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Saving Mia

Page 17

by Michelle Woods

  “Uhh…what are you doing?” She asked, not that she minded him taking her into the bedroom. She wasn’t an idiot after all.

  “Taking you back to bed. I patched you now you have to tie me to the bed and have your way with me.” Ratchet gruffly demanded.

  Mia let out a laugh. “You haven’t patched me you foolish man. I’ve been thinking you weren’t going to. After all it’s been six months.’

  “Just did.” The insane man said. Then set her on the bed and went in search of the handcuffs.

  “No you didn’t.” She called from the bed, confused.

  “Did too.” He called back from inside the closet.

  “When?” She demanded.

  He walked out of the closet with the cuffs already clicking them to his wrists. He walked over to her jerked the leather off her stomach and shook it out.

  “Patched. Now get naked I want you to fuck me.” He growled ripping off his own cut and tearing off his pants then clicked his right wrist to the bedpost. “Here do the other one.”

  Mia didn’t move she was too busy staring at the leather vest he’d just handed her. It said Property of Ratchet-Red Devils M.C. on the back. Then she looked up at the crazy man. Wasn’t he supposed to do this all romantic and shit? All the other women in the club had told her about the ways their men had asked them to wear their patch. Her man had just thrown it at her then told her to get naked.

  She stared surely this was a joke? He was going to get romantic and beg her to agree or something? Right?

  “Woman what are you waiting on. Click this in place and get naked to take advantage of me.” He growled.

  She walked over to the wrist he was shaking at her. And clicked the cuff into place on the metal bedpost, but then she just stood glaring at him. He had not just told her she was patched without even asking had he?

  “What?” He demanded looking at her innocently. As if he didn’t have a clue.

  “That’s how you’re going to ask me to wear your patch? Throw it at me and say your patched now get naked?” Mia demanded irritated that the man seemed to be serious.

  “We both know the answers is yes and I’m horny. Been thinking about you tying me up for weeks.” Ratchet told her smirking.

  That son of a bitch really thought that he could just throw it at her and say you’re patched. That was it, like she’d be so overcome with joy at the thought of keeping him she’d be ready to do whatever he wanted. She glared at him before she turned heading to the door.

  “Where the hell are you going woman?” Ratchet demanded jerking on the cuffs.

  She turned back to him smiling. “You just patched me. I have to go tell all my friends about it. And I do mean all my friends baby even the ones in Devils Falls. I should be back in less than three hours I think.”

  She turned and Ratchet was not happy. She was leaving? With him cuffed to the bed naked. She must be kidding. This was just payback for him being impatient. She’d go in the other room and then come back surely. She wouldn’t leave him like this for three hours, he thought smirking. She’d be back in a minute and then she’d take advantage of him.

  He was sure right up until he heard the truck crank up. Then he started yelling only it didn’t do any good the woman had really just left him hard and cuffed to the fucking bed while she went off to tell everyone he’d patched her. Fuck when was he going to learn not to be so damned impatient. Fuck. He settled in. he had a feeling this was going to be a long wait.

  When his woman finally returned and let him out of these cuffs he was going to paddle her ass before he let her cuff him to the bed again to have her way with him. He chuckled as he waited. Damn he loved that woman.

  He was still thinking that an hour later when Tick came to release him from the cuffs. He didn’t even care that the man was laughing so hard that he almost couldn’t manage the chore. When he was dressed he headed out to find his woman. She still needed to take advantage of him.

  Other Works

  For more information on upcoming releases sign up for new release notifications in the coming soon section of my web site:

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  Red Devils Series

  A Very Devilish Christmas

  Book 5.1:

  Story about all your favorite’s celebrating the holiday season

  Out now at

  Taming Lucca

  Book 1: Molly and Bone’s story

  Out now

  Claiming Racheal

  Book 2: Racheal and Tiny’s story

  Out now at

  Catching Trick

  Book 3: Trick and Katie’s story

  Out now at

  Tank’s Redemption

  Book 4: Tank and Annie’s story

  Out now at

  Finding Charity

  Book 5: Tick and Charity’s Story

  Out now at

  Raven’s Man

  Book 7: Raven and Travis’s Story

  Out March 2015

  New series: Out in February 2015

  Holding her Tightly

  Laney Stewart has always had a thing for hot navy seals. With her brother bring then home for every holiday how was she supposed to resist? Especially when he moved in right next door.

  Craig Thomas didn’t expect to have sex with Little Lacy. But when he moved in next door to Luke’s Stewart, his new business partner’s sister and she shows up at his apartment too drunk to find her own after he and her brother started their security business. How was he to resist a woman who set him on fire and always had. When she cried and told him that nobody could ever want her.

  The Aurora

  Slayers: Book 1

  Out now at

  Thank you for taking time to read Saving Mia. If you enjoyed it, please consider posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.

  Don’t forget to check out A Very Devilish Christmas to catch up with all your favorite characters. Read on to the next page for a peek at this Christmas special.

  Chapter 1

  Bone snuck around the living room trying to be as quiet as possible. He couldn’t wake Molly. She’d been asleep when he’d left their bed an hour ago. She’d looked like an angel lying there with her hand cradled under her cheek. Her little nipples had been ripe berries that made his mouth water and his cock protest the need to sneak away from their bed rather than take his sweet old lady to their own personal heaven again.

  He almost laughed when he thought of how disappointed his poor cock had been. But he’d needed to get this present hidden before she awakened. It was hard to fool his woman these days. Her shy, quiet beginnings with the club and him had become a fiery, confident, demanding woman who knew how to handle her husband. Not that he minded. Hell no. He loved that woman more today than he would have thought possible two years ago. She always seemed to know what he was up to.

  His heart squeezed a bit when he thought of the one thing Molly wanted more than anything else that he hadn’t been able to give her. Her inability to get pregnant even though they’d been trying for over a year was breaking her heart. He knew there were options still and that they were going to make it despite the disappointment, but he wished that it wasn’t so hard. The tests Doc had run on them would be back from the lab in the city this week and they were both nervous.

  That was why her not knowing about this present he was hiding from her was so important. He wanted to see his Molly smile that brilliant smile that lit up his whole world. Fuck that woman made him, a biker for fucks sake, think in candy hearts and flowers. For two years she’d made him happy, and he couldn’t imagine his life without her. Bone moved away from his office where he’d hidden Molly’s gift. He was headed to the kitchen to make breakfast when he heard a thump above him that made him smile as he heard a gru
mble coming from the lips of the woman who was his whole world.

  “Damn it. That hurt. Where is that man?” Floated down to him. He knew he was wearing an ear to ear grin, but he couldn’t help it.

  Molly woke to a cold bed which didn’t make her happy. Bone didn’t usually leave without telling her and she was disappointed that he’d run off without a word. She groaned as she rolled over. She didn’t want to get out of bed. It was too cold, but she would have to. She needed to get to the clubhouse in less than an hour to help Pearl and Aunt Mae direct the children who were preparing for the Christmas pageant.

  She wondered what was going on with the club that had pulled her husband from her bed this morning without even a goodbye kiss. She knew that they’d had a strained relationship for the last month. It worried her. She knew that she was happy, but with the stress from the Jackal’s and them not getting pregnant were wearing on Bone. She knew that in the past two years they’d grown as a couple, but she was a little worried.

  He’d been acting strange for three weeks, and although she trusted Bone she was worried. He’d been with her for two years and that was longer than he’d been with any woman. She didn’t want to think that he may be cheating on her, but his behavior of late had been secretive. Her heart ached thinking of him with another woman. She sighed. Rising from the bed with her heart squeezing in her chest. She knew that if he was seeing another woman she wouldn’t be able to forgive him. It broke her heart, and she knew that she’d be unable to deal with the pain of her loss if that were the case. She almost couldn’t bear the pain just thinking of it.

  Walking into the closet she grabbed jeans and a sweater then quickly moved to the shower. The hot water washed over her taking the slight chill away from her skin, but not easing the worry that seemed to be consuming her this morning. She got out getting dress in the clothes she’d brought in with her. Feeling slightly better. The worry about Bone’s strange behavior wasn’t as easily shaken. She headed into their room still stewing about the possibility that he was seeing another woman.

  She was so distracted from her thoughts that she forgot about the new chest that was at the foot of the bed and hit her toe on the edge. She jumped up and down screeching out.

  “Damn it. That hurt. Where is that man?” Because her preoccupation was all his fault. If he hadn’t left their bed without even a goodbye kiss she wouldn’t have been so upset that she forgot the chest. She headed down the stairs. She was surprised to see her husband in a white shirt, his cut, and a pair of jeans. He looked guilty standing in the middle of the room.

  What was he up to? Had he been out with a woman and thought that he could get back to her bed before she woke? These thoughts swirling in her mind she looked at him with suspicion.

  “What are you up to?” Molly asked him not bothering to hide her suspicion. Though she didn’t ask the question that burned in her mind. Was he breaking the vows they’d made to each other almost two years ago?

  “Nothing, baby. Did you hurt yourself?” Bone asked smiling as he walked to her taking her into his arms. Kissing her. His tongue caressed hers making her moan and melt into him. Grateful that she didn’t smell another woman’s perfume on him. He smelled like Bone and leather like always. Her man. She loved him so much she almost broke with it. He finally pulled back from her his hands holding her ass his hardness pressing into her belly.

  “You want me to make you breakfast before we head over to the clubhouse?” He asked, kissing her nose.

  “Sure, but I can make it.” Molly told him.

  “Together then.” Bone said, smacking her ass as he moved towards the kitchen with a smile. He hoped that she didn’t discover what he was really up to, he thought as they began making breakfast together.

  Molly stood watching Max who was a playing one of the wisemen in the play the children were putting on jump up and down. He was trying to get Aunt Mae’s attention. She’d been giving out cookies to the younger kids and he wanted one. She smiled at the little scamps.

  “He’s cute as a button. I can’t believe how well they’re behaving.” Racheal said from her seat beside her.

  “Yeah, they’re all adorable. And so eager to put on this play for everyone.” Molly said with a wistful smile. Still worried about Bone’s strange behavior.

  “Okay, bitch. What the hell is wrong with you?” Racheal demanded looking at her with narrowed eyes.

  “Nothing. I’m just a little stressed.” Molly replied, not wanting to worry her friend.

  “No it’s not nothing Molly Brighton! I’ve seen that wistful almost smile three times in the last hour, and we both know that it’s the one you give when you’re upset about something, now spill.” Racheal said, finally having had enough of this sad sack who was pretending to be Molly. She’d been acting strange for over a week now.

  “It’s nothing.” Molly told her looking miserable.

  “Spill.” Racheal demanded.

  “Fine, I think that Bone may be cheating on me.” Molly said, her voice teary sounding.

  Racheal looked at her friend. Had she lost her mind? That man was crazy in love with her and the idea that he was cheating on her was ridiculous. She knew for a fact that the man had gotten her the sweetest gift that was going to make her friend cry for sure, but in a good way.

  “Molly, that’s not possible. He’s so in love with you he doesn’t see any other woman.” Racheal told her. Molly grimaced.

  “I don’t know he’s been acting strange, and he’s hiding something. I know it.” Molly whispered.

  “Molly, he isn’t hiding an affair. That man is so crazy about you it isn’t funny. Besides the man doesn’t have time to have an affair. He’s always with you or taking care of club business. He may be hiding something, but I don’t think for even a second that it’s an affair.” Racheal told her friend. She had a sneaking suspicion she knew what Bone was hiding from Molly. If she was right then this worry her friend felt would be taken care of in a few days when he gave her the gift he had for her.

  Molly knew that Racheal was likely right, but she just couldn’t shake the worry that Bone wasn’t as happy with her as she was with him. She had no reason to suspect her husband would ever hurt her that way, and she felt a little shamed that she was thinking it of him. Only he wouldn’t tell her what he was hiding and the longer her imagination was given to stew on it the more she thought that was what was going on.

  “Your right. I shouldn’t worry, but I just can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong. I know it’s silly, but I just love him so much. Thinking that he might not be happy makes me crazy.” Molly told her, smiling at Travis, Lisa’s son as he walked up to her holding up his tiny baby arms to her. She leaned down picking him up. Smelling his sweet baby powder and cookies scent she sighed.

  “I promise it will be fine. Perhaps it’s something to do with the Jackal’s. He wouldn’t tell you about that. Our men are so overbearingly overprotective.” Racheal told her although she suspected that it wasn’t that, but the surprise for Molly that Bone was hiding from her.

  “Maybe.” Molly said, her face buried in Travis’s hair. Racheal felt her heart ache as her babies kicked. Damn, that might be part of Molly wistful sadness. Racheal knew. They’d been trying for over a year and still they weren’t pregnant, and Molly was sure that it was all her fault. The tests that Doc had run when Racheal was first pregnant hadn’t told him what was wrong. Just that Bone’s sperm count wasn’t low.

  Since then her friend had been withdrawn and a bit sad. She was sure that the reason they couldn’t get pregnant was her fault. Doc had taken some more test two weeks ago and sent them off to a lab in the city to see if there was something that could be done to help them conceive. Molly was pinning all her hopes on those tests. She really hoped that they were able to find a solution. She wasn’t sure that Molly would take being unable to have children very well.

  Racheal felt a little guilty that it had been so easy for her and Tiny. They had gotten pregnant on accident
after all. And to their shock they were having twins. Tiny was scrambling to get the addition to their cabin done by the time the babies were here. Which was still about five months away. She’d just started feeling the babies last week and it was so exciting to know that soon they’d have a family. A year ago she’d been a broken woman, but Tiny had fixed that.

  He’d held her when she’d cried and waited until she was ready. The man was amazing. He was sexy as sin and always there for her when she needed him. She was happy when she’d never thought she would ever be happy again. She barely even remembered that shithead, Eugene at all. She smiled. Molly was up directing the children now. She watched her friend laughing at the kids. She really hoped they figured out this mess with the pregnancy for her friend.

  She felt arms slide around her and a male hand landed on her stomach. Racheal smiled. Yeah her man was always laying his hand over their babies. It had become a greeting of sorts. She thought feeling her babies kick at their daddy. She’d knew he couldn’t feel them yet, but she was waiting for it to happen. She knew her man would be gaga over them when it happened. Not that he wasn’t already gaga over them, she thought a smile of satisfaction curling her lips.

  “Hey darlin’s.” Tiny whispered against his old ladies ear. His hand was possessively resting over his babies. He loved this woman more every day, he thought as he kissed her ear.

  “Hello, lover.” Racheal purred, making his dick stand to attention. She’d been insatiable lately, not that he was complaining. But he couldn’t really do anything about this hard on she inspire with that tone here. Not with all the children running around the clubhouse. Well he could take her upstairs to one of the rooms and take care of it he supposed, but he’d wait. She was always hotter when he made her wait. He thought with a smug smile.

  She leaned back into him, and he groaned a bit as her voice dropped to a sexy whisper that reminded him that she was a minx.


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