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Wizard's Education (Book 2)

Page 25

by James Eggebeen

  By the time the banquet started, her mind drifted back to the dragon's request and she recalled how she'd acted when under the spell that connected her to Chihon. She was ashamed of her behavior and wanted to avoid any further embarrassment. If there was one person she wanted to see less than Lorit, it was Chihon. How could she face the Sorceress after all she had done? Unwittingly, she had helped the Temple capture the Sorceress.

  "You seem worried," Rothen said, leaning over to her as the banquet progressed. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown?"

  "No. It's not that. It's Lorit. The dragon said he needed me. That we are still connected through Chihon."

  "Dragons, Wizards, Priests ... what are you getting yourself into? Don't you think you have enough to worry about in the Realm without getting mixed up in Wizards' affairs? Those never end well for anyone, including the Wizards."

  Ukina glanced around the room at her guests. She was going to have her hands full dealing with the intrigues of the court. She didn't need to add to her burden by getting mixed up in the affairs of Wizards, but if the dragon had spoken truth, she had no choice. If Lorit and Chihon were in danger, so was she. She had no alternative. Besides, there was something about Lorit that intrigued her.

  It was not that silly little girl infatuation she had felt under the spell, but appreciation for the man she had come to know during their travels. He was wise beyond his years and powerful, yet compassionate and unafraid to take action where it was required.

  "Your Grace?" Rothen interrupted her reverie.

  "Sorry. It's just that the Wizard and the Sorceress are honorable. They're not like the Priests. I'm certain it was the Temple that abducted my brother. Someday, I'll have to avenge him."

  "Ukina, you know the Temple can make more trouble for you than you can handle. You must respect them, even if you don't like them. Your father funded the rebuilding of their Temple after Lorit destroyed it, just to stay on their good side." Rothen looked around the table. "You should stay out of that fight. It's one you can't win."

  "It seems I don't have a choice. If the dragon was telling the truth, our fates are intertwined. For my own safety, I must join the fight."

  "What will you do?"

  "When the dragon calls, I will march my army to wherever I am summoned. I will do what it asks." She felt the call of destiny on her now more than ever before. She could see a future for her realm that did not live in fear of the Temple.

  "Are you not the Queen? Do you answer to a dragon now? Why are you contemplating this madness?" Rothen leaned close to her and lowered his voice. "Beware of the Temple. They have spies everywhere."

  "Of that I am well aware. My own maid was one of them. For years, she attended me and I had no idea who or what she was. I am certain that she had a hand in the abduction of my brother. The Temple is behind the death of my father as surely as if they had killed him themselves. They are expert healers, yet what did they do to help him when he fell ill?"

  Her hands clenched at the memory. "They let him die, hoping to have a new monarch more favorable to their cause. I will show them. I will help Lorit and Chihon destroy not only a single temple, but the whole religion of Ran. Mark my words."

  Early the next morning a guard informed Ukina that a Wizard was waiting to see her. He was the Wizard who summoned the mini dragon to her coronation.

  She pulled the bed clothes up around her. "Don't keep him standing there. Let him in."

  "But, My Lady, you are not dressed. He can wait your pleasure."

  "My pleasure is to see him now." Ukina scowled at the guard. "Send him in."

  The Wizard entered, bowing his head. "Your Grace."

  "Yes, yes, what news?" Ukina was eager to hear any news the Wizard might have. He surely knew what was happening to Lorit and Chihon, or perhaps he had word of her brother.

  "Your Grace, I am Hatther, a free Wizard. I am afraid I bring bad tidings." He bowed his head even deeper.

  "Out with it. What news?"

  "Your brother. He has been turned by the Temple."

  Her heart quickened at the thought of her brother being alive. She had thought him dead. "How do you know this?"

  "We have spies. One of them reported that he has seen the Prince in the Temple of Ran in Quineshua. He was dressed as an under-priest.

  "We were not able to trace him before, but it is quite certain that he has turned. He has the taint of the Temple about him."

  "And you did nothing?" Ukina demanded.

  "Your Grace. What would you have us do? We only learned this last night. It was too late to do anything about it."

  Ukina sat up letting the blanket fall in her eagerness to get to the truth. She snatched at it, covering herself again. "Can you not free him from their spell as your monks did for me? You have a dragon, surely you can redeem him."

  "Alas, I am sorry, Your Grace. Once someone has turned to the Temple and absorbed the magic of another, there is no return. It corrupts the soul in a way that cannot be undone."

  "What shall I do?" Ukina's anger rose in her. What good was a Wizard if he could not use his magic to restore her brother?

  "There is nothing you can do. He is a Priest now. He has forfeited his rights to the kingdom. You are the rightful Queen."

  "I don't care about the kingdom. There must be a way to restore my brother. We have to save him."

  "I do not have that power." Hatther bowed his head.

  "Maybe Lorit can free him." She remembered how the dragon had broken the spell on her. "He knows the most powerful Wizard there is, Zhimosom. They can work together, with your dragon. They have to do it."

  "But the Wizard Zhimosom is missing. Lorit seeks him even now. Perhaps if Lorit can find Zhimosom, he can free your brother. I do not know. We do not always get what we wish. No Priest has ever been redeemed."

  "Thank you for your news," Ukina said. "Please keep trying. Maybe there's more that you can learn. If you do, please come and tell me."

  "Yes, Your Grace." Hatther bowed and backed out of the room.

  "Get Sir Adane," Ukina said once the Wizard was gone. "We need to prepare the army to move on a moment's notice."


  The journey from Moriver Tye to Midian was an easy trip, but longer than Chihon had hoped, as it was made on foot. Chihon wished they could have ridden, but they had been advised to bring no horses to Midian.

  The forest gave way to meadow, and then to low rolling hills that abruptly ended in series of low, sharp, jagged mountain peaks. The trails through the mountains had been easy to find and follow, and within the span of a few days, they'd reached the other side.

  They rounded a mountain peak to look down on an expanse of dry sand dotted occasionally with a stubborn bush that sprouted from the barren desert. They were hard and harsh, covered with sharp spines and tough dark leaves. They looked as if they were dead, but Chihon could sense the thread of life within them.

  The middle of the second day in the desert, they came across the statue of a horse standing by the side of the packed dirt road. The sun was directly overhead and the heat was almost unbearable. They were going through their water faster than expected.

  "I hope we are getting close to Midian," Chihon said. "We had better start watching our water." She took a sip and handed the water skin to Lorit.

  "That horse statue must mean we're close. I don't think they'd put them too far from the city."

  Chihon looked ahead. She could see another statue, just at the limits of her vision. She looked back and saw a cloud of dust heading their way. It rose from the path, trailing behind something traveling their way in a hurry. She heard the sound of hooves, and pulled Lorit by the arm, dragging him off the roadway.

  A dozen riders on horseback galloped their way. As they drew abreast, the leader raised his hand in the air, palm open. He curled his hand into a fist, and the party came to an immediate halt. "Are you headed to Midian?"

  "Yes, we are." Chihon had to shield her eyes from the sun as she looked up
into his face.

  "Jump on." The leader reached down to her. "You don't have much time."

  "Time for what?"

  "Time to get to cover." He shook his hand holding it out to help her mount. "Get on quickly or we'll leave you here to die."

  Chihon grasped his hand and let him pull her up. He was strong enough to lift her into the saddle without the use of a stirrup. She landed hard and leaned forward as he urged his mount on. She grabbed onto him for fear of falling as the horse resumed its full gallop.

  Chihon looked back to see Lorit. He was seated behind a woman dressed similar to the leader. He looked decidedly uncomfortable. It made her smile.

  Farther behind them, Chihon could see a cloud of dust rising from the desert floor. It was dark and thick, reaching from the sand up into the sky, where it diffused into a menacing gray blur.

  They rode hard until they reached the city gates, which stood open as they approached, but were hastily shut behind them. The leader pulled his horse up short and leapt down to help her dismount.

  Before she could thank him, the sky turned dark and visibility dropped. She choked on the dust, coughing with the dryness. Someone placed a cloth across her nose and mouth and pulled it tight. She squinted through the dust and saw Lorit similarly protected.

  The leader tapped her shoulder and pointed to a building nearby, motioning her to follow. They entered the Crooked Water Inn and took a seat in the dining room. Once inside, they dropped their masking cloths and breathed freely once again.

  "Thank you for your assistance. I'm not sure what would have happened to us if you hadn't come along," Chihon said. "My name is Chihon and this is Lorit."

  "I am Ulera," said the man. "This is Yaleu." He gestured to the woman on whose horse Lorit had ridden to safety.

  "You have my gratitude," Chihon said. The serving girl came by and dropped mugs and a pitcher at their table. She poured them each a full measure, thumping them down on the table and rushing away.

  Chihon took the proffered mug. It was ice cold in her hands. She raised it to her lips and took a careful sip. It was water, pure clear cold water as if it had just been melted from the fist snow of the season.

  Yaleu watched her expression. "Good, no? That water comes from deep wells that are fed by the Ice Father. The melt runs underground all the way from the north to rise for us, here in the middle of this wasteland. It's what allows us to thrive amidst so much desolation."

  "It's very refreshing after the heat of the desert," Lorit said. "How did you know the storm was coming?"

  "Yaleu's a witch," Ulera said. "She can sense the weather before it's upon us."

  Chihon saw Lorit flinch at the mention of witches.

  Yaleu slapped Lorit on the arm. "Don't look so worried. I'm no witch. Everyone who lives in the desert or travels it regularly knows how to tell when a storm is coming."

  "How did you know we were on the road?" Chihon asked.

  "We didn't know you were out there," Yaleu said. "We pick up stragglers all the time just before the storm. You never know what bad luck might befall someone, and strand them out in the desert."

  "What would have happened to us if you hadn't come along?" Chihon asked.

  "If you know what to do, you can easily survive one of these storms," Yaleu said. "If you are ignorant or foolish, the wind and sand will strip the meat from your bones leaving nothing for the scavengers. You were fortunate we came along when we did.

  "You don't look foolish, but you are ignorant of our ways. What brings you out in the middle of the wasted lands?"

  "We're looking for a Wizard and Prince who was captured by the Temple," Chihon said. "We're headed to Amedon to try to get help in locating them. We were told there were people here who could help us."

  "Then it's a good thing that you made it," Yaleu said. "We have the wisest and best educated advisers in any land. In our isolation, we have ample time to investigate the wonders of the physical universe, study the ways of magic and ponder the imponderable mysteries of life. You will find that three of the most prestigious universities in the entire world reside inside our walls. We will take you to them. They will be able to help you."

  "Do you think they can help? No one else has," Chihon asked.

  "I am certain they can help," Yaleu said. "The school of science is very advanced. They have machines that can do things you have never even dreamed of. If they cannot help you, the school of magic has discovered ancient and powerful spells that are unknown outside of their walls. And if they both fail you, there is always the school of mysteries."

  "The school of mysteries?" Chihon asked. "What do they teach?"

  "Oh, they don't teach anything, they only ask questions. Let's hope you get the answers you seek."

  Yaleu stood and bowed to Chihon, then Lorit. "Please be our guests. The inn keep has been paid. You are our guests for as long as it takes to get the answers you so desperately seek."

  Lorit woke just as the day was beginning to brighten. He saw that Chihon was still asleep and decided to break his fast alone. As he snuck out of the room, Ulera rushed down the hall towards him. He raised his hand in salute.

  "Good morning," Lorit said. "Would you like to join me for the morning meal?"

  "No time. I have come to escort you to see the Master of Magic," Ulera said. "He sent a runner to me asking that I find you and bring you to the Academy as quickly as I could."

  Ulera led Lorit outside and down the street until they reached the Academy. It was a large marble building adorned with crystals and gemstones. Along the entryway were carvings and statues of ancient Wizards leaning on their staffs. A pair of large wooden doors stood open offering entry into a massive foyer.

  Inside the foyer sat a young man in a dark blue robe that was decorated with small white stars. He wore a short pointed hat of the same material that folded back, dropping to his collar. He had a short dark beard, and wore spectacles. He was reading a thick book.

  The young man jumped up and came around the desk, grasping Lorit's hand. "You must be Lorit. I was told to expect you. The Master is awaiting you. Please follow me."

  Lorit and Ulera followed him down a series of wide hallways filled with young students dressed much the same as the one at the desk. Their only distinguishing factor was the length of their hats, and the number of stars on their robes. The young man told Lorit that the length of the hat indicated the level of mastery for the student. The stars represented a specific area of study that they had mastered.

  They soon came to a door with a sign above it that read simply 'The Master'. The young man knocked once, paused, knocked twice, and then opened the door. He gestured to Lorit and Ulera to enter.

  The room was filled with bookshelves packed from floor to ceiling. In the center of the room were several tables stacked high with implements of magic. On one table sat a rack containing all manner of powders and liquids. Each rack and each bottle was neatly labeled. Lorit scanned the contents, recognizing many of them from his lessons with Zhimosom.

  Another table had an inlaid ivory circle and a set of ancient, worn bones used for divination. Next to that was a large silver bowl and a pitcher of water. Sitting on a ledge above the bowl was a bottle of black ink. Lorit remembered this from the witch, and he hoped this was not the method the Master proposed to use.

  Behind another table stacked with books and charts was an old man in a dark red robe. His was decorated with so many stars, it was almost white. Lorit expected to see a very tall hat on his head, but it was bare. His white hair spilled down onto his shoulders in waves.

  He stood and reached over the table to take Lorit's hand. "Glad you could make it. Please have a seat."

  He gestured to a place in front of a plate that was laden with fruits, bread, and sliced meats. Next to that was a mug of tea and a glass of fruit juice.

  "Sorry to ask you over so early. I have taken the liberty of having our morning meal brought in so that we can talk while we eat."

  "Thank you, this l
ooks very delicious."

  "Don't wait on me. Please go ahead and eat while I fill you in. I know you are looking for the Wizard and Prince who were taken and are now hidden. The divinations I undertook last night were informative."

  "Have you located Zhimosom?" Lorit took a handful of grapes and popped them into his mouth one at a time while he listened. He hoped that the Master had some good news.

  The Master waved his hands in the air. "We'll get to that later. For now I want you to consider this." He leaned over and passed his hand in front of Lorit's face.

  Lorit just stared at the Master. He wondered why he was waving his hand around like that. He must have a good reason, so Lorit just relaxed and waited for the Master to explain himself. The Master looked over at Ulera and nodded as Lorit ate his fruit, patiently waiting for the Master to continue.

  "Consider this," the Master began again. His voice had a singsong quality to it that Lorit found quite pleasant. He tried to listen, but all he could focus on was how relaxing the voice was and how tired his eyes were.

  "Consider this. You are looking for the Wizard Zhimosom so that you can learn from him in Amedon. You wish to learn the ways of magic and obtain power.

  "You are eager to learn magic and increase your powers. You don't need to travel to Amedon to do that. You can do that right here. You can learn magic from us. You can reach your goal of learning the ways of the Wizards right here.

  "You think you are paired with this woman, Chihon," he explained. "But she is holding you back."

  Lorit considered it. Was Chihon holding him back? He didn't think so, but she had prevented him from taking the magic of the Priest back in Veldwaite when they fought in the park and then again in the Temple. She was always trying to get him to restrain himself, not use his full power, and keep it hidden.

  "That's it. Consider that you could reach your potential a lot sooner if you worked with us, here at the Academy. We are all students here. We all help one another. You don't need to go to Amedon to become a Wizard. You are already a powerful Wizard. You can stay right here and learn with us."


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