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Residual: The Gray-Matter Chronicles Book 3 (The Matter Chronicles 6)

Page 36

by P. G. Thomas

  Before any moved, they all felt the cold. John turned to Gayne, “Bastards, go to Alron and see how many have healed. Mirtza, Ironhouse, we need dwarves.”

  After each had patted their pockets, they shook their heads.

  John walked over to them, handing them the last two triggering rocks he had in his pockets: one for Alron, one for Ironhouse.

  Mirtza looked at the stone to the Ironhouse mine, “How do we get them back here?”

  Hearing the question, Lauren reached into her pocket, tossing them a small handful of amulets. “Here, I have the last homing key in my pocket, so if we move elsewhere, you’ll still return to me.” Then she saw the odd looks from the two, “What? He’s John freaking Ironhouse. He always sends for dwarves.”

  Pulling off their bracelet, they dropped the desired object through, stepping into their respective portals.

  Jasmine looked to Panry, “Are there this many Zymses?”

  “No, he is foul and employs new magic.”

  “How can we protect Earth Mothers all?”

  Panry shook his head, “You are Crimson, and it is Mother that we now protect.”

  As Ryan headed towards the metal men, Eric headed to the trollmare warrior, and as Zack headed to the back of the complex, the rest advanced to the house.


  Outside of the fortress, Jedimac saw the archers on the walls turn to face the inner compound. Either the bluffing has begun, or somebody has called, but the game is almost over. Signaling to the Black Watch, he stepped out of the crowded house where he had been waiting, watched the thick black smoke from numerous chimneys begin to circle the complex, and when all of the signals met on the opposite side of the fortress, doors opened and the once vacant houses vomited forth the Black Watch. The first raced across the street, placing bridges across the dry moat, and then he saw the ladders raised, watched the assassins climb to the top to release their undelivered invitation. Then he saw the largest enforcers follow the silent killers to the top, and behind them, the street muggers who depended on speed. Even though Jedimac would like to have seen the cards played before going all in, he also knew, like any good cheat, aces were still hidden in his sleeve.


  John stepped forward, “Die.”

  Lauren shook her head, “Like that’ll work. We need to save my daughters, so pretend a damn teacher just gave you an F.”

  Damn you, Earth Bitch. He then transferred his anger from Lauren to his Earth Bond, screaming louder than he thought possible, “DIE!” Scores of black-clad soldiers fell motionless to the ground, failing in comparison to those who still stood.

  Zack had transformed into his favored wolf shape, trotted with authority towards the pack from the south, LEAVE NOW! They advanced towards him. This isn’t good.

  Lauren looked down at the Guardians, “What’re you waiting for? GO!”

  Jaykil shook his head, “Our honor is your protection!”

  “Your mission is to reunite me with my daughters, so if those things aren’t stopped…”

  Dax Steelfire pulled his massive battle-ax from his back, “We need to reclaim much honor, so we will deal with the far threats. Ironhouse can provide the close protection.”

  Jaykil nodded, “Be granite, brother.”

  Then the four bald Guardians rode their mithril-clad wolves into the arena of both death and honor, but by that time, numerous trollmares had rushed forward to their front defenses, where only the Crimson Shields stood.

  When Panry whistled, the six elves exposed the skin brands they had removed from the trollmare walkers they had questioned, being the same brands that had silenced the tormented strays where they had rescued Sam and Hope. However, these beasts did not react, continued to charge, and Panry heard Zymse laugh. Man foul doe change the rules, but I am Crimson.

  Then mithril-clad fur and dwarves slammed into the foul creatures that plagued the lands, unleashing their ferocity, training, and enchanted weapons into the unnatural creatures. Even though the Guardians numbered four, the beasts numbered six, and the two remaining advanced with crimson in their eyes.

  “First Champions, this is our fight.” Jasmine and Oxron stepped forward with Panry, who all engaged the fast attacks of the horrific creatures. The Crimson garments bestowed protection, as the stolen secrets from Father granted them ferocity, and the metal forged by Mother gifted the terrible beasts death. When Panry severed a trollmare head, he smiled, as it was the first time a nightmare designed to bring death to the lands, tasted its birthright at the hands of an elf.

  When Eric unleashed a lightning bolt into the trollmare warrior, it failed to have the desired effect, as it only took a few steps backward and then began to vibrate.

  Ryan had raced forward to the tall metal shaped men, knowing they had magic he could convert, slamming his fist into the first hollow shell. [Warning. Contagion present.] Pulling out his hand, he screamed in agony, as he tried to shake off the black substance that swirled over his rock fist.

  Eric was in awe, as the trollmare warrior began to shake even faster, watched it split into two, and then both began to advance on him. Hearing Ryan scream, he saw him stumbling backwards, and while unsure why, he saw the agony on the stone face.

  Ryan shrieked in pain, as his hand turned bright red with heat, and then a dark blue with cold, but the pain continued to penetrate his rock skin, as the metallic men slowly advanced. [Countermeasures: ineffective. Terminate: extreme prejudice.] Without any warning, his stone forearm fell to the ground. [Repair damage.] Screaming in pain, he watched his arm begin to grow back.

  “TRADE?” cried out Eric.

  Ryan nodded, backing up towards Eric, and when their backs touched, each turned to face a new opponent.

  Eric smiled when he unleashed a lightning bolt at the closest metal shaped man, but then saw it deflect off, heading towards the blue sky. “Sons of a bitch, I guess I’ll have to use a running play.” Rushing towards the first opponent, he blocked the furious fists that tried to pound him with the demi-mortal sword, and when he saw an opening, jammed it into the magic shell, releasing a lightning bolt inside. As brilliant light flashed out from the various seams, the magic creation continued to pound on the dwarf-forged, demi-god spelled armor. He shook his head, “Sons of a bitch.” Then, with the sword still wedged in the man-made creation, he unleashed the god-made thunder explosions into the enclosed space. The concussive eruptions so loud that all looked, watching the scrap metal fall into a pile.

  Knowing he had to break through Zymse’s defenses to save his daughters, as Ryan’s anger grew, he did not, and instead, he began to shrink. When he was a foot tall, he raced to the closest and jumped on it. The creature unprepared for the diminutive attack dropped his weapons, trying to grab the rock creature that crawled up its back. As it turned, his twin, who shared the same massive strength and tiny intelligence, saw the rock adversary and attacked. The first trollmare warrior stumbled, and the gash on its back exposed the severed spine, causing it to fall forward. Then a spiked ball crushed the skull where the small rock figure had once taunted the second.

  Zack shimmered, turning into a gigantic polar bear, as the two lead wolves raced towards him, and his massive claws ripped into the ferocious opponents. To his amazement, he watched the death blows delivered begin to heal.

  With her Core Wood staff in hand, Lauren screamed out, “GROW OLD!” Dozens of black-clad soldiers withered into mummified husks. “That’s how you do it. Try again and this time, PUT SOME DAMN EFFORT INTO IT!”

  John stepped forward, raised his shaking hand, as he could feel the increasing cold, “DIE YOU BASTARDS, DIE!” More fell.

  The trollmare warrior walked around the fallen body of his twin, looking for the small rock opponent, and then he saw the corpse begin to vibrate, shaking faster. Watching, another magical warrior rolled out of the first and stood.

  Eric had just finished delivering the god-thunder into the last metal creature, and when he turned, could not see Ryan, but t
wo trollmare warriors still stood. Seeing one pick up a fallen sword, he watched the second turn its back. Then, with all of its rage, the other swung the massive sword, beheading the first. When the lifeless body fell to the ground, a rock giant bellowed to the skies in anger, dropping the sword.

  Lauren’s anger was building, “PANRY, WE NEED TO ADVANCE, NOW!”

  His reply was not what she expected, as his deer ears had heard the sounds from the wall, “ARROWS.”

  Lauren raised her staff, “Burn.” The arrows in flight turned to ash, as metal tips clattered down into the courtyard.

  Panry looked back to Lauren, “I know,” and he could see both her and John shaking, as the black cold sent from the unseen Bastards had found warmth. Being so intense, that the Granite Guardians standing beside her were also shaking but not the blood wolves. The Crimson Cloaks had protected the elves, as the dwarf-forged metal safeguarded the Champion, and Rage Heart’s exterior shielded him from the unnatural cold. However, since they were not his concern, he turned back towards the house, leading the Crimson Shields to the remaining soldiers that blocked his path.


  The assassins on the ladders tossed their gifts of quick death over the wall, jumped down, and the enforcers inoculated with the cure breached the top, securing their landing. Then the smaller and faster cutthroats crossed over the top, started moving down the wall to liberate those who Zymse employed. When Jedimac saw the disrobed black-clad bodies tossed into the dry moat, which now started to fill with blood, he headed to the nearest ladder. Upon cresting the top, the vision he had imagined was not present, as the large inner courtyard was a massive sea of chaos, filled with an angered storm.


  As the Crimson Shields began the advance to the next group of defenders, the Granite Guardians fell into formation around Lauren. Steve thought back to what she had said about John always sending for dwarves, and of how certain obstacles seemed to be designed for specific legends, and he began to understand. Even though thousands of soldiers circled them, seemingly more than the complex could hold, most just stayed in their assigned lines. Steve grabbed John’s arm, “Something’s wrong.”

  Lauren pushed him away, “We don’t have my daughters!”

  Before he could explain, they heard the Ironhouse battle call, and two hundred dwarves rushed forward. Standing in the middle, Bor with a mithril armed and armored squad of Granite Guardians standing at his side. Mixed with the horde of ax-waving dwarves were Trollmare Slayers riding the wolves of the north.

  Steve grabbed John by both shoulders, “IT’S A TRAP.”

  Before he could explain, they heard the horrified screams of dwarves, watching them falling into now open pits, and from several sections of the courtyard, fire exploded skyward when dwarves activated different traps.

  Steve ran over to Bor, “Sound the retreat, call them back. IT’S A SETUP!”

  The remaining dwarves had already slowed their advance, looking for safe paths to proceed.

  Bor’s deep voice detonated with rage, “TELL ME YOUR WORDS NOW!”

  Lauren with John had also followed him over. Steve was shouting over the chaos, “Bor, Zymse knows they can defeat an army of this size.” He then pointed to the standing soldiers, “but they don’t attack. Zymse knew John would call for Ironhouse, and he was prepared for your arrival. He’s using the Bastards to weaken us, and he’ll have even stronger opponents for us to fight, but they won’t be men.”

  When a second portal opened, Mirtza led two-dozen Bastards into the courtyard. With the chaos continuing to erupt, two small squirrels, unseen, crawled out from the back of his cloak. Spotting what they were looking for, they ran, dodging feet in every direction, to where eight wolves attacked a polar bear.

  It’s okay, Dad. We’re here to help you.

  Zack never took his eyes from the menacing wolves. GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!

  Then two more large polar bears ripped into the nearest wolves, causing the rest to back up.

  John, visibly shaking, looked at Horac. “There are Black Bastards here, stealing our body heat. Take it from those soldiers and give it back to us.”


  The dwarves were making slow advances on all four sides, as they sounded the rocks in the courtyard looking for more traps. Eric and Ryan were cautiously moving towards each other also, knowing they would need a strategic plan to win the day and the triplets.

  Panry called back, “Gayne, I need mounts that fly.”

  He looked at the impending doom on all four sides, smelt the burning dwarf flesh and beards, hearing more screaming in agony, “I had no idea we were coming here, so I did not bring anything!”

  Thanks, Sam, Hope, but is your Mom ever going to be upset.

  While the three shape shifters watched, two dozen dark-clad men began to alter. Their bodies grew longer, ripping free from their clothes and growing fur, they fell on all fours.

  SONS OF A BITCH! You two remember that one shape I told you never to take? CHANGE NOW!

  John was still shaking badly, “Horac, when does the heat arrive.”

  “Something is wrong, Earth Mother. Watch.” He let loose a large fireball into the black-clad soldiers, which burst in the middle of them. However, none of them shrieked in horror. “I don’t think there’s anybody there?”


  Jedimac was having a hard time understanding the scene playing out in front of him, as parts of it simply failed to make any sense. It reminded him of watching the great play acted out at the Ironhouse mine, though the current version was much larger and much more awe-inspiring. When he saw the opening appear, the opening that had birthed the dwarves into the courtyard, he was shocked. Then, to see a second one open that brought in Mirtza with the Bastards, he was doubly amazed. However, when he saw pits swallow the dwarves, he said a silent prayer to Mother. Having seen the frost bears fighting the wolves, he was unsure what to call the creatures that now blocked the south view. Nevertheless, the one part, above all else, that made no sense, Bastards shooting fireballs at nothing, as the stone statues of varying heights continued to approach those in the middle of the courtyard.

  Chapter 26

  At the south end of the complex, four-dozen shape-shifters, having taken the form of large black wolves rushed forward. The shape the three had chosen was from the necklace Zack’s adopted father had given him. The one that had become part of his zoo during the accident, and three triceratopses, thirty feet long, ten feet tall, covered with thick skin resembling armor, now engaged the fur covered terrors. Each had an enormous shield-like plate covering its head, having two large horns protruding, and another small one just above the nose. The three ancient animals roared, rushing the pack of man-wolves.

  Eric stood guard at the front, keeping the forces back with lightning, while Ryan headed towards the dwarves to find a path free for all to travel. When he met up with them, they followed Rage Heart to the waiting army.

  Before John could ask Horac the meaning of the fireball, they saw the army shimmer, disappearing from their view, and Zymse’s actual force appeared. They were not flesh but were rock. A line of stone statues standing five feet tall was leading the slow charge to the center of the courtyard, carrying two stone swords. Standing behind them, stone statues ten feet tall with large spiked balls for hands. At the back, the slowest statues measuring fifteen feet tall advanced, wielding large stone clubs.

  Eric started to unleash lightning bolts into the new army, as Ryan raced forward, picking up the smaller statues, throwing them into others. The dwarves never flinched, as even a normal ax gifted life in a dwarf forge could bite into stone, but the ones they carried were mithril, and the dwarves could smell the birth of legends waiting to be born.

  John, shivering uncontrollably, saw how badly Lauren and Steve were shaking, “Horac, pull heat from the fire traps and give it to us.”

  Walking over to
one of the pits, Bor saw his dead Ironhouse clan members impaled on the long spikes, called out to those closest to him, “Gather the spears from pit gather, and we will make their footing unsafe.”

  Horac called out to the Alron Bastards, pointing to the fire pits, “Give the legends that heat!” Instantly, those who were shivering felt the gift, but without warning, the fires extinguished and the cold returned. When he realized what had happened, he called out again, “PULL HEAT FROM ANYWHERE, AND GIVE IT TO THE LEGENDS!” but even he was starting to feel the black cold.

  Bor called out to the dwarves, “Pass the poles to all, and roll them on the ground. This fight we will bring to our height.” Some of those commanded jumped into the pits, pulling out the long poles, tossing them up to waiting warriors. Rushing the bloody rods to the four sides of the battle, those who accepted them never asked since they understood the advantage. The smallest of the stone statues, which still towered over the dwarves, had closed the gap when they deployed their new offense. As a result, many that stepped on them came crashing down, and dwarves rushed forward to their now shorter opponents. With a clear advantage, the dwarves introduced mithril axes into the flat statues, and more gathered what poles they could, re-deploying them. When a statue moved no longer, the mighty warriors answered their Battle Marshals call, which echoed off the walls of the complex, “Make rubble.”

  Jedimac scanned the chaos before him, looking up and down the walls, wondering if he could aid the fight, and seeing the numerous nooks, ran to the first. There he saw a small catapult with a barrel of oil beside it, having a number of hollow earthen containers stacked beside it. Kneeling down, he commanded the Black Watch, telling them to pass his message along, “Turn the catapults around and fire the oil, UNLIT, onto the rock soldiers.”

  One of the members of the Black Watch looked at Jedimac. “How do you work it?”

  The whites of Jedimac’s eyes screamed at the thief, who determined he would figure it out on his own, just like the rest would.


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