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Captured By The Beast I

Page 3

by Daniella Wright

  “Why should I tell you?”

  “Do you have to answer all of my questions with another question?” I shot back.

  “Let’s remember who’s in control here.”

  I gulped, recalling the moment he had slammed me into the wall. Fear crept under my skin in response to the memory. I had no way of knowing what this man was capable of. From those few seconds trapped under his body, I could tell that he was strong – very strong. I had no doubt he could hurt me if he wanted to.

  Still, I couldn’t just sit here in silence, waiting for the inevitable…

  “What about the leader?”

  “What about him?” The man grumbled. “You know, I wish you’d just shut up. Most of the other girls were so quiet, but you just keep on running your mouth.”

  “What is he the leader of?” I pressed, ignoring his statement. Maybe if I learned more about this man it would help me. Maybe I could somehow use it to my advantage.

  “Does it matter?”

  “Why am I in this cave?” I asked him another question, hoping I could wear down his patience. “Why have you brought me here and not someone else? Why are we so deep in the woods?”

  “God. Do you ever shut up?” He cut me off, getting up in a rush. I cowered in the corner of my bed and flinched as he walked toward me, thinking he was going to hit me, but instead, he just ran his fingers through his coarse hair, pushing it out of his face. “If I answer your questions, will you promise to keep quiet?”

  I nodded, unable to answer with the surge of terror that had shot up my spine.

  He sighed and sat down, his hands on his thighs, his back against the cave wall. “We’re all part of a community. A community that the humans don’t know about.”

  I cocked my head at his weird choice of words, wondering if he was delusional.

  “We’re a group of people known as shifters.” He paused, rubbing his palms against his worn jeans. “We can transform into different animals at will, but only if we transform at least once a month. If we don’t, we lose control of our instincts and grow animalistic. Wild. Could turn at any time.”

  I stared at him like he had a third head coming out of his chest. This guy was crazy. Was he really trying to tell me that he was a part of a shapeshifting community? He obviously had read one too many comic books and eaten one too many mysterious mushrooms.

  “We’ve been using Amethyst as a base for months now. It’s far enough from the humans that we can transform at will and live our lives in peace.”

  I could only stare at him, incredulous. Not only had I been kidnapped, but I had been kidnapped by a crazy person who believed in shape shifters!

  I was almost afraid to keep the conversation going, but as long as he kept talking, it kept me distracted from all my fear-induced thoughts. “But you haven’t said anything about your leader… or why I’m here.”

  He sighed. “You just won’t let this go, will you?” He shifted in his seat and licked his lips. “The Leader is the leader of our community, which I thought was obvious, but I guess not.” He looked at me, his blue eyes narrowing. “Anyway, after some shifters turn back to human form, they have insatiable sexual appetites. Our Leader has the worst one of all. So, every month, each of us finds a woman and brings her here. This month, however, I got stuck with babysitting duty.”

  My eyes widened at his words. A sinking feeling developed in my stomach, like there was a rock lodged there. This couldn’t be happening. This man had kidnapped me so his leader could rape me. I shook my head and threw the torch at him.

  It missed, clattering to the ground. “Hey! Why did you do that?” The man grabbed the torch quickly before it could extinguish. He came closer and I scrambled out of the bed, making a run for it. I couldn’t just let myself get raped. I had to escape. I had to escape now.

  I stumbled in the darkness, desperately trying to feel my way out of the cave. Hot tears streamed down my face as my heart threatened to beat out of my chest.

  I spotted the light of the entrance and quickened my pace, only to feel the man’s fingers around my arm once again, yanking me back. I yowled in pain, feeling like my arm would rip out of its socket. For the second time, he slammed me into the wall, taking my breath away. “Please… just let me go…” I said through my sobs, shaking my head. “I swear… I won’t say anything…” I pleaded with him, hoping he would have mercy on me.

  “Calm down.” He pinned me against the wall with his body. “It’s okay.”

  “How is it okay? Your leader is going to rape me!” I screamed, my eyes red and puffy.

  “Listen. You’re looking at this all wrong. He’s not going to hurt you. The other girls… they were hesitant too, but the Leader has great patience. He will make sure you enjoy yourself. You’ll leave this cave feeling very satisfied.” The man said.

  “How can you say that?” I asked, thinking he was even more insane than I thought he was. How was I supposed to enjoy a situation like this? This man was completely out of his mind.

  But before I could say anything else, the light at the end of the cave was blocked out by a large, hulking figure. A heavy, musky scent filled the air.

  The man beside me held his breath, his fingers tense around me. “He’s here.”

  Chapter 8

  The man stepped away. I stayed pinned to the wall, unable to move an inch of my body. All I could do was watch in terror as a large, impossibly-sized bear entered the cave.

  When its large incisors came into view, a loud, guttural scream escaped my body, echoing off the cave walls. This animal was going to kill me. I was about to die.

  Before I could scream anew, the man grabbed me, placing a hand over my mouth to stifle my cries of terror. My fingers grabbed his hand, trying to push it away, desperate to get free now that I once again had control of my body.

  “That’s not a wild bear…” The man whispered in my ear. His words broke through my fear, stopping my struggle. I stilled, melting into his grasp. “It’s the Leader.”

  This man was nuts. This was a bear. A huge, man-eating bear if I ever saw one.

  “There’s no need to be scared.” His voice was soft and reassuring like he meant what he said, but I just couldn’t accept that the bear was going to leave us alone. Every natural documentary I had ever seen on TV replayed in my mind. I could almost imagine those large teeth sinking into my flesh, tearing me limb from limb.

  Finally, the man let go of me and I scrambled out of harm’s way. I couldn’t head for the exit so I rushed toward the back, effectively backing myself into a corner.

  I tried to melt into the wall, pressing my body hard against it. Holding my breath, I watched as the bear got closer and closer, his giant paws crashing into the earth.

  Grizzly grunts roared from his maw, dominating the air around him. His head was low as he sniffed the air, his jowls moving with his heavy breaths.

  He looked just like the bears I had seen in zoos and movies. There was no way he could transform into a human, no matter how much that nutcase tried to convince me.

  Suddenly, in the dim light of the cave, the bear’s bright yellow eyes flashed, catching my attention. Our eyes locked and I felt my heart skip a beat. I couldn’t breathe as his honey-colored eyes stared into mine with a level of intelligence and warmth I had never seen in an animal before.

  With a loud roar, he rose onto his hind legs. I craned my neck, maintaining eye contact. It was like I was under a spell, my whole body frozen in place. I gulped, his powerful body towering over me. He had to be at least eight feet tall, possibly even nine.

  His claws curled and his muscles tensed right before he let out a loud, ear-piercing roar. His teeth flashed in the torchlight, looking menacing and deadly. I pushed myself even further into the wall, my terror crippling.

  This bear was going to kill me.


  I closed my eyes tight, trying to brace myself for the moment when the bear would finally take a chunk out of my body, but it never came. Even when his r
oar ended, nothing happened. Carefully, I opened one of my eyes and peered at my surroundings.

  The bear was still on his hind legs, but something was happening. He was starting to become blurry. It was like his body was vibrating and disturbing the air around him, making it difficult to focus on him.

  My fingers twitched with fear, but at the same time, I couldn’t keep my eyes away.

  To my utter shock, he started to change. He roared once again, the sound deafening. In the process, his snout became smaller and smaller, his fur started to disappear, his claws slowly turning into fingers.

  I couldn’t believe what was happening. I watched as he grew shorter, his waistline tapering, his legs becoming longer and packed with muscle. His stomach rippled with abs.

  I blinked and all of a sudden, a living, breathing man was standing right in front of me. I could hardly believe it.

  A bear had just transformed into a man before my very eyes.

  He stood very still, and for a moment, I thought that maybe, he was a statue. My eyes roamed his body, eventually noticing his nakedness.

  Blush rose in my cheeks as I noticed just how well-endowed this shapeshifter was. His manhood hung between his hips, thick and long.

  Feeling my cheeks growing hot, I looked away quickly, focusing on other features of his body. He was well over six feet tall, his shoulders broad, and his chest buff. A curly tuft of hair decorated his chest.

  I felt my heart speed up as I tried to edge away from the man that had just transformed from a bear. My head was spinning, trying to find a logical explanation for what I had just witnessed.

  This couldn’t be real. This had to be some kind of messed up dream, an illusion. Bears didn’t just turn into men like this.

  I tried to connect all the pieces together, but none of this was making any sense.

  I hugged the wall, tip-toeing my way toward the exit. As I did, I accidently bumped into the man from before. He held out his arms and kept me from tripping over. “What… What’s going on?” I asked in a whisper. The man who stood in the middle of the cave had yet to move. Maybe, he wasn’t real. Maybe he was just a figment of my imagination.

  “He has transformed. Now, you’ll be with him. You’ll satisfy his sexual appetite.”

  At these words, the shapeshifter turned and faced me. His lips curled, showing off a set of pearly white teeth. His amber-colored eyes locked with mine.

  This couldn’t be happening.

  Unable to comprehend what was going on, my body collapsed to the ground as I fainted.

  Chapter 9

  I don’t know how long I was out for. When I opened my eyes, I saw the flickering of the torch on the cave’s ceiling. My eyelids were heavy as I blinked, bringing my vision back into focus.

  As I moved around, I felt the soft mattress underneath me and a pile of thick blankets cocooned around my body, keeping me warm. Slowly, I freed my arms and pushed the blankets away so I could sit up.

  Leaning against the headboard, I rubbed my head. It felt like I had been hit by a car. I groaned and closed my eyes, trying to ease the pain that throbbed through my temples.

  “How are you feeling?” A soft voice broke the silence, causing me to jump in surprise. I pressed against the headboard, my fingers tightening around it in fright. Instantly, my heart sped up inside my chest. “Hey, it’s okay, no need to be frightened…” His voice was different from the savage. It was warmer – more inviting. I found myself relaxing at the sound of it, but still, I was too dazed to respond.

  Finally, I caught sight of the man in the cave’s gloom. He was sitting in the shadows, his face obscured, but it was easy to tell that this was the bear from before. He was still stark naked, his powerful body on full display before me. I blushed and looked away.

  “Are you hurt?”

  I shook my head.

  “Good.” He leaned forward, his features falling into the light. He smiled kindly at me, his dark eyes sparkling. “I’m sure this is all a lot to take in, but I can assure you, it’s not at all as bad as you think.” Slowly, he reached out his hand.

  I flinched and moved back, wondering what he was going to do to me. My heart beat even faster and I closed my eyes.

  To my surprise, he started to rub my back in a soothing motion. His touch was gentle. His large hands moved in small circles, melting away the tension that had built up in my body.

  I bit my lip to hold back the moan that threatened to escape my lips. I knew I shouldn’t be enjoying this experience, but I just couldn’t help it. His touch felt so good – it was like my body somehow yearned for it.

  Before I even realized what I was doing, I laid back down and rolled onto my stomach. I turned my head to the side so I could admire the leader. It was then that I noticed he had a massive erection.

  His cock had looked huge before, but now, it looked impossibly large. It was thick, veiny, and smooth. It twitched slightly between his legs as he continued to rub my back, moving closer and closer to my ass. I bit my lip harder.

  Despite my fears, I found myself starting to get turned on. My cheeks felt like they were on fire. Butterflies roamed around in my tummy. My pussy surged with energy at the sight of his length. I had the urge to reach out and touch it, to wrap my lips around his girth, to make him feel good. I didn’t even know where these desires were coming from. It was like the sight of him was unearthing some carnal instincts I didn’t know I had.

  Without a word, the leader took off my shirt, rolling it off my body with ease. I didn’t even protest, even though I knew I should. This shouldn’t be happening. I shouldn’t be letting it happen. But at the same time, a part of me wanted this. I couldn’t explain it nor could I understand it, but I wanted this man.

  I needed him.

  With a quick motion, he undid my bra and tossed it across the cave. I expected him to make a move, but he just kept rubbing my back. I could feel the roughness of his palms against my skin and somehow, it felt even better. He pressed against my muscles, easing away the tension and making me relax. I closed my eyes and sighed in pleasure, arching my back ever so slightly, like a cat getting her back scratched.

  A part of my mind was still screaming at me to escape, to run away from these men, but there was no point. The wild man had told me that I was deep in the woods. Even if I escaped, how would I get back to the trail? These men had to bring me back. I would just have to cooperate if I ever wanted to go home again.

  With this thought in mind, I decided there was no harm in enjoying myself. The leader was sexy beyond all measure. He seemed gentle and compassionate. I might as well have some fun …

  Taking a deep breath, I reached out and wrapped my hand around his shaft. He looked down with a slight look of surprise in his eyes. I met his gaze and felt a shiver running down my spine.

  Deep down, I knew this man wouldn’t hurt me.

  I started to stroke him up and down, my fingers barely able to wrap around his thick girth. He groaned in pleasure and rocked his hips forward in response. I picked up my pace, going faster and faster until he was rock hard in my hand. I didn’t know how it was possible, but he seemed to have grown even more.

  “Do you want me?” He asked, his voice deep and sensual as he sat down on the edge of the bed. His scent wrapped around me, intoxicating me. Between my legs, I could feel just how wet I really was. This man had turned me on more than anyone else before. I stared at his godlike body. His sexy, chiseled face. His broad shoulders. Everything about him was perfect.

  Of course I wanted him.

  Chapter 10

  “Yes.” I breathed. I didn’t know what had gotten into me. I had been kidnapped and brought here against my will and now, I was willingly giving myself up to this man. But I couldn’t help it. I wanted him so bad.

  He grinned, his lips curling into a smirk that sent a fire between my legs. His dark hair fell into his eyes as he positioned himself on top of me. “I hope you’re ready for it, baby girl.” He said before he leaned down and kissed my
neck, his lips running along my flesh, sending sparks of ecstasy through every inch of my body.

  Naturally, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, as if we had been lovers for years. His lips continued down my neck, finding my collarbone, and sucking on it ever so gently. His teeth nicked at my skin as his hands found my leggings. He tugged on the waistband, rolling them down my wide hips.

  His every move was slow and gentle, almost loving. He was treating me like I was a piece of precious porcelain that he was afraid to break. His fingertips ran along my skin, covering it in goosebumps.

  Finally, he took off my pants. He was between my legs, looking up at me with a lustful spark in his eyes. Leaning forward, he grabbed my panties between his teeth and tugged on them like a wild animal. I shook in excitement as he yanked his head back, ripping the thin piece of fabric right off my body.


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