Away From the Spotlight

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Away From the Spotlight Page 12

by Tamara Carlisle

  “I am, you know, trying to protect you and I do think about you all the time. So what are your plans for the weekend?” he asked as he tried to lighten the subject a little.

  “More studying. Oh, and I’m going to lunch with John tomorrow to talk about my trip.” As I said it, I immediately wished I hadn’t. Sometimes my mouth runs before my brain kicks in.

  “John,” he said simply.

  “It’s no big deal. He called to see if I would go to drinks with the guys tonight after work, but I couldn’t because of my class. He noticed I sounded depressed so he offered to take me to lunch to help me plan my trip. He loves that kind of stuff.”

  “I doubt that’s why.”

  “You’re overreacting. I told you that he’s had the same girlfriend since he was in high school and has no interest in me whatsoever. We’re just friends like you and Katherine.”

  “I’m going to have to get you together with Katherine when I get back just so you can see that we do not look at each other the way John looks at you.”

  “That can’t be true. I’ve seen the pictures.”

  “That’s us acting. It’s not the way we are when there are no cameras around.”

  “Hmmm.” Although he had explained this to me before, I tried not to sound truly convinced.

  Will changed the subject back to John and me. “John offends me. He’s just hedging his bets. He doesn’t want to be without a girlfriend, but I imagine that if you indicated any interest, he and his girlfriend would be over quickly.”

  “I think you’re wrong.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Let’s not spend what little time we have to talk arguing, okay? I imagine you need to get to sleep soon if you have to be up early and it’s after two there already.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. We’ll talk about something else. You know what? I realized that I don’t know when your birthday is. When is it and how old will you be?”

  “August fifth. Twenty-five.”

  “Mine’s in November. The twelfth. I’ll be twenty-six. It’s a shame though.”


  “Yeah. I’ve always had a thing for older women.” He laughed under his breath and I wondered if there was a story there.

  “Well, I probably won’t age as well as you so, eventually, I’ll just look older.”

  “Funny and not likely.”

  “I miss you and wish we could talk all night, but I know I have to share you with the rest of the world so you better get some rest.”

  “I miss you and love you more than anything. Good night.”

  “Night. I love you too.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  I woke up early and got in a few hours of studying before I received a call from John to finalize lunch plans.

  John picked me up at my place and, as I opened the door to greet him, he gave me a big hug. I noticed then that I was dressed pretty casually and that he had put a little more effort into his appearance.

  “How are you doing today?” he asked, a little concern reflected in his voice.

  “Fine. Glad to get out and about,” I replied as I grabbed the folder with all the paperwork for my trip. John seemed to like that answer.

  We exited through the main doors of my apartment building and walked down the path toward John’s car which was parked along the street alongside my apartment complex. It was summer and there weren’t a lot of cars around. He opened the car door for me and helped me into his silver Audi sports car. John was such a low-key conservative guy. His car, on the other hand, was flashy and looked fast. I thought for a minute what a sharp contrast they were.

  We didn’t talk much on the way to the restaurant. John turned on the stereo and we listened to music from the 70’s on the way to lunch. John was smiling broadly as we drove. The music was different from my norm, but I liked it.

  John chose a small restaurant in Pasadena and we sat in the outside patio where the tables were covered in part by umbrellas. The table was big enough to allow me to spread out my paperwork. John sat to my right rather than across the table from me. I ordered a Thai chicken salad and an iced tea and John ordered a club sandwich.

  I was thinking about what Will had said last night about how John looked at me. I noticed then that he appeared wistful when he looked at me, like he wished we were more than friends. This made me uncomfortable so, in order to, feel a little less awkward, I asked, “So what’s Ashley doing today?”

  “Working. She has a big project and has been working a lot of weekends lately. She’s been out of town quite a bit as well. It’s been a little lonely so I’m glad we could go out today.”

  This was not making things less awkward and it got worse from there.

  “Glad I could help, but you must spend time with Max and Daniel and some of the other guys.”

  “Yes, we have a good time, but I like talking to you.”

  I could tell that he was losing the courage to say something more which suited me just fine. I took advantage of that to turn the conversation back around to my trip.

  “Why don’t you tell me where I should go this summer?”

  Our lunch was then served. I managed, without too much effort, to keep the conversation on track regarding my trip for the balance of the meal. I did notice that John was stretching things out to keep me out with him as long as possible. I could’ve been making too much out of that though. Maybe he just didn’t want to go home to an empty apartment, that’s all. I also noticed that John’s chair had migrated closer to me over the course of the lunch. I shouldn’t let Will’s imagination get to me.

  When I thought of Will at that moment, I began fantasizing that the man sitting next to me was him instead of John.

  The car ride home was as silent as the ride over, but for the continued music on the stereo. However, John didn’t have the broad smile he had on the way to the restaurant. He looked like he was struggling with something. I wasn’t going to ask. I didn’t know if I wanted to know, Will’s suspicion still looming in the back of my mind.

  John walked me to my door and I started to feel really uncomfortable again. Because I didn’t want to do the doorstep awkwardness, I asked him if he wanted to come in for a minute. He jumped at the chance.

  “You want to do something tomorrow?” he asked hesitantly as he walked into my apartment with me.

  “You know, I probably should study. Besides, you probably have to put in a sixth day of work as usual.”

  His face fell and I felt for him so I asked, “How about next Saturday?”

  “I’m playing golf with Max in the morning. Can we do dinner?”

  Uh, oh. This is getting to be more date-like. “How about an early one? I’m trying to get a lot of rest as I gear up for the Bar.”

  “I understand. How about I pick you up at five? I promise I’ll have you home early.”


  John looked ecstatic for a second and then appeared to try to control it. He hugged me tightly and lingered a little, rubbing the top of my back. I couldn’t really break away without being rude. He then kissed my cheek while holding my shoulders with his hands and was off.

  “See you next week?”


  Will was not going to be happy about this. This time, I was going to try to keep my mouth shut.

  As was the case for the L.A. premiere, Will sent me a camera phone picture of the crowd in New York. It seemed even larger than the one in L.A. I received a text message as well. “Thinking of u. Wish u were w/me.”

  “Me 2. ILY,” I replied.

  “ILY2,” came back quickly.

  I felt guilty, like I had cheated on him.

  I hadn’t been studying for more than two hours when the phone rang. It was Kate.

  “Hey, Shannon. Stephen and I were thinking you could use a break and some dinner. You interested?”

  “Sure,” I said, surprised to hear from her.

  “Well, then, buzz us in.” I didn’t realize they were just outside. I h
urriedly picked up the scattered books and papers on the dining room table. That’s about all I had time to do before there was a knock at the door.

  “Hi, come in,” I said as I noticed that they were both carrying take out bags and Kate was carrying a large vase full of more carousel roses.

  “Courtesy of Will,” she said as she handed me the vase.

  I opened the small card on the vase. It had his handwriting. “I miss you and love you more than anything. I will get back to you as soon as I can. Love, W.” I put the vase next to the other one on the kitchen counter facing the dining area and living room.

  “Wow,” I exclaimed as I looked at the bags of food and wine. “This is so nice of you.”

  Kate responded. “Don’t thank us. This was Will’s idea. He planned this before he left. He wanted you to know he was thinking about you even if he couldn’t be here.”

  Not long after Stephen and Kate arrived, I received a beep on my cell phone letting me know I had received a text message.”

  “U got company?”

  I responded quickly. “Yes. S&K r here. Thx. Wish it was u.”

  I pictured Will in a darkened theater texting me.

  “Me 2. Have fun. ILY.”


  I turned back to Stephen and Kate. “Okay, so how did you get the signed card with Will in New York?”

  “He left us with cards and instructions before he left,” Stephen informed me.

  I noticed the plural was used when Stephen said card.



  “That was still really nice of you. You didn’t have to go to all that trouble for me.” Now it was not only Will that I couldn’t properly reciprocate with, Stephen and Kate were now added to that list.

  “Yes we did.” Kate responded this time. “First, you’re one of us now; second, Will loves you; and third, he’s set up so many nice things for us in the past. We owe him. He’s quite the romantic, you know.”

  “I’ve noticed.”

  “You don’t sound pleased.”

  “No, I am. Really. It’s just that I sometimes feel like we’re in an unequal partnership and I can never hold up my end of the bargain. I’m still a poor student. I can’t keep up.”

  Kate seemed exasperated by my attitude. “You’re just talking about things. Will doesn’t care about that. At this point, he could buy himself anything he wants. Notice that he still lives in a rented house with Stephen and Colin. He could live far better than that, but he doesn’t want to leave his mates and is happy the way things are. It makes him feel normal. You make him feel normal. That’s what you give him.”

  “That’s not much.”

  “Yes, it is.” Stephen interjected now. “Look, I’ve known him for a while now and I’ve never seen him so happy. I’m sure he’s probably told you, but he was not good for a while. Back around Midnight 1, he struggled with the fame thing. He was kind of a mess. Even I stopped being mates with him for a while. Katherine helped him screw his head back on straight and he’s been good ever since. But there’s always been something missing until you.”

  “It’s like someone turned on the lights.” Kate added.

  I didn’t know what to say.

  Stephen and Kate took the cartons of food out of the bags and I went to the kitchen to get plates and silverware. I was very pleased when I looked over and noticed that the food was from my favorite Chinese place in Brentwood and one of the cartons contained the peanut noodles I loved so much. This couldn’t be a coincidence. Will must have left pretty detailed instructions. I sat there thinking about what was next on his list of instructions. He had only been gone less than one week out of three. What else is in store for me?

  It was very comfortable sitting there and talking with Stephen and Kate that evening, like I had been friends with them for years.

  After dinner, we visited a local bar, not far from the nearby fraternity row, for a quick drink just to get out of the dorm-like atmosphere of my apartment. The very popular hangout was fairly empty in light of the fact that it was summertime and the campus was pretty dead.

  Not long after we were served, Stephen received a call on his cell phone. It was Will.

  Stephen smiled and said, “Hello . . . yes . . . okay . . . will do. Cheers.” He hung up the phone before I could talk to Will. I was disappointed and it showed.

  Without explaining, Stephen asked, “Shannon, will you meet us tomorrow for lunch in the lobby of the Ritz Carlton in the Marina? Around eleven?”

  “Sure. What’s going on? This isn’t one more item from Will’s instructions is it?”

  “You’ll see tomorrow.” He winked.

  Kate briefly looked a little confused, but her face cleared quickly and she smiled.

  After another round of drinks and no further explanation of the call from Will, Stephen and Kate drove me back to my place. We hugged each other and they left.

  “Don’t forget. Tomorrow at eleven,” Stephen turned around and reminded me.

  “I won’t.”

  What in the world are they up to?

  Will called around ten to wish me a good night. He seemed to be a little more tired and anxious than usual.

  I was about to give him a hard time about the instructions left with Stephen when he said, “I’m sorry, Shannon. If I don’t get any rest, I won’t be in good shape for tomorrow. There’s a lot going on. Can I talk to you in the morning?”

  Frustrated that my questions about the instructions weren’t going to be answered, I said simply. “Okay. Thank you for tonight.”

  “You’re welcome. Good night. I love you.”

  “Love you,” I said somewhat shortly.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I woke up early the next day, wondering what Will’s instructions had in store for me that morning. As I was getting ready for lunch at the Ritz Carlton, I realized that it would be on the more formal side, not that I had a whole lot of dressy clothes in my limited wardrobe meant to get me through the summer. I had a little black dress, and it wasn’t really a daytime outfit, but it would have to do.

  I drove across town and arrived ten minutes early. I walked into the lobby and realized that I didn’t know specifically where to meet Stephen and Kate. As I looked around to find them, my cell phone rang.

  It was Stephen. “Are you in your car?”

  “No, I’m here. Where are you?”

  “Meet us in our suite on the twelfth floor.” At first, I thought, “What is going on?” I hoped against hope that maybe Will was here by some chance, but thought it highly unlikely. When Stephen gave me specific instructions regarding how to get to the suite, my hopes were completely dashed as I realized it must be Stephen and Kate there rather than Will.

  I knocked on the door. When it opened and I saw him standing there, I couldn’t suppress a scream. I stood there for a second a little stunned and then launched myself at Will to give him a big hug. That’s when the waterworks came. The door shut loudly behind me. Will seemed excited by my reaction and hugged me so tightly I could barely breathe. I kissed him all over his face as tears ran down my cheeks and onto his face.

  Will pulled back and said with a smile, “So you’re happy to see me?”

  “What do you think?” I said as I tried to wipe my tears off my cheek and then his.

  “I’m so glad I came then,” he said still holding me. “I wouldn’t have missed your reaction for anything. I’m not here long. I have a five o’clock flight to Chicago, so we have a little over four hours before I have to leave again for the airport. I have lunch coming to the room in about an hour. What do you want to do until then?” He looked at me in a way that let me know he wasn’t going to wait for my answer.

  It was the room service knock on the door that pulled us out of bed. We shrugged into the plush hotel robes and had lunch served at the dining table in the suite.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” I asked while picking at some fresh strawberries.

bsp; “I didn’t know whether I was going to be able to make it back until last night and I didn’t want to make a promise I couldn’t keep. I told you before that sometimes my schedule is not my own. Then, when I found out I could, I had to make sure I could get all the arrangements together. By then, it was so late that I decided to make it a surprise.”

  “And you called Stephen last night.”


  “But you wouldn’t talk to me,” I said, putting effort into sounding like I was pouting.

  “I’m sorry, but I still had a few things to do and I was afraid that, if I talked to you, I might spoil the surprise. I was so excited at that point that I would not have been able to keep it to myself. I was better able to keep myself in check later that night when I talked to you.”

  “But you didn’t talk to me much then.”

  “Because I was still afraid I would spoil the surprise, and I wanted to try to get some rest because I didn’t want to be tired with you today. Of course, I was too excited to sleep. I did manage a little on the plane though. I can see now it wouldn’t have mattered even if I hadn’t slept at all. Seeing you is like a massive jolt of caffeine. I am wide awake and can feel every part of my body.”

  “When I see you, I feel some parts more than others.”

  “Are you feeling them now?” he asked, leering at me.


  “Then follow me.”

  It was like time was on fast-forward and, before we knew it, it was time for Will to get going to meet his flight to Chicago.

  As he gathered up his things to leave, he said, “I’m home briefly tomorrow night before a few interviews on Tuesday and then my half-five Tuesday night flight to London. Will you meet me at my place after your class?”

  “Are you kidding me? You have to ask?”

  “Yes. I hate that you have to react to my schedule when I know you have a lot going on in your life right now. It’s not fair of me.”

  “You don’t need to worry. I would do anything to be with you.”

  “Anything? I may have to hold you to that. It may be difficult when I come back to keep us under wraps.”


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