Book Read Free

Exit 9 pe-2

Page 23

by Brett Battles

  “The box,” Olivia said.

  One of her men came forward, carrying a long case almost the size of a box for roses.

  “Warm it up,” she told him.

  He undid the clasps and opened it. Whatever Ash thought would be inside, a severed forearm with a hand still attached wasn’t it.

  “What the hell is that for?” Chloe said.

  Without answering, the man removed a device from the bag he’d been carrying on his back and flipped a switch on the side. It started to hum, faintly at first, but grew louder as the seconds passed. Once one of the ends started glowing red, he hit another button, doubling the strength of the noise, and aimed the glowing end at the hand.

  He let this go on for half a minute, then touched the palm with a small plastic strip. Seemingly unsatisfied, he aimed the device at the hand again for another thirty seconds. This time, after he put the strip against it, he said, “Ready.”

  Olivia turned back to the screen, but instead of pressing the button at the bottom, she tapped the monitor in the upper right corner twice, and once in the middle. As soon as she lifted her finger the last time, the screen came to life.

  She tapped twice more, and each time the screen changed as soon as she was done. She then motioned for the man holding the arm to join her. She moved the fingers of the detached hand just enough so that there was separation between each, and pressed the palm and fingers against the screen.

  Nothing happened for a moment, then there was a loud clunk, and the door began to swing open.

  Olivia smiled at Ash. “After you.”




  Matt stared at the world map on his computer screen. Marked on it were the locations where companies with variations on the names Hiddekel, Pishon, Gihon, and Phrath had been conducting suspicious operations that had so far gone undiscovered. While there were many marks, they represented only a fraction of the number that he knew must have been out there. Worse yet, Matt’s people were having spotty luck getting through to people who might be able to do something about those they did know. And even when they did reach someone, convincing them that something terrible was about to happen was more miss than hit.

  “Mr. Hamilton?”

  Matt looked up. Everyone seemed to be busy at the different stations. “Who called me?”

  “I did, sir.” A hand went up across the room.

  Matt stood up. “What is it?”

  “Security breach, sir. PB position two.”

  PB was the codename assigned to the dirt road leading to the Ranch. Position two would mean whoever it was would already be halfway to the Lodge from the highway.

  “Do you have visual?”

  “They’ll be coming up on a video point in about fifteen seconds.”

  “Route it to one of the TVs.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  There was a delay of five seconds, then the monitor on the end of the table filled with an image of the empty dirt road.

  “Sir, second contact.”

  “Also on PB?”

  “No, sir, from the southwest, but coming fast and low. I think it’s a helicopter.”

  On the screen, three large SUVs suddenly appeared. Though it was impossible to tell for sure, each looked like it was filled with men wearing helmets and holding weapons.

  Matt shoved himself out of his chair. “Get everyone who’s outside into the Bunker now and lock us up tight! I don’t want whoever is coming this way to get even a hint of where any of the entrances are.”

  The alarm began blaring throughout the Bunker to let everyone know they were about to seal things up.

  “Prep full cover,” Matt said.

  Silence descended on the room.

  “Are…are you sure, sir?” one of the men asked.

  “I said prep, I didn’t say set it off. But if I do, I don’t want any hesitation.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Full cover would mean igniting both the Lodge and the dormitory so that they would burn down on top of two of the entrances to the Bunker. The third entrance, accessed via a long tunnel, would be left open unless it was found. If that happened, it could be collapsed once the intruders were inside.

  “Let me know as soon as everyone is in,” he said.

  “Sir, another contact. Looks like a second helicopter. Coming from the northeast.”

  Rachel rushed into the room. “What’s going on?”

  “Someone’s coming at us.”


  He looked at her. “I’ll give you one guess.”

  “We don’t know that for sure.”

  “If we could find them, they certainly could find us.”

  “Sir, fourth contact.” It was yet another helicopter.

  “Is everyone back inside yet?”

  “Jon Hayes is still out there. He went to the barn to check on the horses.”

  “Get him on the radio.”

  Several seconds passed. “I’ve patched him through to the speaker, sir.”

  “Jon, this is Matt. Where are you?”

  “Running up from the barn.”

  “How long will it take you to get here?”

  “Three minutes.”

  Matt glanced at the center screen. The security image from the road had been replaced by a map of the Ranch, with moving dots representing the contacts heading their way. Three minutes would be too late.

  “You’re not going to make it,” he said. “You’ll have to-”

  “Matt, I’m not alone. Brandon Ash came with me.”

  Ash’s son? “Who authorized that?”

  “No one. He was going a little stir-crazy, so I thought maybe if he helped me with the horses, he’d feel better. I…I didn’t think anyone was going to show up like this.”

  No one had thought that, but still, taking the kid out? What was Matt going to tell Ash?

  “You need to hide. Now. When it’s clear, get to one of the emergency supply dumps in the woods, fill up a pack, and hike out. They may keep coming back, so it’s your only chance. After you’re away, operate under emergency contact conditions. Do not, I repeat, do not try to come back here.”

  “What about you?”

  Matt hesitated. He could no longer ignore what was heading their way. “We’re going full cover right now.” He nodded at the man monitoring the security system, confirming the order.

  “I understand. Good luck.”

  “Jon. Don’t let anything happen to the kid.”

  “I won’t.”

  “They’re not going to let us back in?” Brandon asked, trying not to sound as scared as he felt.

  “There’s no time,” Hayes said. “You hear the helicopters?”

  Brandon nodded. Distant thump-thump-thumps were coming from several directions.

  “We’d never make it back before they got here. It’s okay, though. Don’t worry. We just need to hide out until they’re gone.” Hayes looked around quickly. “This way.” He started for the woods south of the path.

  “What about the horses?” Brandon asked.

  “They’d see us if we were on them.”

  “No, no. I mean, won’t the others see the barn? Couldn’t the horses be in danger?”

  “I’m sure no one will bother them.”

  He took another step toward the trees, but Brandon held his ground. “We can’t leave them there! Mr. Hamilton said they were going to full cover. I know what that is. I’ve been trying to learn everything so I could help if I was needed. If they get rid of all the ways in and out of the Bunker, who’s going to feed the horses? Don’t you see? We have to at least let them go so they can take care of themselves.”

  Hayes stared at him, and sighed. It was only a minute back to the barn. Chances were, the people in the helicopters would head straight for the Lodge, buying Hayes and the kid a little more time.

  Hayes couldn’t help also feeling a little ashamed with himself. Brandon was right. Leaving the horses pent-up
would be inhumane. The two of them could probably let the animals out and slip into the woods to the east without anyone ever suspecting they were there.

  He stepped quickly back on the path.

  “If I yell ‘hide,’ you run as fast as you can for the closest trees, you understand?”

  “So we’ll let the horses out?”

  Hayes nodded.

  As soon as the alarm went off, Josie went looking for her brother.

  Surprisingly, he wasn’t in any of the places he usually hung out. Thinking that maybe he’d gone to the communications room to see what was going on, she headed there. A quick scan of those present revealed that Brandon wasn’t one of them.

  She walked quickly up to Rachel. “Miss Hamilton? I can’t find my brother.”

  Rachel looked surprised to see her, then her face turned serious. “I don’t want you to worry. He’ll be okay.”

  The words had the exact opposite effect. “What do you mean?”

  “He’s outside,” Rachel said. She put a hand on Josie’s arm. “But Jon Hayes is with him and will take care of him.”

  Josie pulled back. “Somebody needs to go get them.”

  “We can’t, Josie. We’re being attacked.”

  Josie’s eyes went wide. “A…attacked? But you just said Brandon’s still out there.”

  “He’s going to hide in the woods. They won’t know he’s there.”

  “You’ve got to let him back in! You’ve got to!”

  She ran out of the room, not waiting to hear any more. She headed straight for the exit that would take her up to the basement of the Lodge. But when she got there, a massive door that had never been closed blocked the way to the exit.

  She headed for one of the other two ways out of the building, but it, too, was sealed tight. And, she soon found out, so was the last.

  She stared at the door, not knowing what to do. Her father had wanted her to watch over Brandon, but now she couldn’t even get to him.

  Without another word, Brandon and Hayes sprinted down the path, and rushed into the barn just as one of the helicopters came into sight.

  “Don’t move,” Hayes ordered Brandon. The man peeked outside through a crack between two of the boards. “Dammit.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I think they might have seen us. They’re coming this way. I’m an idiot. We should have stayed in the trees until they passed by.”

  Outside, Brandon could hear the beat of the helicopter rotors drawing nearer.

  Hayes suddenly grabbed Brandon by the arm. “Come on.”

  They raced back to the horse stalls, stopping next to one housing a brown mare. Hayes opened the gate. “Get in there and stand right up against Maggie.”


  “Those people out there might have a thermal scanner. If they do, they’ll be able to see your heat signature and know you’re not a horse, but if you’re next to her, it’s possible they won’t see the difference. Now go!”

  Feeling more than just a little nervous, Brandon entered the stall. Feeding the horses was one thing, but standing next to Maggie was something else entirely. As Brandon pressed against her, he was sure she would pull away, or maybe even bite and kick at him. But while she did turn her head and look at him for a second, she remained where she was.

  Two stalls away, just above the sound of the helicopter, one of the horses huffed several times. Mr. Hayes said some soothing words, and the animal seemed to calm down.

  The barn began to shudder from the wind generated by the aircraft as it slowed to a hover near the front and began circling the building. As it worked its way past the stall Brandon was in, he closed his eyes tight and repeated to himself, “Don’t see me. Don’t see me. Don’t see me.”

  After what felt like forever, the helicopter rose higher into the air, and headed west toward the Lodge.

  Five minutes later, the horses wandered out into the meadow, and Brandon and Mr. Hayes were safely under the cover of the trees.




  The directors were gathered in the conference area at the back of the Cradle. The DOP thought it was an excellent location. While those on the other side of the glass wall wouldn’t be able to hear the final vote, they would be able to see the Directors, and could tell their children someday that they’d witnessed the start of the new world.

  The only non-Director in the room was Rosemary Eames. She was the Principal Director’s personal aide, and, as such, was tasked with making sure the recording devices were working correctly and the meeting went smoothly.

  For a brief moment, the DOP imagined future generations listening in awe to the playback of this momentous occasion. Hell, he would probably listen to it himself in the coming years, a reminder of how hard they had worked, how hard he had worked, to reach the future they knew was humanity’s only chance at true survival.

  “The time in now ten fifty a.m., Central Standard Time,” Rosemary said for the record. “All the Directors are present.” She nodded at the Principal Director, who stood up.

  “Today marks a beginning, not an end,” he said, his aged voice gravelly. “Though we have put considerable effort into bringing this moment about, the task ahead will be even more difficult as we shape the new human civilization. So as this day proceeds, let us reflect on where we are and where we are going, and let us not forget our brothers and sisters who will be sacrificed for the betterment of mankind.” He turned to the DOP. “The floor is yours.”

  The DOP rose to his feet. “Thank you, sir.” He looked around at the others. As was decided when Project Eden was established, a final vote by all the Directors had to be taken prior to the Go signal being transmitted. A single No vote would delay implementation until the issues were resolved. “Directors of Project Eden, we have but a single item before us this morning. Implementation Day. Yes or no. Does anyone wish to say anything before the vote is taken?”

  A few of the Directors shook their heads, while the others stared back stoically.

  “Very good. Then we will proceed.”

  He sat, and motioned for Rosemary to begin.

  “Director of Survival,” she said.


  “Director of Recovery.”


  “Director of Facilities.”


  She continued down the list.





  “Principal Director,” she said.

  A pause, and then, “Yes.”

  She looked at the DOP. Since this was his operation, he was honored with the final vote. “Director of Preparation.”

  “Yes,” he said.

  Rosemary looked at the tablet of paper in front of her. “On the matter of moving forward with Implementation Day, nine votes yes and zero votes no.”

  Excitement and anticipation burned in the DOP’s chest, but he was careful to keep his demeanor neutral. This was a solemn event, after all. Seven billion people were about to die.

  But for a better world, he thought. A much better world.

  “The vote is to move forward,” he said. “May the new world we create be a lasting tribute to the old.”

  As if on cue, the other Directors began standing. One by one, they made their way to the DOP and shook his hand. As each Director finished, he headed out into the Cradle to be in place when the DOP entered the code that would make what they’d just voted for a reality.

  Finally, it was just the DOP, the Principal Director, and Rosemary.

  “Are you holding up all right?” the Principal asked as he shook the DOP’s hand.

  The question was unexpected. “I’m fine, sir.”

  The Principal looked at him for a moment, then said, “Good. Let’s start our new beginning.”

  As they walked out, it finally hit the DOP what the Principal had probably meant. In minutes, it woul
d be by the DOP’s hand alone that the order to exterminate ninety-nine percent of the human race went out-a genocide unlike any genocide the world had ever seen. He would be the one directly responsible.

  But he’d long ago come to terms with that. It was the greater good that was important.

  For the first time since he’d woken up that morning, he allowed a smile to grace his lips.

  While the vote was going on in the room at the back of the Cradle, security officer Phillips frowned at his monitor. One of the indicators on the screen had just switched from Red to Green, letting him know someone had entered Bluebird through the emergency tunnel. He clicked on it to bring up the details.


  Phillips signaled Ross that he wanted to speak with him.

  “Yes?” Ross said over the intercom, his voice impatient.

  “Rowan’s turned up, sir.”

  “Rowan? Where?”

  “He just entered through the tunnel.”

  “He’s been gone for hours. Where the hell has he been?”

  “I haven’t been able to talk to him yet, sir.”

  Ross paused before responding. “Send someone to check on him, and recall the search team.”

  “Yes, sir.”




  Olivia held up a hand, stopping everyone.

  In the distance, they could hear footsteps. She looked around quickly, and pointed at a door fifteen feet back the way they’d come. Without wasting a second, they filed into the room and closed the door behind them.

  They heard the footsteps enter the hallway where they’d been, and walk past their current position. There was only a single set.

  Olivia pointed at two of her men, then opened the door wide enough so they could slip out.

  When they returned forty-five seconds later, they were carrying a man with a sidearm strapped to his belt. Though there were no obvious wounds, it was apparent the man was dead.

  Once the body was on the floor, Olivia said, “Everyone ready? We’re not going to have time to stop again.”


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