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Trailer Park Daddy

Page 3

by S. E. Law

  Way to go, Kaylee.



  Who is she?

  I stare at the beautiful girl before me, and immediately, I begin to harden. She’s absolutely gorgeous with dark, curly hair piled on top of her head, pink cheeks, and a curvy body. Not only that, but her luscious mouth is open with shock as she stares at me, just as surprised.

  She gasps and then scrambles forward on her hands and knees, trying futilely to use a sponge to soak up the water.

  “I’m so sorry, sir,” she mumbles. “I’ll get this cleaned up and be out of your way in a second.”

  Ah, that makes more sense. She’s wearing a black and white maid’s uniform that’s very sexy, come to think of it. The skirt ends right below her curvaceous ass, and there’s a white frilly apron, just like in my fantasies. There’s even a cute little hat perched on her head, with brown curls peeping out. At least I don’t need to call security.

  Then again, I don’t recognize this woman. Have we met before? I admittedly don’t know everyone on my staff, but I think I would have noticed someone like her.

  This woman is incredibly sexy, and I can’t stop staring. The maid’s uniform is slightly too small for her, and it squeezes her ample assets. With every move she makes, it seems she’s going to spill over the top or out the bottom.

  I wouldn’t mind either of those options, come to think of it. Mentally, I will the top to slip just a bit farther down so that I can get a peek at her large breasts.

  But she doesn’t even notice I’m staring at her because she’s still on her knees, scrubbing away frantically.

  “I’m sorry sir,” she pants again. “I’ll be done in just a sec.”

  I laugh. I don’t even know her name, and I’m already intrigued.

  She looks up, her expression startled. Then, she squeezes the sponge into the bucket and starts soaking up more water before furiously trying to scrub again. It’ll take forever like that, but I’m enjoying the view from here. Her ass is now facing me, huge and heart-shaped. Does she realize that the skirt is riding up so that it stops just below her big cheeks? They practically mock me, begging me to come closer and give them a squeeze.

  I won’t do that, of course. No need for a sexual harassment lawsuit on my hands, in my own home no less.

  “That’s not going to work,” I say instead.

  The young woman jumps, her brown eyes wide.


  “Soaking it up that way. I think I have some towels in the bathroom down the hall.”

  She’s shaking her head before I can get the words out.

  “No, sir, that won’t be necessary. I can take care of this. Don’t you worry.”

  “Really, it’s no big deal.”

  “Sir, this is my mess—” she begins, but I hold up my hand to stop her. Before she can say anything else, I leave the office and head for the bathroom. Sure enough, someone replenished the towels in the linen closet. I grab a handful and head back to the office.

  She’s trembling when I return, her pink cheeks flushed. Those big brown eyes stare at me, her pink pout slightly open. What will it taste like when I kiss her?

  “Thank you, sir, but you shouldn’t have done that. Really, I can clean it up myself. I’ll be out of your hair in no time. Just please, don’t tell my boss. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

  I shake my head, hoping to seem reassuring.

  “Don’t worry about it. These things happen. I’m not worried about it, so you shouldn’t be either.”

  She looks down and smiles a bit, but still seems nervous.

  “Thank you, sir. You see, I can’t afford to lose this job.”

  I smile faintly, hoping it doesn’t come across like a grimace.

  “Your job is safe. Like I said, no need to worry.”

  She takes the towels from me and gets to work sopping up the dirty water. It’s backbreaking work, for sure. She’s on her knees, that big bottom raised in the air once more, and the towels soak through at once. The water is filthy and grayish, and I can even see bits of dirt in it. How did my office get so grubby?

  But the girl doesn’t flinch. Once the flood is taken care of, she carries the heavy, soaked-through towels to the door, and puts them on the floor by the doorway. They sit there like dead wet puppies, and for the first time, I notice assorted cleaning supplies in that area. How did I not see them earlier?

  “How long have you been in here?” I ask quizzically.

  She bites her lip and stares at the ground.

  “Um, you mean the office?”

  I shoot her a wry look.

  “Yes, the office.”

  She bites her lip.

  “A few hours. I’ve been cleaning…”

  I shake my head.

  “Fuck. So I take it you overheard that conversation with Brina.”

  She shakes her head, looking up with panic.

  “I didn’t hear anything, I swear. Nor did I eavesdrop. I just … well, it felt too weird to announce my presence. I didn’t want to interrupt your conversation.”

  Embarrassment floods my veins. I hate that this gorgeous woman had to witness such an awful event.

  “Goddamit. Brina does that all the time,” I say. “She doesn’t take no for an answer.”

  The pretty maid nods hesitantly.

  “I noticed that. I don’t understand women like her. If a guy rejected me over and over again, I’d turn tail and run, but I guess some women are made of stronger stuff than I am.”

  I chuckle.

  “Turning and running is the normal course of action. Brina’s really something else. Though I doubt you have many guys rejecting you.”

  The curvy maid blushes.

  “You’d be wrong about that. Just about every guy in Millbrook has rejected me.”

  Not me, I think. Aloud, I say, “They’re all idiots then.” Oh shit, did I just say that aloud? Talk about coming on strong to an innocent girl I’ve never met before. But a small smile forms on her lips, and she looks at me shyly.

  “Well, thank you for that, I guess.”

  The office goes silent, and we both stand there, unsure what comes next. I hope she’s not still worried about her job because I’m not going to fire her. If anything, I’m intrigued and want to know more. Finally, to break the silence, I speak again.

  “Um, so what’s your name?” I ask, fumbling a bit like a schoolboy. Damn. I haven’t been this awkward in twenty years, but somehow this woman is making me feel like a teenager with a crush again.

  She looks up, startled. “What?”

  “Well, I’m Elliot, as you must have overheard, so I figured I’d get your name too.”

  She blushes.

  “Please, sir, I didn’t listen in on the conversation on purpose. Please don’t report me. This job is all I have because I’m from the other part of town. The trashy part, and I can’t afford to lose this job. Please, sir.”

  I try to look reassuring.

  “I won’t report you, I swear. I just want to know whom I’m speaking to. That’s all.”

  “Oh,” she sighs, relieved. “I’m Kaylee, and I work for Sparkle Maids.”

  “Sparkle Maids?” I ask, confused. “What’s that?”

  Now she looks confused.

  “The maid service you hired?” Her brow furrows. “You don’t recognize the name?”

  I shrug and grin.

  “My butler takes care of those things. He’s probably the one who hired you. Edwards. Have you met him?”

  She’s looking at me like I’m crazy, but then she nods.

  “Um, yes, I met him earlier. He let us in this morning.”

  I sigh. I can tell what she’s thinking.

  “I know it’s weird that I don’t even know who’s in my house, but it happens when you have a large staff. I delegate a lot, and I have trusted deputies who handle a lot of things for me, including cleaning my house,” I add in a rueful tone.

  Kaylee kicks at the ground with her sneakers.
They’re well-worn, probably from years of use, and she bites her lip.

  “No, I get it. It’s just that I’m from the other part of town, like I mentioned, and no one there has any staff at all. We’re lucky if the lights are on and there’s food on the table,” she says before slapping a hand over her mouth. “Oh my god, I wasn’t supposed to say that. I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to bring my problems to you.”

  I hold up a hand.

  “No, it’s fine. But is it really that bad? Not even food on the table?”

  She looks down, scuffing the toe of her sneaker on the floor again.

  “Well, we have food, but it’s not what I would call nutritious. It’s lots of trashy stuff like Cup-O-Noodle, Mallomars, Fruit Loops, and Sno-Balls. The hot pink Sno-Balls, not the white ones. As you can tell, we’re not exactly eating like kings.”

  I look at her closely.

  “Where did you say you live again?”

  She bites her lip.

  “Um, I’m not sure I should say.”

  I shoot her a straight look.

  “It’s fine, trust me. I’m the boss around here.”

  She takes a deep breath and finally looks up at me.

  “Monroe Trailer Park. Like I said, I’m not from the nice part of town. We don’t exactly have the most up-and-up existence, but the trailer park has its perks too. I’m friends with a lot of my neighbors there.”

  I look at this woman. Kaylee’s ungodly gorgeous, and she has no idea. But even more than her sassy curves, I appreciate her honesty. There are a lot of women who want to project a false image. They want to make it seem as if they’re flawless, and living a charmed life in a magazine-ready house with a handsome husband and a passel of smiling, tow-headed kids. But I can sense Kaylee is different. She’s real, and I like it.

  “So,” I say slowly, with a suggestive tone to my voice. “Tell me more about the trailer park. Why is it so trashy?”

  She shoots me a strange look.

  “Well, have you ever been to a trailer park?”

  Actually, I have because I’ve made numerous real estate investments, and some of them include trailer parks, but I don’t mention that fact. Instead, I let Kaylee speak.

  “Why don’t you tell me?” I invite.

  She shoots me a suspicious look, but then nods slightly.

  “We don’t have much,” she says. “A lot of people there never finished school, and we’re just trying to get by. We work jobs that don’t have health insurance, nor do we save for retirement.”

  I cock my head at her.

  “Well, that doesn’t sound trashy. That sounds like ninety-nine percent of Americans I know.”

  Kaylee gulps a bit.

  “Yes, but we’re trashy, trust me.”

  This is my opening. I can feel it, and I move closer to her. Her brown eyes widen, and she breathes a little harder.

  “So tell me what’s trashy about you?” I invite again.

  Her eyes flash.

  “I didn’t say I was trashy,” she protests. “I just said the place I’m from is trashy.”

  “Of course not,” I reply in a calm voice. I come even closer to the voluptuous girl, and can’t help but stare at her huge breasts. The maid’s outfit has a delicate U-shaped neckline, and there’s a dark shadow between the giant orbs. Without meaning to, I reach forward, and gently trace the neckline, skimming my finger across her creamy flesh.

  She goes as still as a hummingbird.

  “What are you doing?” she whispers.

  My cock jerks up and says hello.

  “What I want,” is my low growl, blue eyes flashing. “And right now, I want you to show me just how trashy you are.”

  With that, I seize her plush pink pout in a kiss. She resists at first, pushing against my broad chest, but Kaylee probably only weighs half of what I do. I hold that curvy form tight, and soon she’s melting against me, mewling with pleasure.

  “Mmm, baby girl, you taste good,” I rasp against her mouth once she’s settled down. “Real good. Are you ready for some fun?”

  Before she can answer, I have her up against my desk. Her skirt practically flies up by itself, and I see what I’ve been longing to see ever since I caught sight of this girl. She’s wearing lacy pink panties beneath this maid’s outfit, and the crotch is already wet with her need. I breathe in deeply, inhaling her sweet scent.

  “Oh baby girl, you want it so bad, don’t you?” I rasp. “Shit yeah.”

  But Kaylee’s no shrinking violet. She gets a dirty look in her eyes, and then reaches down to pull the crotch of her panties to the side, showing me her tiny hole. It’s pulsing and wet, and the folds are swollen already, begging for penetration.

  “Come here, Elliot,” she says in a coy voice. “Let me show you how the girls from the other side of the tracks do it.”

  I kneel between her thighs, just drinking in the sight. But Kaylee giggles and reaches down with both hands, pulling her pussy lips apart to show me that engorged clit.

  “Kiss it,” she commands. “Suck it hard, big boy.”

  I do as she commands. Her head falls back as she moans lustily, her big breasts bouncing in the small uniform.

  “Yes,” she groans while secreting hot honey onto my tongue. “Oh god, yes.”

  Meanwhile, I’ve pulled my hard shaft out, and I’m stroking it like a madman. Hot jism leaks from the tip, and it’s getting all over the place. My rod gleams in the light, ready to be used to its maximum extent.

  Kaylee sees it and her eyes go wide as her mouth drops open.

  “Oh my god,” she breathes. “You’re huge.”

  “I know,” I growl, “but I know you can take it. You’re a dirty girl from the other side of the tracks, after all. This is nothing to you.”

  She’s still staring at my thickness like she hasn’t heard, but then Kaylee nods mischievously.

  “I’ll do you one better,” she breathes. The curvy girl hitches her knees up even higher, and pulls her panties off entirely so that her back hole is now on display. I’ve never seen a prettier pucker. It’s so friggin’ tight, and begging to be licked.

  “I know you want it,” she says coyly, stroking the tight pleats with a finger. “Do you have any lube, Elliot?”

  I laugh deep in my throat.

  “As a matter of fact, I do,” I say, reaching into my desk drawer. “You never know when an opportunity like this will present itself.” With that, I squirt some of the warm jelly into my hand and rub it against her pink pucker. Her head falls back, eyes closing, as I massage her anus.

  “Oh yes,” she moans. But then her eyes open again, and she looks right at me while licking her lips. “Put it in, Elliot,” is her murmur. “It’s time.”

  With that, I line myself up right at that tight darkness. Slowly, I begin pressing against her knot, willing that sweet flesh to part, but she’s so small and resistant.

  “Relax, baby girl,” I rasp. “It’ll feel good once it’s inside.”

  Kaylee mewls a bit, her hands gripping the edge of the desk as I increase the pressure. But then, her sphincter gives way with an audible pop and I’m sliding into that anal canal. I move slowly, but this girl is talented because within seconds, I’m balls deep in her butt.

  “You’re a butt slut, you know that, sweetheart? Taking me in one stroke like that,” I rasp into her ear. “Oh, holy fuck.”

  Kaylee’s clenched her asshole around my length, and it feels amazing. I moan throatily again, pinching her nipples as her bottom sucks me in deeper and deeper. I watch as my huge shaft disappears and reappears from her tight knot, the girl moaning and beginning to scream as ecstasy begins to boil.

  “Oh fuck!” she wails, tilting her head back as that asshole spasms around my shaft. “SHIT!”

  I’m no better. I roar like a conquering god, and literally begin to shake. My balls pull up tight, and my firehouse blasts lash after lash of hot male jism into her back channel, pumping it full of seed.

  “FUUUUUUCK!” is my
bellow. “Oh shit!”

  Kaylee merely continues to wail, her asshole clamping around my shaft in a pulsing rhythm.

  “Mmmm,” she moans breathily. “Fuuuuck.”

  Finally, we finish and I spurt the last few drops of my virility into her bowels. I’m breathing hard, trying to get a handle on what just happened. My forehead leans against hers, even as her asshole clenches on me one last time. It’s such a dirty position to be in, but this girl delivered beyond my wildest dreams. Kaylee may be from the trailer park, but I’m beginning to realize that I like my girls trashy.



  I’m shaking as I start my car and drive off the property.

  Oh shit. Did I just do that? My manager doesn’t suspect a thing. Not that there’s anything for her to suspect because nothing happened.

  Okay, that’s definitely not true. At this very moment, I have Elliot’s seed dripping from my behind. My bottom feels sore, and I shift a bit, wincing in the driver’s seat.

  Because that happened. Oh my god. I had anal sex with the owner of Millbrook Manor right on his desk. In the middle of a job too.

  This is definitely grounds for termination.

  Yet, Elliot seemed completely unfazed afterwards. He pulled out of my dark hole, staff still hard and shiny, while looking with satisfaction at my red-rimmed pucker. Then he bent his head and kissed me there!

  “You okay?” he murmured, blue eyes gleaming wickedly. “I was pretty rough with you just now.”

  What do I say? I merely made my excuses, cheeks flaming. I hopped off that desk, and snapped my panties back in place even as seed trickled down my leg. Then I hightailed it out of there.

  But not before Elliot grabbed my arm. The handsome man had a smirk on his face, and he stopped me.

  “Lunch tomorrow?” he asked. “I’d love to have you back.”

  I don’t even know what I said. Probably yes, because I wanted to get out of there so badly. But I must have said something, and now here I am, driving furiously home.

  Oh my god, what do I do? I should cancel on him. Or I should not show up. It wouldn’t be a big deal if I bailed because let’s face it: a man like Elliot with looks, charm, and suitcases of money can get anyone he wants. I’m just a little maid who let herself get fucked by the master of the house. It’s so cliched because that’s practically what maids do. We exist for the pleasure of our masters.


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