Prohibition: Thirteen Years That Changed America
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Alcohol Education Act (AEA), 51
alcoholism, deaths from, 147–48
Allen, Everett S., 134, 139–40, 142
cynicism about politicians, 239–41
history of drinking in, 7–11
old and new, tensions between, 3, 63, 226–27
See also United States
American Anti-Prohibition Association, 233
American Bar Association, 160, 223
American Federation of Labor, 223, 236
American Legion, 223
American Temperance Society, 27
Ames, Fisher, 16
Anastasia, Albert, 173
Anderson, William Hamilton, 231
Andrew, John A., 31
Andrews, Lincoln C, 153–54, 223, 224
anti-Prohibition Congress (1922), 158
character of, 47–48
organizations of, 159, 223, 233
politicians, 171, 226–28
Anti-Saloon League (ASL), 4, 32, 49, 52–61, 67, 68–75, 83, 149, 154, 164, 170, 222–27, 229–31
Appleton, Gen. James, 28
Arends, Abie, 189
armed forces, drinking in, 19, 70–71, 74
Arthur, Timothy Shay, 30
Six Nights with the Washingtonians, 30–31
Ten Nights in a Bar Room and What I Saw There, 26, 52
Association Against the Prohibition Amendment, 159, 223
Astor, Lord, 158
Atlanta (Georgia), 158
Baber, Dr. E. A., 214–15, 217
Bahamas, 131–32
Baker, Dr. M. W., 27–28
Baker, Newton D., 70–71
Baltimore (Maryland), 30
bar, new word for saloon, 236
Basler, Harold, 202
Beck, Charley, 37
Beecher, Rev. Lyman, 18, 22
beer, 12, 65, 236
behavior, regulation of, 3, 4, 242
Benchley, Robert, 88
Benezet, Anthony, 14
Berger, Thomas, 206
Beringer Vineyards, 86
Bible, passages praising liquor, 8
Bielaski, A. Bruce, 142–43
Billard, Frederick C, 144
Billingsley, Sherman, 87, 88
Black, James, 48
blacks, 53–54, 182
“black ships,” 144
“blind pigs” (speakeasies), 30
boats, smugglers’, 132, 134–35, 140–41
Boehm, Jacob, 66
Bolsheviks, 71–72
bombings, 191 bootleggers:
perils facing, 152, 177
protection of, 163
revenues and expenses, 103–4, 147
typical stories of, 92–104
bootleg liquor, 85
deaths from, 89, 159, 221–22
manufacturing methods, 187
brewers, 58, 65, 178
vs. distillers, 60, 68
bribes, 152–54
Bridge Whist Club, 167–68
Brisbane, Arthur, 69–70
Britain, drinking in, 9–10
Britton, Nan, 109–11
Brogan, Delis, 63
Bronfman, Samuel, 240
Brookhart, Smith W., 117
brothels, 176
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, 149
Bruckman, John Caspar, 65
Bryan, William Jennings, 57, 73–74, 82, 225, 238
Bureau of Industrial Alcohol, 157
Butler, Nicolas Murray, 222, 233–34
Byrd, Harry G., 216
California, 37, 158
Canada, 84, 130, 137, 151, 240
Candy, Ella Bell, 55, 225
Cannon, James, 225–27, 229–31
Capone, Al, 91, 95, 103, 130, 173, 179, 184, 185–86, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193
Capone, Frank, 186
Carnegie Institute, 150
Carroll, John A., 183
Cary, Shepherd, 29
Cass, Lewis, 19
Catholics, 226–27
Cermak, Anton J., 182
champagne, 158
Chapman, Joan, 230
Charles Krug winery, 86
Cherrington, Ernest H., 52, 74
Chicago (Illinois), 64, 84, 88, 94–95, 173, 175–93
children, prohibition campaign directed at, 39–40
Christian, George B., 108
Cicero (Illinois), 185–86
cigar makers, 157
Cincinnati (Ohio), 37, 43, 58, 64–70, 82, 88, 95–103, 158, 160
cities, 51, 165
Civil Service, 83, 115, 154
Civil War, 31–32, 234
Clark, Norman, 51, 59
clergy, 8, 11
Cleveland (Ohio,) 37, 38, 56
Clifford, Edward, 143–44
Coast Guard (U.S.), 132, 134–36, 140–45, 151
collusion with smugglers, 142–45
cocktails, 89
coded messages, smugglers’, 141–42
Collins, Sam, 104, 125–26
Colosimo, “Big Jim,” 177, 182, 183
Columbus (Ohio), 168
Congo, 53–54
congressional investigations, 68–69
drinking habits of, 164
dry, 228–29
wet, 142
Connecticut, 12, 30
Conners, George, 97, 99–100, 126, 178, 198, 199–200, 204, 207
conservatives, 48
Consolidated Exporters’ Company, 141–42
Coolidge, Calvin, 3, 142, 169, 190, 223, 224, 238
Cordeaux, Sir Harry, 131
Costello, Frank, 87, 172, 240
Coughlin, “Bathhouse John,” 176–77
Country Club, 88
Cox, George “Boss,” 107
Cox, Ross, 17
organized, Americans’ tolerance of, 239–41
relation to Prohibition, 83, 148 criminals:
gangs, 177–78, 186, 188, 192
police protection of, 144, 173, 178, 183, 240–41
political protection of, 162–63
Crowe, Dorsey R., 189
Crusaders (lobby), 223
Customs Bureau, 145, 164
Dabney, Virginius, 230
Daily News (New York), 78–79
Darrow, Clarence, 95, 183, 213–14, 224
Dater, George, 100
Daugherty, Harry Micajah, 60–61, 108–9, 111, 116–19, 122–24, 153, 159–60, 161, 163, 195, 198
Davis, John, 113
Davis, JohnW., 171
DEA, 242
Dealey, Edwin, 116
Death Valley Farm, 100–103, 125–26
Delaware, 30
de Marmon, Dr. Paluel, 27
Democratic party, 57, 73, 169–71, 225–26
de Mun, Count Albert, 158–59
denatured alcohol, 163, 222
Denby, Edwin, 71
Deneen, Charles S., 191
Denison, Everett, 164
Denny, Arthur, 48
Depression, 234, 237
Detroit (Michigan), 151, 192
Dever, William E., 185, 189
diplomatic immunity, 156–57
Diplomatic Service, 130
distillers, 60, 68, 70, 80, 235
during Prohibition, stock and production of, 96
Dobyns, Fletcher, 176
Dodge, Franklin N., 2, 196–98, 218
Dodge, William Copeland, 241
Doheny, Edward, 116–17
Doherty, Jim, 188
Doran, James M., 224, 233
Dow, Neal, 28–29, 31
Draper, Arthur, 113
evils of, 21
history of, in America, 7–19
liquor vs. beer, 16
literary treatments of, 26
medical evidence against, 22
popular in Prohibition era, 89
regulation of, 12–13
as release for desperate souls, 26<
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sinfulness of, 21
spontaneous combustion myth, 22–23, 25
Drucci, Vincent “The Schemer,” 189
vs. moderate drinking, 13
prison and fines for, 27–28
dry cities, counties, etc. (local option), 28, 51, 55, 57–58
Duffy, Tom, 188
Du Pont, Pierre, 233
Dwyer, William “Big Bill,” 87, 172
East Coast, 135
Edison, Thomas, 149
Edwards, Edward I., 84
Edwards, Rev. Justin, 21, 23–27
Eighteenth Amendment:
final repeal of, 235–36
lobbying for, 4, 58–61
passage of, 77–80
repeal movement, 163–64, 169, 233–34
See also Volstead Act Einstein, Izzy, 154–57, 170
El Fay Club, 88
Eller, Morris, 184
Elston, Robert, 201–18
Enemy Appropriations Act, 118
England, 158
attitudes toward liquor, 10
temperance movement in, 45–46
Everett (Washington), 51
Everleigh, Minna, 176
Fall, Albert, 116–17, 119
family morality, 51
Farley, John H., 56
farmers, 51, 235
Fay, Larry, 87, 173
FBI, 136, 175
federal judiciary, 166
Felder, Thomas, 114
Felix, Elizabeth, 213
Fielding, Henry, 9–10
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 91, 99
The Great Gatsby, 91, 99
flags of convenience, 132
Fleischmann Distilleries, 96
Flora, Robert E., 125–26
Foraker, Joe, 107
Forbes, Col. “Charlie,” 115–16
Ford, Henry, 59, 149–50
Forel, August, 59
France, 158–59
Franchere, Gabriel, 17
Frankel, Max, 5
Franklin, Benjamin, 14
Friedman, Elizabeth Smith, 142
Friends of Temperance, 31
Fruit Industries, Inc., 231–32
Fulton Fish Market (New York City), 240–41
funerals, gangsters’, 177–78
gang warfare, 177–78, 188, 192
number of casualties, 177, 186
Gehrum, George, 100, 126
Genna brothers, 173, 187–88
Georges de Latour winery, 86–87
Georgia, 13
German-American Alliance, 68–70, 82, 182
Germans, 47, 49, 52, 63–72, 182
hostility toward, 60, 71, 223
Gerstacker, Friedrich, 64
gin, 9, 12
“Gin Act” (Britain), 9
“Gin lane” (Hogarth), 9
Gloyd, Charles, 41
Godman, Thomas, 134–35
Goldman, Nathan J., 125
grain, ban of sales to distillers, 70, 235
Grant, Ulysses S., 32, 48
grape growers, 85–86, 231–32
Greendale distillery, 96
Guinan, “Texas,” 88
Guzik, Jake, 181, 190
Haar, Willie, 167, 196, 206
Hancock, John, 129
Hanly, J. Frank, 58
hard cider, 12
Harding, Florence Kling, 107, 108
Harding, Warren Gamaliel, 60–61, 83, 105–16, 153, 161, 169, 184, 238
administration, 83, 92, 104, 105–19, 159, 169, 195
nomination and campaign, 111–13
Harvey, George, 111
Haskell Local Option Bill, 55
hatchetization, 42–44
Hayes, Rutherford B., 48
Haynes, Roy A., 223, 224
Prohibition Inside Out, 131, 151–54, 157–59, 161
Healey, Charles, 183
health, Prohibition and, 147–48
Herrick, Myron T., 57, 114
hijackers, 101, 137, 178
Hines, Alfred J., 173
Hines, James J., 241
Hogan, Thomas S., 214
Hogarth, William, 9
Holinshed chronicles, 23
Holmes, Ruth, 1–2, 94, 205, 213
Hoover, Herbert, 106, 113, 226–29, 232, 234, 238
Hoover, J. Edgar, 175
Howard, Sir Esm ,156–57
Hudson’s Bay Company, 17–18
Hughes, Charles Evans, 113
Hughes, Michael, 186
Hunt, Nicholas, 183
hyphenism issue, 67
immigrants, 3, 47–49, 51, 63–72, 227
Independent Order of Good
Templars, 31
Indiana, 30, 38, 104
Indian tribes, destruction of, by liquor, 17–18
industrial alcohol, 163
industrialists, support of Prohibition, 149–50, 233
industrialization, 4, 49, 50
informers, 136
International Order of the Grand
Templars, 51
international relations, Prohibition and, 130–31
International Workers of the World (IWW), 47
Irish, 30, 32, 47, 49, 52, 66, 172–73
Italians, 47, 49, 52, 172–73
Jack Daniel’s, 127, 199
Jews, 65, 157, 173
Jim Bearne, 66
Johnson, William E., 56
Jones, W.N., 55
Jones Act, 166
judiciary, federal, 166
justice, two-tier, 172, 241
Justice Department, 83
Kansas, 41–43
Kenna, Michael “Hinky Dink,” 176–77
Kennedy, Joe Sr., 133, 240
Kent, Dr. Charles Foster, 115
Kentucky, 104
Kilman, Gen. Marvin, 14
King, John, 119
Klenha, Joseph Z., 186
Klug, George, 1, 200, 204, 205
Knox, John C, 81
Konvalinka, Ed, 185
Kraeplin, Emil, 59
Kraus, Lillian, 94