A Savage War of Peace
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9. The Battle of Algiers
Preliminaries — first bombs: Tripier, AH notes, Pontecorvo film (and throughout Battle of Algiers), Drif, Courrière(ii), Lebjaoui(2), Massu(1), Tillion(1), Fanon(2), S. Bromberger. Massu called in: Massu(1), (2), MASSU, Godard, S. Bromberger. Torture, and protest against it: out of an immense literature consulted, principal sources as follows: Reggane film, Godard, Vidal-Naquet(2), MITTERRAND, TEITGEN, MASSU, TILLION, LACOSTE, JOXE, AH notes, Servan-Schreiber, Massu(1), Trinquier(1), (2), Salan(iii), Lebjaoui(2), Leulli-ette, Alleg, Bollardière, Camus(2), Simon, Fanon(2), Behr.
10. Lost Round for the F.L.N.
Yacef’s second offensive: Yacef, S. Bromberger, Salan(iii), Gale, Massu(1), Tillion(2), (3), TILLION. Hunting down of Yacef and Ali la Pointe: Salan(iii), Massu(1), MASSU, Tripier, AH notes. Black moments for the F.L.N.: Tripier, Gordon(2), Fanon(1), Tillion(3), S. Bromberger. Liquidation of Abane: EM, Lebjaoui(1), (2), LEBJAOUI, Courrière(iii), COURRIÈRE, Historia, Behr, S. Bromberger, AH notes, BOURGUIBA, Tripier, Favrod.
11. The World Takes Notice
France discovers the war and the growth of anti-war feeling: on the mood and atmosphere in France, here and elsewhere, generally: Flanner, Beauvoir, Pickles; specifically here: TEITGEN, Vidal-Naquet(2), Simon, Historia, Camus(5), (6), Nora. The F.L.N. and the Jeanson network: Beauvoir, Lebjaoui(1), LEBJAOUI, F. Jeanson(1), (2), Taleb. The fall of Mollet and French government stresses: Pickles, Soustelle(1), Macmillan(iv) de Gaulle(1), AH notes, Raymond Aron(2). Strained relations with the Anglo-Saxons: Tripier, Brace(2), AH notes, Greer, EM; CHANDERLI. Sakiet: BOURGUIBA, Historia, Clark, Tripier, S. Bromberger.
12. Le Dernier Quart d’Heure
The harkis: Quandt, Servier(2), Boualem, Bollardière, Servan-Schreiber. French “special operations”: here and generally Courrière is well informed, AH notes, Historia, Servan-Schreiber. Secret war outside Algeria: Der Spiegel files, AH notes, S. Bromberger, Thayer, Joesten, Courrière(iii). France and the Morice Line: Sakiet: Historia, Manévy, Behr, Greer, S. Bromberger, Tripier, LACOSTE, Pickles, EM, Clark.
13. A Kind of Resurrection
The “thirteen conspiracies” and the coming of de Gaulle: M. and S. Bromberger remains one of the best blow-by-blow accounts of the events of May 1958; otherwise, Fauvet, Debré, Tournoux(1), Lagaillarde, Sérigny(1), (2), de Gaulle(1), Flanner, Crozier(ii), Behr, LACOSTE, GARDES, Historia, Salan(iii), Clark, Sergent(i), O’Ballance, Challe, Tripier, Macmillan(iv).
14. “Je Vous Ai Compris”
De Gaulle’s first visit to Algeria: here and henceforth, de Gaulle(i), is obviously referred to throughout for his account of events; otherwise, Tripier, Favrod, Tournoux(1), Raymond Aron(2), Macmillan(iv), MACMILLAN, Reggane film, Sergent(1), Lartéguy(2), M. and S. Bromberger, Pickles. The slow quest for a policy: Tripier, Favrod, Tricot, Raymond Aron(2), F. Jeanson(2), Behr, Fabre-Luce. De Gaulle purges the army and Salan: Fauvet, O’Ballance, Behr, Historia, Tournoux(1). Preoccupation in France: Macmillan(iv), Flanner, Historia, Tripier, Raymond Aron(2).
15. The F.L.N. Holds its Breath
The impact of de Gaulle on the F.L.N.; the G.P.R.A. is formed: AH notes, Boualem; BRAHIMI, Tripier, EM, Courrière(iii), Quandt, Belloula. The G.P.R.A. rebuffs de Gaulle: Clark, Tripier, Historia, Favrod, Gordon(2), AH notes. The A.L.N. under extreme pressure, Boumedienne: AH notes, Tripier, O’Ballance, Feraoun(2), Historia, Courrière(iii), EM, New York Times Magazine, 13 Feb 1966, Quandt, BOURGUIBA, HALIQ, Gordon(2).
16. Neither the Djebel nor the Night
The Challe plan, Roy, Challe, CHALLE, Fauvet, Boualem, O’Ballance, AH notes, Vidal-Naquet(2). Political and economic initiatives; self-detemination: Tricot, Challe, Tripier, Behr, Lentin, Sergent(i), SOUSTELLE, Roy.
17. “Aux Barricades!”
The “ultras” in revolt against de Gaulle: Henissart, Historia, PÉREZ, COURRIÈRE, BEAUFRE, GARDES, Courrière(iii), O’Ballance, Sérigny(2), M. and S. Bromberger et al. Paillat(i), Fauvet, Liddell-Hart archives. The “bombe Massu”: Paillat(1), M. and S. Bromberger et al., Sérigny (2), Challe, Behr, Lagaillarde. Barricades Week: some of the best contemporary reports appeared in the Daily Telegraph, under the name of John Wallis, the Paris Correspondent who happened to be in Algiers; otherwise, M. and S. Bromberger et al., Behr, Paillat(1), Sergent(i), Historia, Challe, Sérigny(2), Ortiz.
18. “This Prince of Ambiguity”
The morning after: O’Ballance, SÉRIGNY, MOLLET, Sergent(i), Historia, Behr, Macmillan(v), Challe. Prince of ambiguity: JOXE, TRICOT, MACMILLAN, TILLION, MENDÈS-FRANCE, MASSU, BEAUFRE, FOUCHET, Tournoux(1), Tripier, AH notes, Bidault, Pickles, Crozier(ii), Fauvet, Tricot. The road to negotiations: Courrière(iv), Passeron, Macmillan(v), SÉRIGNY, PINAY, BRAHIMI, EM, World Today (March 1960). Si Salah and Melun: Tricot, CHANDERLI, TRICOT, AH notes, Historia, Courrière(iv), Tripier, Ahmet, Pickles, Flanner.
19. Revolution in the Revolution
Conditions in the A.L.N.: Brace(2), Fanon(1), Gordon(3). Algerian women at war: Feraoun(3), Fanon(1), (2), Gordon(3), Tillion(4), Amrouche. Ideology of the F.L.N.: Gordon(2), Beauvoir, F. Jeanson(2), Brace(2), Fanon(1), (2), EM, Lacheraf, Behr, Favrod, AH notes, Quandt, Ouzegane, Tillion(2), (3), Taleb, Charby. Jewish dilemmas: Clark, F.L.N. bulletins, EM, Historia, Chouraqui, F. Jeanson(2). Boumedienne consolidates: Tripier, Quandt, EM, AH notes, O’Ballance.
20. De Gaulle Caught in the Draught
Anti-war sentiments in France: Flanner, Lentin(2), Vidal-Naquet(2), Pickles, Beauvoir, Bidault, Soustelle(2), Gordon(3), Historia, F. Jeanson(2). Salan returns to Algiers: Courriére(iv), SALAN, Salan(iv), Bidault, Paillat(1), Jouhaud, Ferrandi. Delouvrier replaced: de Gaulle(1), F. Jeanson(2), Historia, Tricot, Paillat(1). December 1960 riots: Behr, AH notes, Daily Express 10 Dec 1960, Historia, Courrière(iv), Lentin, Fauvet, Plume, Terrenoire, Jouhaud, Henissart, Passeron, Tricot, Tripier, Chouraqui, Flanner.
21. The Generals’ Putsch
Rebels search for a leader; Challe: Fauvet, Pickles, GARDES, SERGENT, MASSU, CHALLE, SALAN, Henissart, Sergent(i), Lentin(2), Jouhaud, Massu(1), (2), Ferrandi, Challe. The putsch and the C.I.A.: AH notes, GAVIN, C.I.A. hearings, Brace(2), Fauvet, O’Ballance, Plume, SALAN, CHALLE. The course of the putsch: principally Fauvet, otherwise Challe, Sergent(ii), SERGENT, CHALLE, AH notes, Jouhaud, Ferrandi, Henissart, Buron, O’Ballance, Courrière(iv), M. and S. Bromberger et al. The collapse of the putsch: Fauvet, Jouhaud, Ferrandi, Challe, JOXE, TRICOT, CHALLE, GARDES, SALAN, PÉREZ, COULET, Behr, Pickles, Flanner, La Gorce(1), Henissart, Lentin(2), Reggane film.
22. Overtures for Peace
Strong negotiating hand of the F.L.N.: Fauvet, Challe, Tricot, Sergent(i), Tripier, Behr. Evian, round one: AH notes, Tripier, Behr, Tricot, Ait Ahmed, Bedjaoui. The Sahara, and breakdown: Pickles, Tricot, Behr, Quandt, Buron, Macmillan(v), Crozier(ii), SOUSTELLE, FOUCHET. Bizerta: BOURGUIBA, AH notes, Tripier. Abbas replaced by Ben Khedda: Quandt, Favrod, BEN KHEDDA, Tripier, AH notes, EM, Courrière(iv), F.L.N. material, Pickles.
23. The Suitcase or the Coffin
The O.A.S. takes over: Sergent(i), (ii), Courrière(iv), Ferrandi, Henissart, SALAN, PÉREZ, GARDES, Jouhaud, Susini, Buchard, Morland. Degueldre’s “Deltas”: Courrière(iv), Sergent(ii), SERGENT, PÉREZ, GARDES, SALAN, Henissart, Lentin(2), Jouhaud. The Barbouzes: Historia, Henissart, Susini, Cros, Courrière(iv), Buron, PÉREZ. Muslim riposte: Sunday Times, 7 and 14 Jan 1962, Reggane film, F.L.N. material, ANKOUA, PÉREZ, Pickles. The O.A.S. and the C.I.A.: SALAN, GAVIN, C.I.A. hearings, AH notes, Plume. The O.A.S. in France: Soustelle(2), SOUSTELLE, SALAN, BIDAULT, SERGENT, Bidault, Henissart, Sergent(ii), Vidal-Naquet(2), Historia, Flanner, Beauvoir.
24. Exodus
Peace preliminaries: MACMILLAN, BEN KHEDDA, SOUSTELLE, Macmillan(v), Pickles, Tricot, Feraoun(3), Passeron, AH notes. “Yeti” meetings: Buron, JOXE, LEBJAOUI, DEBRÉ, Tricot, Historia, F. Jeanson(2), F.L.N. material, Tripier. Salan declares total war: Henissart, Feraoun(3), Ferrandi, F. Jeanson(2), Camus(5), Courrière(iv), Susini. Second Evian: Buron, JOXE, BEDJAOUI, TRICOT, DEBRÉ, LACOSTE, SALAN, Tr
icot, Pickles, Tripier, Allais, AH notes. Cease-fire, but no peace: Reggane film, PÉREZ, ANKAOUA, Courrière(iv), Pickles, Henissart, Tillion(2), Tricot, Sulzberger, Jouhaud. Scorched earth and exodus: Henissart, Fouchet, PÉREZ, FOUCHET, GARDES, ANKAOUA, JOXE, Tricot, Historia, Loesch, Susini, Reggane film, Gordon(2), AH notes, Chouraqui.
25. The Page is Turned
The dangers of liberty: Quandt, Gordon(2), Pickles, Boualem, AH notes. Casualties: Historia, AH notes, Tripier, O’Ballance. Ben Bella takes over: Brace(2), Pickles, Ageron(2), Merle, Gordon(2), F. Jeanson(2), Fanon(2), Quandt, Lebjaoui(1). France — settling of accounts: Jouhaud, Henissart, Flanner, Sergent(ii), Bidault, Liddell-Hart archives, Pickles, de Gaulle(i), Crozier(ii), AH notes. Ten years on: Historia, New Yorker, Nov 1972, BEHR, TRICOT, FOUCHET, ANKAOUA, Chouraqui, Pickles, Gordon(2). The dramatis personae: Simon, various interviews, Historia, Sergent(ii), Paris-Match files, The Times files, AH notes, Henissart, Quandt. Algeria today: AH notes, Gordon(3), Viratelle, Maschino, BRAHIMI, Gordon(2). The Times and Guardian files, I.M.F. material, Observer files, Historia. Camus(3), (4).
ancien combattant: veteran, ex-serviceman
bachaga: (“pasha”) title given to an Arab governor
baraka: special grace or good fortune accorded from on high
barbouze: (“false beard”), underground government agent
Beni-Oui-Oui: abusive name for Arab caid collaborating with the French
bicot: abusive name for Arab
bidonville: shanty town
bled: French army name for the outback
bleu: double agent
bleuite: infection from double agent
bordj: fort
cachabia: heavy winter cloak
cadi: Arab judge
caid: Arab local governor
Chergui: a hot wind from the Sahara
colon: European settler
comité de gestion: management committee
commune mixte: commune in Muslin area, governed by European administrator through Muslim caids
commune de plein exercise: commune on the French model with a European mayor and elected municipal council (three-fifths European)
djebel: mountain
djemaa: Berber council of elders
djoundi (pl. djounoud): F.L.N. soldier
douar: hill village
évolué: educated Algerian (under French rule)
failek: F.L.N. battalion
faoudj: F.L.N. section (of soldiers)
fatma: domestic servant
fellagha: Arab guerrilla
fellah: Arab peasant
fidayine: F.L.N. guerrillas
figuier: (“fig-tree”) abusive name for an Arab
garde-champètre: village constable
gégène: magneto used for torture
Hadj: title given to Muslims who have made the pilgrimage to Mecca
haik: veil covering woman’s face
harki: Algerian soldier fighting for France
interlocuteurs valables: acceptable representatives (of the Algerian people as a whole)
jihad: holy war
katiba: F.L.N. company
képis bleus: (“blue caps”) members of the S.A.S.
Maghreb: (“land of the setting sun”) Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco
marabout: holy man, leader of a mystic order
mechta: neighbourhood of a village
melon: (“simpleton”) abusive name for an Arab
mintaka: F.L.N. region within a Wilaya
moudjahid (pl. moudjahiddine): F.L.N. soldier
moussebiline: F.L.N. guerrillas
opération ponctuelle: O.A.S. execution
oued: dry river bed
pied noir: (“black foot”) European settler in Algeria
ratissage: (“raking over”) repressive “pacification” operation
ratonnade: (“rat-hunt”) Arab-killing
“ultras”: diehard pied noir conservatives, resisting all change
Wilaya: one of the six F.L.N. commands in Algeria
The main biographical entry is put first and printed in bold figures. Bodies (such as the F.L.N. and O.A.S.) are indexed under their initials, not under their full titles, which are alphabetised as if they were single words.
The links below refer to the page references of the printed edition of A Savage War of Peace. While the numbers do not correspond to the page numbers or locations on an electronic reading device, they are retained as they can convey useful information regarding the position and amount of space devoted to an indexed entry. Because the size of a page varies in reflowable documents such as this e-book, it may be necessary to scroll down to find the referenced entry after following a link.
Abane, Ramdane: 132; advocates terrorism, 132–4, 170, 183–4, 186; political emphasis, 133; propaganda, 138; and Chaulet, 139; and Abbas, 140–1; and Ben Bella, 143, 161; and Soummam Conference, 143–6, 477; controversy within C.C.E., 145, 234–7; and general strike, 190; leaves Algeria, 194, 208; death, 228–30, 314–16, 385–6, 407, 509, 556, 561
Abbas, Allouah, 120, 123, 140
Abbas, Ferhat: 39–40; and Sétif, 28, 40, 73, 408; liberal leader, 38, 325, 327; on Algerian “nation”, 40, 404; and Blum-Viollette Bill, 41; and Atlantic Charter, 42; “Manifesto of the Algerian People”, 42–3; unseated, 72; at National Assembly, 73–4; sees Mendès-France, 85; and Algerian Assembly, 97; nephew murdered, 119–120; and “civil truce”, 125; joins F.L.N., 140–1; on violence, 151; and new C.C.E., 226–7; and paix des braves, 307; on Albane’s death, 315; and G.P.R.A., 316–17; and negotiations with de Gaulle, 319, 396; Rosenberg interview, 320; decline of influence, 321; calls for independence, 376–7, 395; attacked at C.N.R.A., 385–7; to Peking and Moscow, 405, 463; on Communism, 406; crowds shout for, 431; and Muslim backlash, 433; and second referendum, 434; accepts pieds noirs, 471; removed from leadership, 477–9; backs Ben Bella, 536; expelled from F.L.N., 540; in exile, 541; in retirement, 557
Abd-el-Kader, 25, 30, 254, 328, 381
Abdellatif, 388–9, 392
Abderrahmane, Taleb, 185, 192–3, 215, 270
Achard, Jacques, 524, 527
Achiary, André, 148, 149, 184
Action, L’ (Ortiz’s political organisation), 148
Action, L’ (Tunisian newspaper), 141
Adjoul, Adjel, 89, 112, 142
Agounennda, 252–4, 263, 268
agriculture: in Algeria, 32, 56–7, 62–3, 155, 421, 559; in France, 31
Ailleret, Charles, 488, 490, 524–5, 528
Ain-Abid, 120–1
Ain-Témouchent, 428, 430
Air Force, French, see Armée de l’Air
Air Maroc, 159
Ait Ahcène, 262
Ait Ahmed, Hocine: 77, 75–6, 404; in Cairo, 85; and Bandung Conference, 130–1; hijacked, 159–60, 245, 546; in prison, 319, 466, 468–70, 509; and Melun, 396; at Sixth C.N.R.A., 536; on casualties, 537; opposes Ben Bella, 541; opposes Boumedienne, 556; opposes Bendjedid, 557
Ait Hamouda, see Amirouche
Aitken, Ian, 432
Aix, Île d’, 319
Akhror, Djouher, 193
Alcheik, Jim, 492–4
Aletti, Hôtel, 47, 364, 517
alfalfa, 57, 93, 155
Alger Républicain, 97, 200
Algeria: present day, 15, 555–65; in Second World War, 24, 42; flag, 25, 258, 430, 533; early history, 28–9; conquest, 29–30, 532; integral part of France, 30, 98–9, 108; colonisation, 30–2; administration, 32–7, 108, 156; casualties in First World War, 36; nationalism, 40–1, 408; economic dependence on France, 41–2, 63–4; workers in France, 42, 537; provides France with soldiers, 42; topography, 44–9; intoxicating effect of, 49, 105, 127, 152; economic development, 60, 65, 108, 110, 539; and independence, 106, 234, 422; poverty, 109–10, 154–5; and Suez, 162–4; pacification, 240, 336, 338; effect of oil discoveries, 242; referendum, 304; Constantine Plan, 305, 539; total civil war, 432; unilateral truce, 443; negotiations on future, 465�
�6, 471–473, 512, 514; Provisional Executive, 521, 528, 531, 537; independence recognised, 531; exodus of pieds noirs; difficulties of peace, 535–7; cost and economic consequences of war, 538–9; foreign aid to, 54 on; under Boumedienne, 555–65
Algerian Assembly, 58, 69–73, 86, 108, 116–17, 123, 156, 308, 319
Algerian character: reticence, reserve, 16–17, 50, 398, 557; attitude to history, 17; identity, 70; stoicism, 398; distrust, 508, 557
Algérois, 119, 144, 225, 251–2, 322–3
Algiers: falls (1830), 29; prefects, mayors, deputies, etc., 33, 57–8, 77, 153; described, 46–7; on All Saint’s Day, 93–4; F.L.N. operations in, 94, 104, 132, 186, 192, 208–11, 284, 291, 352, 413, 421, 425, 487, 530; and Soustelle, 107, 127; and Ben Bella hijack, 160; anti-F.L.N. operations in, 190, 210–11, 259–60, 262; general strike, 191; F.N.F. massacre gendarmes, 362; rain comes to, 370, 375; aftermath of “Barricades”, 373; refugees from, 407; pied noir riots in, 429–30; Muslim backlash in, 430–2; and second referendum, 435; O.A.S. in, 441, 482, 486–8, 490–1, 513, 516–17, 525, 529; during putsch, 448–53; rioting over partition, 474; and gendarmerie mobile, 490; and barbouzes, 492–5; and Force C, 493, 526; degradation of life in, 495; tricolour lowered, 533; present atmosphere, 564; see also Algiers, Battle of, “Barricades Week”
Abderames, Rue d’, 217; Bab-el-Oued, 47, 53–4, 87, 94, 209–10, 350, 361, 482, 489–90, 493, 517, 524–6, 531–2; Bar du Forum, 148, 349; Barberousse prison, 111, 183–5, 187; Belcourt, 47, 52, 54, 430–2, 464; Bois de Boulogne, 94; Bugeaud, Place, 181, 186; Cafétéria, 186, 192; Casbah, 14–16, 47, 84, 86, 88, 153, 184–7, 190–4, 198–9, 211–13, 215–18, 251, 285, 290–1, 408, 430–3, 464, 524, 529, 532, 563; Casino, 209–11, 214, 218, 291, 351, 564; Cathedral, 563; Caton, Rue, 212–13, 216–17; Chamber of Commerce, 554; Charles Péguy, Rue, 360; Club Anglais, 52; Club Hippique, 52; Colons, Rue des, 564; Conseil-Général, 97; Coq-Hardi, 192–3; Facultés, Tunnel des, 488, 524; fire brigade, 94, 530; Forum, 46, 150, 284–6, 289–91, 301, 361–2, 453, 564; Glières, Plateau des, 46, 284, 358, 361; Golf Club, 51; Gouvernement, Place du, 46, 524, 564; Gouvernement-Général, 46, 116, 209, 211, 221, 273, 277, 283–60, 288–291, 293, 301, 360–1, 458; Grande Poste, 209, 525; Great Synagogue, 432; Grenade, Impasse de la, 185, 193, 211; Hôtel de Ville, 530; Hussein-Dey, 52; Isly, Rue d’, 47, 410, 525, 564; Kouba mosque, 431; Laferrière, Boulevard, 360, 362; Michelet, Rue, 47, 93, 186–7, 192, 218, 284, 430, 433, 491, 532; Milk-Bar, 186, 192, 291; monument aux morts, 149, 211, 277, 282, 284–5, 358, 368, 423, 525; Notre Dame d’Afrique, 46, 562; Otomatic, 192, 284, 492, 564; Palais d’Été, 46, 149–50, 430, 448–9, 452, 455; Postes, Hôtel des, 46, 366; Prefecture, 180, 203; Quartier Rignot, 354, 450; radio station, 71, 160, 180, 450; Reynaud, Chemin, 493–4; telephone exchange, 94; Tenth Military Region G.H.Q., 181, 186; Thèbes, Rue de, 184–6; University, 235, 269, 278, 350, 352, 359–61, 363–4, 371, 430, 530; Yacht Club, 51, 448