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I released my lip. Everything about the moment was too much. Or at least my body thought so.
Oh. I wasn’t the only one.
I jumped away from Gabe like I’d been stung and stood there facing him, my breathing labored. Yes, I might be a virgin but I was experienced enough to know exactly what had just been pressing into my backside.
His eyes dropped to my exposed chest, which was currently moving up and down with the difficulty of drawing the breath in and out of my lungs.
Gabe cleared his throat. “It’s from a song. Get It On by T-Rex. It’s a classic.”
There was no way he couldn’t notice, right? There was no mistaking the outline of his arousal pressed against his fitted denim jeans, and I went dry at the mouth.
I licked my lips. Gabe followed the motion of my tongue and his eyes darkened.
“I want you,” I blurted, then snapped my mouth shut, my eyes wide. Had I really just said that? “To go out with you,” I added, like that’s what I’d meant all along. “You know, like to dinner or something.”
“Or something?”
Yep, that was definitely innuendo. I would have thought innuendo was pointless at this stage given his little—or big—problem, but it still made me weak at the knees.
I rushed on. “If you don’t want to that’s fine—”
OK he didn’t want to or OK he wanted to do . . . something?
I wished the room would stop swaying. My prayers were answered a moment later, but not the way I wanted.
Damon strode into the room and took my arm. “There you are. Goddammit, Chloe, this isn’t fun.”
I let him drag me from the room, Gabe’s answer still echoing in my head.
Chapter 15
The next day when I got back to my trailer after the morning’s filming, I found a message on my phone.
How are you feeling? It’s Gabe btw
After the initial thrill of seeing his message, I deliberated for about ten minutes before I sent my reply. I was torn between not wanting to sound suspicious and wanting to know how he’d gotten my number. It was possible Damon had given it to him, but after my behavior last night, I wasn’t so sure. I decided to send it because now that I was ‘difficult’ I could write things like that.
Honestly? I’ve felt better. Hey, how did you get my number?
He replied less than a minute later.
G: Your publicist, Alana. Is that a problem?
No, not at all. Just surprised she’d give it to you. She’s kind of scary.
G: I told her I was Johnnie ;)
You did NOT!
G: Yep
I stared at the phone in awe, then hit reply.
I’m impressed.
G: Good. So how much of last night do you remember?
All of it. Oh shit. I think. Why?
Oh God. Had I done something stupid I didn’t remember? Last time that had happened, a video had ended up on the internet.
G: So the bit where you asked me out. You remember that?
I winced before typing my reply.
G: Good. How about tonight?
I pressed the phone to my chest and suppressed a squeal. Then, hands shaking, I hit reply.
I’m filming until late tonight. But I have the day after tomorrow off. I can do dinner then.
G: I have a better idea. I’ll pick you up at ten on Thursday morning. You didn’t already have plans?
Um, no! Well, I definitely didn’t now, anyway. Play it cool, Chloe.
Sure. What’s the plan?
G: Leave that to me.
I don’t like surprises. Just so you know.
G: Really? Interesting. All I can say is that we’ll be doing . . . something ;)
BY THURSDAY MORNING I was a ball of nervous energy. I tried to sleep late, I really did, but too many mornings of waking up early and the fact that I was going to be doing . . . something with Gabe today didn’t make for a restful night’s sleep.
I gripped the bedcovers tightly when my mother marched into my bedroom.
“Rise and shine!” she sang, and went straight over to the window to rip the curtains open.
“Ow.” I wasn’t used to being woken by sunlight. A film schedule favored vampires when all was said and done. I rose in the dark and got home in the dark. “What time is it?”
“Seven. That’s quite the sleep-in, young lady.” She turned to me with her hands on her hips. It was barely morning and Mama was already dressed to perfection. She looked fresh in a pair of bright blue fitted chinos and a white satin shirt that showed off her ample cleavage—a trait that hadn’t been passed down to me. Her long hair was perfectly styled in a high ponytail and it made her look about ten years younger.
“Now,” she said. “Let’s get your outfit sorted.”
“What?” My head was still fuzzy from sleep—or lack thereof—and Mama’s enthusiasm was affronting at this hour. I stared as she disappeared into my dressing room.
“So,” I heard her call out. “You’re going to need something cute but practical. I think a pair of capris will do nicely. And how about that floaty purple top that suits you so well?”
I was awake now. “Mother, what on earth?” I threw the covers off and ignored the bracing cool morning air on my bare skin. It was spring and the days were gradually growing warmer, but the nights and mornings still had an edge to them.
I padded over to the dressing room. “Mama,” I repeated. “Please explain to me what you’re doing.”
She threw her hands up in the air. “Why, getting you ready for your date with Gabe, of course!”
My jaw dropped open. My mother seemed oblivious to my surprise and set about finding the items of clothing she’d described. After a stunned moment of silence on my part, I joined her in the dressing room and caught her arm.
“Mama, please. What is going on? How do you know about this?”
She patted me on the shoulder distractedly, still focused on my wardrobe. “Well, Gabe did what a proper gentleman ought to and checked with your mama first.”
“I know.” Mama turned to me, her face lit up with joy. “He’s such a sweet young thing. So much nicer than that Johnnie. And smart, too. The first thing he asked after I said it was OK was whether you’d need a security detail.”
“Huh.” With a stunned smile, I leaned my back against one of the wardrobe doors, but then my pleasure faded. Oh no. “You’re not making me take Viktor, are you?”
Viktor was as scary as his name suggested, but unfortunately my mother loved him. I loved the Russian bodyguard too if pressed to say so. He was a part of our family and had been with us forever. After my parents split and we moved into the estate, Viktor was the one to chase my bad dreams away when I was a kid, not my father.
“Viktor wants to, darling.”
“I don’t want to bother him,” I said quickly. “Why don’t I just take one of the others?” The others I was referring to were my usual bodyguards, Dean and Sam. Younger and more relaxed, they often drove me to and from the set and other public engagements.
“Don’t worry. He’ll be nice.”
No, he won’t, I thought to myself. He was more fiercely protective than my father. Why oh why did Gabe have to be so damn thoughtful?
Mama reached over and squeezed my hand. “Come on, get dressed. Then I want to make sure you have a good breakfast. It’s going to be a big day.”
She handed me my clothes and I frowned, holding up a bikini I’d worn last summer that I remembered was particularly skimpy.
“Um, what’s this?”
Mama waved me away. “Hush. Just put it on under your clothes. I can’t tell you any more than that. Otherwise it wouldn’t be a surprise.”
I continued to observe the dangling bikini. “Seriously? It’s barely spring.”
“Shh, Tinker. Just put it on please.”
My frown deepened at Mama’s use of my nickname. When I was little, Dad used t
o say how spirited I was—and also how small. That had earned me the nickname Tinkerbell, which had been shortened to Tinker over time.
Mama calling me that now meant her motherly instincts were out in full force.
Reluctantly, I hung the bikini top over my arm with the rest of my clothes. “Just answer me this then. Do you think I’ll enjoy myself?”
Mama reached over and put her hands on my cheeks. “That’s the plan, beautiful girl. That’s the plan.”
I COULD BARELY EAT any breakfast I was so excited. That and I was distracted by the bikini bottom riding up my ass. I really did wonder what Mama had been thinking choosing it and decided at most I might be confident enough to take my top off, but not my pants.
After all, Gabe had already got a good eyeful of my cleavage a couple of nights ago. I winced at the memory. Yep, I might have been a little overzealous with the whole ‘being difficult’ thing.
“Problem, Tinker?”
I looked up from my half-eaten breakfast and attempted to keep my expression neutral. Oh man. I hoped Gabe was as cool, calm and collected as he came across. He’d need to be to deal with Viktor.
The bodyguard stopped beside the counter where I was sitting in the kitchen.
“Tinker? You can’t act for me. What’s wrong?” he boomed, his question echoing around the palatial kitchen Mama had decorated in a French provincial style. Viktor’s deep voice was so rough it made sandpaper sound gentle and it was completely at odds with our surroundings.
I forced a smile onto my face as I met Viktor’s eyes. Inside, my heart had sunk so low it was swimming in my nervous, bubbling stomach. The man was a force to be reckoned with. Steely, ice blue eyes framed his pock-marked face, and at fifty-something, his cropped gray hair was still as gray as I remembered it when I was a little girl. He was also just as fit. His morning workout regimen was like a military training session and was something he stuck to religiously. It meant he still managed to look intimidating despite being older and average in height. His considerable bulk made him look way stockier than he actually was.
I resisted a sigh. “Nothing’s wrong, Viktor. I’m just a bit tired with all the filming.”
“Then don’t go.”
Oh, he’d like that wouldn’t he? Viktor would prefer to keep me locked up in the estate as long as possible lest I be tainted by the outside world.
I thanked God again that Mama had kept the video of Johnnie quiet among the household. Viktor avoided the news, especially Hollywood news, and preferred the sport channel.
I stood up, nerves making me feel light-headed. “No, no. In fact, I think a day out is just what I need. I’ve been working too hard.”
“If you say so.”
“I know so. What time is it? Gabe said he would pick me up at ten.”
“It’s just past nine, but change of plans. I’m driving you there.”
“Where’s there?”
Viktor tutted. I was pretty sure I was the only person he did that to. “Just grab your things and get in the car. It’s waiting out front.”
I resisted yet another sigh. My first date with Gabe was shaping up to be memorable, but not in the way that I had hoped.
Chapter 16
We’d been in the car for almost forty minutes when I finally figured out where Viktor was taking me.
We were just south of Venice Beach in the seaside community of Marina del Rey. Condos reached for the sky as if they were attempting to imitate the palm trees. Opposite them lay an endless expanse of marina. Broken into eight separate basins, the marina was the world’s largest man-made small craft harbor. Boats in all shapes and sizes bobbed in the light morning breeze and the North Pacific Ocean twinkled on the horizon.
Perhaps we were meeting Gabe at one of the luxurious waterfront hotels?
I frowned as we drove into a large parking area that ran parallel to the marina. While Viktor pulled into a parking spot, I squirmed on the leather seat and discreetly repositioned the stupid bikini Mama had insisted I wear.
I was wearing a bikini. I cast my gaze out the window again at all the boats.
We were going boating?
That would explain Viktor’s casual choice of outfit for the day. Usually he wore tailored trousers around the estate, but this morning he’d chosen a pair of cream shorts and a white polo shirt.
When he turned off the ignition, I waited for Viktor to open the door for me. I knew if I attempted to exit the car myself I’d be in trouble.
We’re in public, he’d say.
I used the time to position the fashionable sun hat that Mama had shoved into my hands when we left. The last thing I needed was anyone recognizing me. Today I wanted to be like any other girl who was excited to be going on a first date with a boy she liked.
With her bodyguard in tow.
I sighed and adjusted my sunglasses. I couldn’t have everything, and I knew I already had so much. The truth was, even if I hadn’t grown up with an actress for a mother and a writer for a father, I’d probably be waitressing right now and trying to make it big like all the other hopefuls in Hollywood. I loved acting and performing, and all the baggage that came with it.
Viktor opened the door and I let him use his body to shield me from the traffic driving past beyond the parking lot. It was unlikely anyone would spot us. It also explained why Viktor was driving the dark unmarked sedan today that looked like every other car.
“Come on.”
He ushered me toward the marina and then directed me along one of the boardwalks. He nodded easily at an older couple passing us, but his arm tightened around my waist.
The woman smiled and the man nodded, continuing their conversation with each other as they passed by.
“See?” I whispered to Viktor. They hadn’t even recognized me.
“Keep walking,” he instructed.
Whatever. I wasn’t going to let Viktor’s overprotective tendencies darken my mood.
Beneath my feet the boardwalk moved slightly, at the mercy of the tides like the boats were. If I were to describe my mood right now, ‘buoyant’ would certainly be appropriate.
I grinned happily, giddy at the thought of seeing Gabe again.
Up ahead, a guy jumped down off a stately yacht with a nimbleness that caught my eye.
I stumbled, and if it hadn’t been for Viktor’s arm around my waist, I would have fallen.
“Steady. The last thing you want to do is fall at this guy’s feet.”
‘This guy’ was Gabe, and if I’d been able to speak I probably would have disagreed. My mouth went dry as we kept walking toward him. He wore a pair of cammo pants that came past his knees but the glimpse of his taut calves was enough to make my heart rate increase. A white T-shirt clung in all the right places and I felt like taking a photo and sending it to Faith with the message: ‘See?’
Gabe might have been on the smaller side, like me, but he was beautifully built. Everything about him was economical. He was lean with just the right amount of muscle.
“Stop staring.” Viktor didn’t sound impressed.
“I like him, Viktor,” I whispered.
He glanced over at me and the thin line of his mouth softened. “I can see that, Tinker. Just promise me you’ll get to know him better before you decide on liking him too much.”
We’d arrived in front of the yacht and Gabe strode over, a smile as bright as the sunshine lighting his face.
“Hey, Chloe.” He laid a gentle hand on my shoulder and leaned in to brush his lips across my cheek. “You couldn’t have chosen a nicer day off.”
Viktor cleared his throat next to me.
Gabe stepped back and extended his hand. “Viktor, right? I’m Gabriel da Silva. Do you know much about sailing boats?”
Viktor shook Gabe’s hand and I winced. If Viktor’s grip were any harder he’d break bones. Gabe’s smile didn’t dim and he reached around and slapped Viktor on the shoulder.
“I’m glad you’re here. I could do with the ex
tra pair of hands and I can see yours are more than capable. It’s Chloe’s day off so I want her to relax as much as possible.”
The two lines between Viktor’s eyebrows were deeper than I’d ever seen them. I rushed to open my mouth, but Gabe’s mega-watt smile stopped me.
“How about you help Chloe onto the yacht and then I’ll show you around. I’ve just got to finish some checks.” Gabe gestured to a stainless steel ladder on the side of the yacht.
“Great!” I said just a little too enthusiastically and grabbed Viktor’s hand, ready to steer him out of Gabe’s way. I tried to ignore the surge of mortification I felt at Viktor’s presence. Gabe seemed to be taking it in his stride, and so should I.
I’d like to say I dragged Viktor over to the ladder, but no one ever dragged Viktor. He stayed firmly rooted to the spot and regarded Gabe and his impressive yacht.
“An Oceanis. The 62, right?”
Gabe swung back around and I was glad I was wearing my sunglasses because his smile was blinding. “You know yachts?”
Viktor grunted. “Some. I sailed as a kid.”
“Me too.” Gabe’s hands were on his hips and he was grinning at Viktor. No one grinned at Viktor and lived.
“You did?” I asked Viktor, hoping it would distract him from Gabe. “You never told me that.”
“You never asked.” My spirits dropped when he turned back to Gabe. “She’s not little. Can you handle her?”
“Tell me about it. I was like a kid in a candy store when I first took her out, but I paid an experienced skipper to show me the ropes.”
“How many hours?” Viktor demanded.
Oh God. Bringing my father along would have been better than this.
“I’ve clocked up a hundred solo hours so far.”
Viktor frowned again, but I recognized it as a frown of respect and relaxed a little.
“Come aboard,” Gabe said, “and I’ll show you around.”
Viktor grunted again, but Gabe didn’t seem to notice. He took my hand and led me over to the ladder.
“I’m so sorry about this,” I whispered in his ear.