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Page 6

by Wild, Nikki

  Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like he was going to tell me anytime soon.

  After we finished eating our magnificent meal, we cleaned up and then Nathan suggested we head to sleep. Since it wasn’t like there was anything else to do, and I knew we’d be getting up early again tomorrow, I agreed.

  When Nathan stood in front of the bed and looked between it and the still discarded blanket, I rolled my eyes.

  “Don’t even think about it. Get your ass in the bed.”

  I slipped off my sweatshirt, then pulled off my jeans before crawling into bed wearing just my t-shirt and panties. It would be much more comfortable than last night had been, that was for sure. Sweatshirts and bras weren’t the most comfortable things to sleep in.

  Finally, Nathan seemed to come to his senses. He sighed and began removing his own clothes, like he was on his way to death row. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic performance, though when he slipped his jeans off, I noticed his cock still hadn’t gone soft, at least no completely.

  When he slipped off his t-shirt and crawled in bed next to me, now only wearing his boxers, my breath caught in my chest. Well, this was going to be fun, I thought as I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to overtake me.



  The next morning, when I woke up, Sarah wasn’t laying on my chest. This time, we were on our sides, my arm around her waist as we spooned. Once again though, my cock was hard as steel, though this time, it was pressed against her soft ass.

  As the sleep began to fade, I noticed Sarah was moving. She rocked back and forth gently, my cock rubbing against her backside. Her breathing was labored, and for a brief moment, I thought maybe she was having a nightmare.

  That is, until I slid my hand down to her hips and realized her panties were no longer in place. That was when I noticed her arm was moving slightly. She wasn’t having a bad dream.

  She was masturbating!

  For a few moments, I just froze, not sure what to do. But as she continued to rub her ass against my cock, my brain began to cede control to the lower head. The hand at her waist moved forward, until I held her hand in mine, helping as she continued to gently rub her pussy.

  She moaned slightly at the contact, and when she didn’t stop me, I moved my hand off of hers and placed it directly onto her pussy. She gasped now, moving her own hand away and letting me continue to touch her.

  After a minute or two of that, I took a deep breath, then slipped two fingers into her slit, making her moan even loud. God, she was so fucking tight, I thought, as I slid my fingers and an out.

  “Take your boxers off,” she breathed out, her voice low and hoarse, something I’d never heard from her before.

  She didn’t need to tell me twice. Still fingering her, I shimmied out of my boxers, kicking them off and moving to lay back against her, my hard cock now directly on her bare ass. She continued to rub against me as I fingered her, moaning ever so slightly.

  Unable to control myself, I leaned in and started kissing her neck, which made her moan even louder. She let me do this for a few minutes, then pushed me away until I rolled onto my back. Then, she rolled over and laid her head on my chest like yesterday, only this time, she slipped her hand beneath the blanket and took hold of my cock.

  I bit my tongue to keep from moaning out. God, if I wasn’t careful, I was going to blow my load soon!

  When I pushed the blankets down, I saw Sarah had completely removed her panties. Damn, she must’ve been horny! Then again, so was I! After everything we’d done yesterday, it was a small miracle I hadn’t come in my sleep.

  “Take your shirt off,” I said through gritted teeth.

  If was going to be completely nude, I wanted her nude, too. As she slipped her shirt off, revealing her magnificent tits to me once again, I remember exactly what we’d done last night. When she’d pulled her panties off, showing me her pussy, it was like I’d died and gone to heaven. When I’d seen her juices glistening in the firelight, it’d taken every ounce of my self-control not to push her to the ground and fuck her brains out.

  God, I hated to admit it, but she was the sexiest girl I’d ever seen. Even now, I wanted to crawl on top of her and give her the fucking of a lifetime. I wanted to feel her pussy wrapped around my cock as I pumped her full of cum.

  Biting the bullet, I turned and looked into her eyes. “Sarah… I want to fuck you… please…”

  She stared at me for a moment, her hand frozen in place around my cock. It didn’t even seem like she was breathing until she finally nodded. “I want that, too… It’s just…” Her face flushed a deep red. “I’ve never done this before…. I’m… I’m a virgin.”

  I took her head in my hands, then leaned in and brought our lips together. Immediately, the fireworks inside me went off again. Even just kissing her was like nothing I’d ever experienced before.

  When I broke the kiss, I smiled at her. “I don’t care. I’d love to be your first.”

  “Will it hurt?”

  I shook my head. “I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

  “What about condoms?”

  Fuck! I’d completely forgotten about that. Closing my eyes, I sighed and shook my head. “I don’t have any. I wasn’t exactly planning on getting laid this week. Do you have any?”

  But she shook her head and my shoulders slumped. Fuck! This was what I’d been wanting to do for the past two days! And now, I finally get the chance, and neither of us thought to pack condoms. What else could go wrong this week?

  “I don’t care,” Sarah said, surprising me. “God, Nathan. I need this. I need you inside me. Please.”

  It was stupid, god it was stupid, but I didn’t care. I kissed her again, then moved between her legs, our lips still pressed together. Reaching between us, I grasped my cock and gently rubbed it against her outer lips until she moaned into my mouth.

  “Are you sure about this?” I asked, holding myself still at her entrance. I wanted this more than anything in the world, but there was no way I was going to push her if she didn’t want to. “There’s plenty of other stuff we can do, if you want. We don’t have to fuck.”

  But Sarah shook her head. “I don’t want to do anything else. I want you inside me. Please, Nathan.”

  Nodding, I took a deep breath. I kissed her one final time, then, with one arm holding me above her and the other gripping my cock, I slowly began to push the soft head into her, Sarah already moaning as I did so.




  Both Nathan and I jumped at the sudden noise. He rolled off me as I grabbed the sheet, pulling it up to cover our naked bodies. For a few seconds, we sat there in frozen silence as we stared at the front door.

  “Anyone in there?” a muffled voice yelled.

  “Just a second!” Nathan replied as he jumped out of bed and scrambled to grab his clothes.

  I did the same, dressing in record time, not even bothering putting on my panties or bra, instead stuffing them into my bag where they couldn’t be seen. I was just pulling my sweater over my head as Nathan approached the door.

  He looked back at me and waited until I nodded to open the door, revealing a short, old man who looked frozen half to death. The moment the door was open, he shuffled inside, letting Nathan close the door behind him.

  “You kids all right?” he asked, looking between the two of us. “I saw the sign out there by the road. Said something about being stranded?”

  Nathan nodded as my heart leapt in my chest. Finally! We were going to be rescued!

  Although, a bitter part of my brain added, the guy could’ve waited an hour until Nathan and I had finished, but I wasn’t about to say that out loud!

  “Yeah,” Nathan said, his breathing still a bit ragged. “Our car broke down two days ago. We’ve been stuck here ever since. We haven’t been able to get cell service and you’re the first person that’s driven by.”

  The man nodded. “Yeah, that storm really messed with the ro
ads out there. Doubt many people will be coming up this way anytime soon.” He glanced over at me, then back to Nathan. “Where were y’all headed?”

  “Up to Mount Kishie Ski Resort,” I supplied, hoping to God he was going that way and wasn’t coming down the mountain.

  “Well, you’re in luck. My wife and I are heading up there as well.” He smiled proudly. “It’s our sixty-third anniversary. It’ll be a tight fit in the truck, but I’d be glad to take you guys up with us. Can’t just leave you out here, now can I?” He looked at our two back packs. “Is that all you packed?”

  Nathan shook his head. “No, we’ve got our suitcases in the back of my Jeep. It’s about a mile or two up the road.”

  “Well, we can stop and get them on the way. Someone at the resort should have a phone so you can call for a tow truck.” He pulled out his own cellphone, which looked like it was almost as old as I was. “Even this thing isn’t getting’ any signal up here.”

  Nathan and I both thanked the man profusely as we gathered our few things. Once we were sure the fire was out, not wanting to burn down the cabin that had probably saved our lives, we were all squeezed into Jeb’s pickup truck along with Joyce, his adorable wife.

  True to his word, Jeb stopped alongside our Jeep so Nathan could load our suitcases into the back of Jeb’s truck, which thankfully had a covered bed to protect everything from the snow. Then we were off up the mountain once again, finally on our way to our destination.

  The drive was far from comfortable, but it was a hell of a lot better than being trapped in that cabin for another day. Although, as I looked over at Nathan out of the corner of my eye, part of me wished we’d been stranded there just a bit longer.

  At least then I’d know what it was like to have a man inside me, and not just his fingers.

  The entire drive up to the lodge, all I could think about was Nathan. I’d come so close to losing my virginity back there. I couldn’t ever remember being that horny in my life. Hell, I still couldn’t believe I’d slipped off my panties and started masturbating as Nathan slept right next to me.

  What had I been thinking?

  And yet, I couldn’t bring myself to regret any of it. I had to admit, as far as men went, Nathan wasn’t a bad one at all. He certainly wouldn’t have been a bad person to lose my virginity too. Even as he’d fingered me and kissed me, he’d been so gentle and caring.

  He’d been so hesitant to fuck me too, even though I knew he wanted it even more than I had. The look of concern on his face as he’d asked me if I was sure made my heart swell. It was at that moment I’d known I was sure. I never would’ve regretted letting Nathan fuck me.

  Though now that I thought back on it, maybe it was a good idea we’d been interrupted. I wasn’t on the pill, and I knew just how risky having sex without a condom would’ve been. I trusted that Nathan was clean, that wasn’t even remotely a concern. But I was barely twenty-one, only in my third year of college. What would I have done if Nathan had gotten me pregnant?

  At least I didn’t have to worry about that, I thought to myself. Now I just had to worry about getting to the resort soon so I could take care of the fire that still burned inside me as my body begged for some relief.

  Glancing over at Nathan again, I wondered if we’d continued what we’d started, once we got there. One thing was for sure, he could push me up against the wall in my room and fuck me right then and there, and I wasn’t going to say no.



  When we finally arrived at the resort, all I could do was grin. Finally! Now we could get on with our vacation and put all the mishaps behind us. Jeb interrupting this morning was going to be the last thing that went wrong, I told myself.

  Though I wasn’t exactly sure him interrupting had been a bad thing. Sarah was my step-sister, and as much as I wanted to fuck her brains out, it wasn’t right. She told me more than once she wanted it, but I knew once we got out of the cabin, she’d regret it. She’d regret letting her brother take her virginity.

  Which was why, after thanking Jeb and Joyce profusely, I pulled Sarah aside before we went to check into our rooms. “Look, Sarah… About what had happened in the cabin….” I took a deep breath, then sighed. “I’m sorry, okay? None of that should’ve happened. We both just got a little stir crazy and horny, that’s all. No big deal. Let’s just put it behind us and forget about it, okay?”

  Sarah was quiet for a moment and I wasn’t able to read her expression. Then she put on a smile and nodded. “Yeah, sure, okay. No problem! It’s all forgotten.” Still smiling, she turned and walked away toward the lodge.

  Frowning, I watched her go. I wanted to chase after her, to pull her into my arms and take back everything I’d just said. But I couldn’t. Sarah was my sister, and I needed to focus on that and that alone.

  Hopefully, once we were in our own rooms for the night and around our friends, then I’d be able to get my mind off her. Then, things could go back to normal and we really could forget about everything that had happened back in that cabin.

  The moment I stepped into the resort, I knew something wasn’t quite right. It seemed darker than it normally would, like all of the lights weren’t on. Shrugging, I headed up to the front desk where I young woman greeted me with a smile.

  “Hi, I had a reservation for two rooms for Monday. Our car broke down and we weren’t able to get ahold of anyone. I couldn’t get service on my phone for some reason.” I handed her my ID and credit card, letting her look up the reservation.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that! The storm knocked out the power on the mountain early Monday morning, which is probably why you couldn’t get a signal. Not to worry though, since we have generators here to keep everything going!”

  Well, that explained a lot. But hey, if they had generators, at least the trip wouldn’t be ruined.

  “Are the ski lifts still running?”

  She nodded. “Oh yes! The last time this happened, the power was out for almost three weeks, so we made sure to be prepared this time! Everything is more or less fully operational, so you shouldn’t have any problems.” Then she frowned. “Oh no. It looks like since you didn’t show up, your rooms were marked available again and were sold to someone else.”

  Wasn’t that just my luck? Was there anything that would go right this week? Anything at all. “Do you have any other rooms available?”

  “Let me check!” She clicked around on her computer for a moment. “We have one room left, it’s a bit more expensive than the ones you’d booked, but it’s all we have right now. I’m so sorry.”

  I sighed, then shrugged. A single room was better than no room, I figured, even if I was hoping to have a little bit of privacy. But hey, what can you do, right?

  Ten minutes later and I had the key to our room.

  When I explained everything to Sarah, she frowned for a moment, the smirked. “Well, I guess we’re stuck with each other for a bit longer.”

  “Looks like it.”

  Keys in hand, we headed to our room. Sarah lead the way, seemingly in a hurry to get there for some reason.

  She opened the door, then stopped barely two feet into the room and gasped.

  It only took me a second to figure out why. No wonder the damn room was so much more expensive. It was a freaking honeymoon suite, complete with a single heart-shaped bed with a bright red blanket on top of it. The entire room was covered in hearts and flowers.

  I groaned. The lady at the front desk had failed to mention this when I booked the room I thought crossly. Sarah and I walked in, setting our bags to the side as we explored the room we’d be trapped in for the next five days.

  I really needed to stop asking myself what could go wrong next, I thought as I scanned the room.

  “Oh my god! It vibrates.” Sarah jumped onto the bed, then pressed a little button, bringing the bed to life. She started laughing her ass off as she laid back on it, grinning up at the ceiling.

  Even I had to laugh at that. The damn th
ing looked like it had come straight out of a 1970s’ love motel. What the hell was it doing in a fancy ski resort like this? But before I could even begin to think of reasons, Sarah’s squeal broke me out of my head.

  She jumped off the bed and ran over to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to the bed. “You’ve got to try this!” she said as she pulled me down onto it.

  The moment I sat down, I shivered. How the hell did anyone ever find this romantic or sexy? I thought as Sarah burst into laughter again. I laughed as well, shaking my head.

  Well, I’d wanted to give Sarah a twenty-first birthday trip she’d never forget. And I had a feeling, she definitely wouldn’t be forgetting this one any time soon.

  Once we finished laughing at the ridiculous bed, I went over to the desk and called for a mechanic to come pick up the Jeep and fix it for us. It took a bit of negotiation, but eventually he agreed to have it dropped off at the resort for us before it was time for us to head home.

  Then, the two of us headed to the onsite restaurant to get something for breakfast. We were both starved, having eaten barely anything over the past two days. Surprisingly, some of the guys were in there having breakfast as well, and so was Kelly, Sarah’s best friend.

  While those two went off on their own to sit and catch up, I pulled up a chair with some of the guys and filled them in on what had happened to us. They’d all been worried, but without my cell working, none of them could get ahold of me.

  After I stuffed myself, I headed back to the room to shower, agreeing to meet the guys out on the slopes in a little while. Sarah opted to enjoy the nice warm lodge for a bit, her and Kelly saying they’d catch up with us around lunch time.


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