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The Winter People

Page 20

by Rebekah L. Purdy

  Battling dragons…learning true names…yada, yada, yada.

  The authors were either on drugs or horny as hell. Seriously, every curse could be cured by a little making out and true love. But, Nevin didn’t kiss me when he’d had the chance, and love wasn’t on the radar for either of us. So why did he think I had a chance of breaking the curse?

  Mom was just getting in when I came down for breakfast the next morning. My brows raised when I noticed the pink splotches painting her cheeks.

  “I take it you had fun?” I snorted.

  “Don’t talk so loud.” She moved to the kitchen, pulled out a bottle of aspirin, and then poured a cup of water. “I never should’ve stayed out so late. I’m sorry.”

  My smart-ass remark was lost on my lips as the phone rang.

  Mom cringed. “Make it stop.”

  “Mom, not to sound like a parent or whatever, but maybe you shouldn’t have drunk so much.”

  She muttered something like, “In hindsight, you’re probably right…” And collapsed on the couch, her coat still on.

  “Hey.” I picked the receiver up.

  “Good, you’re up.” Kadie’s voice was way too chipper this early in the morning.

  “So it would appear.”

  “Okay, so my parents are taking us up to that indoor water park, Waterfall Lodge, for the weekend. They said I can invite someone. You have to go with me. Otherwise I’ll be stuck with the dweeb twins.”

  Aw crap. I didn’t want to go anywhere, not after everything that had happened. “Well, I’d love to, but I can’t get my sling and stitches wet.” Thank God for broken arms.

  Kadie harrumphed. “Come on, that’s a shitty excuse and you know it. There will be arcades, pools, scantily clad men in wet swim trunks. Besides, we barely hang out.”

  Great, she was pulling out the big friendship guns.

  “But I’ll be a total bummer.”

  “No you won’t. You can slink around in your bikini and soak your feet in the pool. Or just watch all the eye candy swim by. Come on, an indoor water park, in the winter. It’ll be fun.”

  Defeated, I exhaled with a hiss. “Hold on, let me ask my mom.”

  “Yes, to whatever you want.” She held up her hand before I could even speak. “No talking. Just do whatever.”

  “Great, then you won’t mind that I just got invited to a huge orgy in California.”

  She glared through narrowed slits. “Ha-ha. Tell Kadie I said you can go with her.”

  Right, she chose to not be a good parent, when I needed her the most. A big fat “no” would’ve been okay.

  “What about my arm? Not sure if it’ll hold up at the Waterfall Lodge.”

  Mom raised her finger to her lips and gave me a loud shush. “Go, have fun.”

  “She said I can go.” I sounded about as excited as kid getting a shot.

  “Sweet, we’ll be there in about two hours. Bring your blue bikini.”

  After she hung up, I trudged past the traitorous woman I called mother and went to pack. My duffle bag filled up fast and my stomach knotted as I thought about the long car ride. What if something attacked us?

  Maybe going wasn’t such a good idea. I didn’t want to be responsible for anyone else getting hurt.

  But I’d be far away from here—away from her.

  And so with that logic I finished packing then went to wait in the kitchen for Kadie. Mom had gone to bed, so I left her a note saying I loved her and would see her in a couple of days.

  Three hours later, Kadie’s dad parked in front of a humongous rustic lodge with aged logs, a high beamed entrance, and curving stone walkways. A huge sign indicated we’d reached the Waterfall Lodge, home to the Twisting Toilet Bowl water slide.

  And if that didn’t make me want to jump in, I didn’t know what would. I mean come on, giant toilet—probably had turd brown tubes, too.

  “We got adjoining rooms so you girls can have some privacy.” Mrs. Byler handed us our room keys. “Make sure you check in with us every few hours so we know you’re okay.”

  A very happy Kadie said, “We are so going to have a blast. There are so many guys here. Maybe we can find you a replacement for Colton.”

  Yeah, like I needed any more help in that arena. I already had too many.

  I dropped my bag onto the bed, which was covered with purple and blue spotted comforters and giant, black suede pillows. “I’m not sure I need one.”

  “Whoa, what’s going on?”

  I chewed absently at my fingernails, not sure I wanted to say anything. But I needed to talk to someone. So I went on to explain Nevin and Colton being cousins and them both showing up at my house.

  “Oh my gosh, seriously? And neither one bothered to tell you?” Kadie shook her head, tossing her dark hair over her shoulder. “So who are you going to choose?”

  I groaned. “Neither of them.”

  She nodded her approval, whipping her clothes off and tossing them on top of the dresser. The girl had no qualms about undressing in front of people, that was for sure. But with a body like hers, she had no reason to worry. All legs, tanned skin, perfect boobs.

  Several minutes later, I had on my electric blue bikini, complete with a big ass white sling. I readjusted my top, the amount of cleavage visible made me blush.

  “The guys are going to drool.” Kadie winked, handing me my towel.

  We headed down to the indoor water park and arcade. The scent of chlorine and coconut hit me as soon as the doors opened. Not sure why people were wearing suntan lotion; there was no flipping sun.

  Kids rushed around in floaties and life jackets, splashing into pools, while parents screamed for them to slow down. Lifeguards stood like stoic statues with whistles pressed to their lips. The male ones wore tight white shirts with big red crosses on them and red swim trunks, while the females donned red one-piece bathing suits.

  It seemed like bleached blond hair and tanned skin was a part of their uniforms. Their eyes were on a constant scan of the sloshing blue water.

  I opted for the snack bar while Katie swam with two guys. Ice tea in hand, I stood under the fake palm trees scanning the twisting water slides. There, standing across the way, was one of the last people I thought I’d ever see at a water park.


  His golden hair was pulled back into a ponytail, strands stuck to his damp face. Let me just say that he was holy-helluh ripped, standing there in his Hawaiian board shorts, with a six-pack worthy of a photo shoot. Not to mention the tattoos that spiraled up his arms. And he stared right at me.

  I gave him a non-committal wave and he sauntered toward me.

  “Okay, are you like stalking me now?” I glanced back at Kadie, who did a perfect dive off the board.

  He chuckled. “My family comes up here every year for Christmas. We stay the whole week.”

  “Oh, sorry.” I dragged my bare foot over the wet cement, where small puddles had formed from kids’ constant splashing.

  “I thought you were supposed to stay home—out of trouble.” Gareth gave me a meaningful glance.

  “Her family invited me along.” With a sigh, I nodded to Kadie, who was coming our way, the two guys she’d been hanging out with, trailing after her. “And my mom practically shoved me out the door.”

  Kadie grinned, looking back and forth between Gareth and me. “Anything I should know about?”

  Good God, the football-player-type guys she’d brought over acted like they were watching porn or something, the way they eyed the two of us.

  Gareth shrugged. “Nope, we’re just talking.”

  “Good, then you won’t mind if I steal her away.” Kadie turned to him, batting her eyelashes. “Zac and Jeremy invited us to play pool with them.”

  “Maybe I’ll tag along.” Gareth’s arms crossed at his chest.

  Kadie pouted. “Then we’ll have an uneven number.”

  Oh crap, she was trying to play matchmaker again. And these boys seemed a bit too eager. Zac grinned, scooting close
r to Kadie. Frowning, I raised my good arm to cover my chest as Jeremy’s eyes zoomed in on my boobs. Kadie sure knew how to pick ‘em.

  Gareth suddenly had a towel in hand that he draped over my shoulders. I fought to keep from laughing when Jeremy’s face and ears went red.

  “It’s fine if he comes along,” I said. “He can play for me.” I held up my arm as a reminder that I wouldn’t be playing pool.

  “Okay, more for me then.” Kadie giggled, dragging me after her. As they racked up the balls, she leaned in to whisper, “Okay, spill. Are you and Gareth hooking up?”

  I gaped. “What? No.” I glanced over to see him leaning against the wall, a smile tugging at his lips.

  He seemed to be enjoying this too much. My face burned. I wondered what he was really doing here. His showing up was a bit too coincidental. I swallowed hard. Shit. Did he think something might happen up here at the water park? I mean, normally when he showed up it was because something bad happened or was about to. My gaze fanned out over the park. I watched the water sloshing back and forth in the pool, searching for any signs of the creature’s face. What if it tried to drown me or Kadie or one of her brothers?

  She interrupted my thoughts. “I say go for it.” Kadie waggled her eyebrows up and down.

  “It’s not like that.”

  “But it could be. Live a little Salome, you might actually like it.”

  With a groan, I watched her sandwich herself between Zac and Jeremy. “And now you see why Simeon didn’t hook up with her.” Gareth slid into a chair beside mine. “She’s too casual with herself.”

  That was putting it mildly. I snorted. “I didn’t think guys were picky.”

  He grinned. “You’d be surprised.”

  “Really and what do you, Gareth Summer, want in a girl?” I turned my hooded eyes in his direction.

  He leaned closer, until his lips were next to my ear. “Someone sweet. Sincere. Beautiful. A girl who isn’t afraid to be herself. Someone who will love me unconditionally.”

  The warmth from his breath sent chills across my skin. “Does this girl exist?”

  “Maybe.” We stared at one another for long moments, making me all too aware of his closeness.

  My heart catapulted against my rib cage, when he shifted away, his hand grazing my arm. “So, how would you like to watch me kick some ass in pool?”

  I laughed. “Sure. But only if you win a game for me.”

  “For you?”

  “Yeah—I mean you are taking my place at the table.”

  “How about I win all of them for you?” He smiled.

  “Now you’re being cocky.”

  “Watch and see.”

  For the next couple of hours I witnessed far too much PDA from the “Kadie Sandwich.” I also learned Gareth never lost a game of pool. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he was a pool shark the way he swindled unsuspecting kids out of their money.

  “Dad says it’s time to go up to our rooms.” Kadie’s brother Casey came into the arcade, goggles hanging around his neck.

  “Be right there.” She turned to her newest victims. “Until later.” She raised a finger, touching them each on the cheek.

  I shook my head in disbelief, grabbing my towel as I came up from the chair.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Gareth called over his shoulder.

  “Yeah, see ya.” I could hardly believe he wanted to hang out with me, with all the beautiful girls here.

  After room service pizza and pops, we plopped down on our beds, surfing through the cable channels for anything not news or sport related.

  “Jeremy and Zac invited me down to the arcade tonight.” She flipped off the bedside lamp.

  “You barely know them. Are you really going to go?”

  “Yes, it’s the whole not knowing them that makes it more fun. I’ll be some hot girl they tell their buddies back home about.”

  “Kadie, you can’t be serious. I mean don’t you want to—you know wait for the right guy?”

  She laughed her sexy, husky laugh. “We’re only young once. We gotta flaunt it while we got it. Besides, it’ll be fun.”

  Sometimes it was hard to believe she and I were best friends.

  “It’s just the arcade though, right?”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  But before she could go anywhere, there was a knock on our door. “Hey Kadie,” her dad poked his head in. “Listen, we need you to watch the twins for a little bit. Your mom and I wanted to head down for the adult swim.”

  Under the warm glow of the television, I saw her roll her eyes. “C’mon Dad, seriously?”

  “Your mom and I hardly get time to ourselves. Besides, you’ll have all day tomorrow to hang out at the pool.”

  She sighed. “Fine. But you owe me.”

  “Thank you. I promise, we won’t be gone too long. The boys are already in bed so you can watch a movie or something.”

  After he walked out of the room, Kadie groaned. “I swear, they ruin everything. What am I supposed to tell the guys tomorrow?”

  “The truth. That your parents stuck you with your brothers.” And if I was being honest, I was glad they had. “Do you want me to come over with you?”

  “No. It’s fine.” She grabbed a magazine from the table and went over to her parents’ room.

  When she was gone I turned off the TV. For a while, I just laid there staring off into the dark. My gaze focused on the balcony doors, right as a shadow sifted past. I went still. Holding my breath, I noticed other silhouettes dancing behind my curtains.

  Scrape—scratch. Something sounded against the glass slider. Like claws trying to tear their way in. Sweat beaded on my brow. My heartbeat deafened me. With my head buried beneath my blankets, I gulped in a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut.

  None of this was real. I was on the fourth floor of a hotel—nothing was going to get me.

  Then came a loud knock against the window. Through a crack in the blankets, I peeked out. My mouth went dry; I couldn’t swallow, or breathe.

  The glass door slid open. Curtains billowed when a gust of wind tore at them as if to rip them from the rod. Something slithered across the floor, moving toward my bed. Long finger-like digits tugged my blanket. A screech lodged in my throat.

  My room door crashed open and light from the hallway poured in. Gareth rushed forward, blade in hand.

  He slashed at the root fingers and a fearsome shriek filled the room, like he’d injured whatever was in the shadows.

  When I kicked off my blankets to dive across the room Gareth shouted, “Get down.” He landed on top of me, his body covering mine like a shield. The glass door and windows shattered, blowing inward like someone had set off a bomb.

  This time I screeched, good hand clutching tight to Gareth’s waist.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered. “Just stay still.”

  Then the door between our room and Kadie’s parents’ suite burst open, lights flicking on.

  Oh shit!

  Mr. Byler took one look at Gareth on top of me and his face went red with fury.

  “Wait, it’s not what you think.”

  Right. Gareth on top of me, nightie shoved up to my waist, blankets on the floor. Yeah, this couldn’t look good.

  “We’re calling your—” Then Kadie waltzed into the room, Zac on her arm. Where the hell had she snuck off to?

  And I’ll take a double scoop of oh shit.

  “What in God’s name is going on here?” he demanded

  And the shit was hitting the fan.

  “I—I don’t know,” I said. Which was true.

  “Just stay quiet,” Gareth whispered, climbing off me. He helped me sit up then stared at the broken window. “Watch out for the glass.” He acted oblivious to Kadie’s dad.

  “So was this your plan all along. To invite your friend along so you could both sneak boys into the room?”

  I spotted Kadie’s mom coming to stand in the doorway. “What’s going on?”

��Nothing Rose, just go back to bed. And you” —he pointed at Zac whose eyes had widened to the size of saucers— “are going to get the hell out of this room, do you hear?” Mr. Byler grabbed Kadie’s arm and marched her into his room, but before he got all the way out he turned back to me. “Don’t you dare move. You and Kadie have got some explaining to do.”

  When he left the room, I spun around to face Gareth. “Okay, how in the heck did you know that thing was coming after me?”

  “I saw it from outside.” He glanced at me then sat back down.

  “Are you like my bodyguard or something?”

  He chuckled and I followed his gaze to the tree limb and puddle of blood soaking into the carpet. How in the world did a tree bleed?

  “You could say that. It makes four times I’ve saved your life. You owe me.”

  “I didn’t ask you to.”

  Gareth picked a piece of glass from my hair. “I have my orders.”

  Okay, what did that mean?

  “H—how did that thing get all the way out here? I mean, I’m nowhere near my house.”

  “It can use travel circles to get from one place to another. It’s not confined. You have a safe zone where she can’t touch you.”

  “My grandma’s?”

  He nodded, but didn’t say anything else.

  I covered my face with my hand and groaned. “You do realize I’m in deep shit here, right? I’m going to be grounded for the rest of my life.”

  “That’s the least of your worries. Why is it every time you almost die you worry about the silliest things? After the bus accident you worried about your stitches, now you’re worrying about your mom finding out there was a boy in your room.”

  I swallowed hard. “Because, I don’t want to think about what’s really happening. You know how long I’ve seen crazy things like this and everyone has chalked it up as me going nuts? Sometimes thinking about real things makes me feel more grounded.”

  “You’re not crazy, Salome. You’ve got to know that by now.” He touched my arm.

  “Yeah, it’s becoming a little more obvious.”

  Cold wind snaked through the broken window, the curtains whipped back and forth like angry ghosts. Without another word, he shook the blanket off and covered me up. His fingers rubbed my shoulders as if to warm me. We sat down right as Kadie and her dad came stomping back into the room.


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