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Adrift in the Wilds; Or, The Adventures of Two Shipwrecked Boys

Page 27

by Edward Sylvester Ellis



  The indistinct object gradually took shape, and the boys then saw Shastasitting in his small canoe, while directly behind him was Tim O'Rooney,his left hand extended backward and grasping the prow of his own boat,which was being towed by the Indian.

  The next moment the foremost lightly touched the shore and the savagesprung out, quickly followed by the Irishman.

  "I beg yez pardon, boys, for the time I tuk to git your dinner; but toshpake the thruth, I was unavoidably detained, as me brother writ mewhen he was locked up in Tipperary jail on his way to visit me."

  "We are glad enough to see you again, but where is your game?"

  "Worrah, worrah, but I had bad luck wid it. When I tuk it ashore, I satit down for a minit, and I hadn't the time to pick it up again."

  "But tell us all about it."

  This was quickly done, up to the point where Tim was saved by the timelyappearance of the grizzly bear, when, as may well be supposed, theexpressions of wonder were loud and continued.

  "You saw nothing more of your pursuers?" asked Howard.

  "Not a bit--nor be the same towken do I think they saw me."

  "How did you and Shasta meet?"

  "That was shtrange, was the same. After I found I was cl'ar of thevarmints, from the raisin that their exclusive attention was occupied bythe b'ar, I stopped and went to thinking--did I. I could saa the greatnecessity of our having me own canoe and I went back to whom I left thesame. It took me some time to find it, and when I did find it, it wasn'tit, but the one that belonged to the red gintlemen.

  "There was little difference atwixt the two and I thought the best thingwas to make a thrade, and just as I thought that I spied another canoecoming along the shore as though it was looking for something. I steppedback and raised the hammer of my gun, when I obsarved there was but oneInjin in the same--was there. So, 'Tim,' says I, ''twould be a shame,'and I lowered me gun agin.

  "Just then, and fur the life of me I don't know what put it into mehead, I thought it was Shasta, though I knowed I had lift him with a bigpain all through him. So I give a low whistle like, and called out'Shasta,' and with one whip of his paddle he sent his canoe right at myfaat, though I was sure he didn't saa me, and then waited fur me to stepin.

  "But he's a quaar fellow, is Shasta," added Tim. "I rached out me handto shake his own, but he never noticed it, but motioned fur me to stowmesilf into the bottom of the canoe; and thin, after some muttering andthrowing of his arms, I could saa he wanted me to howld on to the othercanoe."

  "And I did the same, and the way he towed us over the water would havefrightened a steamboat."

  "He is a smart fellow, indeed."

  The Indian upon landing had just pulled his canoe slightly up the bankand then had gone at once to the opposite side of the island where hehad lain when sick. They could see him walking slowly back and forth usif searching for something which he had some difficulty in finding.

  "Well, boys, I shpose you are hungry," said Tim, "If yez isn't I beginsto howld a very strong suspicion that it's meself that is."

  "Yes," replied Elwood, "we are both very hungry, but we had littleappetite so long as we knew you were in danger."

  "It was very kind of yez to restrain your appetite out of respict to me,and I'll not forgit to do the same when yez git into throuble."

  "We can afford to go supperless to-night," remarked Howard, "and feaston the contemplation of our good fortune. There was a time when ourprospects looked pretty dark."

  "Yis, sir; you may well say that. When I had the big bear walking at mefrom one direction and the three red gintlemen from the other, I thoughtto mesilf what a shplendid opportunity there was for the illigantexercise of one's idaas. But it was all the doings of the good Lordabove," added Tim very reverently.

  "Yes; there can be no doubt of that," replied Howard. "He has cared forus all the time."

  Tim now gave an account of his adventures in his hunt after the deer,previous to when he was first seen from the island. When he had finishedElwood asked:

  "Are we to stay here over night?"

  "I think not, but I defers to the judgment of Mr. Shasta. It's just ashe says about it."

  "He appears to be taken up with something over yonder."

  "He is searching for some object that he left when he made up his mindto get well," said Howard.

  "He must know all that has occurred, for when we came back from watchingyou, there he stood with his arms folded, and a look in his eye thatsaid he understood more about matters and things than we imagined hedid."

  "He must know that we are in danger so long as we are upon this island,and I should think he would leave it while it is dark."'

  "Do yez rest on that pint?" said Tim. "The red gintlemen will attind tothe same--will he."

  At this juncture the Pah Utah was observed walking slowly toward them,his long blanket grasped at the breast by his left hand, while his rightwas free. As soon as he came up he pointed at the canoes and mutteredsomething.

  "What does he mean?" asked Elwood.

  "Terror understands him better than we do," replied Howard, as theNewfoundland sprung into the larger boat and nestled down near thestern.

  Our friends were not long in imitating the action of the dog. Tim madeas if to step into the Indian's boat, but he motioned him back, and tookhis seat in the front of the larger canoe. The savage now produced acord, probably the tendon of some wild animal, with which he speedilyfastened the prow of the larger canoe to the stem of his own.

  This done he turned the head down stream and began using his paddle withthe same wonderful dexterity he had displayed during the afternoon. Theboys watched and admired his skill for a long time. The faint moonbarely revealed the shores on either hand, stretching away in mistygloom, while all before and behind them was darkness.

  The muscular arms of Shasta appeared to be as tireless as thepiston-rods of an engine, and at last our friends grow weary of watchinghim. The boys became drowsy, and they finally lay down in the bottom ofthe boat, with their blanket over them, and went to sleep.

  In the course of an hour Tim did the same, and the Pah Utah was thisleft alone to ply the canoe, the Newfoundland now and then raising hishead and looking over the edge as if to satisfy himself that all wasright.

  Once near the middle of the night Elwood awoke, and pushing his blanketfrom his face, raised himself on his elbow and looked around. The samepicture met his eye--the dark-hued Shasta, his long hair streaming overhis shoulders, the blanket down to his waist, and his bronzed armsworking with the silence, skill and regularity of a perfect machine.


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