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Adrift in the Wilds; Or, The Adventures of Two Shipwrecked Boys

Page 34

by Edward Sylvester Ellis



  The three whites were still gazing toward the eastern shore, intentlylooking for some sign, or listening to some sound which might tellsomething regarding Shasta, when they were startled by a loud whirringor buzzing overhead, and looking up saw a large bird passing within afew feet of them--so close that its claws could be seen curled upagainst its body, as it made a sudden sweep to the right, frightened atits near approach to its human enemies.

  "Shoot it!" called out Elwood to Howard. "My gun isn't loaded, and itwill make us a good breakfast."

  But the bird, whatever it was, did not choose to wait until the heavyrifle could be brought to bear upon it; and by the time Howard hadfairly got the idea through his head, it was skimming away over thecountry toward the Coast Range.

  But a sharper eye and an unerring aim was leveled against it, and asthey were watching its flight it suddenly turned over and over, itsgreat wings going like the arms of a windmill as it dropped swiftly tothe earth; and, as it disappeared in the trees and undergrowth, thecrack of a rifle came across the intervening space.

  "That was Shasta!" exclaimed Elwood in delight.

  "Certainly, we might have known what he was after. He thinks we do notadmire fish as a steady diet and has gone after fowl for us."

  "I don't know about that," said Elwood, who sometimes seemed toalternate with Howard in his knowledge of the ways of the wood. "I can'tsee that there was any more chance of seeing birds there than upon theisland. That same fowl passed closer to us than it did to him."

  "I suppose," laughed Howard, "that he was hunting after game of somekind, and had no idea of shooting the bird until it passed so near himthat he saw it was quite the thing we needed, and so he toppled itover."

  "Me views intirely," assented Tim. "I agraas wid both of yees."

  A few moments later the Pah Utah appeared with the bird in his hand, andflinging it into the canoe quickly paddled back to the island. His birdproved to be a species of wild goose, that seemed to have strayed fromits flock and gone wandering through the Salinas Valley at this seasonof the year ultimately to fall before the rifle of Shasta.

  Our friends were in ecstasies over their prospective meal. The Indiandisplayed the same skill in dressing the bird that he did in preparingthe fish. The feathers were quickly twitched off, and the dry driftwoodpiled upon the upper end of the island was the best fuel they could havehad for the purpose. When done, it was "done brown," and to a turn; andto the famishing travelers nothing could have been more savory andluscious.

  The truth of it was, the boys found that this kind of life was agreeingwith them amazingly. Their appetites were fierce, their sleep sound, anda feeling of perfect health diffused itself through their glowingframes, such as they had never known before. Their exposure to the nightair troubled them at first, but they soon recovered from it and enjoyed"camping out" as thoroughly as did old campaigners.

  It was a very good thing, it is true, for a while; but don't let anyboys get the idea of following their example, unless they are compelledin precisely the same manner to do so. If any youngster imagines he hasformed true ideas of distant countries from the narratives of adventureswhich he may have read, he will find himself most woefully mistaken.Never think of traveling until you are a married man, and by that timeyou will have made up your mind to be sensible and stay at home.

  When the meal was finished, and their appetites satisfied, the Pah Utah,instead of immediately embarking, walked to the lower end of the island,and stood for some time apparently examining some sign further down theriver. Following the direction of his eyes, our friends could seenothing unusual until Elwood detected something in the air on thewestern bank which at first resembled a light cloud, but which theyimagined might be caused by a camp-fire.

  Whatever it was that attracted the attention of Shasta he took but a fewmoments to decide regarding it. Going again to his canoe, he entered itwithout a word or sign, and paddled away at his swiftest rate straighttoward it, while his companions watched the proceeding with as muchinterest as in the preceding case.

  The camp appeared fully a half-mile distant, and it took but a shorttime for the Indian to reach a point opposite, when he sprung lightlyashore and disappeared with his usual celerity.

  "He is cautious," remarked Elwood. "He doesn't wish us to undertake topass it unless he is sure there will be no trouble."

  "A sinsible young man!" asserted Tim. "His parents have the best raisonfor faaling proud of so promising a young gintleman."

  "And so have we."

  A few moments elapsed, when the Pah Utah reappeared and came back asrapidly as he went.

  The first thing he did upon reaching the island was again to fasten theboats together, and then motion to the three to enter. This, of course,they did without delay, and took their usual positions.

  But Shasta was not satisfied. He told them, in his manner, to lie down;and not until the three had so arranged themselves as to be invisiblefrom both shores, did he dip his paddle and resume his journey.

  "This means danger," said Elwood. "He doesn't wish any one to know weare in the boats."

  "And we must be sure and obey him."

  "It's aisy doing, as my brother used to say whin his wife tould him, inher gintle manner, by the help of her broomstick, to go to bed."

  "And, Elwood, you are close to Terror, see that he doesn't let hiscuriosity got the better of his judgment."

  The Pah Utah was satisfied, and now began plying his paddle. It wasdifficult for the three so to govern their curiosity as not to peep overthe side of the canoe; but there were good reasons for their not doingso, and they scarcely moved a limb for the next hour.

  They had gone but a little way when Terror raised his head and uttered aslight bark; but a word from Elwood quieted him. Finally, Shasta pausedand uttered a guttural sound in his own tongue, which was taken aspermission for them to rise.

  As they did so, they looked behind. The dim smoke ascending in thesummer sky was seen far behind, and between it and them the Salinas madeanother bend, so that they had no cause to fear observation from thatparty at least.

  Shasta again disconnected the two canoes--an act which did not surprisethem; but his next proceeding astonished them a good deal.

  Reaching across the boats, he shook hands with them all, at the sametime muttering a word or two to each.

  "He is going to leave us," said Elwood, with an air of disappointment.

  "He has good reason for doing so, but I am afraid it will be bad forus."

  "Adieu, Mr. Shasta, adieu!" said Tim O'Rooney, with considerablefeeling. "You've done us a good turn and we'll not forget you. If yezever drifts into San Francisco, give us a call."

  The Indian motioned to them to proceed, and using his paddle with hisextraordinary skill, he sped up the river toward the camp-fire, and in avery short time vanished.


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