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Rescuing Erin (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Red Team Book 5)

Page 22

by Riley Edwards

  “You did what you had to do to save lives. Just like you did what you had to when you helped Colin. It takes a certain type of woman to be with men like us. There’s no doubt you’re exactly who Colin needs. It was a damn brave thing you did. Damn brave. I’m proud to have you as part of our family, Erin.”

  I couldn’t have said it better myself. Erin’s quick thinking and bravery was one of the numerous things I loved about her. There was no one in the world who was better equipped to be my wife, my partner, my teammate. And I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure she knows how much I treasure her.

  Chapter 33

  Gold Team- Bahrain


  “It’s hotter than a mother,” Brooks Miller complained.

  “Better than freezing balls in the arctic,” Thad Bench returned.

  We’d been in country for less than a week, and acclimating to the over hundred degree, dry heat would take more than a few days. At least we weren’t in full kit. Body armor acted like an insulator, raising the temperature another ten degrees, easily. While Brooks was not wrong, I had more important things to worry about. The team was meeting with a UN Political Affairs Officer. Zane’s dossier was sparse, all I knew about the woman was her bullshit cover story. The most noteworthy notation was that her opinion was highly respected among the power players. We needed to play nice if we didn’t want to be tossed out of Bahrain before we’d gathered the intel we needed on the Omni Group.

  The cool air blasted as we made our way into a UN annex building outside of the US Naval Base. The furnishings around the room were as sparse as the report I’d received on UNOCT Tatiana Jones.

  “Something smell funny to you?” Kyle Smith asked before I could comment.

  “This ain’t no normal UN annex, and before you ask, yes, I’ve been in plenty,” Max Brown added.

  A woman roughly my age walked into the lobby. Her high heels clicking on the tile floor announced her approach long before we saw her.

  “Declan Crenshaw?” she asked.

  “Yes.” I stepped forward.

  “Tatiana Jones,” she introduced herself. “Sorry.” She motioned around the room. “Budget cuts.”

  My bullshit meter was pegged into the red, but I didn’t bother to call her out. Tatiana Jones was not my concern nor was her cover. We followed her into a small room that shrank considerably when five very large men entered.

  “I’ve been briefed on the Militrix’s transoceanic cabling contract. My divers inspected the area around the King Fahd Causeway and found no cabling.” Tatiana sat at the head of the table, signaling for the rest of us to as well.

  “Your divers?” Brooks cut in.

  “Yes. Mine. The area is clear.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a look myself.”

  I hadn’t worked with the team long, but Zane had promised they were solid, all coming from the same BUD/s class and having been on the same SEAL platoon together during their years in service, Brooks going off reservation and challenging Tatiana was not going according to plan. First, we didn’t need a pissing contest, and, second, we didn’t ask permission to carry out an objective. We simply accomplished our task, with none the wiser.

  “There’s no need. I have the utmost trust in—”

  “Right. You may, but I don’t. And, all due respect, I trust, but verify.”

  Tatiana leaned back and eyed Brooks.

  “I know all about your verification process, Mr. Miller. I’m also well acquainted with men like you.”

  “Oh, yeah? And what kind of man am I, doll?”

  “An overachiever. Demolitions expert. Divemaster. Low and high-altitude jumpmaster. Rappel Master. Fast Rope Master.”

  “Glad to see you’ve done your homework. Unfortunately, the work-up we received on you was only a paragraph. There was nothing listing your accomplishments.”

  “My accomplishments aren’t important. The only thing that’s imperative is you don’t fuck up my op.”

  There were so many red flags waving, I was beginning to wonder what kind of shitstorm we’d walked into. This was supposed to be an easy in and out. Recon only.

  “Well, Miss Jones. It is Miss, correct? We wouldn’t want to get in your way. I’ll take a quick look around this afternoon, and, hopefully, in a few days, we’ll be on our way.”

  “It’s actually none-of-your-business,” Tatiana sparred. “I’ll take you out there myself. Oh-five-hundred.”

  “You’ll take me out?”

  “Good to know all your combat tours haven’t diminished your hearing.”

  It was by the grace of all things holy I was able to hold back my laughter. I didn’t know what kind of shit Tatiana Jones was running, and I didn’t want to know, but I liked her, she had spunk.

  “What do you know about diving?”

  “You’re not the only one with special quals, friend. If we’re done, I have shit to do. I was promised you guys wouldn’t be an issue.”

  “There will be no issues from us,” I confirmed. “Recon and out.”

  “Good. I have something scheduled in less than a week. I’d prefer you were gone by then.”

  “Ah. You’re kicking us out of your country?” Brooks dramatically covered his chest.

  Tatiana shook her head, not the least bit amused by his behavior. “With big egos, comes bigger mouths. Have a nice afternoon, gentlemen. Mr. Miller, I’ll see you at the docks off 59th, slip fifteen.”

  The woman didn’t wait for us to stand before she took her exit, excusing us.

  “Damn, brother, I was having grade school flashbacks.” Kyle chuckled.

  “All that was missing was you pulling her hair,” Max threw in.

  “Mark this, assholes, if we had more time, I’d be doing more than tugging on Miss Sex Kitten’s curly mane. Holy hell, those legs in those sky-high heels. Hot damn. And that mouth, she can throw some sexy attitude my way anytime,” Brooks told the group.

  “Keep your dick in your pants. Recon only.”

  “Copy that, boss.”

  “Brooks wishes he had time for a quick recon mission.” Thad laughed at his own joke.

  Please, God, get me out of this country in one piece. My first mission as team leader and I already have a man chasing tail. Zane wouldn’t be happy. The faster we could figure out what was so special about the Gulf of Bahrain and why Militrix was in the country, the better. Brooks looked more than serious about getting to know Tatiana. And Tatiana Jones was absolutely not who she claimed to be.

  I could feel the imminent shitshow revving up.



  “Are you ready?”

  I finished adjusting the pearl necklace my mom had given me and turned from the full-length, mahogany mirror and faced my dad. I was mesmerized by the cheerfulness in his smile. It had been a hard six weeks, but seeing my father so happy soothed my nerves. I wasn’t nervous about marrying Colin. I knew he was who I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. No, my anxiety came from the media circus that had surrounded the White House.

  My dad had stood tall and proud in front of the American people and had blown the lid off the NSA’s Angel program. On national television he’d explained that the privacy of millions of Americans had been trampled. His top advisors had begged him not to. But my dad believed in truth and above the truth was the constitution. He’d exposed the vice president’s complicity, explaining that Mr. Perkins had known the program was running even after my dad had instructed that it be shut down. He’d denied it, of course, leaving his campaign scrambling to do damage control. Tex wasn’t able to prove the vice president’s involvement in my dad’s or my kidnappings, but Colin and the rest of the guys were positive he not only knew, but had a hand in the planning. It was a mess, but, in the end, truth won out. I was proud of my dad, not only as a parent, but as my president.

  “I am,” I finally answered.

  My dad stood in front of me and took both of my hands in his. “My beautiful, sweet
daughter. I’ve heard that no father is properly prepared to give his daughter’s hand in marriage. But I want you to know, I am. Today when I walk you to the man who will become your husband, I will do so with confidence. And not because I know he’ll provide for you and love you and protect you with his life. It will be because I know you will do all of those for him as well. You’ll provide him with the comfort and love he’ll need to calm his restlessness. You’ll cherish and appreciate him because he will adore and spoil you. And I know if the day should ever come again where you need to stand beside him, you will. All the lessons your mother and I have taught you about courage, honor, and bravery did not fall on deaf ears. We are so very proud of the woman you’ve become. I am proud.” He squeezed my hands and smiled. “So, I’ll ask you again, Erin Lynn, are you ready to go out there and get married?”

  “Thank you, Daddy. I am now.”

  “I’ll never tire of hearing you call me daddy.”

  “Everyone is ready for you,” Gerard said from the doorway.

  Thankfully, Gerard had made a full recovery, my dad had offered to transfer him to a less dangerous detail or to a different agency if he wanted, but Gerard had refused to leave my dad’s side. I think he was relieved when Gerard wanted to stay. Now, more than ever, my dad needed people around him he could trust.

  He let go of my hands but before he could lead us out of the Lincoln bedroom, down the center hall, and finally into the Yellow Oval Room where Colin and my family were waiting for me, I needed to tell my dad a few things.

  “Thank you for being such a great dad. I know I wasn’t always easy, especially the last few years. But I want you to know, my behavior had nothing to do with you. It was me feeling . . .”


  “Yeah, a little bit. Anyway, I’m sorry if my actions worried you, but I’m not sorry I pushed and rebelled. I think I needed to. There were a few things I did and said I regret, but only the things that hurt you and Mom. Other than that, I learned some stuff about myself, I grew as a person, and I found Colin.”

  “You should regret nothing, Erin. Live. Be who you were meant to be and never let anyone stop you. You are a force to be reckoned with.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” I straightened his bow tie. “You sure do look handsome today.”

  “I know your mother is happy you agreed to postpone the wedding. She said my face would’ve ruined your pictures. I told her that you’re going to be the wife of a tier-one mercenary, you should get used to black eyes. Your mother disagreed, and, smartly, I saw the light.”

  The thing was, in all the years my parents had been married, he’d always seen it her way. There were very few things Clarissa Anderson wanted for. If my dad could give it, he did.

  I placed my arm in the crook of my dad’s elbow, and we followed Gerard down the hall.

  “Are you still scared?” my dad whispered.

  “How’d you know?”

  “I know my girls.”

  “Not anymore. You reminded me I was enough for him.”

  “Goddamn right you are, you’re an Anderson.”

  “Actually, I’m a Doyle.”

  The large opening of the room came into view, and I saw a tall, beautiful woman in a Navy dress uniform standing with Colin’s parents. The three of them smiled at me, and I recognized the woman right away.

  “How did you get Keira here?”

  “One of the many perks of being the president. When I request the presence of a particular sailor, no one questions my order.”

  “Thank you. They all must be so happy to see her.”

  “Least I could do for the man who saved my life.”

  “What about for the man who loves your daughter?” I joked.

  My father stepped in front of the white runner that had been laid over the marble floor and faced me.

  “For him? I would give my life.”

  Tears sprung to my eyes, and I didn’t bother trying to stop them as they rolled down my cheeks. I knew my dad meant those words. With a wink and a smile, he walked me toward Colin.

  My breath caught in my throat at the sight of him. If I’d thought he was a good-looking man in a pair of cargo pants and a T-shirt, he was absolutely man-of-the-year sexy in a tux. Zane, Leo, Jax, and Linc all stood beside him, looking handsome in their wedding finery. When my gaze slid to the other side of the aisle and I saw Ivy, Liv, Violet, and Jasmin all staring at their men instead of watching me walk down the aisle I couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out. I couldn’t blame them one bit.

  My eyes finally met Colin’s and the humor faded. I’d never felt so treasured from one look. All his focus was on me, everyone else could’ve disappeared, and he wouldn’t have noticed. When my dad stopped in front of him, he still hadn’t looked away.

  My dad’s deep chuckle echoed in the room, and the rest of our families followed suit.

  “She’s all yours, son.”

  My dad placed my hand in Colin’s and stepped back.

  “Damn right, she is.”

  One month later- Killeen, Texas.


  “Any word from Declan?” Fletch asked from across the table, throwing down his second full house in a row.

  “Damn. Harley’s gonna kick my ass if I lose anymore money,” Coach griped with a shake of his head and a smile on his face.

  “It’s no surprise you keep losing, you suck at poker.” Hollywood chuckled.

  “Who wants another beer?” Ghost stood to go to the fridge.

  After waiting for everyone’s drink order, Ghost ambled off and I answered, “Yeah. He and the guys are still in Bahrain tracking the money. Tex gave them a good place to start.”

  “Tex, king of the dark web. Don’t know how the hell he does what he does, but grateful he’s on our side,” Truck mumbled, throwing his cards onto the pile in the middle of the table.

  We fell into a companionable silence as Beatle shuffled and dealt a new hand. The warm Texas breeze blew, and my mouth watered from the smell coming from the smoker. We still had a few hours until the women would be home from shopping, and the food would be ready, a few hours to sit around on the patio and bullshit with Fletch and his team. Ghost returned, set the beers down, and leaned back in his seat.

  “Almost like old times,” he mumbled.

  “Better than old times,” Blade corrected. “Old times means it was just us sad saps sitting on Fletch’s patio wishing we had what we all have now. I think I speak for all of us when I say I like life better now.”

  Fletch looked around his old backyard, then to his teammates, and the pensive looked turned into a grin. “Yeah, you can say that again. Lots of good times in this backyard.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” Ghost held up his beer and everyone touched bottle necks. “What about you, Colin?”

  “What about me?” Ghost motioned to seven bottles touching in the middle of the table and I lifted mine. “To the future.”

  Glass clinked, and brews were chugged.

  “Hurry up and finish dealing,” Truck instructed. “We have ninety minutes until the women get back. Let’s see how much more of Coach’s money we can take.”

  Sitting around the backyard bullshitting with the guys, giving them a little piece of their history, even if the present and future were better and brighter than the past meant a lot to me. The only thing that would make it better was Erin sitting on my lap. Not only because I loved my wife and hated being away from her, but she was a card shark, and I was losing my ass.

  Two years later- Annapolis, Maryland.


  We pulled up to Linc and Jasmin’s house, and I couldn’t stop the fit of giggles.

  “Who would’ve ever thought?” The front of their porch was covered in balloons. “I wonder whose idea it was to decorate the front of the house?” I asked.

  In the two years since Colin and I had been married, a lot had changed. Children had been born, the guys had gone on countless missions, and my parents had moved back to Texas. The one c
onstant was my cousin. Sure, in the beginning, after the twins were born, she’d softened a skosh. But the tiny bit she’d changed had taken nothing away from her badass demeanor.

  “My guess is Linc. Sometimes I think he’s the more sensitive one in their relationship,” Colin joked.

  I found that highly unlikely. Lincoln Parker was all man. Not that I’d say that to my husband, who was all alpha male himself, but there was no questioning Linc’s manhood.

  “If you’ll grab Lexi, I’ll get the presents,” he continued.

  Careful not to wake our daughter, I took the car seat out of the back and waited for Colin before walking to the house.

  “Do you think you got them enough toys?” he asked, carrying a stack of boxes and had gift bags hanging from his fingers. “They’re only two.”

  “You mean, we? And yes, we got them enough.”

  Colin was still shaking his head when we walked through the door. Thankfully, Lexi was a good sleeper because the house was utter chaos. Kids and toys were strewn about, adults weaved around the little ones, and laughter filled the space.

  Nothing better.

  “There you two are,” Livie greeted. “Bummer, she’s sleeping,” she added when she peeked at Lexi.

  “Sorry we’re late. She went down for her nap early today.”

  “Oh.” Liv laughed. “I see.”

  “The only thing you see is I was able to take a shower today without a bouncy seat in the bathroom with me.”

  Colin deposited our gifts next to the huge pile and was back at my side, taking the car seat from me.

  “Where’s Giorgia?” I asked about Leo and Olivia’s first-born daughter.

  “Already running around out back with Robby and Asher.”

  “Here, let me hold Francesca.” I held my hands out and waited for Liv to pass me the baby she’d been cradling.

  “Ready for another one?” Colin leaned down and whispered.

  “Lexi is three months old. You’re crazy,” Liv answered for me.


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