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Destructive Luxe-A Luxe Novel: Book 2

Page 20

by H. Q. Frost

  "He can't break my hand for looking." He looked her down, then back up, then turned to the bar to conceal the stirring in his jeans.

  Lilith looked around the bar for Tony; she wanted contact with Justin. She'd gone too long without seeing him, but she didn't want Tony relaying anything back to the boss. The boss being Ian…her fiancé.

  A man approached from behind Justin and slapped him in the back of the head. "Pig fucker."

  "Bastard," Justin muttered and turned around.

  Pointing both index fingers at Lilith, Justin's friend said, "You're you."

  Not understanding, Lilith raised her eyebrows.

  "From last night. How the fuck did he get you out?" He'd been at the bar for the commotion but never realized Justin actually knew Lilith, he'd just assumed it was a random girl.

  "She's my girlfriend, dipshit," Justin muttered.

  "What? Shut the fuck up. He serious?" His questioning gaze went back to Lilith, and without so much as a smile she shook her head yes. "Well she fuckin' hates you, man." He laughed, punching Justin's shoulder.

  "She's mad at me," Justin responded.

  "Justin," Lilith grumbled and rolled her eyes.

  "You're too pretty to be mad at this cunt. Come hang out with me." He had her hand, leading her through the bar before she could protest. She glanced at Justin and he rolled his eyes, following them.

  Like they were while playing paintball, his friends were benevolent, welcoming her to join in and slam drinks. After the third shot almost in a row, Justin saw she didn't want any more but was accepting the drinks to be nice.

  Here begins JUSTIN's brand new line

  How am I not supposed to touch her tonight? What's this by the book shit? I've never been told that. I suppose I never wanted to touch any of the other girls like I want to touch El. She's got flesh exposed in the most tempting spots and I'm not supposed to touch her! Jackass Justin is going to flare tonight.

  Also, now that Big D has swooped in on her, I'm even more pissed. This isn't a man you want to fuck with. Kind of how I punched one of my closest friends in the face last night for El, Big D will crush my skull for El, and I'm supposed to be her boyfriend. He's a good dude and I've never had problems with him, but I don't want to start tonight so I need to get her away from him.

  She's staring at Abner as he's makin' an ass out of himself drinking a fifth of Jack Daniels. The cutest smirk spreads her lips that I want to spread with my tongue. Big D is cheering Abner on and not paying attention to El, so I kick her under the table and her head jerks to look at me. Her smirk gets bigger and her eyes are brighter than when she got here, pissed I paid for this date. If I hadn't, I don't think I would've been seeing her tonight.

  There's so much built up need inside of me and it has me sliding my hand across the table and touching her fingers. I just want to touch her.

  "None of that fag shit!" Big D bats my hand away then turns his attention to El. "What's your name?"

  Before I can cut in, she responds, "El."

  "I'm Big D. What're you doing with this pretty boy?" He throws his thumb my way. "You need a real man like me. You see these scars." His fingers run down his cheek. "Knife fight protecting my old lady. I can look out for you, this girly girl can't."

  She smiles, enjoying Big D insulting my nice face. I smirk shaking my head and watch as she takes a sip of her beer.

  "I don't think your old lady would appreciate you taking care of me." Her gaze is locked on his and I don't like the look on his face.

  Don't give him those eyes. Why the fuck is she giving him those eyes!

  "She left me." He shrugs like a humble giant. This is not Big D. Big D woulda said something like 'fuck the old lady, I do what I want'.

  "Well that's not very hopeful for me." El grins.

  "A girl like you could keep me in line."

  Oh for fuck's sake, get the hell off my girl.

  "I don't know. I don't seem to keep him in line." She tilts her beer toward me and Big D looks at me with a grin.

  "I'm over here pickin' up on your lady and you're just waiting to clock me. I can see it." He lets out a chuckle and pats my back. Surprisingly, he stands and walks up to the bar, allowing me to take his seat.

  "Like Big D, do ya?" I tease her.

  "He's a big man." The interest in her tone makes me grimace.

  "You can't be serious," I mumble and she grins. Her lips are taunting me.

  I've never connected on a kiss as much as I did with her. I don't even kiss women, makes them think the wrong thing, but I think it had the reverse effect on me.

  Someone obstructs my view of her and I look up at TJ, the asshole who grabbed her tit. There's no hesitation to me getting to my feet, ready to knock him out again, until he talks.

  "I'm really sorry about yesterday." There's sincerity on his face and fear in his tone.

  "If you ever touch me again I will wear your fingers on a chain," she snarls at him. I hold in my laughter and try to disguise my thrilled look while I step back.

  "I'll cut them off for you," he says like a little bitch. "Truce?" His hand is extended between them and she scowls at it until he raises both hands and steps back. "No touching." He shoots a glance toward me then walks away. He's pissed off at me, and after the second knockout last night he left. We've yet to talk about what happened.

  "You want me to knock him out again?" I scoot into the packed booth next to her, causing her to sit closely to Eleanor.

  "No." She laughs. "Thank you for that though."

  "He just wanted a fight with Caesar. He didn't know it was you."

  "I gathered that." Those perfect lips wrap around the top of her beer and she finishes it off.

  "I'll get you another," I say, and when I stand she stands with me, taking my hand.

  So I guess we can do this. Holding hands is some contact, but it's not enough. I want to stare into her eyes and bite her fingers. I want her soaking wet for when I get her to my place later. I want her giving herself to me tonight and not because I'm a customer but because she wants to.

  After I order us both a beer, I turn to look at her and she's glancing around like she's looking for someone. Is she looking for her boyfriend? That's only pissing me off more until her hand lays on my stomach and slides up my chest as she leans into my lips. Now I realize she was looking for the bodyguard. The kiss is too short and I wish I would have been prepared instead of wondering who she was looking for. She diverts her attention elsewhere and I'm staring at her, silently begging for another.

  "Scurvy bastard," my closest friend Kurt says into my ear.

  Kurt's known about the escorts in the past but I haven't told him El's an escort. I told him I met her at a party and we've been kind of dating. I want everyone to think this girl is mine, and if I'm paying, she has to make them believe it.

  "ZP, this is Kurt," I yell over the noise.

  "Hi." She smiles, pushing her hand into his.

  "What'd you call her?" Kurt chuckles.


  "What's ZP?" He looks at El and she's actually blushing.

  "Zombie Princess," I say in Kurt's ear.

  He pulls away wearing a smirk, shaking his head at me. He's been telling me I'm too obsessed with her because I talk about her a lot. I don't see her enough to be obsessed.

  "She's my zombie princess." I put my arm around her neck, more casual than anything so the touch doesn't go against the book.

  Her giggle lets me know she likes the nicknames I've come up with for her. I don't do the whole babe and honey shit, but I want her to know she's endearing, so ZP and El it is.

  "She's good." Justin pushed a shot back toward Kurt.

  "You're gonna let him dictate this?" Kurt pointed to Justin in mock surprise.

  "He knows." She put her hand on Justin's chest and stared up at him. Wanting another kiss, one he'd be better prepared for, he tried enticing her with his eyes and it almost worked, until Tony approached.

  "Holy shit, this place is packe
d." He didn't seem to notice the sexually charged moment.

  Justin nodded, fighting back irritation. "I'll be right back," he said in her ear.

  "Hey." Kurt approached and looked at Tony, wondering why another man was standing so close to Lilith.

  "Kurt, this is my friend Tony." Lilith pointed and they shook hands. "Justin's friend Kurt."

  "How's it goin'?" Kurt gave a nod and glanced at Justin who approached with a beer for Tony, but seemingly pissed off.

  Awkward tension sat amongst their small circle until the DJ took the stage and an eruption of cheers deafened them to all else. Lights dimmed and beams of reds, greens, purples, blues, and yellows shot around the room. Justin handed Tony another beer before he finished the first and Lilith noticed the drinks were coming from Big D. It was strange, and she was certain he was up to something, but it was so loud in there he'd never be able to hear her questioning him.

  It wasn't until the end of his third beer that Tony's judgment was impaired and he began to panic because he couldn't drive her drunk. When Justin handed him a water, he accepted and quickly drank it down. Lilith watched his strange behavior until her phone vibrated on her hip. Noticing Justin was distracted, she pulled it from her waistband.

  IAN: Do you want me to take Rich to the condo or your apartment?

  MY FREYJA: My apartment. I'll meet you at the condo. Did you give him my number in case he needs anything?

  IAN: Yeah, I set up his phone, got him some new clothes then we grabbed a beer and watched football.

  MY FREYJA: Ian he's not 21!

  IAN: I drank the beer, not him baby. Come home to me soon

  She looked up from her phone at Justin staring at her. "You in trouble?" he loudly yelled into her ear.

  She shook her head no and grabbed his arm, directing her attention back to the stage.

  With the microphone in hand, the DJ stepped off the stage while music spun loudly. "Clear a path, clear a path," he said into the microphone, parting the crowd. "None this woulda been possible without my homeboy. All y'all need to know the man that got me in here tonight. Clear a path." He stopped in front of Justin, lightly slapping his face, then put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "This is one of the coolest motherfuckers I ever met. He's the guy we should be celebrating tonight. My brotha from another motha. All you fuckers buy him a drink."

  Lilith's beaming smile caught his eye and he stepped in front of her.

  "How you doin', cutie?" DJ Urban said into the microphone, looking Lilith over. Justin laughed and pulled her to his side. "Oh shit, my man's got a fine shorty." He headed back to the stage.

  Lilith giggled, pushing into Justin more, giving him the opportunity to peck her lips. Immediately Lilith's eyes searched for Tony; he was sitting at a table with eyes closed and Big D talking in his ear.

  "What'd you give him?" she gasped, losing her grip on Justin's arm as people pulled him to a table where drinks were being lined up.

  The growing crowd around Justin separated them and she was being pushed farther and farther back. A hand slipped to her waist and she spun around facing Kurt.

  "What're you doin' back here?" He grinned at her.

  "What?" she attempted to yell over the music.

  He pulled her toward the bathrooms where it was a decimal quieter. "What're you doing? Trying to escape?"

  "No. I was thrown out." She smiled at him.

  "You like candy?"

  "What?" She heard him but didn't understand the implication.

  "Nose candy." He flashed a brown vial.

  Before logical thought processed, she was nodding her head and he was pulling her into the single stall bathroom and locking the door.

  "Don't tell Justin, okay?" The white powder trickled into a line on the dirty sink.


  "He doesn't do this shit."

  "Maybe I shouldn't," she skeptically responded.

  "Are you kidding me?" he scoffed. "You can't let your boyfriend tell you what you can or can't do. Don't be a pussy." He held out a rolled up dollar bill that she didn't take right away. "Don't be a sissy, El." Kurt laughed.

  Plugging her right nostril, she pushed the bill to the powder and inhaled. The bill fell into the sink as she threw her head back, pushing her finger to her nose.

  "It's on your lip." He pointed, hesitant to touch it.

  Her tongue slid over the residue on her lip, immediately numbing from the powder. Kurt swiped his finger over the dirty sink where the cocaine had been, then rubbed his finger onto his gums.

  "Don't fuckin' tell him." The severity on his face had her nodding in agreement. "Hey, don't fuck around with him either. He's really got a thing for you and I didn't think the bastard would ever think about another woman besides Layna."

  There was nothing to say to that, especially not with the drug working its way through her system, cluttering her brain.

  "Thanks," she managed to say.

  He grabbed her hand, intending on pulling her through the crowd to get to Justin. As they headed down the short hallway, Justin rounded the corner startling them.

  "Look who I found," Kurt quickly said.

  Lilith smiled at him, noticing the music had stopped. "I got pushed away."

  "Thought you ditched me." Justin looked at Kurt but didn't let his suspicions be shown. "You want a drink? There's about forty at the table." He glanced over his shoulder and that was when Lilith noticed Tony slumped in a booth.

  "What's wrong with him?" The alarm she was feeling wasn't projected in her voice that was controlled by the substance slowing her reaction.

  "GHB." Kurt grinned and Lilith looked at Justin, failing to show the anger she felt. Justin's gaze flit to Kurt and Kurt knew he was figuring it out. "I'm gonna snag one of them drinks, man." He walked away.

  "You okay, El?"

  They stared at each other.

  "I think I need a drink." The jitters were kicking in.

  Justin watched her closely for the next hour, she was more smiley and talkative, but he hoped she was just drunk.

  "What're we gonna do with him?" Lilith looked at Tony.

  "You know where he lives?"

  "Not a clue." She started to laugh.

  "Where can we drop him so you can come home with me?" he asked in her ear.

  Without hesitation, she answered, "Luxe parking garage."

  "I'll have Kurt follow us in the Camaro."

  "Oh, the Camaro today." She grinned and chuckled with a roll of her eyes.

  The enticing smirk on his face leaned closer to her while his hand went to her cheek. As he was about to lean in and kiss her, someone yelled out, "When are you gonna marry this one?"

  Lilith directed her attention to the table where most of his friends were staring at them.

  "You better do it soon before I propose," the same man yelled out and Lilith giggled, laying her head on Justin's shoulder.

  Justin flipped his friend off and spun Lilith so she could block out the gawkers while he whispered, "You want to go?"

  She nodded and Justin waved his hand at Kurt, rounding him up.

  "Big D, I need your help, man."

  Big D picked Tony up over his shoulder and carried him out like he was no heavier than a child.

  "I have no idea where he would have parked." Lilith looked up and down the street while Justin fished the keys from Tony's pocket.

  The alarm button on the key fob guided them to the BMW a block over.

  "You wanna ride with me, El?" Kurt grinned at her and Justin pulled her to his side.

  "Fuck off," he muttered.

  Big D tossed Tony into the backseat and Lilith winced. "Oh god," she squeaked.

  "Easy, man." Justin shook his head at Big D's careless regard for the unconscious man.

  Big D grabbed Lilith's hand and kissed it. "When you're done with Bambi, Big D will be waiting for you." He winked at her then patted Justin on his back.

  "Scary motherfucker," Kurt mumbled walking away to find Justin's Camaro.

  As they started to drive, she rolled down her window and stuck her arm out while leaning her head back and closing her eyes.

  "You tired?" he asked, wanting to know if she was fucked up on drugs.

  "No." She looked at him and smiled. "You?"

  "Not at all. You're coming over right?"

  "Mmhmm," she hummed, leaning into him, softly biting his ear, until her phone started to vibrate in the waistband of her leggings. "Shoot," she mumbled seeing it was Ian. Putting her finger to her lips she then answered, "Hey."

  "Where are you, Lily? I checked your schedule and your date ended an hour ago."

  "It ran a little over." She tried to keep her voice down so Justin didn't hear.

  "Come home, baby. I need you." She could hear the stress in his voice.

  "I am," she said in a low tone.

  "You with Tony?"

  "Yeah," she blurted.

  "I'll see you in a bit. I love you."

  "You too."

  "You in trouble?" Justin asked like he always did.

  "I'm never in trouble." She glanced at Tony passed out in the back seat then leaned over the console and dragged her tongue to Justin's ear while her hand went to the zipper of his jeans. His eyes shot to her then back to the road.

  He opened his mouth to say something but didn't want her to stop. With a little assistance from him, she freed his thickening cock, softly stroking him.

  "El," he breathed, leaning his head back only a second.

  The act was unexpected but he'd wanted it for so long that he didn't stop her when she unbuckled and slid her warm lips over and down his hard cock. His eyes flashed to the rearview mirror, then side mirror, then down at her head bobbing on his dick.

  "Shit," he breathed, placing one hand on top of her head and tightly holding the steering wheel with the other.

  As his length began to disappear all the way to the base of his cock, his eyes went wide and he pulled the hair that draped in her face away so he could watch her. Traffic was light and it was dark out, but he still worried someone would catch a glimpse of what was happening and realize who he was.

  "Oh fuck," he moaned as his eyes flicked from her to the road and repeat. "El." His quickened breath indicated she was almost to the reward she wanted. "El, I'm gonna come," he warned.


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