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Adrift in the Wilds; Or, The Adventures of Two Shipwrecked Boys

Page 32

by Edward Sylvester Ellis



  The Newfoundland, Terror, occasioned more apprehension to his friendsthan did anything else. They came to see that no personal dangerthreatened so long as the fire kept burning, and as there was anabundance of fuel, this settled that point; but the dog grew enraged atthe furious uproar, which drove away all sleep, and appeared to give himfear that the entire party were in danger.

  Several times, when some of the wolverines came too close, he made aspring at them, and they snapped back. But the good sense of the dogkept him from venturing among the ravenous brutes, and they in turn werein too much dread of the fire to do more than spring at him and then asquickly dart back again.

  It was an impressive sight and one which could never be forgotten. Thelarge, noble Newfoundland, standing out in relief against the glare ofthe camp-fire, his eyes aflame with anger, every muscle braced, the jawsparted and his eyes fixed upon the dark bodies plunging over each other,darting forward and back again, snapping, snarling and furious; the PahUtah stretched upon the ground, deliberately smoking, all unheedful ofthe deafening clangor and the savage brutes that sometimes approachedalmost within striking distance; the two boys, so close to the fire thatthey were often scorched by it, gazing at the animals with an expressionof half fear and half wonder, starting when one of them came unusuallynear, and now and then sending the fatal bullet among them; the nervousIrishman, darting hither and thither, taking great care that the firewas kept fully burning; all these, we say, made a scene impressive inthe highest degree.

  Terror, when sharply spoken to, would withdraw from his dangerousproximity to the wolverines, but almost immediately he stepped forwardto the same spot he first occupied, and his obedience to the commands ofthe boys was so sullen and ill-natured that they forebore speaking tohim except when his safety seemed absolutely to demand it.

  At times there was an interruption in the clamor, but the wolverines didnot appear to relax their vigilance in the least. It was as if they haddetermined to make their evening meal upon the party though they wereforced to wait until morning for it. During these intervals ofcomparative silence our friends gained opportunity for the exchange of afew words, but they were often compelled to shout at the top of theirvoices to make themselves heard.

  During one of these lulls Elwood spoke to Howard.

  "What will take place in the morning, when these creatures are notafraid of our fire?"

  "I think they will go away."

  "Perhaps so: but we are not so sure of that."

  "Shasta will no doubt turn the whole thing over in his mind, and beprompt enough to act when the danger comes. I suppose we can take to ourcanoes and give them the slip in that manner."

  "Yes; the Indian appears to have rather a contemptible opinion of them.He scarcely heeds their wrangling."

  "He is not so timid as we and Tim are; but he doesn't forget to look atthem once in a while, so as not to forget what they are doing."

  "They are a savage set of animals. How angry Terror is! Don't you noticethat they are trying to entice him to venture out a little nearer them?They hate him more than all of us."

  "Do you think so?"

  "You can see it in their manner. If they can once get hold of him theywill tear him to shreds."

  "And they will catch him, too, if he isn't careful. He is so surly andcross himself that it is dangerous to touch or speak to him."

  "We can't afford to lose him. We must watch, and if he gets too close toany of them, why, all we shall have to do is to crack them over, andgive the others warning to keep their distance."

  While they were speaking a huge wolverine darted close enough to strikeTerror. Instantly the two closed and rolled upon the ground in thefierce death struggle. Over and over, snapping, snarling, growling,biting, scratching with lightning-like fierceness, now one below andthen the other, and finally the dog on top.

  The conflict was as short as it was furious. The massive jaws of theNewfoundland closed on the throat of his antagonist and his teeth metthrough his windpipe. There they stuck for a minute, and when he relaxedhis hold it was all over with the reckless animal.

  Still it would have fared ill with the dog but for Shasta, for the otherwolverines would have sprung upon him and destroyed him before he couldhave escaped. At the moment the two closed the Indian darted forward,seized a brand and flourished it over the combatants. This so terrifiedthe others that they kept their distance until the conqueror resumed hisplace in triumph by the fire.

  This encounter proved it lesson to both the dog and the wolverines. Thelatter appeared to comprehend the disadvantage under which they wereplaced, while Terror, having had a taste of their mettle, was satisfiedfor the time, and kept a safe position further away from the brutes thatwere so eager to fasten their teeth in him.

  It was now verging toward morning, and the Pah Utah looked about him asif he were going to make his preparations for moving. He looked towardthe raging creatures, still fierce and furious, and then glanced at thecanoes drawn up within a few feet of the camp-fire, and pointed towardthem and the river.

  Fortunately but a few feet intervened between their present position andthe stream, so that the latter was easy of access in case it shouldbecome necessary to retreat before the wolverines. Still the fire didnot protect this enough to make it a safe undertaking in their presentsituation.

  Shasta picked up several blazing sticks, and carrying them to thewater's edge, placed them together and covered them with some drybrush-wood. They speedily fanned themselves into a flame, and thegathering brutes withdrew and offered a fine approach to the river.

  The Indian's next proceeding was to launch the two boats. This was doneeasily and without difficulty. The blankets and guns were placed within,and then motioned for the dog to follow; but Terror did not seemdisposed to leave his present quarters. Perhaps the idea worked its wayinto his shaggy head that it savored too much of deserting his friends,or it may be that he still coveted a taste for another collision withthe audacious animals that had pressed him so sorely.

  Our brave soldier boys, who abhor bloodshed from a principle, still havea love for the wild abandon of camp life, and many a one looks back witha sigh to the rough experiences which we all pray may never come again.So it may be the Newfoundland, naturally peaceful, having had his bloodfairly roused by his tussle and triumph, yet longed for more of victory.

  Finally Howard and Elwood took their seats, and Tim O'Rooney followed;then Terror, casting one reluctant look behind him, jumped into the boatand lay down in his usual position; and so, at length, they all wereembarked in safety.


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