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Page 20

by Marilee Brothers

  Soon enough Val finds herself deep in the underbelly of San Antonio, discovering the secrets of the Demon Underground and fighting to save those she loves. Whether they love her back or not.

  Great, huh? It gets better. She's the proud new owner of Fang, a hellhound.

  Bite Me

  The vampire jumped me again, but this time I was ready for him. We fought furiously, Jason determined to sink his teeth into my neck and rip my throat out, and me just as determined to stop him. Unfortunately, he liked close-in fighting, and I couldn't get enough space to reach the stake I had tucked into my back waistband.

  I grabbed his throat and squeezed, but he wrapped me in a vise hold and wouldn't let go. He slammed me up against a brick wall, intent on crushing me. Trapped. Worse, the power I tried so hard to keep confined was able to reach him through my energy field in these close quarters and I could feel the lust rise within him as he ground his hips against mine. Pervert.

  Though I was able to hold off his slavering overbite and incredibly bad breath with one hand, my other hand was caught between our bodies. He couldn't get to my neck, but I couldn't get to my stake either.


  Time to play dirty. Remembering even vampires had a sensitive side, I kneed him in the crotch.

  He screeched and let go of me to bend over and clutch the offended part of his anatomy. That took care of the lust. I hit him with an uppercut so hard that he flew backward, landing flat on his back on the sidewalk. Whipping the stake from its hiding place, I dropped down beside him and stabbed him through the heart in one well-practiced motion.

  His body arched for a moment, then he sagged and lay motionlessreally and truly dead.

  Now that my prey had been vanquished and the demon lust sated, the fizzing in my blood slowed and stopped, leaving me feeling some of the aches and pains I'd inflicted on my body. It was worth it, though.

  But adrenaline pumped once more when I heard a car door open down the street. The light was dimmer here between streetlights, but I was still visibleand so was the body I crouched over. "Who's there?" I demanded.

  "It ... it's me.

  Damn it, I recognized that voice. Annoyed, I rose to glare at my younger half sister. "Jennifer, what the hell are you doing here?

  She got out of the back seat of the beat-up Camry, whitefaced. "I told you I wanted to come along.

  "And I told you not to.

  She shrugged, displaying defiance and indifference as only a sixteen-year-old could. "That's why I hid in the back of the car.

  Stupid. I should have checked. I usually drove my motorcyclea totally sweet Honda Valkyriebut on nights when I went hunting, my stepfather let me borrow the old beat-up car since it had a convenient trunk. Unfortunately, it was too easy for my little sister to creep into the back seat and stow away there. Obviously.

  And I should have known Jen would try something like this. I'd made the mistake of telling her about my little excursions, even giving her some training on how to defend herself in case she ever encountered one of the undead. She'd been eager to learn everything she could, but Mom had gone off the deep end when she found out, especially when Jen had come home sporting a few bruises.

  Mom had forbidden Jen to talk about it again and had threatened me with bodily harm if I even mentioned vampires around my little sis. Lord knew what Mom would do if she found out about this.

  Jen stared down at the dead vamp and grimaced. "I've just never actually seen one of them before.

  "A dead vampire?

  "Any kind of vampire.

  Was that censure in her voice? "That's what he was," I said defensively. Mom was rightJen was far too young and innocent for my world. I had to find a way to keep her away from all this. "I don't stake innocents.

  "I know. I saw.

  "Dammit, Jen, you shouldn't have come. If's dangerous." And if one hair on her pretty little head had been harmed, Mom would have my head on a platter.

  "Yeah, well, we can't all be big, strong vampire slayers," she said. She tried to make it sound sarcastic, but it came out sounding more wistful than anything.

  I sighed, recognizing jealousy when I saw it. I knew Jen envied my abilitiesmy specialness

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five


  About the Author




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