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Shyra _ K1

Page 12

by Aline Riva

  Chapter 8

  In the medical bay, Jinx was holding the cutting device, admiring the thin blades and the way the light caught on the sharpness of it.

  "But what do you want it for?" Jody asked, then she finished the drink and handed the glass to Mack.

  "You didn't save any for me! I love eyeball surprise!"

  "Maybe next time – if I'm feeling generous!" she said, flashing him a teasing look that made him smile.

  Then Jinx stopped admiring the cutters and answered her question.

  "Sin seems to want to keep the zestion.... for now. I just think flashing this device about might get her going a bit. She loves to be owned and controlled. I'm doing it for her, of course...a mild bit of teasing..."

  Mack laughed.

  "Mild teasing only? That's why you have a hard on threatening to bust your zip, is it?"

  Jinx smiled as he gave a shrug.

  "Who knows? Maybe I have one all the time, but thanks for noticing..."

  Then he turned to the door.

  "You'd better get back to the prisoner... I'll leave Janey with you to watch the fun. Maybe she'll want to join in. I'm going to see Sin, I've got a surprise for her!"

  Then Jinx left the medical bay and headed for the hatch. He left the ship and hurried off across the field, breaking into a jog as he thought of Sin and how turned on she would get at the sight of the cutters – even though he had no intention of using them now, he knew it would be fun to watch her suffer, denying she was excited even though she was a very bad liar when it came to him being menacing...

  In the kitchen, Zeke had been inspecting the body and making his decision. It was partly soured meat now, and if he cut some away he suspected the fleshier parts would still be good – and so he picked up his knives and began to sharpen them. Then over the sound of blade on blade, another sound broke through. It was a rumble, then a pop and then he stopped sharpening and listened, heard another sound and realised the body, now dead for many hours, was expelling gas...or trying to. There seemed to be a problem, the air was escaping one pop at a time... He put down the knives, placed his hands on the ass of the corpse and pressed down firmly. Then with a squelch, something shot out of the body...

  Zeke stared at it, then he grasped the end of it and tugged and as it came out, a second emerged. He pulled that out too and as he realised the corpse had literally been stuffed in the rear with the two strips of flesh Harvey had claimed to have eaten, anger blazed in his eyes.

  "You're a dead man when Jinx hears about this!" he fumed, then he paused to wash his hands before taking off his apron and throwing it across the kitchen, then he stormed out heading for the door, impatient to tell Jinx about the deception he had uncovered.

  As Jinx hurried up the stairs, he heard Zeke call from the lower floor and he paused on the upper level, looking down.

  "Not now! I'm busy with Sin!"

  "But Rik – the body -"

  "The body can wait, if it's gone off throw it in the furnace!"

  "But Rik, this is important -"

  "Later!" Jinx snapped, then he was gone, hurrying off to the bedroom and not giving a second thought to Zeke's concern about the body in the kitchen.

  As he reached the bedroom door, he had a smile on his face. He unlocked the door and went inside, then closed the door behind him and locked it once more, determined they would not be disturbed. It was then he stopped and stared at the sight on the bed:

  For a moment, he thought he was looking at Cora. But it was Sin, sitting there in a sheer night gown that skimmed her thighs, he could see through it, every detail from her breasts to the zestion ring that was visible as she got up from the bed and then took a step forward.

  "I found some clothes...were they -"

  "Cora's? Yes, but that's okay," he said softly, still staring at her.

  "I've found I can walk okay," she told him, "It feels heavy but I can cope with that, I'm getting used to it – and I kind of like it."

  "It's supposed to feel heavy."

  "But I'm okay with that," she added.

  Then she saw the cutters in his hand and her eyes widened.

  "What are you doing with that thing?"

  She backed off, her eyes wide as she breathed heavily. It was a mix of fear and a desperate attempt to disguise her arousal at his implied threat, and the flush to her face made him smile.

  "I'm not going to do anything at all, I just wanted to show it to you."

  As she sat down on the bed he sat beside her, then he pushed her down softly and she caught her breath as he slid the closed blades up her thigh.

  "That's what they feel like..."

  There was a playful look in his eyes, mixed with a hint of darkness and she did not know him well enough to be sure he was merely toying with her.

  "Don't..." she said sharply, "I mean it, Jinx!"

  He was smiling as he leant over and kissed her, then as he touched the closed, deactivated device against her soft, smooth skin she gave a gasp.

  "It's closed and switched off," he whispered, as her hand closed about his and she drew the cutters away from her body and pinned his hand gently to the bed.

  "Why did you do that?"

  As she asked that question, he was on top of her, his lips a fraction from hers. With his free hand he stroked her hair, then spoke to her softly.

  "What did it feel like? Was it cold?"

  "Stop it..."

  "Cold and sharp if I'd opened those blades... you'd better behave yourself..."

  "Jinx...stop talking like're scaring me!"

  His eyes were darkened with desire and hers were starting to reflect the same as much as she tried not to show it, her arousal was climbing as he held her closer.

  "I like to see the power I have over you. And I know you like to feel it. I spoke to Jody about the trouble you're having with the zestion. She said if you want it gone she can do it for you. Or maybe she'll let me do it...if you ever decided it's what you want...Oh, you look scared... but also a little bit excited... "

  "I'm not excited!" she insisted, as her eyes deepened with arousal and she couldn't help but raise her hips, pressing against him with burning need for more.

  "I think I'll have to give you what you want," he said, "I mean pleasure, not the blades..."

  A teasing look was in his eyes as he slipped his hand between her legs. She gasped as he began to caress her, toying with the alien metal and then her soft flesh, finding his target as he moved his fingertips harder.

  "Don't..." she begged, looking into his eyes, "It's dangerous...I can't...don't make me come!"

  Playfulness sparkled in his gaze as he refused to stop, and her desire grew and she breathed heavily, returning his kiss deeply as he tasted her mouth, then he spoke again.

  "Yes, that's true, this is dangerous - I think I'll have to help you out soon, When it proves too much to take...I might have to get those blades out and use them... A few seconds and it's all done with, it's worth it to save your life, Sin... Maybe you won't be able to decide, maybe you'll be passed out and I'll have to act quickly... I think you've got an appointment with those blades eventually...It will be my decision when the time comes...You'll find most things in life are my decision in the end!"

  She stopped fighting, giving a gasp and shuddering as her vision went black and the pleasure took her over, sending her into a free fall that lasted too long as he pulled her into his arms, she was breathing hard as she came down from the shattering climax. As she blinked and saw Jinx looking down at her with love in his eyes, she started to smile.

  "Gotcha!" he said playfully, "I knew you'd lose control!"

  "You bastard..." she murmured.

  "I know what you like," he whispered, "And that was just a game. I love you, Sin."

  He kissed her and as she responded she felt surprised that she had almost said it back to him, she probably would have if he had not covered her mouth so fast with a kiss. Then he let go of her and got up. He took up the cutters and put th
em in his pocket.

  "I'd better return these to Jody," he told her, "Just in case that alien material causes a real emergency and I have to get you over there quick... we want to know where the right equipment is if we need it, don't we?"

  She laughed as he gave her a wink, then she got up and as he looked at her in surprise, she slipped her hand into his.

  "I want to come with you," she told him, pausing to put on flat, clear sandals that were slightly tight, "Do I need to get changed?"

  He drank in the sight of her in Cora's sheer gown and smiled.

  "No, I want everyone to see you like this. But I think I should make it known that due to the risk of wearing the zestion and the fact that I'm the only one who can give you real pleasure, there won't be any sharing where you're concerned - you're all mine."

  As he said that he gave her hand a squeeze and as she smiled back at him she felt sure there was another side to Rik Jinx, the sane side, the man he used to be – he was still in there, she just had to find him again...

  As her thoughts turned to the ship and the med bay, she thought of the memory wiping drug... if she could get her hands on that, maybe a shot of it would wipe away his madness along with the memory of all that had happened, perhaps he would be the man he was before the crash... She was formulating a plan that she felt sure would prove her theory right, but it would mean access to the med bay and a chance to steal the right drug... Sin knew as she silently made her plan it would be risky, especially with his urges, but she would have to come up with a reason to go there and to be left there long enough to carry out her plot. It was dangerous, but she felt sure she could handle it...

  As Mack entered the interrogation room, he stopped and looked in horror at the empty chair, then as Jody joined him, she glanced toward the place where Janey had stood.

  "We never should have trusted her!"

  "Go back to the house, tell Jinx," he said as he took up his rifle, "I'll check the woods, they wouldn't have got far."

  Then they left together, heading for the walkway that led to the open hatch.

  As they left the ship, Harvey watched from a monitor in the control room. Then he looked to the keypad where below it a screen was awaiting command.

  "I don't know the codes..."


  "You know, codes to seal doors, to lock the ship down...I bet the bastard has it on voice activation command! I have to find a way to over ride that, I have to lock it down...Wait... what's this?"

  He ran a finger down a series of options on a larger screen, selecting the one he needed.

  "Flight simulation – oh, this is an open locking codes, those must be reserved for active ship functions only...By the way, we can manually seal the doors if we need to."

  She nodded, then as the flight instructions began she stood back, as Harvey studied the screen, watching as a complicated command system came to life.

  As Jinx and Cora headed for the door, Zeke came running up from the kitchen.

  "Rik!" he said urgently.

  Jinx was about to leave the house but he turned back sharply, a look of annoyance on his face.

  "I don't want to hear any more about dinner!"

  "But you need to know what I found in the dinner. That flesh you told Harvey to eat? He didn't, I just pulled it out of its hiding place. He stuffed the corpse with it!"

  Anger shone dark in his eyes as Jinx thought of Harvey.

  "When I get my hands on that bastard he'll know the true meaning of torture!" he fumed.

  Then he walked off briskly, leaving the house with Sin, going down the steps and heading for the field as he looked to the open hatch of the ship and guessed that by now, Jody and Mack were probably having a great time seeing how far they could push Harvey's pain barrier. But that would be nothing at all, not compared to what he would do when he got his hands on him...

  On board the ship, Harvey had watched the flight simulation, then he laughed as he realised there was a way around the secure system.

  "This runs independent of the main lockable system because it's a safety measure! If there's a glitch or a system fail it can tell you how to get around it... If I can free up the manual flight commands, we can get out of here! Go and close the hatch."

  "Okay," she said, and left the room and hurried down the winding walkway that led to the open hatch.

  As she turned the corridor, Jinx and Sin had already entered the ship, crossing her path moments before she reached the end of the turn, they went into the interrogation room and Jinx stared in disbelief at the empty chair and the broken bonds on the arm rests.

  "How could this happen?" he said in alarm, then he remembered Janey had stayed with the prisoner...

  "Clearly your friend isn't so adaptable after all," he said, looking to Sin as his eyes grew cold, "I'm going to kill the pair of them – and it won't be quick or painless. They're both going to suffer!"

  She felt a flicker of alarm, but dared not show it as she kept her plan in mind. Just then Jody ran into the room, her eyes wide with alarm.

  "They got away, Rik! I'm sorry, I don't know how it happened...I thought Janey was one of us now...Mack's out in the woods searching for them. They won't get far."

  Rik's eyes reflected pure rage.

  "Go and find him, Jody. Tell him I want them both alive. No quick and easy death for them, not after this deception!"

  Jody hurried from the room and ran off down the walkway, heading for the open hatch. As she ran out, Janey was up tight against a wall, watching for the moment to close it. Then as Jody left, she stayed in her hiding place, giving her time to be far from the ship before approaching the hatch. Janey looked left and right, saw no one and hit the dial to activate manual door close. The hatch raised with a hiss and sealed softly as a quiet thump echoed about the walkway. Then she turned back and ran the way she had come, heading back for the control room.

  As they walked from the empty interrogation room, Rik headed for the armoury as Sin stayed outside, watching as he fired up a blaster, set it to stun and then he left the room once more, sealing the door behind him.

  "While they're searching the woods," he said, "I think I should search the ship – it seems to make sense they'd run away from the ship to lose us, but Harvey's a pilot."

  "He could barely fly the cruiser," Sin replied, "Wolf did most of the work... Harvey learned on an earth based flight simulator. He had very little experience or knowledge."

  "Then I guess he won't work out how to bypass security," Jinx replied, checking his weapon again, "I want you to stay behind me. I don't want you getting hurt."

  Then she leaned over, placing her hand on his arm as she gave a gasp, her other hand clutching between her legs.

  "Sin?" he said, sounding genuinely concerned.

  "I'll be fine... it just hurts a bit..."

  She straightened up and they began to walk towards the back section of the ship.

  "He might try and get into the engine room, tinker with some wiring before trying main control... I would, that's the best way to by pass security – are you okay?"

  He stopped walking as Sin clutched again at her body, her hand up the hem of the short gown, holding her groin as pain registered on her face.

  "I think something is wrong!" she gasped, looking at him fearfully, "I...I can't see properly...I'm hurting...this thing is so painful!"

  Jinx holstered the weapon and lifted her into his arms, then turned for the med bay.

  "It's okay," he said as he hurried along the walkway, "I'll look after you - it's my fault...I ignored the dangers. I never should have done this to you...I love you so much, please forgive me...As soon as Mack and Jody are back, as soon as we've caught Harvey and Janey, I'll send Jody in to help, you don't have to be scared...I'll stay with you. I'll hold your hand while she does the procedure. I'm so sorry."

  As he spoke those words of regret as reality killed the fantasy and his true emotions spilled out, he was holding her tightly as he carried her, then h
e kissed her cheek and as she looked up at him she saw he was tearful.

  "I could have killed you!" he exclaimed, "Don't worry, Sin...I'll make sure you're okay!"

  He reached the med bay and gently laid her on a padded examination table, then he raised her gown to her hips and gently parted her legs.

  "Just keep still, lie flat and wait here. You're quite safe."

  As he leant over her and kissed her, the intensity of his kiss came as a surprise, as much as the tears that were still in his eyes. Then Jinx left the med bay and closed the door behind him.

  Now she was alone, Sin got up from the table and went over to the cabinet where Jody kept the drugs. She slid the cabinet open and looked at the labelled drugs, then grabbed a pre loaded syringe of Amphrodryl, then set it aside, but as she studied the label, she recalled how her mind had been in a fog on waking...

  "Wrong one..." she muttered, leaving the antidote out and reaching into the cabinet once more, this time she found the Paromycin and as she heard footsteps far down the walkway and echoing up toward her, she closed the cabinet and grabbed both syringes, hurried over to the table and got back on to it, leaving the syringes on a tray below the table, side by side, noting that the Paromycin was closest and easily in reach... Then she raised her gown as Jinx had left it, parted her legs and lay still, waiting for his return.

  As he entered the room, he looked genuinely worried as he hurried over to her.

  "Engine rooms clear. I can't use the scanning system... that would tell us if they are on board but I've forgotten the bloody code, there's so many codes on this ship! I usually have main functions on manual when the ships at rest, but security is always coded... It's because I'm worried about you, I can't think straight!"

  She moved slightly, pain registering on her face.

  "I think this thing is killing me."


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