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The Sound of Wind

Page 107

by Raegan Millhollin


  There were more guards at the front gate of Boris’ estate then there had been the last two times they’d been there, but today was a special occasion. They were escorted in by two of the guards and shown to a small conference room, where they waited.

  Most of those guards were constructs, Clem projected, but I managed to get that several of the groups have come to see him already. Don’t know what their answers were, but everyone left without a fight, which is a good sign.

  But we’re agreed, if he tries anything, we run. We can’t fight him yet, ok?

  Yeah I got it. We haven’t found out all his evil plans yet.

  Vitaly’s construct walked into the room and sat down across the small table from them, “The Phoenix Foundation, formerly of Gideon Enterprises, correct?” His voice was stiff and formal, and yet still conveyed a hint of venom at the mention of their previous employer.

  The constructs eye's moved to Hugo for a brief moment, and then Clem drew his attention. “That’s right,” Clem offered with a smile, “We separated from them several weeks ago.”

  Pretend-Vitaly’s chin lifted a little, “And why is that?” Once again his eyes briefly returned to Hugo. The wheels started turning.

  “Our goals were not their goals.” Clem leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving the construct’s.

  “Ah. And what are your goals?” There seemed to be genuine interest in his voice.

  Hugo blinked. Vitaly hated Gideon Enterprises, and even though they were an incredibly small player as The Phoenix Foundation, he was suddenly interested in whether or not they would switch sides. He kept glancing at him, so he either recognized him, or Hugo had a huge booger.

  The mind-wiper was associated with The Lazarus group. How long had they been working with Vitaly? So Vitaly had been the one to try and have him killed, but was it because he had been Gideon Enterprises’ backup database, or because he knew they would oppose him at some point? The second seemed less likely, since he hadn’t dismissed them out-of-hand, or tried to kill everyone else. Regardless, he had ruined a man’s life to hide that assassination attempt. Hugo’s hands curled into fists in his lap.

  That wasn’t the only time he’d come across an untraceable sacrifice to get at someone else. Hugo’s entire body felt hot. Madeline.

  No fighting! The loud command ripped out Hugo’s thoughts briefly, but before he could respond, everyone’s attention went to the window at a loud rumble of thunder, quickly followed by a flash of lightning that seemed to come from nowhere. And then the rain spilled like it was being poured from a bucket, droplets pounding the window with a force that howled.

  Hugo felt an unnatural calm coming over him, and while he knew Clem was responsible, he couldn’t fight it, and knew he shouldn’t; he would not break his own rule when he could get everyone else killed because of it.

  “Oh the unpredictability of the world,” Clem captured everyone’s attention again, his voice full of amusement, “To answer your question, to make the world a better place, of course,” Clem made the declaration seem almost sarcastic.

  Pretend-Vitaly smiled at that, “It is also what I wish for.”

  Clem raised an eyebrow at him, “Oh really? And how do you plan on accomplishing that?”

  “By wiping out all those who are not strong enough to survive,” The man-monster replied bluntly.

  Well, at least he’s honest about his crazy, Clem offered, still amused.

  “That’s not fair! Some people who couldn’t survive nuclear winter have some great ideas!” CJ burst out even though she’d been asked not to speak during the meeting. “I mean, I’d survive just fine, but…” She glanced around at her company and realized that Hugo was looking at her with a mildly irritated expression, and she sunk back in her chair. “Other people wouldn’t,” she finished at a much softer tone. Vitaly seemed surprised. Did he really think they were dense enough to not understand the scale of his plans, even without the visions?

  “Well, she’s right. It seems a little unfair to some of us,” Clem said.

  Construct Vitaly shifted in his seat, frowning, “Does that mean you are not with me?

  Clem chuckled, somehow making it sound apologetic, “I’m afraid not. We like the world the way it is, for the most part.”

  Vitaly sighed. He looked genuinely disappointed. Why would he even care about an organization of three powered people? He wasn’t counting Crysta because no one knew she had abilities. It was even hard to count Clem, since it was incredibly unclear to anyone what his abilities even were. “That’s unfortunate. Your talents would be useful to us. Can I get you to reconsider?” Talents? Hugo tensed at that; something was off, but he couldn’t place what.

  Clem shook his head, “No, I’m afraid you’re a little too crazy for us, Vitaly.”

  The change to the construct’s face was instant, “You can leave.”

  They all stood and left the room.

  Were you trying to get us into a fight? Hugo snapped, well as best he could when thinking something.

  Were you? Clem countered surprisingly almost as venomously, It’s great you think you know who killed Madeline, but throwing a fit would have accomplished nothing. No, worse than nothing.

  Hugo chewed on his lip. I know. But then why did you take that pot-shot at him right before we left?

  I told you he wouldn’t attack us! And you gotta admit, that was fun.

  He was going to try very hard not to admit that, but he was talking to a telepath. Vitaly deserved more than an insult.

  Damn right, lover boy.


  They were thankfully outside of the gates to the estate, so Hugo created a portal and they went back to the Foundation. They had work to do.


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