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Saving Mia

Page 10

by Michelle Woods

  “Yes, it’s like watching a comedy vid. I can’t believe they’re still arguing about who has a better looking ass.” Mia whispered back letting out a snort of laughter.

  “So were you serious earlier when you asked if you could help me with the stall I run in the market? Cause I can always use some help. I can’t believe that Travis is already a year old now.” Lisa said looking a little wistful. “Anyway, he’s getting into everything and help would be nice. I may have to stop bringing him, but I hate being away from him.”

  “I really would love to help. I’d like to see if I could get a message to my friends Raven and Marcus in the city. They have no idea that I’m okay. Also I’m sure my mother would want to know that I’m okay too.” Mia told her smiling.

  “Will Ratchet be okay with you being so near the city? And don’t your brother and father want to know you’re okay too?” Lisa asked.

  “I don’t know if they’d even care. Dad’s not really going to understand what I was doing and as for my brother I doubt he’d even notice I’m gone.” She made a face at Lisa’s questioning look. “He’s a Juice addict.” She explained and Lisa had a sad understanding look overtake her face. “As for Ratchet he doesn’t get a say in what I do. Just because we’re dating doesn’t mean I will allow him to make decisions for me.” Mia grumbled grabbing a few fries.

  Lisa chuckled. “You do realize that man has already patched you in his head right?”

  “So?” Mia said, not understanding.

  “So, that means he thinks he can make decisions for you. It also means that he will go a little nuts if something happened to you.” Racheal said leaning forward. Her hand went to her slightly protruding belly. “Ugg…I ate too many of these damned fries I think.”

  “Ha, be glad you can eat them. When I was pregnant with Travis I wanted to throw up every time I smelled them. But she’s right. Our men get a little nuts once they’ve patched a woman. They’re extremely possessive and overbearingly protective.” Lisa laughingly told her.

  “I don’t get that patch thing.” Mia confessed earning a grin from the women.

  “It’s like marriage really. You wear a man’s patch then you’re his property. No other man can touch you.” Lisa explained.

  “Property? Like they own you? Like you’re a house or a slave.” Mia asked still confused that these women would allow themselves to be treated that way. It didn’t make any sense to her. They were all strong women, and yet they all wore a man’s patch. It was weird. She just didn’t get it.

  “Not like that. More like you belong to them exclusively.” Lisa tried again.

  “I still don’t understand. It’s fine. I don’t need to know.” Mia told them as she took another handful of fries.

  “Oh honey, you will need to know. Trust me. That man has you patched and marked in his head already.” Lisa laughed.

  The door to the diner opened and Ratchet walked in with Bear and Tiny. They all came over to the booth the women were sitting around. Tiny reached into the booth scooping Racheal into his arms whispering.

  “How are my darlin’s doing today?” He kissed her, then rubbed a proprietary hand over her stomach.

  “We’re not so good. I ate too many fries, and they’re protesting. I have heartburn again.” Racheal told him with a grimace.

  “Poor baby, let’s go home and you can take that medicine Doc gave us. I’ll rub your back.” It was sweet and made Mia smile that the man was so kind to her friend. Tiny turned to Lisa saying, “Your old man was looking for you. He asked me to see if you’d bring him lunch. And could you tell Trick I’m taking off the rest of the day Racheal needs me.” Then he scooped Racheal off her feet carrying her out of the diner despite her protests that she could walk.

  “Hey, beauty.” Ratchet breathed against her ear. He’d slid into the booth when Racheal had been scooped into Tiny’s arms.

  “Hi.” Mia squeaked. A little nervous that he was always so focused on her whenever they were together. Not that she minded him being so attentive it was just new. He leaned over kissing her with tongue in front of everyone.

  “Wow. Get a room.” Lisa growled. Only Ratchet barely stopped kissing her to acknowledge that she’d spoken. Mia tried to push him away, but found herself clutching at his shoulders instead. “At least let me out.”

  Ratchet finally released her with a snap of his teeth in Lisa’s direction. Making her laugh. Before she screeched, “Move you neanderthal! I have to get my man food.” Mia was embarrassed that Ratchet had just kissed her senseless in the middle of the restaurant. She felt the blush that lit along her cheeks with dismay.

  Ratchet moved out of the booth but snapped back at her with a grin, “Your man will be fine for two damned minutes while I kiss my woman.” Mia slid out of the booth and Ratchet pulled her to his side with an arm around her waist.

  “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Mia now that he’s made you blush by kissing you in front of everyone you should talk to him about going with me to the city tomorrow. I’ll see you later.” Lisa moved to the counter.

  “You plan to go to the market? What if someone recognizes you? No, It’s too dangerous.” Ratchet said, squeezing her. His tone brooked no argument which made Mia mad.

  “Look you can’t stop me. You’re not the boss of me. I want to help her and I am not going to do anything stupid like run up to a guard screaming I’m Hilmia Warner wanna arrest me! Really Ratchet. I don’t have to get your permission.” Mia told him is a low hissing voice.

  “I said no, Mia. I will tie you to the bed if I have to. You’re not going to the city, and that’s final.” He growled. His arm tightening around her waist.

  “I don’t think so Ratchet I will do whatever the hell I want. No, release me. I’m staying with Pearl tonight. Alone. You can head back to the clubhouse. And tomorrow I am doing to the city market with Lisa.” Mia said through gritted teeth.

  “I don’t fucking think so!” Ratchet roared, pissed that Mia wanted to go anywhere near the city when she’d barely gotten away the first time. She was not putting herself into danger and he would make damned sure of that.

  “Is there a problem sugar?” Pearl asked suddenly beside them looking at Mia.

  “No there is not a problem.” Ratchet barked, glaring at the older woman.

  “Yes, I’m going to stay with you and Bear tonight. If that’s okay Pearl.” Mia pushed on Ratchet’s chest making him finally let her go. He didn’t look happy about it.

  “You’re not staying with them tonight.”

  “I am.” Mia told him again through clenched teeth. It made her heart ache a bit saying it but he needed to know that he wasn’t allowed to force her to do his bidding. They hadn’t spent a night apart since they’d made love the first time, but she wasn’t anyone’s doormat.

  “Fine. That’s just fucking fine. I don’t want to deal with this bullshit. I have shit to do anyway. I should go back to the farm.” Ratchet said as he turned and slammed out of the diner without looking back. Mia almost started crying. So that was how much she meant to him. One time she defied him and he was going to leave. He was an asshole. She didn’t need him anyway, she thought sadly. Her heart felt battered letting her know that was far from the truth with a tight squeeze.

  “It’s okay, sugar. The boy’s just angry. He isn’t going anywhere.” Pearl said as she pulled Mia into her side. They left the diner with Bear a few minutes later. Mia excused herself as soon as they entered the house and lay down on the guest bed to cry.

  The next morning Mia headed over to Lisa’s in the car she’d borrowed from Bear. He’d handed her the keys this morning without question and then kissed Pearl and left. She’d been surprised. Handing over something that was likely expensive without a word made her feel like she mattered to him and Pearl which warmed her aching heart.

  Pulling up to the cabin she was surprised to see that there were six bikes outside the house. As she climb out of the truck shutting the door, she glanced up surprised to see Ratchet coming out the
door of Lisa’s house. She almost sighed, sure that he was here to tell her she wasn’t allowed to go again. She watched him come towards her. When he was a foot away she opened her mouth to tell him she wasn’t in the mood.

  “I don…” was all she managed before his lips landed on hers and his arms were wrapped around her. He thrust his tongue into her mouth making her moan in pleasure. She’d missed his big warm body last night. She’d barely gotten any sleep she’d missed the infuriating man so much. Her arms wrapped around his neck of their own accord and she melted into him.

  Ratchet had heard a truck pull up, and hoping it was Mia he’d headed outside. Last night without her had made him cranky, and this morning he’d known that if he didn’t want to lose her he was going to have to give in and accept that she wasn’t going to allow him to tell her what to do. He’d called Slim this morning to see who was going with Lisa to the city and found that Bone had four prospects going with them.

  He’d told the man he was going too. This morning he’d meant to apologize sweetly and ask her to forgive him. But seeing her standing beside the truck he’d needed to kiss her, so he had. He was grateful that she hadn’t pushed him away.

  As he pulled back from her sweet lips he almost moaned and dragged her to the nearest bed. Last night had been hell without her, and she had a look of hazy desire in her eyes that made his cock stand at attention.

  “Forgive me?” he whispered after a moment of silence.

  Mia couldn’t believe that Ratchet was actually apologizing to her. He was an arrogant man and the fact that he was able to say that without any prompting surprised her. She stared at him in astonishment. Her eyes wide and holding his. Why was he being so nice today when he’d been such a dick yesterday? She didn’t know, but she was glad he didn’t want to fight today.

  “I’m still going.” Mia finally settled for as her reply. Trying to make sure he knew that she wasn’t going to give in just because he was being sweet.

  “I know. I should have talked to you about it before I flew off the handle. The thought of you getting hurt makes me crazy, Mia.” Ratchet told her truthfully.

  He didn’t want anything to happen to her. It was one of the reasons he knew he was already a goner. He’d watched enough men in this club find their old ladies. He knew the signs, and he had every one of them. He was obsessively protective, possessive-okay so maybe territorial was a better word now if he could only convince her that she was his he’d be a happy man.

  “Don’t decide for me again.” Mia said her hands resting on his chest.

  “Okay.” Ratchet grunted, he was eating crow but he sure didn’t like it.

  “Let’s go inside and see if they need help then.” Mia said as she pulled away from him and began walking into the house. He wanted to growl in displeasure at her dismissal, but instead watched her ass as she walked into the house ahead of him. Then he felt like growling for a completely different reason.

  Chapter 13

  Lisa was bagging a woman’s purchases when she spotted him. Mia waved at Lisa to let her know she’d be right back. Ratchet had just headed off with one of the prospects, so she couldn’t let him know where she was going. She ran after Matt one of Marcus’s friends.

  “Matt, wait.” She called. He stopped and turned facing her. He looked confused until she was almost standing in front of him.

  “Mia?” Matt said staring at her like she was an apparition.

  “Hey, ca…” She began but was jerked into a hug before she could say anything more.

  “Thank goodness you’re okay! Marcus and Raven have been freaking out. We were all worried when they came searching for you in the Slums. They were sure that you’d escaped there to hide. Where have you been hiding? You look very…different.” Matt threw at her in a rapid fire not allow her to answer one question before he was asking another.

  “Matt, stop.” Mia said laughing. She’d always liked Matt. He was only seventeen, and he’d been following Marcus around since he was about fourteen much to Marcus’s dismay. “I need you to get a message to Raven and Marcus. Tell them that I’m okay. I’m living in Devils Falls with Racheal and Pearl. I don’t know how, but they found out I was working with Tray and came after me. The Red Devils saved me.”

  “You’re living with bikers? Is that safe?” Matt asked concern worrying his brow.

  “Yes, I’m safe.” Mia told him. “Tell Marcus and Raven, okay. I don’t want them to worry.” Mia told him. Then added. “Tell them to get a message to my mother that I’m okay.”

  “Okay. I’m glad you’re okay Mia.” He smiled and the beauty of it made her heart ache. Damn the kid was such a sweetheart. Giving him another hug she headed back to the booth to find Ratchet back. He was yelling at the prospects. He had one of them held by the front of his shirt, and he was right in the man’s face.

  Ratchet was ready to kill the little fucker who’d let Mia run out of the stall. When he’d gotten back to find Mia missing a few moments ago he’d felt panic unlike any he’d felt before seize him. He’d demanded to know where she’d disappeared to. He was afraid that someone from the city had taken her. One of the two idiot’s who were supposed to be protecting her while he took a call from Bone had just muttered that she’d run after someone.

  Like it wasn’t his problem. That made Ratchet even angrier than he’d been a moment ago. He grabbed the little bastard by the front of his shirt getting in his face.

  Yelling at him, “Where the fuck did she go? You were supposed to be watching her! What the fuck? If anything…” He stopped talking when he heard her voice from behind him, turning to take her in. Thank God she was safe was the only thought he had as he rocketed towards her.

  “Ratchet.” Mia called, knowing he was talking about her. It wasn’t their fault that she’d run off. Ratchet turned dropping the hold he had on the other man. He was beside her in seconds.

  “Are you okay, baby?” He demanded, clutching her to his chest. Mia let him hold her. She could hear his heart racing against her. Making her feel like bad about running off after Matt.

  “I’m okay, Ratchet” Mia told him needing to reassure him. She grabbed his hair pulling his head up so she could kiss him. She wondered as his tongue tangled with hers about how a few weeks ago if someone had told her she would stand in the middle of the market kissing a man without feeling embarrassed about the public display. She would have called them crazy then laughed as she walked away.

  Except here she was kissing Ratchet in the middle of the market, and she refused to be embarrassed about it. She refused to be held back by a class system that wanted to prove they were better than everyone else. When he finally released her, kissing her face several times before pulling back and glaring at her.

  “Don’t run off like that,” Ratchet must have seen the glare she was prepared to give him because he quickly added. “I can’t handle it.”

  Deciding to forgive him, Mia just nodded. Ratchet kissed her forehead then walked her back to the booth. Lisa was trying to hold little Travis while talking to a woman who was asking questions about the skirts she was purchasing. Mia walked into the stall taking over for Lisa so that she could give Travis a chance to run around for a bit. She understood why Lisa was saying that she might not bring him anymore. It seemed the young mother had too much on her plate with the little bugger trying his best to get away from her.

  It was two hours later when Ratchet pulled her into his arms asking, “Can you watch the booth while we load this stuff in the truck, or are you going to run off again?”

  She gave him a look that warned him to watch it. He just grinned and nodded to two of the prospects. Those prospects continued to lean on the fence that was a few feet away while the others went with Ratchet to put the stock back into the truck. Lisa had already headed back to the truck with Travis. She wanted to let him run around in the small play area near the vehicles.

  Mia was placing clothing off the tables into the crates they were loading things up in when she was almo
st tackled from behind. She heard a chorus of curses coming from the prospects who were moving to jerk whoever had grabbed her off of her. Mia realized as the woman began to speak that it was Raven.

  “Oh my GOD, you’re okay. You’re okay.” Raven whispered clutching her tightly. Holding her hand up to stop the two prospects from tackling one of her two best friends. She turned hugging Raven back.

  “Raven, I can’t breathe.” Mia managed to get out. Feeling Ravens arms loosen, she took in a deep breath.

  “Sorry. I’m just so glad that you’re okay. We were so worried. That asshole Hilconn showed up demanding that we produce you like we were hiding you in the closet or something.” Raven wiped at her eyes. Mia turned feeling guilty that she waited so long to contact Marcus and Raven. She hadn’t meant to cause them so much worry.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t get a message to you sooner. This is the first time I’ve been close enough to get you a message.” Mia told her hugging her friend again.

  Raven hugged her back tightly. “It’s okay. It would have been dangerous had you tried sooner. Hilconn the horrible was watching us until a few days ago. He was sure that we knew where you were. He was the one who got you into trouble in the first place. He followed you to that bar and took a halo vid of you meeting with Tray.”

  “That little shit! I wondered how they found out so quickly. It just didn’t make any sense. Where’s Marcus?” Mia snarled, pissed that the man was the reason she’d had to leave so suddenly. Not that she minded living in Devils Falls. She liked it in fact. She was happy. The only thing that would make her happier was if her friends and her family were there with her.

  “He was working and couldn’t come. I’m off shift today like Matt. When he told me you were alive and working a booth in the market I freaked. I was sure that he must be mistaken, but here you are. Marcus will be so relieved. He felt awful and he’s been blaming himself for letting you work with that idiot. Although we both know that he wouldn’t have been able to stop you.” Raven told her shaking her head.


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