes to my characters, but even in my personal life. This baby is as much yours as it is mine—you breathed it for the eight weeks it took me to create it and I thank you for spending so much time with me to get it right. You each connected with Riley, Beck, Griffin, Marissa and especially me throughout this process and I can’t thank you enough for all of your eagerness, devotion, and hard work.

  To my husband and my kids. Without going in depth, I couldn’t have done this without you. A lot—and I mean A LOT—has changed in our lives, but one thing remains; the three of you (okay, Rocco counts too… so the four of you) are my heart and soul, always and forever. Don’t ever forget it. You will never stop being my #1 priority, I love you.

  To all my friends and family for your unending support. Thank you for being proud of me, for understanding a missed playdate or
birthday party, but mostly for being a part of my life. There are too many of you to name, but you know who you are—parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews, in-laws, childhood friends, high school and college friends, new friends, Mommy friends, Facebook friends, author friends, blogger friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. I love you all.

  To my indie chicks group—especially Elisabeth Grace, Livia Jamerlan, Celeste Grande, Ruthie Henrick, BA Wolfe, Eleanor Green, Niecey Roy, Gia Riley, Riley J. Ford, RE Hunter, Corinne Michaels, Ana Zaun, Mia Kayla, Michelle Lynn—girls, I have no words, and words are our lives. I don’t know what I would do without you. Any of you. You are incredible friends, even though I’ve never actually met some of you, but our bond, connection, sisterhood is just untouchable. And the talent—I can’t even go there. You all inspire me in different ways and I am ridiculously proud to be a fraction of our whole of strong, independent, kick-ass women! FYW! Indie Chicks Rock!

  To all the blogs who have helped me make my name. You’re all so selflessly incredible and if it weren’t for your pimping, your encouragement, your willingness to help us indies out—we’d be unknowns, lost in a huge sea of amazing authors. I hope I name you all but in case I slip up and forget, please don’t take it personally—I love you all, big and small, especially Schmexy Girl Book Blog, True Story Book Blog, A Book Whore’s Obsession, K&T Book Reviews, Three Girls and A Book Obsession, Three Chicks and Their Books, BestSellers & BestStellars of Romance, Carver’s Book Cravings, Panty Dropping Book Blog, Totally Booked, The SUBClubbooks, Lives & Breathes Book Blog, The Book Bellas, Read and Share Book Reviews, Devoured Words, The Book Vamps, For the Love of Books by Jaime, Sassy Savvy Fabulous, and many more.

  To a few people that I want to single out—for good reason. Jen, I freaking love you too much for words. Tracey, hello friend, my days would be boring without you and our all day PM bitching fests. You are a true gem of a friend, I trust you with my life and I love that I have you in my life. Amy, I hate that you had to move even FURTHER, but I am so happy for all the good things that have happened for you this year and I love your face. Jennifer S, thank you for being so kind and easy to talk to. I am blessed to have met you. Lisa of Truly Schmexy Promotions for being the best at this gig. I love our chats and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me. Christina Hernandez (Christina Leigh Designs)—you are a trip, girl, and a talented one at that. I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work on the branding. Have I told you lately how much I love it? Angela Smith, I still think you’re actually God. Thank you for too many things to list, but mostly for taking a chance on me. The future holds many long convos and a girls’ weekend in NYC—promise!


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