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Team Player: A Sports Romance Anthology

Page 14

by Adriana Locke

  "Now I'm going to put it to the test," he announces. "You still a virgin?"

  My face feels hotter than a bottle of fresh hot sauce. "Nope."

  "Heh," he laughs. "Guess I’m going to have to start calling you teacher fucker."

  "Hey! He's not a teacher."

  "Semantics," he retorts. "He's off limits as hell, and if you get caught, he's losing his job."

  "You're wrong about that."


  I spend the next ten minutes filling him in on everything that's gone down, pinching myself from time-to-time as I realize that this is all happening.

  Elena—Six Weeks Later

  "Baby, did you move my lucky hat? I put it here on the counter before I left for work this morning. I need it for game day tomorrow, but now it's gone."

  I chuckle as I peek my head out our bedroom door to yell down to the kitchen. "It's up here. Come get it."

  Hearing his footsteps on the stairs, I race across the room and jump up onto our bed, positioning myself, so I'm sitting right at the edge facing the door. Naked—save for the hat on my head.

  "Trying to steal my—"

  His words fade away when he sees me. I giggle when his giant smile morphs into a predatory look. "Fucking look at you," he growls as he crosses the room to me.

  I hold out my hand, halting his movements. "Get naked and wait for further instruction, Coach."

  "You taking charge today?"

  I grin and wiggle my brows. "I so am."

  He groans before he quickly divests himself of his shoes, socks, team shirt, black athletic pants and gray boxer briefs. As always, he takes my breath away. Naked Colin might be my very favorite thing in the world.

  "What now?"

  I crook my finger at him in a come hither motion. When he reaches the bed, I motion for him to stop before I reach behind me and grab a pillow. Climbing off the bed, I walk around to stand in front of him before I drop the pillow on the floor and get down on my knees. He watches me through hooded eyes, his expression reverential as he takes off the hat I'm wearing and tosses it over his shoulder. "Seems like I'll be needing hair grip," he growls.

  I lick my lips slowly as I stare into his eyes and slowly begin running my hands up his thighs. "Looks that way," I agree.

  When I reach his upper thighs, I gently scratch my nails down a few inches before repeating the maneuver on the way back up. Just when I'm back where I started, I lick my tongue over his swollen head to collect the pre-cum at the tip. His cock jerks against my tongue as a gravelly sound escapes his throat. His gaze is trained on my tongue as I trace circles over the tip. "Fuuuuck," he groans.

  Opening my mouth I slide forward, taking in a few inches of his thick length. His hands thread through my hair as he swallows thickly. "Baby. God. Fuck."

  Wrapping my left hand around the base of his shaft I twist it up and around in time with the up and down motion of my head. With my right hand, I scratch my nails against his skin. The inside of his ankle, the sensitive spot just above his knee, the top of his inner thigh and then his pubic bone all make him crazy, as evidenced by the way his breath is coming in gasps and his fingers are tight in my hair.

  "Oh God," he gasps as I take him deeper, sticking out my tongue and breathing through my nose so that he can hit the back of my throat. I start moving faster, watching as his eyes turn to liquid fire. Seeing how much he loves this gets me so, so wet. Needing to touch myself, I stop scratching at his skin and slide my hand between my thighs. I shiver as I rub my clit while he fucks my face, moaning as sensation races through my body.

  "Stop! Stop," he growls as he pulls himself out of my mouth.

  Lifting me up from the pillow he spins me so that I'm facing the bed. "Hold on," he orders.

  I shiver as I grip the comforter. He wraps his left arm around my waist at the same time he rubs his cock against my opening. "So goddamn hot," he groans. "So fucking wet. I can't wait to feel this all over my dick."

  "Colin," I gasp as he slowly surges forward.

  "Love watching your tight little cunt taking my cock," he says in a gravelly voice. "Looks so fucking good wrapped around me, baby."

  "Oh God," I cry as he pulls out and then slams back in, deep.

  Settling his hands at my waist, he starts pushing and pulling me back and forth. The slap-slap-slap of skin on skin fills the room as he fucks me harder and faster.

  Letting go of my right hip, he brings his hand between my legs and starts rubbing my clit. It's so good I can barely breathe. Arching my back, I scream out his name as I feel the first flutters of my orgasm starting. Knowing I'm there, he focuses on what he calls my sweet spot. "Colin," I moan. "I'm coming. Oh fuck, I'm coming!"

  As my pussy clenches up around him, I feel him jerking inside of me. "Baby, fuck," he yells.

  The heat of his come inside me makes me shiver and moan louder as my orgasm crashes through my body. He fucks like a goddamn machine when he comes, burying everything he has to give deep, deep inside of me. When it's over, he pulls out, turns me around and puts me up on the bed before he gets on next to me, takes me into his arms and starts kissing me.

  After several minutes of making out, he raises his head and smiles down at me. "That was one hell of a welcome home, baby. Have I told you lately how much I fucking love you?"

  I grin as I run my hands over his cheek scruff. "It's been at least an hour since the last time you said it."

  He laughs as he drops another soft kiss on my lips.

  "Love you, Leni."

  Wrapping my arms around him, I snuggle his chest and smile. "Love you, too."


  Elena- Five months later

  "Sometimes I still find it hard to believe you moved out one day after school started and left me home alone," Miles sighs.

  Looking across the island to where he's seated, I shrug and continue slicing the yellow squash, zucchini and baby carrots I'm about to put into my vegetable steamer. When I finish the cutting the last vegetable, I point toward in with the knife and smirk. "I moved out but it’s hardly accurate to say I left you all alone considering you live out in the guest house Monday through Thursday nights," I point out. "You get all the home-cooked meals and reminders to study to keep you on track and then Friday through Sunday you get to act like a fool without me giving you the stink eye. It's perfect for both of us—me in particular since I no longer have to hear the ohhhhh, Milesssss chorus," I mimic in a breathy voice, “nine zillion times each week through your bedroom wall. The last five months have been phenomenal without that making my eardrums bleed at regular intervals,” I joke.

  He rolls his eyes and waves away my complaint. "I see what you're saying, but I'll always be a little salty that you never confirmed he was your jam until five minutes before you announced you were moving out."

  For the most part, he's joking, but he takes some pleasure in giving me shit for being a secret keeper. "First of all, I did eleven loads of laundry for you that afternoon. Second, I feel like this is why you're the yin to my yang," I say sweetly as I turn the steamer on. "You've always over shared, and I was too embarrassed to admit being in love with an older man I thought I had no chance with."

  “Really?” my favorite voice laughs as he walks in the side door. “I think we both know it was me who never stood a chance, Little Bird.”

  Colin and Miles greet each other by way of the traditional bro lifted chin gesture before my man makes his way directly to me like a heat-seeking missile.

  “Missed you,” he says after kissing me stupid.

  I smile as I rub my fingers over his sexy stubble. “It’s only been four hours since I saw you in your office,” I remind him.

  His shit-eating grin makes me blush. Although we’ve never flaunted our relationship, we’ve made good use of his private office many, many times.

  The sound of fake gagging from the counter makes us both laugh. “That’s my cue to leave,” Miles says. “Text me when dinners ready.”

  After the door c
loses behind Miles, Colin pulls me in for a real kiss. We put the next half hour to good use up in our bedroom, just the way I like it.

  Colin- 2 years later

  “Look, Gracie—daddy’s home!”

  I will never, ever tire of hearing my wife's voice or the sound of our eleven-month-old daughter calling out, "da-dee, da-dee," happily as she sees me come around the corner into the living room. Gracie is sitting on Elena's lap, smiling and waving to welcome me home from work. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I slide my finger across the screen and pull up the camera. I take a few pictures— by this I mean somewhere in the neighborhood of ten, which is par for the course anytime I start taking photos, which is often. There's no possible way I can ever take enough pictures of these beauties.

  Setting the phone on the end table, I crouch down in front of Elena and open my arms, laughing as Gracie throws herself into them. My daughter is so much like her mother; fearless in the way she takes every leap always knowing someone will catch her before she can hit the ground. I've had to let go of giving her Uncle Miles shit for tossing her around the air because it makes her too happy for me to be a dick about. It's not like he doesn't have a stellar track record of keeping my girls from being hurt.

  When I married Elena two days after her college graduation, I never imagined I could love her more than I did right then. I was wrong. Having Gracie—a part of both of us—has only brought us closer together. After accepting and returning a dozen sloppy baby kisses, I lean forward and kiss Elena's growing belly before arching my neck up to kiss her. The slide of her tongue against mine is the perfect welcome home. Any motherfucker who tells you that they don't find their wife sexy as fuck during pregnancy is a douchebag. Elena is always gorgeous—always—but Christ is it hot watching her body go through the stages of pregnancy. It's absolutely the reason behind her being six months pregnant when Gracie isn't a year old yet. If I have my way, Elena will be knocked up again sometime next year—and then one more for good measure a year or so after that. We're both only children, but we both agree that we want our own family to be bigger than that.

  Our kiss comes to an end when our daughter's tiny baby fingers poke at our faces. We break apart laughing and Gracie giggles along with us as I stand and then sit down next to Leni. With our daughter comfortably settled on my lap, I turn to face my wife.

  “How’s Connor doing?” I ask as I run my free hand over her belly.

  The feel of our son kicking from inside her stomach never gets old. I was mesmerized by it the entire time Grace was in there, and that is equally true with Connor.

  “Any thought we had about him being like Pop since he’s named after him is quickly fading away,” she jokes as she sets her hand down over mine. The sparkle of her engagement and wedding rings a visual reminder of some of the happiest days of my life. “This kid is a kicker—just like his dad. I won’t be surprised if he’s born wearing a team jersey.”

  I can’t help my laugh. “Like father, like son. Guess that means we’re in for it.”

  Leni smiles as she leans into me and sets her head on my shoulder. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Neither would I. Our home is filled with love and through our children, the legacy of my grandparents and the love they had for me and, more importantly, for this beautiful and amazing woman that I am so fucking lucky to call mine, lives on.


  If you love quick & hot novellas check out the first in my Erotic Intentions Stories -currently free in KU.

  Sin’s Temptation

  Books by Ella Fox

  The Hart Family Series

  Broken Hart

  Shattered Hart

  Loving Hart

  Unbroken Hart

  Missing Hart

  Finding Hart

  The Renegade Saints (Rockstar Romance) Series

  Picture Perfect

  Twist of Fate

  Between Us

  Something to Believe In

  The Catch Series

  Catch my Fall

  Catch and Release

  The Enamorado (In Love) Series

  I Don’t

  I Want

  Standalone Books

  Consequences of Deception

  All That’s Left to Hold Onto

  Strictly Temporary


  Copyright 2017 Charleigh Rose

  Dear Reader,

  Yard Sale is a complete standalone, but if you’ve read Bad Habit, you’ll run into the characters we know and love from Cactus Heights and River’s Edge.

  Yard Sale is a quick, fun, dirty read about what happens when a good(ish) girl has a one-night stand with a professional snowboarder. Hope you enjoy the ride!


  Charleigh Rose

  Yard Sale definition

  Yard Sale

  When a skier or snowboarder eats it on the slopes and loses all of their gear. If a skier loses his skies, poles, hat, goggles, and anything else, shout "YARD SALE" from the ski lift above him.

  Chapter 1


  5 months ago…






  That’s life. My glorious fucking life. At least, it is during snowboarding season. In the summer, I trade my snowboard for a skateboard. It helps retain that muscle memory and core strength while improving my skills that carry over onto the mountain. I may have started off as a skater, but my drug of choice will always be that snow-white powder. And not the kind that goes up your nose.

  I’m still high on the perfect fucking season, even though it’s August. I spent the entire winter touring and snagged myself another gold medal in the X Games for landing a quadruple underflip. The very first person in history to pull off that type of trick, making it my third medal total. I’ve been back home in River’s Edge for the past three months, living it up, taking advantage of my celebrity status with the local females, until the season starts again.

  “So,” I drawl, taking a swig of my beer in the crowded waterfront bar. “When’s that pretty redhead coming back to visit?”

  “She’s off-limits,” Briar reminds me. Again. Briar is my friend, Asher Kelley’s girl. I don’t know exactly what went down, except that Asher left for a while, and when he came back, he had acquired a girlfriend. It was about damn time. He was a grumpy fucker without her. Well, he’s still a grumpy fuck, but he smiles now. Sometimes.

  I don’t even want her friend. I mean, I wouldn’t throw her out of bed, but truthfully, I just like to tease Briar. Especially about that time she got it on with Kelley in the Jacuzzi when she thought none of us noticed. Spoiler alert: we did.

  “That’s a shame. I bet she likes hot tubs just as much as—”

  “Don’t even say it,” she warns, holding up a palm. I can’t blame her for not wanting me anywhere near her friend. She knows how I am with women. It’s not that I’m a bad guy. I love women. I love the way they smell. I love the way they sound when they’re writhing beneath me. Love how they feel pressed against me. I respect them. I’ve never been anything but honest when it comes to my intentions. We have our fun, and then go our separate ways. No strings. No attachments. At twenty-six, I’m too young, and this world is too big to be settling down this soon. I’m in my prime, professionally speaking, and I want to milk it to the very last drop.

  My brother, Cordell, laughs, and even our broody friend Dare cracks a smile, probably remembering that night. I can tell that I’m testing Asher’s patience by the way he works his jaw, not to mention the death glare he’s sending my way. He knows I’d never break the bro code, but it doesn’t mean he likes to hear other guys joke about seeing his girl get fucked.

  I avert my gaze and take another drink to hide my amusement just as the door to the bar opens and in walks a gorgeous brunette. She hesitates in the doorway for a minute, and I can’t look away. Tiny waist, toned, tan legs. Perky tits. Long, dark hair falling in waves
to her waist. Her black and white striped dress—that looks more like a slightly oversized T-shirt—hangs off one sun-kissed shoulder. As if she can sense me watching her, our eyes lock for a long moment before she breaks the connection. She adjusts her dress where it slipped down her shoulder and heads toward the bar.

  I slam my empty bottle onto the table and stand, zeroed in on the way her ass seems to stretch the stripes in her dress as she makes her way toward the bar.

  “Here we fucking go,” Dare says, recognizing the determined look on my face.

  “Don’t wait up,” I say, flashing them a grin before making my way to the bar. Shoving my way through the masses, I manage to squeeze in next to her. I look down at her—she’s shorter than I thought, maybe five feet four—and wait for her to acknowledge me. She doesn’t.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” I finally ask, and I almost roll my eyes at myself. I couldn’t come up with anything better than that?

  “A little cliché, don’t you think?” she deadpans, still not looking my way.

  “I prefer straightforward. You look like a girl who can appreciate that.”

  She finally looks up at me, her big, brown, doe eyes glossy and red, like she’s been crying. I instantly feel like a dick for hitting on a crying chick. But, she doesn’t seem sad. She seems irritated, maybe even angry. She bites down on her lower lip, assessing, before she seemingly comes to a conclusion.

  “I’ll have a Blue Moon. With an orange,” she adds.

  I give her a nod and flag down the bartender, my friend Ephraim, telling him I want two Blue Moons, with oranges, and return my attention back to the girl next to me.

  “Camden Hess. You can call me Cam,” I say, holding out a hand. She ignores it. She doesn’t seem to recognize my name. Maybe she’s not from around here.


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