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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

Page 9

by Daniel OConnell

  Cabral amazed, asks, “How did they learn so much about our technology?”

  Carla finally speaks, “The T-Challa Queen has infected a high ranking person in the Earth command structure. This allowed her to learn everything we knew.”

  Kitanna confused asks, “Infected who and how?”

  Carla looks over at Abe, lowers her head, and says, “I'm sorry Abe, I didn’t have time to tell you yet. I’m guessing it took place back when the Old T-Challa Queen almost killed her, but your mother carries a piece of the Meli with her. She was completely unaware of it, and it allowed the T-Challa to see everything she saw for years.”

  Sanchez, now understanding Carla’s earlier conversation, asks, “That is why you told General Jackson to have her placed in stasis. What exactly is this Meli?”

  Ronin says, “The Meli is an inter-dimensional being capable of great evil and perhaps one of the most powerful psychic in the universe. She lacks Carla's range and perhaps her overall strength, but it is far wiser in the use of its power than Carla. The Meli currently possesses T-Challa Queen and has controlled it for over three thousand years.”

  Kitanna concerned asks, “I have never been told of this. How could you know this information Ronin?”

  Ronin replies, “General Jackson was somehow given intel on the Meli some time ago, that information was designed to be understood by me alone. Carla had no idea about it, as this data was stored in General Jacksons mind. This appears to have been done without his direct knowledge, so, during one of Carla's many unauthorized scans of General Jackson mind she inadvertently discovered it. I was able to process and understand the information. Carla now shares this information.”

  Kitanna confused asks, “Carla how did you discover this Meli thing now and not over the past decade?”

  Carla reluctantly replies, “When Mama Qui Shi was attacked by the T-Challa Queen over thirteen years ago this Meli must have broken a piece of itself off and hide it within her. It can hide pieces of itself within a person’s mind for ages, so while I was probing one of the T-Challa's mind earlier I came across one of these Meli pieces. I was able to see how they learned everything, and I saw it was Mama Qui Shi, who had been the source of all their information.”

  Abe, visibly concerned asks, “Carla can you remove it from her?”

  Carla, attempting to be confident replies, Yes, Abe, but it’s very dangerous. I may hurt her if I’m not careful, or I could leave her a vegetable or worse, it may kill her, so I have to be very careful.”

  Cabral curious, asks, “Will leaving her in stasis prevent the Meli from learning any more of our intelligence?”

  Carla answers, “Pieces of the Meli are only able to see what the host sees so in stasis the Meli piece is rendered useless to the Queen. Luckily, all the recent information is still on its way to the Meli being relayed through the psychic realm. It takes years for the Meli to finally receive it.”

  Frasier, changing the subject asks, “Kitanna, I would like to test out our combat ability over the next few weeks. I really need to see what these fighters can do, and what this ship can do, especially now that we know our enemy has so much information about us., “

  Sanchez still in awe of Ronin says, “We have only fired the ships cannons a few times. The result was devastating to say the least, but I agree with Captain Frazier. We really need to see what we are capable of.”

  Kitanna asks, “Ronin can you pick out a suitable target for us to test out just what you are capable of.”

  Ronin replies, “Yes, Captain. I can have a small fleet analyzed and attack plan ready within the hour.”

  Carla looks at Kitanna and thinks. Klaus is dead, she’s pregnant with his child, and she is moving on as if nothing has happened. Have we all become so cold to this life that death is just an accepted part of this life?

  Ronin hearing Carla's thoughts asks telepathically, “Mistress, you yourself have made yourself unattached from everyone. The young boy Abe has cared for you like no other yet you treat him as if he was an annoyance, and the young man, Ismail, he has dedicated his life to protecting you just as his father did, and yet you challenge him at every chance. Is this not the ways in which humans act?”

  Carla embarrassed replies, “This war has hardened us Ronnie. It has made us less human, but this is not how we as a people should act.”

  Carla states, “We will be holding a service for the Admiral this evening, as well as all the others that we lost.”

  Kitanna stunned looks over and says, “Carla, I think we can wait a bit for that, at least till we are better prepared to have a service for our lost.”

  Carla sternly says, “Kitanna I was just reminded about what it is to be human, so unlike my father, I won’t force people to do what I want, I am asking. Uncle Klaus was as close to me as any of the crew, he was the youngest of all of you on Paladin and I want to say my goodbyes. Just as I'm sure most of the crew of this ship does.”

  Kitanna smiles and looks up at Carla. Who is still floating in the room and says, “I see Ronin has much in common with his creator Paladin. Ok, we will have a service this evening at eighteen hundred hours on the flight deck. Commander Sanchez, please make the arrangements.”

  The meeting adjourns as Carla stays hovering in the room with Kitanna, who is a little more than concerned about her recent actions, asking, “Carla, why are you just hovering like this? You know it makes some people uncomfortable?”

  Carla simply replies, “Kitanna, I'm just trying to find myself right now, and when I hover I think my best. I normally would just escape into my psychic world. You know, to think things out, but it’s kinda overridden with T-Challa right now so this is the only other thing I can do to relax.”

  Kitanna worried, asks, “How are you handling the change in yourself. Do you need to talk?”

  Carla laughs, saying, “Talking is not a problem Kitanna, if I don’t have everyone out here talking to me. Well, I have Ronnie talking to me in here.” Carla slowly points to her head.

  Kitanna slightly amused asks, “You call Ronin Ronnie?”

  Carla replies, smiling, “Yeah, I'm still a girl. I can call my invisible friend anything I want.”

  The two chuckle as Ronin confused by the statement says, “I'm not invisible. I'm the ship that you’re currently on right now.”

  The two women continue to laugh even harder.

  Ronin still confused replies, “I do not understand the humor here.”

  Elsewhere, down on the hangar deck Frasier and Sanchez inspect the newly created fighters, as Frasier asks, “Commander your opinion on our present condition?”

  Sanchez replies, “Well, sir, it's definitely a mess, but one for which I think that this Ronin and the young Miss Carla will be able to help us overcome.”

  Frasier grimaces and says, “I see.”

  Sanchez noticing his facial expression asks, “Captain, do you have any reservations about anything?”

  Frasier replies, “Too many to list Commander, but in this situation I will learn to deal with them as best I can.”

  Sanchez curious, asks, “I've heard you are very structured in your command sir. Is this alien child and the Earth central military commander's son being placed in the command structure make you uneasy?”

  Frasier obviously annoyed replies, “I joined the Uari military because in my world it is expected by our people. We don’t have many other options in life, and unlike what you may believe, not all of our people look to the great Caleb as a savior, but instead a slave master, one which cultivated us to save his homeworld and his family.”

  Sanchez confused asks, “Sir, what do you mean?”

  Frasier responds, “I have always found it too coincidental that the T-Challa and X'ena war made its way to us when it did. I also find it odd that we were saved by a half alien human hybrid with no regard for the structure of command.”

  Sanchez uncomfortable replies, “Sir, are you one of those truth followers?"

  Frasier annoyed answers, “No C
ommander, I'm not a nut job that follows the words of lunatics. I follow my leader’s orders, but I don’t believe in coincidences either, so I often question just why are we fighting this war.”

  Sanchez curious answers, “Sir, from the information I have read about the T-Challa and this war. I would think that the hundreds of alien races that are now enslaved by the T-Challa have also asked that same question. But by that same token, you yourself would never exist if not for Caleb traveling through time and saving your forefathers and then reseeding them on the Paladonian moons.”

  Frasier seeing that he is not gaining a follower in Sanchez says, “I know my history Commander. We were created to save you Earthers…” Frasier pauses and says, “And to be honest Commander, I don’t see any point in discussing that with an Earther.”

  Sanchez simply smiles and says, “We are all humans Captain Frasier.”

  Frasier stops and looks over at Sanchez, asking, “So Commander, are you willing to give your life for this half breed child?”

  Sanchez humbly replies, “Without hesitation, Captain.”

  Frasier looks dumbfounded at Sanchez as they continue walking down the flight deck.

  Elsewhere, we find Abe with Ismail. Abe is looking at the device left for Carla by her father.

  Ismail innocently asks, “Do you think you can get it to work again?”

  Abe stares at the device in utter amazement and says, “Ismail you’re like a bull in a china shop. You ripped out the main conduit. I'm amazed you didn’t fry yourself, let alone Carla.”

  Ismail aggravated says, “Well the damn thing told me to do it Abe, so can you fix it or not?”

  Abe looks up and says, “Yeah, I can fix it, but it's going to take a long time. Hell man, you fried parts that I have never seen before. I’m going to have to make them somehow and just what some of these parts are made out of, my god, I don’t have any idea. Whatever Caleb did to make this thing is way beyond anything he left in my head to fix.” Abe feeling so overwhelmed continues to look over the device and sighs.

  Several hours later, in the hangar deck, dozens caskets are laid out in the rear of the flight deck, as Kitanna stands on the podium and begins her dedication with the majority of the crew in attendance.

  Ronin is still moving at its top speed while remaining cloaked.

  Kitanna solemn, begins, “We have been pulled together across the universe to fight for our very existence and we have become less human for it. We fight every day to survive, but every day we lose a little piece of ourselves, but for some.” She pauses as she glances at Klaus’s casket, “Well, they lose everything, all while trying to save the dream of humanity that once was.”

  Kitanna pauses, as she looks down one more at the casket holding her husband’s remains. She looks back up, holding back the tears as she concludes, “Today we say goodbye to those that we will never see again. Today we must find our inner strength and continue. To hope someday that this war we fight will end and for whatever reason our families and friends died here today for will not be in vain.”

  The music plays taps. The entire hangar bay comes to attention as the crew salutes the dozens of caskets, which slowly slips past them, and out into the deep dark cold emptiness of space.

  Carla stays back away from everyone, as Ismail stands close by her side. Ronin asks Carla telepathically, “Mistress, I have heard from many people that question you and your purpose in all this. It seems that some look to you as the problem and not the solution. I find it hard to understand why so many fear you and me when all we do is help them?”

  Carla replies telepathically, “Ronnie, since I was old enough to remember I have been feared. For no other reason than I'm different, I’m not like my father. I don’t have his wisdom or patience in dealing with it, and no matter what I do, I will always be compared to him, and I will always be looked upon as something less than him.”

  Ismail noticing Carla being distant asks, “Little Flower, are you trying to look into your psychic world?"

  Carla looks behind her and says, “No Ismail, you don’t need to worry about that. There’s no way I'm going back in there, especially with that many T-Challa around.”

  Ismail curious, asks, “Then what are you doing?”

  Carla irritated, says, “I'm talking with Ronnie if you really need to know, mister busy body.”

  Ismail shakes his head in total disbelief, saying, “I’m just making sure Little Flower, because I can always tell when you’re off floating around.”

  Carla looks over callously at Ismail, asking, “How can you tell mister know it all?”

  Ismail replies, “I have known you since you were four years old. My father cherished you as if you were one of his own, and I have watched over you for as long as I can remember. You Little Flower are like a sister to me, and one that often gets into trouble and much like any big brother I have to watch out for you.”

  Carla tries to sneak into Ismail mind, but is surprised when he says, “Carla, stay out of my head.”

  Carla confused asks, “Ok, how on Earth did you know what I was doing?”

  Ismail smiling says, “I have studied you Little Flower, I can tell when you are using your powers. You make flinches, you twitch, and you breathe differently. I have learned to study each person and quickly learn from them what they are doing and what they are going to do. It is a trait that has been passed on from father to son for generations.”

  Carla smiles and says, “Fine Ismail.”



  The following week, Kitanna is on the Bridge when Ronin reports, “Captain, I have scanned an Earth class planet. It appears to have a small contingency of T-Challa class ships nearby.”

  Kitanna curious, asks, “How long till we are in range?”

  Ronin replies, “Four days at our current speed.”

  Sanchez concerned asks, “Any possibility that they could have a trap planned for us there?”

  Ronin responds, “Seventy-four percent chance that this is a trap Commander Sanchez.”

  Carla trying to be helpful says, “Kitanna if you will let me. I'll try again to fight them out of my psychic world. Maybe see what they have planned for us.”

  Kitanna annoyed simply stares at Carla, saying, “Want to read my mind and see what I'm thinking?”

  Carla smiles back innocently, saying, “You don’t need to be a mind reader to know that answer.”

  Ronin interjects, “From my best telemetry, I have assessed the following possibility. The T-Challa may have a gateway in the area, and as many as hundred cloaked ships, but current scans only show four Dreadnought class ships, and fourteen Heavy class Cruisers, near the planet.”

  Kitanna considering her option’s asks, “Ronin, what is the likelihood we can escape should the area become too hot for us?”

  Ronin replies, “Unable to calculate an accurate figure as too many unknown variables still apply.”

  Kitanna asks, “How long till we are in range of another Earth class planet.”

  Ronin replies, “Six weeks Captain, and it will place us deeper in T-Challa controlled space.”

  Sanchez asks, “Why not send in a group of volunteers to recover supplies using phase-shifters.”

  Frasier enters, hearing Sanchez last statement and says, “We can use those new support fighters; they’re equipped with phase-shift drives.”

  Kitanna thinks for a minute and says, “Captain Frasier, make plans for your operation and have them to me in the morning.”

  Frasier responds, “I already have them ready for you now Kitanna.”

  He tosses them to her on a data crystal, saying, “I started on this as soon as I learned about the phase-shift drive.”

  Kitanna places the crystal in the holotablet next to her, as a holoimage appears, going into detail of Frasier’s plan. She spends the next few minutes studying the data. She then turns her attention to Frasier, saying, “So you want to bring down fourteen of the new support ships to th
e planet. You’re planning to phase directly into the atmosphere, and then using PCD's, have our people recover as many supplies as possible.”

  Frasier smiles arrogantly and says, “Read my emergency plan B.”

  Kitanna looks over the rest of the plan, replying, “Captain we have only a dozen nukes left. I prefer not to use them unless no other option is available to us.”

  Kitanna continues to study over the plan and finally says, “Ok Captain. I will give you two nukes for plan B, but I'm not feeling that warm fuzzy feeling, especially the part about shifting through null space with armed nukes.”

  Frasier smiles, commenting, “Risk is part of the job.”

  Three days later, the crew of Ronin prepare to retrieve supplies from the nearby planet.

  The sensor officer announces, “Captain, I’m picking up multiple life forms on the planet. Some are T-Challa but the rest are coming up as other species, species for which we have no working knowledge of.”

  Ronin states, “The T-Challa are using slaves to strip the planet of its resources. The aliens you are detecting are in my database. These unfortunate creatures encompass several hundred different worlds.” The tactical holoscreen shows over forty different species as Ronin continues, “These aliens are prisoners. Some are very close to death. T-Challa work their slaves till they can no longer work and they will devour them.”

  Frasier unconcerned says, “Well, that's what they get for helping those ugly creatures.”

  Carla annoyed, says, Really, Captain, you think that’s the life they wanted.”

  Frasier disconcerted by Carla replies, “I would rather die than help the T-Challa Hybrid.”


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