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Captured By The Beast I

Page 46

by Daniella Wright

  As if I didn’t know that.

  As if Robert wasn’t-

  “Hullo Gorgeous,” I could practically hear his smirk as we made it to the camp. “Miss me?”


  Chapter 10

  You could almost taste the distaste and condescension in the word as Dalen hissed it out. Other than me, nobody in the cosmos hated Robert more than my beloved. It showed on his face, in his every movement.

  “Please,” I begged mentally to every figure in the cosmos that I believed in, even the slightest bit. “Let us win. Let us save ourselves and not be distracted by the visceral hatred he inspires in us. Please.” When I finished the prayer, I brandished my poisoned dagger.

  It was nerve wracking to watch the pair of them. I only had one shot with this, so I had to make it perfect, so I had to wait.

  Controlling myself was so hard as I saw things as if I were watching a movie.

  Dalen slashed at Robert. He was too slow as Robert was able to side-step the attack. Robert used his knife and embedded it into Dalen's stomach. Dalen made an inhuman screech, his arms going around Robert's head as Robert sadistically twisted the dirty knife inside of Dalen.

  Dalen quickly slammed Robert into the ground. He tried to stab Robert in the stomach. The knife embedded itself in the ground as Robert rolled away in time. Robert shoved Dalen to the ground and slammed his skull to the ground multiple times. I could hear the hairline fractures being made.

  Dalen’s vision was going fuzzy, clearly as his eyes were glazing over. On the upside, I finally got my shot. I slammed the knife down into the back of his neck, and sawed his head off. Gruesome, yes. But I knew about Robert’s healing factor. This was the only possible way to kill him permanently.

  I sent a blaster shot to his brain once… Okay! It was four times. I know it was superfluous. But it just felt so good. Tell me he didn’t deserve it! That’s right, you can’t because he deserved it and so much more.

  I saw a few men left, a snarl ripping from my throat. I would kill every single one of them. I would bathe in their blood and they will rue the day they ever went after me or the ones I loved.

  Seeing the nearly feral glance in my eyes, they bit their thumb. The action was the universal symbol of forgiveness. Like raising a white flag, they would never go after me again. I let them leave in their smaller ships, never to return. I glared at them. If they ever broke their promises, I would ruin all happiness in their lives.

  Death was too good for Robert. But Robert’s death was exactly what Dalen needed.

  I looked down at Dalen and tried to keep him awake, feeling my eyes fill with tears. As the adrenaline poured out from me, I could feel myself beginning to sob. “Dalen. Look at me.” I begged him. “Stay with me. Don’t shut your eyes. Don’t go to sleep. You have to stay awake.” I went through his medicine and tried to heal him. Tried to find something I could do.

  He can’t die on me. What do I have left if I don’t even have him?


  Long story short, I did a crappy job of healing him eight months ago. I mean, he is mostly better now. He is blind in one eye, though. It's not fair to him. I should be the one who was hurt. This whole thing happened because of me anyway!

  He doesn't blame me, though. Says I'm an angel come to rescue him from the ‘mundanity of normalcy'. As I stared at my husband, I couldn't help but grin. He was looking at a map – trying his hardest to make out everything as best he can – and trying to find where we should go.

  We knew we couldn’t return home to Moro. Not after everything happened. It just… felt wrong. And neither of us felt safe there anymore, even if the threat has passed.

  Robert didn't need a ship anymore, though. So why not put it to good use, Eh?

  Okay, sure. There are several decent reasons not to put it to good use, but boo on those. It’s what I want and therefore it is more than good enough. It is what we want.

  We now get to spend our lives doing everything I have always wanted to do. Explore the galaxy. Find charted and uncharted places. Feel and experience everything there is to be done.

  I held a hand to my stomach as I felt a kick. Oh yes, I almost forgot. One more thing I’ve always wanted to do. Start a family with the man who I care about more than life itself. Strangely enough, I never really wanted this.

  Well, I don’t mean it like that. If I could name a perfect life for me to live, this would be exactly the thing I would describe. That doesn’t make it perfect. I never really considered this a possibility.

  Ok, well… kinda- sorta. I mean-

  Vaguely, I did. The perfect family as you know. But until it was happening I didn’t have any actual…

  “Why?” I heard myself ask, as I felt Dalen was kissing my stomach. He did this all the time now. I think he might do it more than he kissed me on the lips. Of course, I only said that so I would get more kisses from him.

  “I just wanted to kiss my cute little daughter.” He cooed, not even hesitating to continue doing it despite my protests.

  "You've never seen her yet, Dork," I argued, snorting with laughter as his stubbly beard tickled my stomach.

  "If she is even a fraction as beautiful as you are, she will be one of the loveliest things that have ever graced the galaxy." He was so serious as he said it. I squeaked and hid my face as I blushed. How can someone be so charming? It isn't even fair. The jerk knew exactly what he was doing too.

  “I love you, My Loveliest Rose.”

  “I love you too, Darl'n.”

  Tripple Domination

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Erotic Alien Abduction Menage

  Kreena is thinking back how it all started, where she came from and how her past has molded her into the woman she is now. The past just seems a memory, she has seen many things that others on earth can only imagine, she knows full well she has just been used and abused by the others on the ship, but she has needs also, and everything serves its purpose in her future.

  “…Kreena started looking at Threx’s stomach muscles, and at the same time she was flicking her hair over her shoulder-baring the side of her neck, at that moment, she felt the soft touch of Lane’s lips on the nape of her neck, softly kissing and whispering her name in her ear. There he stood closer behind her and she could feel his manhood beginning to swell, as he pressed against her back.”

  * * *

  Chapter 1: Day Zero

  The ship was nearly silent, just a faint hum from the engines steadily pushing them through space. Kreena was sat in the cockpit and the lights from the control panel were casting dim colors, that began dancing across her face. While gazing at the stars and the expanse of the galaxy she should see before her, she was thinking about how it all started, the day that would come to change her, that day which just seemed like a distant memory, and where everything changed.

  Anna as she was called back then, was an inquisitive girl; she had not long turned seventeen and her parents were taking her on one of the space trips which had become all the rage back then. She had long, dark hair and dark, hazel eyes which blended beautifully with her olive colored skin. It seemed like she had started to look like her mother, who her father had repeatedly said, “Is the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  The space flight had been at a halt for around fifteen minutes when they heard the captain over the intercom telling them the show was just about to start. This phenomenon had started to happen more frequently since the major earthquakes had ravaged the planet, and from their vantage point just out of the Earth’s orbit, it was now possible to see the sunset and rise at the same time.

  The shutters protecting the viewing windows started to open, there were gasps of breaths as everyone was watching this truly remarkable event, it was like Armageddon and Genesis at exactly the same moment in time. Anna had her face close to the glass, she was gazing far beyond the sun's specular show, and she found herself thinking what is beyond all this, surely there must be more? If only she knew.

/>   After fifteen minutes of picture taking, the captain urged everyone to return to their seats, the show, unfortunately, was over. It was time for them to head home, and with that, the protective shutters slowly came to a close over the viewing windows. Back in their seats, they started to buckle up and Anna’s dad thought he would have one last glance at Earth before they set off for home.

  Anna’s dad Tyler, had seen many things in his life, most of which he had seen during his time as a soldier. Man, had created many things, most of which were intent on destroying the human race. From secret weapons to mass death and destruction, Tyler had witnessed it all, he knew the world could not survive the way it was going, and he had been preparing Anna for the day it would all change. She had been a class ‘A’ student, from survival techniques to unarmed combat, for nearly ten years she had soaked up everything he had taught her, what he didn’t realize, was that day was coming sooner than everyone realized.

  As he glanced from the window, he saw a shimmer at the side of the ship, maybe a trick of the eyes or heat from the engines he thought, and again he saw it, but this time he thought he could see the outline of another ship. He turned to his family and was just about to say something, but was interrupted by the captain’s voice telling them it was time to head off home.

  Just as he was about to forget what he saw, there was an almighty jolt from the side of the ship, and again he looked from the window and he was sure another ship had attached itself to theirs. The soldier inside of him was taking over, he turned to his wife and Anna.

  “Something is going to happen, prepare yourselves,” he said to them.

  “Dad, you’re scaring me,” Anna answered, with tears welling up in her eyes.

  “It’s okay, you know how to take care of yourself,” Tyler said, trying to comfort his daughter.

  Everyone on the ship was looking at the passenger door, where sparks were flying into the cabin and the stench of molten metal was filling the air and as if by magic, the door vanished as it was torn from its position. Once the smoke began to clear, the images of three beings began to emerge. They were dressed and looked like no one that Anna could have ever imagined. Two of the beings appeared to be fit and athletic looking, or at least that is what Anna thought by the shapes of their body armor, but one had body armor which barely covered his belly, and what appeared to be pony tails protruding from the chin area of his helmet. It seemed quite comical at first glance until the seriousness of the situation kicked in.

  Had these three known it was just a tourist ship, they may not have bothered, no one had luggage and the ship had no cargo, but they were not to know, and since they saw the opportunity it was a chance to add to their haul from previous pillages they had been a part of.

  “We have to get something,” Poco, the red-bearded one said.

  “Take the girl,” said the taller of the two, Lane who was looking around the cabin and pointing at Anna.

  And with that Anna was dragged from her seat in the clutches of Poco. Tyler stood to protect Anna, but got a swift smack in the face from the butt of a plasma rifle, which soon changed all that. With blood streaming down his face, he watched, as Anna was dragged out from the cabin, and onto the other ship. Everyone on board was helpless at that moment, they knew there was nothing they could do, once the ship left, they were facing certain doom. Anna’s mother just sat, wiping the blood from her beloved husband's face.

  “She will be fine, she is a strong girl,” Anna’s mother said.

  “I know, but I should be able to protect her, it is my duty,” Tyler replied.

  Tyler held his wife’s hand tightly, he looked at her with tears in his eyes, as a father he thought he had failed his daughter, but this was not any normal situation. Everyone on board just sat as they heard the engines fire up from the alien’s ship, in a matter of seconds, they would all be facing impending doom. The ship moved to the side and they could hear the noise of nothing entering the ship from the door, and within an instant the air had just been depleted from the cabin and their fate had been sealed.

  Once aboard the aliens ship, Anna was just cast to one side, while the three aliens muttered between themselves, as they were removing their body armor. None of them noticed Anna had moved into the cockpit, her face just pushed against the window, watching the space flight as it sat there motionless, with no sign of movement and no signs of life.

  Those memories had been with her for nearly 10 years, she had no place to hide on the ship and definitely no place to run. It was both true and lucky, that her dad had taught her well. Even though she had become the aliens’ sex toy, she had used her inner strength to block out the emotions which would be associated with frequent sexual advances, and on occasions, she had used these advances to her own advantage. No longer did she need to be confined, she had the freedom of the ship, and the three aliens, she got to know by name. Lane, the tall skinnier of the three, who had piercing blue eyes and long, gray hair, he just wanted to take whatever he thought should be rightfully his. Then you had Poco, the fatter of the three with a mane of red, unkempt hair, full of ponytails and a big red beard, that looked like a smaller version of the hair on his head. He was a follower and he could not make a decision in his life that made much sense.

  Finally, you had Threx, who was tall and muscular, with gray eyes, and he appeared to be the most like an Alpha of the three, yet he had soft inner qualities, so in the heat of confrontation or battle, he would not back down. But in the times when he visited Kreena in her quarters, he showed his inner softer qualities. Even though he may be a beast with a large sexual appetite, he was compassionate and tender when it mattered.

  Kreena, as a growing woman also had needs and she had longed for a man, and had no choice but to settle for these three, and in a way, she had formed a bond with all three of them. Although, on occasion, she was still reminded that she was nothing but a prisoner and a slave.

  Chapter 2: All Hands On

  Kreena was trying to hide the tears that were running from her eyes, she did not want the others to see that she was showing signs of weakness. She could hear Poco behind her huffing and puffing, and she knew something was about to happen.

  From out of the silence, “Ship Ahoy,” Poco bellowed, as he was bouncing up and down in his seat. “Ship, ship,” he screamed again, pointing out of the cockpit window.

  “Calm down, we heard you the first time,” Lane replied, “now where is this ship you keep shouting about?”

  “Over there, two o’clock,” Poco excitedly muttered.

  Lane glanced in the direction Poco was pointing in, he could barely make out the lights, but Poco may be right.

  “Out of my seat and we will go and have a look,” Lane said in a commanding voice, he was always one for showing his authority, especially where Poco was concerned.

  Kreena slips from the co-pilot's chair and starts to wander towards her quarters, as she turns the corner, Threx is coming in the opposite direction.

  “Kreena, what’s all the commotion about?” Threx asked.

  “Poco has finally spotted another ship, and you know how he nearly pisses his pants with excitement,” Kreena replied bowing her head.

  With that, Threx continued to walk towards the cockpit, with Kreena glancing at his muscular body as he walked away from her. She could see the details of his tattoos fade as he walked through the shadowy light and vanished around the corner.

  Kreena reached her quarters, and started to grab her things, although she is not a member of the crew, she knew the routine, and this was one thing her dad had taught her, be prepared for any situation. She grabbed her leather pants and homemade leather body armor and placed it on her bunk, and started to slip out of her casual garments. Deep space was not the easiest place to buy panties and bras, so she stood there butt naked, and looking at herself in the mirror. Kreena could see why the crew found her attractive, and frequented her quarters for some sexual action. Over time she had become a fine woman. She cupped her breasts and
thought what a nice size they had become, with her dark nipples starting to become erect as she quickly imagined the crew teasing and stimulating her body, in the only way she knew.

  Quickly she forced herself to stop, there is no time for that now, if the haul is bountiful, there will be plenty of fun later for all of them. But now is the time for battle stations and none of them know what dangers lay inside any ship they encounter. Kreena returns to the cockpit, the three of them are suiting up, and she notices Threx, with half of his armor fitted, but still topless, with his muscles rippling as he stretches his neck and shoulder blades. He finally slips into armor and looks towards Kreena.

  “Can you fasten me in?” he says, “you have a nicer touch than Poco,” he adds with a chuckle.

  She nods in agreeance, aroused by his muscular physique.

  Poco looks up from trying to fasten his armor over his belly, “That’s it, pick on the fat one,” he mumbles through his red beard.

  “Fifteen minutes,” Lane shouts from the cockpit.

  In that moment, he flicked a couple of switches, and a loud hum started and to anyone looking, they would seem nearly invisible. The ship before them is huge, they can count at least ten levels by the lights on the ship, but no matter what firepower it may have, the crew have the best ship in the galaxy, Chymeera. Poco had named the ship, even though he got the spelling wrong, it is a class one Helvec bomber which the crew has made many custom tweaks, so now she can outgun or out maneuver any ship which they may be chased by.

  Lane releases the landing platform which fastens itself to the hull of the larger ship and hits the auto-pilot button. He jumps from his chair and grabs his plasma blade and starts to follow Poco and Threx towards the ship.

  “Stay here and don’t touch anything,” he said to Kreena.

  “I know, you keep telling me,” she answers back to him.


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