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Residual: The Gray-Matter Chronicles Book 3 (The Matter Chronicles 6)

Page 14

by P. G. Thomas

Mirtza, Gayne, and Steve remained safely in the kitchen until they heard the incensed screams of Ryan to Panry. When they entered the room, they saw the Earth Guard captain standing in front of a portal, and four elves carrying two wolves exiting from it.

  Panry held up his hand, “We do not have time for your anger now. Pups of Zack we found, but both share injuries grave and have ingested poison.” With everybody rushing forward into the front room, they were unable to comprehend the horrors that filled their eyes. Panry grabbed Lauren by the shoulders, “Can you help them?”

  Hearing the labored breathing, she ran her hand over the offensive wounds, pulling it back in horror, “No, what happened?”

  “Time for questions we do not have. Cannot your staff heal what injures them?”

  “We need to get them to Alron.” Lauren turned to Gayne, “Open a portal now. We need Gingaar!”

  Racing into his study, Gayne quickly returned with the desired amulets, which he gave to Panry, who then materialized the portal. When it came into focus, the Earth Guards picked up the tables with the injured wolves, rushing them through, followed by the rest, except for Mirtza and Gayne who stayed behind in the Bright Coast.


  When Jedimac arrived at the specified location, his selected crew were acting like doormen, inspecting the invitations that allowed access into the vacant warehouse. Stepping into a shadow, he pulled a black mask over his head, and approaching the door, he showed his invitation. Once inside the large room that could have employed more lights, he mingled nervously amongst the thousand black-masked occupants, meandering slowly to a large crate in the center of the room, and then stepped onto it, raising the black key. In the dark room, it began to glow white, and the crowd went silent when they all turned to face him. Having tied the key to a leather strip, he lowered it over his head, much like placing a crown. Clearing his throat, lowering his voice, changing its pitch, he addressed the gathered. “Fellow thieves, cutpurses, pickpockets, arsons, whoremasters, assassins, all. Welcome, but tonight that was your former calling, as now, you are all Black Watch.” Even though all smiled under their masks, realizing the honor of the appointment, there was no protocol for acknowledging it. He continued, “Since we are one family now, any guild feuds, grievances, dislikes, or such are forgotten until we dissolve. If your Guild Masters reviewed the charter, they explained to you about dragging your past into this present, and the truth is this: since I will have little time to silence such issues, please provide no reasons to cut your arguments short. Our mission is simple: to win the night back for our guilds. Therefore, each person is responsible for the protection of his fellow squad members. Should any one of us stumble, in jeopardy it will put us all. I will not treat you like children, as amongst you, there are leaders and followers. Being the best of the best, you are more than capable of determining the talents of those who stand beside you. We need two hundred groups of five, but twenty will serve in the role of night runners. They will look for the signs of the Black Watch, ferreting them out, delivering news and returning messages. They will need to be highly skilled in shadow stealth, knowing our code, being confident in their abilities, as most will travel the cold nights alone. Having a large territory to cover, even though citizens of the Bright Coast are unwelcomed north of the Key, our presence will shortly generate a dark fear in our new neighbors.” The guilds had changed over the years, becoming more sophisticated, especially after Jedimac had hired students from Gayne’s school. “Did any Guild leaders select those who are gifted with numbers?” As some of the Black Watch began to laugh, three made their way to the front of the room, one being from his own Guild. He stamped his foot, “They are your brothers who have a special gift. We are not fighting a lawful presence that attempts to suppress us, but an establishment of wealth, so their talents may just win us the night. Now select your groups while I instruct these three.” Stepping off the crate, he walked past them, approaching two large muscled members, whose clothing did little to conceal their hidden weapons. “You two, with me,” then they headed back over to the three. “The last time the Black Watch formed, they thought increased law enforcement could suppress us, yet we proved them wrong because back then they had faces. There is a power on the north side that is controlling events, requiring wealth to make those actions happen in the desired way. Your job is to go to the tax and council halls, finding that trail of gold, telling me to whom it belongs, as those are the ones that we search for.”

  “What we gonna do, boss?”

  Jedimac turned around to the two larger thieves, “I know you both, and even though having a natural talent for violence, I also know you to be educated, being easily able to handle both sword and argument. You are to provide these three with the necessary support, gaining access to those places that contain the information we need.”

  The first thief sighed, “While I was actually hoping for a bloodbath of unimaginable proportions, if that is our task, then access we will ensure.”

  Smiling under his mask, Jedimac looked to the second.

  “Sounds boring. The reason I started to break bones was that I found books monotonous.”

  “I am sure that this assignment will challenge both your brains and brawn. Now I need to see how the other groups are forming.” Then Jedimac began to mingle amongst the remaining crowd. It was easy to identify most: large enforcers, shifty assassins, wiry house robbers, aggressive muggers, and arsonists—by their smell, and so many more. While most openly displayed the weapons they carried, others tried to hide theirs, and with the last, you had to guess what they had and where. Inspecting the forming groups, even though he accepted most, with several, he made suggestions for personnel changes, and when done, he gave each a number. He then took to the makeshift stage, giving a quick speech on their general functions, the areas they would patrol and such. Calling up selected groups, he then advised them of more specific details or tasks.

  Chapter 10

  It was dark at the foot of Alron’s statue when Eric called out for help, and within minutes, the Town Watch showed up. They quickly relieved the shorter elves from their burden, rushing to the commanded location. At Zack’s house, a collection of Granite Guardians, wolves, and midlanders halted the unexpected arrival with determined threats in their eyes.

  Zack opened the door, “In the name of Korg, what’s happening?” Then he saw the wolves being carried, sensed them, “GET THEM INSIDE NOW!”

  Carefully bringing the gasping wolves into the house, Gingaar came rushing down the stairs, holding up her long nightshirt to make sure she did not trip. Seeing the two wolves, she staggered, falling onto the couch. With the room being crowded, the questions were too many, and with the volume growing so loud that none knew who had asked what.

  Then, the once timid elf, who enjoyed tending plants, stood. “OUT, ALL OF YOU SHALL LEAVE NOW! If they are not Earth Mother, chase them onto the street.” The Guardians commanded began forcing the occupants outside.

  Panry handed her the retrieved bottle, “The animal healer gave both this, but I gave both the special antidote.”

  Grabbing it, she sniffed the bottle, her eyes going wide with horror. “It is Sweet Release!” Clutching her staff, she placed it across the wolf bodies. “Toxin deadly, you shall leave your hosts.” Watching, Panry saw a dark, thick liquid start to drip out of the wolf’s pores, hardening into the shape of a black rose. She picked up both, dropping them into a glass, and then called to Mother’s magic to seal it closed.

  Walking over, Panry tried to grab the glass.

  “It is more deadly, as my staff and magic have concentrated and magnified its properties,” protested Gingaar, “I shall dispose of it when time I have.”

  He shook his head, “If I am given the chance, I shall return it to the rightful owner,” and taking the sealed container, he headed to the door.

  Gingaar looked to Lauren, “Earth Mother, I need your help.” When the Guardian closed the door, the room was quiet, but then Nur came running into th
e front room. Seeing her children mortally wounded lying on the tables, she shrieked in horror. Dropping the satchels she was carrying, she ran over to them, trying to hold back her tears. As Lauren went to comfort her, Nur’s crying both blurred her vision and muddied her hearing.

  “While you are Earth Mother, your skills we do not require. Should that change, I shall call for you,” advised Gingaar.

  John nodded, “Yeah, I’ll be outside.”

  Gingaar walked over to Nur, grabbing her by the shoulders, “Your tears will not heal your children.” She held out a berry, “We need you to be strong, as much help they need.”

  After Nur had swallowed it, she took a few deep breaths, pushed away her tears, “Where do we start?”


  In front of the house, Zack was circling Ryan, “Did you hear that? My wife just screamed at what she saw. You made a promise to me, and I WARNED YOU WHAT WOULD HAPPEN!”

  While Ryan may have understood Zack, the rest who watched failed to understand what was happening, as the crowd exceeded the confusion that night: three Earth Guards squads, six mounted Granite Guardians, twelve blood wolves, three wild wolves, the Unchosen, the Champion, the Bastard, and last, but not least, Steve.

  When Panry stepped onto the porch, Ryan’s skin turned to rock, “What did you do to me?”

  Even though Zack was not a wolf, he growled at Ryan, “He’s not your problem right now.”

  Panry handed the sealed glass to Catic, “Do not drop this.” Then he unsheathed his sword, “Rage Heart, you need to calm down.”

  [Safeties holding…overloading. Surge protection status: malfunctioning.] Ryan’s arm transformed into a sword. “You said you had a plan, and that I could go with you, but then you put me to sleep. I SHOULD BE HOLDING MY DAUGHTERS!”

  When Zack howled, the wolves on the porch started to circle around Panry, and then he called out to Ryan, “Hey, rock star, how does it feel to have somebody lie to you?”

  Ryan’s clothes melded to his stone body when he began approaching the elf, “I didn’t lie, but he did.”

  The blood wolves with the Alron Earth Guards moved to block the door, being unsure of how to react to the threat present in the street. The Earth Guards with the Granite Guardians that protected Lauren moved to block the porch, ensuring the intensifying fight would not boil over into the house. John’s Earth Guards pulled him back, standing formation around him, and rolling his shoulder, Eric, feeling the heavy weight fall into his hand, extracted the great sword. As Logan rolled up his sleeves, Steve, knowing he was out of his league, stepped to the back.

  Zack was trying to circle Ryan, looking for an opportunity to pounce. Ryan, watching Zack and cursing at Panry, tried to advance on the second while avoiding the first. The Earth Guard captain kept his eyes on the wolves, and the angered rock statue that Zack continued to threaten. Even though the others wanted to do something, none could determine how to interrupt the dance of chaos that had erupted before their eyes.

  When a horse raced down the street, skidding to a stop, Ramy the Captain of the Town Watch jumped off. “In the name of all things quiet, what in the name of Korg is happening?”

  Zack never took his eyes off Ryan, “It has nothing to do with you so get out of here.”

  Ramy looked at Panry, and the six wolves circling him, “What did you do to piss him off?”

  “Zack is not angered with me, Ryan is.”

  Ramy walked between the three, “You were all best friends, well, two of you were, so what happened?”

  “That isn’t a good place to be standing right now.”

  He turned to Ryan, “Well, when I go back to my office, I will check my contract to see if it says where I can or cannot stand. This is a breach of the peace that will end right now!”

  His words were cold, dry, “How are you going to stop me?” asked Zack.

  Ryan began to increase in size, “Get out of here, Ramy! I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Seriously, you are going to challenge me, and you think I am unable to make you stand down? The three of you cannot be that stupid!” Then Ramy turned, walked towards the house, causing the wolves to growl. “Not today boys, MOVE!” After the porch had cleared, he knocked on the door. “Earth Mothers, I know you are busy, but you need to stop the bloodshed out here first.”

  The lit room inside silhouetted Lauren and Nur who in unison commanded peace. While not an Earth Bond, it was the sound that struck fear into married men: angry wives. All on the street went quiet.

  Ramy turned, “Problem solved. Now, why not go down to Pintar’s to see if we can clean the sand out of your drawers and loosen your tongues. NOW!”

  With the exception of those who protected the three Earth Mothers inside the house, the rest headed towards the inn. While Eric with Logan ensured that Ryan, Panry, and Zack kept a safe distance apart, John confidently watched from the back with his Earth Guard, followed by Steve.

  When they entered the inn, Evesnight had just finished serving the last customers, and she was about to close down. “You know where everything is Ramy, so help yourself, and we will settle up tomorrow.”

  After John had sat down, Careel walked over to him. “Earth Mother, why did you leave without your Earth Guard?”

  “I’m sorry, I forgot about you, and it won’t happen again.”

  Ramy walked over to the table carrying a tray with pitchers of beer, nodded to Steve and then to the bar where a large tray of small glasses waited. Retrieving them, Steve held them out so the captain could fill each. Ramy looked at Panry, “It has been a while since we have seen you in these parts.”

  “It is still the same quiet town I suspect.”

  “Quiet like that street this night. Now in the name of Korg, why are you all dragging me out of my peaceful sleep?”

  “I found the pups of Zack who were gravely injured. We brought them here so that Earth Mother can tend to them.”

  “The wolves my men talked about. Well, I guess that explains Zack. How are they doing?” asked Ramy.

  Zack pushed away his beer, “We don’t know!” Then three wolves entered the inn, circling the table, “Now, Ryan, where did we leave off?”

  Even though Ryan had reverted to his normal size, his body was still stone, and he crushed the mug of beer somebody had pushed in front of him. “I don’t care about you right now. Panry said he could rescue my daughters but drugged me.”

  “You all need to calm down,” advised Eric.

  Ramy took a sip from his drink, “Just imagine how upset Nur will be when I send one of my men to go get her. THIS IS MY DAMN TOWN, MY DAMN PEACE AND NOBODY IS GOING TO RAISE THE SPIRT OF KORG THIS NIGHT. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!” As the wolves turned, leaving the inn, he turned to Zack, “I would think you would be happy that they are home?”

  “Injured wasn’t part of the deal,” then he pointed at Ryan, “He promised to keep them safe.”

  “Okay, the angry, upset father has spoken. What do you have to say for yourself, Ryan?” asked Ramy.

  “Yeah, liar, what do you have to say?”

  “Okay, the angry, upset father WILL NOW REMAIN QUIET!”

  “They wandered off on their own,” Ryan began, “and we looked for them, but we couldn’t find them.” He then pointed to Panry, “Then he said he had a plan to rescue my daughters.”

  “Your kids? Why weren’t you looking for mine?”

  Ryan slammed his stone fist into the table, breaking an edge from it, “WE TRIED!”

  Zack’s voice was dark, “YOU DIDN’T TRY HARD ENOUGH!”

  “Kid, we searched for them, but with your abilities—”

  Zack cut him off, “Oh, the detective who arrests innocent people speaks up. Did you find the triplets?”

  “No, we didn’t.”

  “Then all you did was put my children in harm’s way?”

  “They wandered off,” advised Ryan.

  “I’ll remember that the first chance I get to babysit your kids.” Zack mimicked a comical voi
ce, “Oh, Ryan, I don’t know what happened. They just wandered off. Pathetic.” Shimmering, after he went out of focus, his image was replaced by a large timber wolf that quietly walked out of the inn.

  “Emotions like that I have not seen in Zack before,” advised Panry.

  “I liked the old Zack better, the emotionless zombie,” advised John.

  Ryan turned to Panry, “Good, now that he’s gone, we can settle our business.”

  “Rage Heart, your anger grows, and if I took you with myself, it would place your daughters in danger. Your heart aches but rages, and you are now dangerous to all.”

  “Not to all,” replied Ryan, “Just one.”

  “My men can go and get Lauren, I mean Earth Mother, if you want.” After Ramy had taken a sip, he added, “You can settle your differences somewhere else because I will not let it happen here,” and then he turned to Panry, “What did you see?”

  Ryan reverted back to normal. [Analyse. Reinforce safeties. Install backup.]

  The Elf Guard captain briefly explained how they gained entry into Zymse’s compound, and what they had seen, focusing on the building with the strange animals in it, including setting it on fire. “Zymse said he wanted to bring the wolves back to Alron, though I know not why. A man from the north talks of breeding horrors and food shortages, but this night no longer can I stay since I need to return to the Bright Coast.”

  “I’m going with you.”

  “No, you will stay here, as I need to locate Earth Mothers three, but Zymse will know that not all is right. With stealth, I need to act, and your rage will no longer remain quiet.” After Panry had whistled, his Earth Guards headed for the door.

  As Ryan stood, his skin instantly changed to rock. [Surge overload.] His words were hard like granite, “I said I’m going with you.”

  Steve also stood, slapping Ryan so hard, he bruised his hand. “Go Panry,” and then a rock hand grabbed him by the throat, raising him off the floor. Through gasps he spoke to Ryan. “Kid, I would rather see you kill me than see you lose your daughters.” The pressure lessened around his throat, “While you could probably live with my death on your hands, if you did something stupid, lost all three, then it would haunt you for the rest of your life. If you want to vent your anger, I’m man enough to take it.”


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