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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

Page 25

by Daniel OConnell

  Ronin unconcerned replies, “That’s irrelevant General. My calculations are accurate. You will be at best three weeks behind us to render any possible aid.”

  Benton smiles as he says, “We’ll see you in eight weeks.”

  The following weeks are very sullen, as the Celesta leaves without much fanfare. It takes with it most of the wounded and younger crew. Kitanna, reluctantly surrenders command to Ismail, and heads out on the Celesta. Benton salutes Ismail, and turns to Mohammed and grabs him, holding him, he says, “You better be here when we get back, do you understand me kid.”

  Mohammed smiles and says, “Have faith my brother, as I have faith in you.”

  The Celesta shifts away, heading past the pursuing T-Challa fleets, as Ronin accelerates back to top speed, allowing itself its only chance to bypass the trap.

  The days quickly become weeks, as Carla spends every waking moment working with the Condara’s on psychic battle tactics, or training within the device left behind by her father. Carla is so self-absorbed in all that she has to do. She barely pays any attention to Abe, who has been feverishly working on a strange device, which takes all his time.

  One day Carla brings the Condara’s to train with her in the simulation program. Something they have done for weeks when they encounter Abe leaving the device. Carla disturbed asks, “Abe what the hell are you doing with my training program?”

  Abe unconcerned with Carla objection says, “Your father left me a few messages in there. I needed more information from him to finish my device.”

  Ella curious, asks, “Master Abe, you are very secretive about your work. May I ask what it is that you’re creating?”

  Abe simply smiles and leaves, not saying a word. One of Ella’s sister’s comments, “He does not trust us. I can sense he hides his thoughts better than any human I have encountered thus far.

  Carla sighs and says, “He is just annoying, and he knows how to hide his thought’s because he grew up with me, and since he knows how to hide his thoughts from me. You can be sure hiding his thoughts from you girls is very easy for him.”

  Another Condara asks, “You have asked much of us to aid you in fighting with our god and yet your people all fear us. Why should we continue to help you?”

  Ella turns and says, “Sister, she freed you just as she freed me. Moreover, without her, we would all be dead.”

  Carla suddenly senses a psychic wave flowing through the ship. It possesses no psychic threat, as it is able to bypass Ronin’s shields. It does, however, carry a strange musical tone.

  Carla curious of the event scans the Condara’s thoughts without letting them detecting her. She has done this on numerous occasions before, and continues to do so from time to time, just to make sure they pose no threat. However, this time she senses something changing within them all, a hidden part of them. Something very well disguised, and perhaps even unknown to them. She senses a dual personality that was dormant, and very well concealed, even from Carla, and all her vaunted power.

  Carla now very aware of the possible threat telepathically tells Ronin, “Have Ismail ready the stasis chambers.”

  Carla stops as the Condara still bicker amongst themselves. Carla checks Ella, and notices she does not have the psychic element hidden within her mind, as her sisters now do.

  Carla cautiously smiles as she says, “Excuse me girls, I need to do something. Would you mind waiting here while I’m gone? I’ll only be a minute.”

  The Condara’s stop and look to each other now confused one asks, “Mistress you are leaving us alone?”

  Carla smiles and says, “For only a moment. Can I trust you to wait here?” Carla senses the confusion amongst them as they are always with guards or with her, at all-times. This change in procedure causes something to happen deep within all the Condara’s psyche. That hidden psychic element activates, releasing the alternate preprogrammed personality. This overrides all the Condara’s self-control, and turns them into wild killing animals. Hell bent on destroying Carla. They refocus their psychic energy, and create psychic blades similar to what Carla creates in the psychic realm, but these manifest themselves in the real world. Carla’s eyes go wide as she realizes the threat and tries her best to get away. The mob immediately charges her. Ella rushes between her sisters and Carla as the first two Condara’s swing wide striking Ella, and knocking her across the room, her lifeless body slumps down to the floor.

  Carla in total disbelief at what just happened commands Ronin, “Activate the gravity under them to ten times standard.” The force of ten G’s of gravity immediately strikes all of them, instantly stunning them.

  Carla immediately enters into Ronin, and uses the full extent of her powers. Carla looks into Ella and sees the damage is severe, as she is dying from the attack from her sisters. She says, “I’m sorry Mistress. I don’t know what happened to my sisters. Please forgive them.”

  Carla can see in the psychic world the approaching light, a light that she has now seen many times before.

  Carla, clearly upset, and in tears, as she realizes Ella is dying. She tries her best to contain Ella’s psychic mind, but the damage is too severe.

  Ella, dying asks, “Carla am I dying?”

  Carla does all she can to try to hold Ella’s psychic mind together. She cries out, saying, “I’m so sorry Ella. I can’t keep you from dying, I’m not my father.”

  Ella confused, says, “Please tell master Ismail not to blame my sisters, and that I will miss him.”

  With that, Ella passes, dying quietly as the bright light envelops her.

  Carla enraged lashes out in a massive psychic wave and directs it at the T-Challa homeworld.

  Carla is so enraged and so full of emotion. She empowers herself like never before, and her psychic force ripples across the psychic realm.

  Carla exhausted reverts from her psychic avatar form in the real world, and lies next to Ella’s lifeless body.

  Ismail and Mohammed rush in with the security forces directly behind. They immediately see the unconscious Condara’s, and Carla, holding Ella in her lap as she sobs uncontrollably.

  Ismail confused asks, “Carla what has happened to Ella?”

  Carla crying says, “I’m sorry Ismail.” Carla sobs, saying, “The Meli hid some alternate personality in the Condara’s mind. Somehow, she activated it, and before I could stop them, they attacked me. Ella threw herself in-between us, and they killed her.”

  Ismail now very somber reaches down, and lifts Ella’s lifeless body into his arms. He looks painfully into her eye’s, and as his eyes swell up, he yells, “NOOOOOO!”

  He collapses as he holds her deeply in his arms. After a few minutes, Mohammed walks to him, saying, “Son, I know she was close to you, and I know you don’t believe as I, but know that I believe she is at peace now. Perhaps you have to have some faith in that.”

  Ismail enraged pulls his plasma rifle, then stands and says as he walks over to the unconscious Condara, “I have no faith, Father, and as long as I see senseless death such as this I may never believe in anyone. You know what I see father? What I can truly see? All I see here is a bunch of cloned assassins.”

  Mohammed steps in-between his son and the unconscious Condara’s and says, “Son these are her sisters. You cannot slaughter them.”

  Ismail looks at his father in total rage and says, “Move father, these creatures don’t deserve life.”

  Carla interrupts and pulls Ismail and Mohammed into her psychic realm. She does not speak. Instead, she simply replays Ella’s last moments with Carla.

  Ismail breaks down watching her die.

  Mohammed places his hands on his son’s shoulders and says to his son, “She would not approve of revenge, especially on her sisters.”

  Carla returns them to their bodies, as Ismail now unemotional says to the security team, “Place them all in stasis. They will stay there until we can figure out what to do with them.”

  Carla looks to Ismail and says, “I’m sorry Ismail. I kn
ow she cared for you very much.”

  Mohammed, who is standing next to Ismail asks, “Carla, I just realized that you will now be alone against the T-Challa Queen and her psychic warriors?”

  Carla simply replies, “I’ll be fine Mohammed. I can do this.”

  Ismail, trying to maintain control asks, “Carla do you have to face the Queen? Can you not just stay in our realm and deflect her psychic attacks?”

  Carla answers, “Against her assassin I can hide yes, but not against the Queen. Her powers are limited only in range. Not in power, and her power rivals my own, but don’t worry Ismail. I have beaten her before, and I can do so again.”

  Ismail looks to her and says, “I have had enough of death this journey.”

  Mohammed turns to his son and says, “She is her father’s daughter. You have to believe she can succeed.”

  Ismail looks to his father and replies, “Believe yes, but I trained her from the moment she could be trained, and never has she shown the dedication to her destiny. Now that it is thrust upon her, I have my doubts.”

  Carla replies, “My destiny has many paths Ismail. Don’t worry, I will succeed.”

  A week passes, as Ismail deals with his loss. Carla continues her training alone. On this day, Carla transfers herself back into her psychic avatar merging with Ronin. She then transfers herself to the training area, where the device left by her father is kept. She enters it for the first time not separating herself from the ship and in doing so; it connects the ship and the device, allowing the transfer of all the information.

  Carla is shocked at the connection, as she is flooded with millions of images, as well as the full knowledge of her powers. Then a recording of Caleb appears, saying, “Well, child it took you long enough to finally access the full potential of your power. Now by connecting the device and yourself through Ronin all that I have is now part of you. It will take time for you to sort through it all, and I am now aware that you are now charging to face the Meli. You should know that inside the Meli is a small part of T-Challa Queen. She still lies imprisoned within her, and just as I found a small part of your soul still in you when we were trapped in the future. You may be able to access that part of the Queen to possibly help you, but be very aware. That small part was created to be evil. The Meli trapped it within a psychic prison and her only goal will be to seek revenge.

  Carla, you must also be aware that the Meli cannot be killed. It can only be contained, and once freed from the Queen. The Meli will come for you.

  Remember Little Flower the Meli feeds on pain and suffering. It makes it stronger.” The holoimages spools through the recording and the interactive image reappears and states, “Abe has been working with me on creating a psychic bomb. The power it will release will be deadly, and may harm you as well if you’re within the realm when it detonates. I hope that it will level the playing field against the Queen and her psychic assassins. You will need to lure them all into the plane. Be aware Carla that the psychic bomb can be detected. So you should focus on shielding it from them for as long as you can.”

  Carla feels the knowledge melding with her and she asks, “If you could have linked with me in this manner from the start why didn’t you tell me about it?”

  The image replies, “It was your father’s will to have you discover everything by yourself. He did not want you to rely on this device for everything, as you must learn how to think for yourself, and you should know this device has many other surprises, and one that may soon come into play with the battle ahead.”

  The device deactivates as Carla is separated from Ronin appearing in front of the device.

  Ronin says, “Mistress the device has downloaded so much information. It will take me several days to sort through it all.”

  Carla annoyed, says, “You do that Ronnie. I need to have a few words with Abe on his secret project.”

  Carla heads down to Abe’s workshop near engineering. She easily finds him working on a strange device. He pays little attention to her as he hurries to complete it.

  Carla very annoyed, asks, “So is this your psychic bomb you’re making?”

  Abe unconcerned looks up and replies, “I see it told you what I’m doing.”

  Carla even more annoyed states, “Abe they know how to build those things. They used one on me and I’m sure they will be able to escape from them like I can.”

  Abe still working on the device smiles, saying, “Yeah, I’m sure they know how to make psychic bombs, but not one like this.”

  Carla now concerned asks, “Just what kind of bomb is this?”

  Abe replies, “Well, according to your dad, it was designed to kill you. It’s not like the little bombs that you have come across before. This one is on a scale that would make those look like firecrackers, and if you’re in the psychic plane when it goes off, it can kill you too.”

  Carla in shock asks, “You built this to kill me?”

  Abe stops and puts his arms across the device, smiling, he jokes, “Yeah, do you like it?”

  Abe stares at Carla, smiling for a moment as she finally realizes he is being sarcastic, she asks, “Funny toad boy, so what are you going to do with it?”

  Abe replies, Well, I didn’t want you to know about it just in case the Queen was able to read your thoughts, but I guess I have to hope you can keep this device hidden from her.” Abe pulls up his holoscreen and shows Carla how the device works, saying, “This isn’t like the psychic bombs you have encountered before. It can destroy anything within the psychic plane for hundreds of sectors in every direction, and it can’t be detected very easily.”

  Carla confused asks, “Will it kill the Meli?”

  Abe replies, “No, the Meli is an inter-dimensional being that can’t be killed by any means that we possess, but it will destroy its bond with the T-Challa Queen and should stun it.”

  Carla sighs and says, “Abe, if the Meli is freed from the Queen it will try to take me over just as it did in the alternate timeline.”

  Abe smiles, saying, “Yeah, your father knew that when he gave me the design of this bomb.”

  Carla even more confused now asks, “So you’re not kidding when you said that you made this to kill me?”

  Abe shakes his head in disgust, saying, “How the hell are you supposed to be so smart and yet so dumb.” Abe stops, looks over at Carla and says, “Carla you are my best friend and you mean more to me than anyone in the universe. Including myself, if I could take your place I would but I can’t, and you should know by now that your father has planned for virtually every option, including separating the Meli from you.”

  Carla shakes her head and asks, “Well, what is it?”

  Abe goes back to the bomb and says, “If the device didn’t tell you, I can’t tell you Carla. Just trust in me and your father, please.”

  Carla decides to look into Abe’s mind to see just what is going on, but discovers he is wearing a Paladonian psychic blocker. She yells, “Abe, you annoying little twit! Just what is the plan, and why are you hiding your thoughts.”

  Abe sighs heavily, saying as he keeps working, “Ask the device Carla, please.”

  Angry, Carla leaves, and heads back to her training room.

  On the Bridge, Mohammed looks over tactical with Commander Sanchez, asking, “Commander Sanchez, our course shows that we will be passing near one of the T-Challa gateways. Have we taken into consideration that we may be setting ourselves into a larger trap?”

  Sanchez says, “Sir, I looked over every option, and it is more than likely a trap, but then again our options are less than favorable.” Sanchez pulls up the course on the holoscreen, which they are heading through, explaining, “We are moving faster than any T-Challa ship has a hope of attaining. We will soon reach this point near the T-Challa home system.” Sanchez stops to indicate the T-Challa system, and Ronin’s current course. He continues, “We will have to pass through several heavy armored defense stations, and pray we can survive that. After which, we will face over three hun
dred T-Challa ships. Some of which we have never faced before, and from the data we recovered from that T-Challa Super Dreadnought, they are very formidable ships indeed, but as bleak as this sound Commander Shi Reis. We are moving at such speed that we may actually be able to outrun most of these ships, but only if Carla can just hold them off long enough for us to escape.”

  Mohammed curious, asks, “You believe in her ability Commander?”

  Sanchez smirks replying, “The young lady shows the courage of her father, a man I have grown to admire, and if any part of his blood flows through her veins. Then I believe our chances are very good.”

  Mohammed smiles, saying, “Her father is a great man.”

  Sanchez confused asks, “Is sir? You believe he Admiral Ocoda is still alive?”

  Mohammed smiles, saying, “Yes, Commander I do, I very much believe that my brother Caleb is very much alive.”

  Ismail hearing his father last statement says, “If he is father, we sure could use his great leadership, and his mighty ship right now.”

  Mohammed smiles and says, “Don’t worry my son, you will lead us through this, and we will all survive because of your great leadership.”

  Mohammed puts his hand on his son’s shoulder and bows his head. He then walks off towards the lift, exiting the Bridge.

  Sanchez curious, asks, “Commander, may I ask a question?”

  Ismail somewhat preoccupied replies, “Yes Miguel, ask whatever you want, and please call me Ismail.”

  Sanchez asks, “Ismail, your father’s faith in his belief, and friends is very inspiring, but I have never seen you look to your faith for guidance, why is this?”

  Ismail sighs and asks, “I have long passed by my faith Miguel. You have grown up in this time and seen what I have seen. Do you not question why God, be he a Muslim, Jewish, or Christian, choose only us to spread his word amongst the stars? When so many other races exist, and not one of them has ever encountered his words, or his prophets?”

  Sanchez smiles and says, “You’re a realist Ismail. My brother is one as well, but I believe that God did intend for us to spread his word across the stars. That we are here for that purpose, and that is why we have endured, why we have survived, and perhaps his prophets are us, and it is our mission to spread his words to all.”


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