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Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista

Page 36

by Matthew Bracken

  Professor Johnson had been edged out of the discussion, shunted aside. Ranya saw an opening, and a new plan began to form in her mind. She detached herself from Ramos, and sidled over to him. Johnson looked miserable, like a pampered house cat that had been hurled into the alley by a new owner.

  It was usually quite easy for her to open a conversation with a man, or at least with a heterosexual man. Normally, all she had to do was smile and make eye contact. Ranya wondered how he would react, considering his dubious sexual orientation. “Hi! You’re Professor Johnson?” she asked in English.

  “Yes, but please, call me Robert.” He was obviously flattered by her attention. “Do I know you? Are you in one of my classes?”

  “No, I’m sorry to say. But I did read some of your work on the Spanish Land Grants. You might even say that you’re part of the reason I came to Nuevo Mexico.”

  He smiled back at her, his recent sense of rejection easing. “Then…do I understand that you’re a volunteer?”

  “Yes, I am…or I was, anyway. I’m joining the Milicia—in fact, my basic training starts Monday.”

  “Well! That’s quite impressive! You must really be dedicated to the cause, to be willing to make such a sacrifice! Obviously, you’re not just a ‘summertime comrade’ like so many of the other student volunteers.” Johnson glanced back over to the inner circle, still clustered around the governor. “I see that you’re with Comandante Ramos?”

  “Yes, you might say that he’s been my mentor, ever since I arrived in the city.”

  “Then you’re very lucky. Very! You know, some of my students say that Basilio Ramos is our revolution’s ‘Che.’ Personally, I can’t think of a higher honor than to be compared to the great Che Guevara.”

  Ranya suppressed her loathing for the professor, while nodding in feigned agreement, thinking of the thousands of Cubans who had been executed on Guevara’s orders. “Yes, the Comandante is a wonderful man, just wonderful. Actually, I’ve been very fortunate to get to know him personally. And you know Robert, Basilio is actually quite a fan of yours.”

  “R-really? Seriously?” Johnson stammered, flustered by this welcome surprise.

  “Yes, seriously! He often says that land reform is the very cornerstone of our revolution, and he frequently quotes your work.”

  “Oh…my! Well…I’m just so honored that the Comandante has even heard of me!”

  “He’s very familiar with your body of work—he’s quite a serious student of land reform.”

  “Yes, but the Comandante does much more than just write papers! We have all been so proud, watching his Falcons liberate the stolen lands from the gringo invaders!”

  Ranya almost choked at these words, coming from a pale-faced Anglo, who by his accent had spent most of his life in New England. “Yes, Basilio is truly a man of action.”

  “ of action.” Even in the dim torchlight, Johnson appeared flushed.

  “And you know, Robert…” She paused, as if carefully considering her words. “Really, I shouldn’t say this at all…” Ranya dropped her voice to just a whisper, stepping back, leading him further away from the main body of guests.

  “Shouldn’t say what?” Johnson slurped his drink, staring hard at her.

  “Basilio would absolutely kill me if he knew I was going to mention this…”

  “Kill you? What?” Johnson’s eyes opened wide, as he leaned toward Ranya, his gaze flickering between her face and her well-exposed bust line.

  “Robert, as I’m sure you know, Basilio is quite a ladies’ man.”

  “Uh, yes, so I have heard,” Johnson nodded eagerly.

  “Well…umm…he’s also, well…quite a man’s man—if you follow my meaning.” She gave him a sly wink, and squeezed his arm. Johnson appeared to be choking, and Ranya wondered if he would soon need CPR, or perhaps the Heimlich maneuver.

  “A…man’s…man?” Johnson replied weakly.

  “You know, sometimes…Basilio…he’s really quite…adventurous.”

  “I’m sure that he is…”

  “And sometimes he enjoys a bit of…variety…but only with someone he knows he can trust intimately, of course…”

  “Of course…”

  “Someone that he sees eye-to-eye with.”

  “Yes, yes, eye-to-eye…”

  “So…Robert…after the governor’s group leaves, after Wayne Parker and Rich Mentiroso and the rest have gone…well, perhaps you can stick around? I’ll come and find you…and we’ll go upstairs. Then you can meet Basilio…on a personal level.”

  “Yes… I—we—uh…” Johnson’s voice was cracking.

  “A very…personal…level.”

  Johnson slurped another sip of his drink, while staring at her face. “Oh, I’ll wait. I’ll be here!”

  “Good man, Professor.” Ranya dragged a fingernail under his chin while pursing her lips as if to blow him a kiss, then turned to go back inside the house, trying hard to suppress her laughter. She left him standing frozen, his mouth hanging agape like a fish.


  Ranya and Basilio Ramos walked the new governor and his entourage down the steps of his villa to the driveway, to his waiting motorcade of SUVs and luxury cars. She was pretending to be tipsy from drink and unsteady in her black pumps, so that she could fall against the Comandante, pressing her breasts against his side. While she was leaning against him, she brushed his ear with her lips and whispered, “Basilio, I’m so horny—I just can’t wait any longer! Please cariño, get rid of these clowns, and hurry upstairs!”

  Then she spun away from him, and strode back toward the house, exaggerating the swing of her hips, fully aware of how tight her mini-dress was. She saw the guests and bodyguards turn to follow her progress back up the curving stone steps to the front landing. She instinctively knew that they were all watching her; she felt all of their hungry eyes. Then she disappeared inside, the doors held open for her by one of Ramos’s own Zeta Squad, still on duty, wearing a tan combat vest, a carbine slung over his shoulder. She knew that all of these men from the governor to the guards were thinking the same thing: Dios mio, that Comandante Ramos sure is one lucky bastard! Ay caramba, he is going to nail that chica guapa tonight—and wouldn’t I like to be him!

  How wrong they all were, she thought, savoring the delicious moment. Now she had to move quickly—there was much to do in a short period of time.


  Ten minutes later, Basilio Ramos eagerly entered his bedroom where he knew Ranya was awaiting him. He had hurried his farewells to the new governor, anxious to get inside the house and upstairs to her. As he rushed through his foyer, he had seen Wayne Parker and the gringo professor in his downstairs library. They were standing over maps and atlases laid across a table, marking them up with pens like common vandals. He paused only a moment, and then continued. He didn’t have time to bother with them now. They could let themselves out when they finished with their felt-tip marker fantasies of La República Del Norte. No doubt Wayne Parker already saw himself as the new power behind the throne, with Félix Magón serving as his brown-skinned puppet. How could a man so monumentally stupid have amassed so many billions of dollars?

  Ramos took the steps two at a time, almost broke into a run on his upstairs hallway, and threw open the door to his master bedroom. The room was dark, except for the flickering light of a dozen red and yellow candles. Soft music was playing on his stereo system. Ranya was sitting on a chair in the darkness across the room, the open doors to the balcony behind her. The bottom of her black mini-dress was pulled up around her waist. Her long slender legs were crossed, showing the flesh of her thigh all the way to her curvaceous culo. He could see the tops of her black stockings; she was still wearing her black stiletto high heels.

  “Wait, stop right there!” she commanded in English. Her unexpectedly authoritative tone brought him up short in the doorway. “Comandante Ramos, I think that you are far too accustomed to giving orders. Tonight, I am going to give the orders. I am going to
command you, and I demand that you will obey me! Will you give me this gift of your obedience, Basilio? If you will indulge my fantasy, I promise you, I will exceed your wildest desires tonight. I want tonight to be a night like no other, a night that you will never, ever forget. Tonight will be my gift of thanks for all that you have done for me.”

  Ramos stood transfixed, unused to any woman ever demanding to take charge of him in this manner. Well, he had certainly never had any woman like this wild Arab girl before! Why not, he thought? What can be the harm in fulfilling Ranya’s fantasy of role reversal? What can she possibly deal out that I cannot handle?

  He answered with his own question. “I guess it depends on what you want to do, doesn’t it?”

  “I only want to please you Basilio, in a way that you have never been pleased before. I want to give you more pleasure than you have ever known. But I have to be completely in charge, at first. Will you agree to this, cariño mio?”

  He breathed deeply. In the flickering candlelight, he could see that her nipples were just exposed above the top of her dress…and he suppressed a groan. This Arab girl was hot, burning hot, she was eager, and she wanted to begin their lovemaking by acting out some deep personal fantasy. The time they had spent together without having sex must have finally driven her to an excess of pent-up lustful desire. Well, why not satisfy her cravings, in the way that she demanded? At least, at the beginning. As soon as she lost her self control he would take over and forcefully dominate her, the way that he knew she really wanted him to, despite this artful charade.

  So after a moment’s consideration he said, “I agree. Yes, I’ll play my part, as you wish. And then afterwards, I’ll give you even more pleasure in return.”

  “Excellent—that’s what I wanted to hear you say. Thank you. Now, close the door and undress, right there. I want to watch you.”


  When Basilio agreed to obey her instructions, Ranya took a deep breath, relieved. This was the most unpredictable—and dangerous—part of her plan. She needed to give an Academy Award performance to pull it off, and so far, it had worked. After dropping his gun belt he slowly undressed, one button at a time, while staring at her. When he was naked she said, “Now, you just lay down like a good boy, and I’ll do the rest.” He did as he was told, his head propped up on thick pillows to watch her, his hands behind his head, his manhood growing across his flat stomach.

  She stood and walked the few steps to the bed, and leaned over him, allowing him to savor the sight of her exposed breasts, which were jutting over the low-cut top of her dress. On her last shopping trip, she had picked up a dozen pairs of black nylon stockings, with this final night in mind. Where the sight of ropes or cords might panic him, she hoped that soft and feminine hosiery would instead be a tease and a turn-on. She had placed several sets of the new nylons under the bed, hidden beneath its matching mattress skirt. Each nylon already had a slipknot tied in one end.

  Now she took one soft nylon and looped the slipknot around his left ankle, and then tied the other end to the mahogany bedpost. She left enough slack for it to feel safe and unthreatening, only a play-act of mild bondage. A second set of nylons was under the other bed corner, and in another minute both of his feet were securely tied to the posts. They smiled at one another, and he willingly offered her his right hand to be tied. His eyes on fire, he said, “Oh baby, I knew you were a wild one, but I had no idea how wild!”

  “Basilio, you still don’t know! Trust me, cariño: you will never, ever forget this night.” In another minute he was tied hand and foot to the four bedposts, the soft and stretchy nylons seemingly only make-believe restraints for playful fantasy games.

  She said, “One more, lover, one more.” Ranya sat on the bed and leaned over him, and wrapped a last nylon stocking around his eyes, and pulled the slipknot tight behind his head. As an extra touch, she placed his brown beret on his head, the silver falcon medallion prominently displayed in front. He groaned, tried to lift his head up and forward to reach her but she was already gone. After a moment, she returned and sat on the right side of the bed again, and placed one hand gently on his shoulder, causing a shiver to run through him. He really did have a nice body, she thought...trim, narrow hips, broad shoulders, not too hairy…

  Too bad he was such a psychopathic monster. She held a tumbler in her right hand, it was filled with a dark liquid. She slid her left hand behind his head and helped to lift it, and said, “Drink this, cariño,” while holding the glass to his lips.

  “W-what is it?”

  “Oh, just a little something I know you’ll like. A very special drink I made, just for you. I think it’s your favorite, in fact. Now…drink.”

  He continued to play his role and obeyed her command, and swallowed the contents in a few gulps, spilling only a little on his chin. When he finished he was still smiling, no doubt in anticipation of the unimaginable sexual pleasure about to commence.

  The cocktail consisted of only a half of a can of ice cold Pepsi, and the dissolved contents of four capsules of Libidinol. The Physician’s Desk Reference on his computer had said that the normal dose for “diminished sexual desire” was one capsule, and warned strongly against taking more within a 24-hour period. When emptying the capsules into the glass, she had wondered if four would kill him, knock him out, render him impotent, or turn him into a raging sex machine. Well, she would soon find out.

  “Now, lover boy, just wait for a little while. I need to freshen up and get ready, and then you’re going to have the most unforgettable sex you’ve ever had in your life. That, I promise you.”


  He could feel her sitting on the edge of the bed, but then she had left. At first, he had been uneasy at the idea of Ranya binding him with the nylon stockings, but a few minutes after drinking her potion, he had seen the magnificence, even the genius of her idea. She was by far the most gorgeous, sensuous and seductive woman he had ever known, and she was presenting him with the gift of herself, but not too quickly or easily. Ranya was going to make him earn her love tonight! She was truly brilliant, besides being by far the most breathtakingly beautiful woman he had ever known! Compared to Ranya Bardiwell, Salma Hayek and Catherine Zeta Jones were ugly ducklings!

  Willingly blindfolded, lying on his back on the softest bed he had ever felt, he remembered how she had smiled at him, and his heart melted again. Her eyes had shone like amber jewels, her lips were like ripe tulip petals, and her pink, erect nipples, peaking above the top of her dress, well, he had never seen anything half as erotic in his life!

  Ranya spoke to him, her voice a melody, a symphony, and his heart turned somersaults. (Did she really have to join the Milicia? Was she really going to leave him? Panic struck him at the thought!) Then she spoke again (Oh, that voice!) and his momentary fears blinked away to insignificant nothingness.

  “Basilio, do you know that tall black safe in the back of your closet? I’ll bet it’s just full of wonderful, beautiful things.”

  “Oh, yes it is! Many beautiful things! I think you would love the jewelry.” He was proud, even excited, that she shared his deep appreciation for the Liberty gun safe, which was already in the closet when he had moved in. Ramos smiled, visualizing all of the treasures that it contained.

  “You know, I would really enjoy seeing your beautiful things. Please darling, tell me the numbers to push to open it, so that we can enjoy your wonderful, beautiful things together. I’d like to wear some jewelry, to be as beautiful as I can for you, before I take off your blindfold.”

  He was astounded by the perfection of her idea—the perfectly lovely Ranya Bardiwell, wearing the perfectly lovely jewelry he had collected. His Falcons were true champions, dutifully bringing to their Comandante the valuables that they discovered on land reform operations, to be donated to the People’s Cause. Now, Ranya wanted to please him, by wearing some of these gems. Why hadn’t he thought of this before? Naturally, she should wear the jewelry, any that she liked!

The combination is 8-2-4-7-5. The best jewelry is inside the drawer on the top shelf.” Her happiness was more priceless to him than all of the gold and all of the jewels in the world. He only hoped his little collection would please her.


  “Thank you Basilio—I’ll be right back.” Ranya laughed, the Libidinol was definitely working its black magic. It was not only making him super horny, but it was leaving him determined to please her in every conceivable way. She remembered what a bliss ninny she had become after drinking his spiked Margaritas up on the mountain, and she felt no pity for him in his present condition. She left him tied up on his bed, and went to the closet, where she quickly punched in the combination on the electronic number pad. When the light blinked green, she turned the three stainless steel bars protruding from the center of the safe, and pulled the heavy door open. After a quick glimpse within, she left his bedroom for the next phase of her plan.

  Ranya had specifically picked the stretchy black mini-dress with the built-in bra, because while wearing it she could switch from a half-naked dominatrix to sufficiently modest, simply by making the proper adjustments at the top and bottom. Now she pulled the top of the shelf bra out, fitting her breasts back into their proper positions, and then she tugged the hem down over her hips to the tops of her thighs. She was once again presentable enough to walk through his house at just after midnight.


  Three minutes later, she led a dazed Professor Johnson into the bedroom by his hand. He had been waiting in the downstairs library, seated in a wing chair, reading a history book. The billionaire tycoon Wayne Parker was lying on a leather sofa on his back, snoring to rattle the windows, while watched over by a trio of unsmiling thick-necked bodyguards in business suits.

  On the way upstairs, she gave the dumbstruck professor his instructions, and on the stairway landing she presented him with his own waiting glass of cola, pre-spiked with Libidinol. He drank the concoction eagerly and without any questions, unfazed. She guessed that the horn-dog professor was accustomed to plying his students—male and female alike— with strong drinks and mood-enhancing party drugs.


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