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The Brooding Surgeon's Baby Bombshell

Page 3

by Susan Carlisle

Except Gabe had said he wanted to talk. Would he be making demands? She had been surprised by the ferocity in his tone when he’d stated he would be in his child’s life. Where had that come from? Especially after he’d told her he wasn’t interested in a family. It must have been the shock of learning he was going to be a father. That was all it was.

  She had just settled her shaking body in the chair when the moderator called the meeting back to order. Gabe slipped into his chair a minute later with an apologetic nod in the chairperson’s direction. Zoe refused to meet his look, the one she felt on her. The rest of the day would be long. Picking up her pen, she doodled on a page of her agenda to keep herself from glancing at him. The few times she dared to look, his thoughtful light blue gaze was fixed on her. She still found him attractive.

  At their lunch break, Gabe started her way but was stopped by someone asking him a question. That gave her the chance to grab her meal and hurry back to her place, avoiding interacting with him again.

  By midafternoon the meeting was ending. Zoe hadn’t heard much of it. She had been busy berating herself for failing to think through the consequences of not telling Gabe sooner.

  “Dr. Marks,” the chairperson said, and the room erupted in clapping.

  Zoe’s head jerked up. What had just been said? She gave a half-hearted pat of her hands as she watched Gabe. He smiled, nodding, as he looked around the room.

  His gaze met hers briefly before he said, “Thank you. I look forward to becoming the head of transplants at National Hospital.”

  The earlier fluttering in her stomach took off like a covey of quail. Gabe would be moving to the East Coast. To the same area as her!

  She stared at him in disbelief.

  He shrugged.

  The rest of the people in the room stood and gathered their belongings. Zoe didn’t move. She’d believed Gabe would be three thousand miles away when he’d talked about being involved with their child. Now he would just be down the road. He might want to see the baby not only during the summer, while taking a few weeks of annual vacation, but regularly. He could even want part-time custody. This situation was spinning out of her control.

  By the time she pulled her thoughts together, the room was practically empty. Gabe was still being congratulated by a couple of people when she was ready to go. In a stupor of shock, she snatched up her purse and grabbed the suitcase handle, hurrying out, unable to think clearly. Gabe had upended her envisioned future as a happy single parent.


  She looked over her shoulder to see him striding toward her, and walked faster.

  “Wait up,” he called.

  “I need to catch my plane.” She had too much to process. Needed time to think.

  Gabe pulled level with her. “But we need to talk.”

  “If you wanted to talk so badly, why didn’t you tell me you had accepted a job that had you moving for all intents and purposes into my backyard?”

  His mouth gaped in shock as he grabbed her arm, forcing her to stop.

  “Maybe because I was too busy trying to recover from the bomb you dropped on me.”

  He did have her there. She inhaled and said on the exhalation, “I think we both need some time to consider what we need to do.” His touch made her tremble, triggering memories of his hands all over her that night. How was she supposed to think?

  “I already know what I want,” he snapped. “I intend to be as much a part of my child’s life as possible.”

  “Does it matter what I want?” Zoe jerked free, took hold of her luggage handle again and started out of the hotel attached to the airport by a tunnel that led under the street.

  Gabe matched her stride. “You didn’t think I’d want to know my child, did you?”

  “I thought you deserved to know he or she existed, but I never imagined you’d want to be involved as closely as you’re talking about.” She kept increasing her pace, lugging her bag behind her. “You made it perfectly clear you weren’t family material before we went to bed together.”

  “Oho, so that’s it. You didn’t think I’d care about being a father. It so happens that now that I am one I intend to be one. You have a problem with that?”

  “I don’t know. I might if you keep applying this much pressure all the time,” she hissed.

  “If I keep... You’ve had months to adjust to having a child. I only just learned I’m going to be a father.” His frustration was loud and clear.

  Guilt assaulted her. “I’m sorry about that. It wasn’t fair, but you can’t expect me to make a life-changing decision for my child while I’m on the way to the airport.”

  They continued through the tunnel into the terminal. Gabe remained beside her, larger than life. Why couldn’t he give her some space? She was already tied in emotional knots. She needed to get away, get home and regroup.

  Zoe had other things to consider besides Gabe’s newly found parental outrage. Her friend had just sent a text to say that her mom was anxious, constantly searching the apartment and asking for Zoe.

  Her thoughts were too scattered. She needed to consider carefully everything she said or agreed to. What happened would affect her and her child forever. “Gabe, I’m not talking about this right now. You’re moving across the country and you need time to get settled into your new job before you agree to shoulder the responsibilities of fatherhood. Responsibilities you need to carefully weigh first. Meanwhile, I need time to handle other issues in my life.”

  “Is there someone else involved here?” His question was a demand. “Are you involved with someone?”

  “No, nothing like that.” She glanced at Gabe in time to see him visibly relax. What did it matter to him if she had a boyfriend—or a lover, for that matter?

  He touched her elbow to steady her when she rocked back as they headed up the escalators to the security area. Heat zipped through her. “You need to hold the handrail.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Pregnancy doesn’t make me feeble-minded.” She’d covered her reaction to him with feistiness she didn’t completely feel as she pulled her arm from his hand.

  “Neither does it mean you shouldn’t be careful or unwilling to accept help.”

  Zoe’s look met his. Gabe’s didn’t waver. He appeared sincerely concerned. She had to admit it was nice to have someone care about her welfare. So much of her life revolved around helping others, her patients and her mother. Being worried over was a pleasant change. They stepped off the escalator and continued down the concourse. “I promise I’ll be careful.”

  She looked ahead. A young woman with a baby strapped to her chest was pushing a rented luggage cart piled high with bags. Standing on the front, holding on, was a boy of about four. Seconds before they passed Zoe, the cart wobbled and the boy fell backward onto the unforgiving floor with a sickening thud. The mother screamed as blood flowed.

  Even as the accident registered in Zoe’s mind, Gabe was down on one knee beside the child. The boy’s screeching echoed off the high glass ceiling as the mother pushed Gabe’s shoulder in her effort to reach the boy.

  He half turned, catching hold of her as he said in a level, calm manner, “Ma’am, I’m a doctor. Don’t move him. You could make it worse. What’s his name?”

  “Bobby. Bobby’s his name,” the woman said between crying huffs.

  “Bobby, hush. I’m Dr. Gabe. I’m going to help you.” Gabe continued to speak softly and reassuringly to the boy.

  Zoe noticed a diaper bag sitting on top of the woman’s luggage pile. Grabbing it, she opened it and searched until she found a diaper. Laying it as flat as possible on the floor, she carefully slipped it beneath the boy’s head, then held his head steady to stop him from squirming.

  Gabe nodded to her then said, “Bobby, I need to see if you’re hurt anywhere else. Your mom’s right here. She can hold your hand, but you must be

  The boy’s crying quieted, although tears continued to roll down his face.

  A crowd circled them yet Gabe’s full attention remained focused on the child.

  The mother moved to the opposite side of the boy, going down on her knees beside Zoe. Taking his small hand, she said, “I’m here, honey.” The baby on her chest started to cry and she patted her on the bottom. “Don’t cry, Bobby. You’re making me and Susie cry too.”

  The boy gave her a sad smile. His chest shuddered as he struggled to stop sobbing. The mother’s eyes were wild with fear as she stared expectantly at Gabe.

  “Bobby, do you have a dog?” he asked, reaching for and pulling his suitcase to him.

  “Uh-huh.” The boy grew quiet and watched Gabe.

  Nimbly, Gabe unzipped a side pocket and removed a stethoscope. “What’s his name?”


  “Marty—that’s a good name for a dog. Did you give it to him?”

  Zoe shifted closer to the mother. Placing her fingers on the pulse of the boy’s wrist, Zoe checked his heart rate.

  “One-ten,” she told Gabe. Thankfully it wasn’t very high.

  Zoe looked up to see a security guard hurrying in their direction. When he arrived she said, “I’m a nurse and he’s a doctor.” She nodded in the direction of Gabe. “Call 911. This boy needs to be seen at a hospital.”

  Thankfully the man didn’t waste time arguing and spoke into his radio.

  Meanwhile Bobby was saying, “No, my mom did. I wanted to name him Purple.”

  Gabe grinned. “Purple. That’s an interesting name. Is he a purple dog?” While he spoke to the boy in a low tone, Gabe listened to his heart, checking his pulse and looking into his eyes.

  “There’s no such thing as a purple dog,” the boy stated. “It’s my favorite color.”

  Gabe chuckled and patted Bobby on the shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll be playing with Marty soon.” He spoke to the mother. “I think he’ll be fine, but he may have a concussion and need to stay in the hospital overnight for observation.”

  Blinking, she swiped away the wetness on one cheek.

  “I’ll see that you’re taken care of. Don’t worry,” Gabe assured her.

  Seconds later the emergency medical techs arrived. They relieved Zoe and she stood. Her hands were a mess and one of the techs handed her a wet towel to clean them.

  Gabe had been tender with Bobby, even able to distract him, which was a talent in itself. He showed promise at being a good father. Caring concern was every bit as evident in his interaction with the boy and mother as it had been during the night they had shared. Maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to accept him as part of her and the baby’s life. If he was truly serious about it. Her fear was that when reality set in he might change his mind. Right now, he was just being noble.

  Gabe was busy giving the EMTs a report about what had happened when Zoe found her bag and headed to the nearest restroom to wash her hands. When she came out, Gabe stood nearby.

  She checked her watch and shook her head. “I have to go. It’s almost time for my plane. I have to get home.”

  He didn’t look pleased with her putting him off once again. “I’ll be in touch.”

  “Okay.” She pulled a card from her purse and handed it to him. “My phone number is on it. ’Bye, Gabe.”


  TWO DAYS LATER Gabe was on his way out of surgery when his phone rang. “Hey, Mom.”

  “Hey yourself. I’ve not heard from you in weeks.” His mother sounded eager to talk.

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “Too busy to check in with your mother?” Her tone held a teasing note but there was also some scolding as well.

  “I’ve been trying to wrap up things here. Planning a move at the same time has kept me tied up.” Along with finding out he would soon be a father...

  “I’m so proud of you and pleased you’ll be moving closer. I don’t see enough of you.”

  With his schedule, he couldn’t promise it would be much different, but he did need to tell her about the baby. At least that would make her happy. “Mom, I’m glad you called. I’ve got some news.”

  “I hope it’s good?”

  “It is. I’m going to be a father.” Even though he’d had a couple of days to adjust to the idea, the words still sounded strange.

  “You are! I didn’t even know you were seeing anyone!”

  Gabe chuckled. His mother was as excited to hear the news as he had expected she would be. “I’m not really.” He didn’t want to get into it.

  “Okay... Well, when is she due?”

  “Sometime after the first of the year.”

  His mother shot back, “You don’t know the exact date? Is it a boy or a girl?”

  He really didn’t know much. He and Zoe were going to have to really talk. Today. “I’ll have to ask Zoe.”

  “I’m guessing she’s the mother?” Curiosity filled her voice.

  “Yes, her name is Zoe Avery.”

  “Where did you meet her?”

  “At a professional meeting.” He wasn’t surprised his mother was full of questions.

  “Gabe, I’m guessing this wasn’t planned?” It sounded more like a question than a statement.

  “It wasn’t, but we’re working all that out.” His pager went off. He was needed in ICU. “Mom, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you soon. I promise.”

  “Okay. I love you, son.”

  His mother might not have been around much, but he had known he was loved. His child would at least know Gabe cared, even if he couldn’t be there for him all the time. He’d learned early from his mother that sacrifices were necessary to survive and succeed in a profession. That focus was important to get what you wanted. For him, that was to build a renowned liver-transplant program.

  He checked on his patient in ICU the nurse had paged him about and increased the dosage of pain medicine, before giving instructions to his physician’s assistant to notify him if there were additional issues. Then he headed to his office for some privacy. It was time he and Zoe had that overdue conversation. He just hoped she wouldn’t try to evade it. They needed to discuss things whether she liked it or not.

  She answered on the second ring.

  “Zoe. It’s Gabe. Please don’t hang up.”

  “I wasn’t going to.” The soft voice that he’d know anywhere as Zoe’s sounded distracted.

  “Uh... How’re you doing?” He felt like a teen calling a girl for the first time. It mattered too much.

  “I’m fine.”

  His chest tightened. She didn’t sound like it. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m fine and so is the baby.”

  He was relieved to hear that. It amazed him how quickly she and his unborn child had become so important to him. “Uh, what’s the baby’s due date?” He’d been so shocked to learn she was pregnant he’d not thought to ask earlier.

  “January twenty-second.”

  “My father was born in January.” He shook his head. That was an odd statement. He’d not thought of that in a long time. “Do you know what it is yet?”

  “No. I’ll find out soon.”

  “You’ll let me know as soon as you do?” Why should he want to hear so badly? How much time would he spend being a father anyway? More than Zoe apparently thought he should. Fatherhood wasn’t what he’d planned for his life but now he had to adjust and adapt. He was determined to be the best father he could be.

  “I will if you want me to.”

  He would like to tell his mother the sex. She would be so excited. Would start buying clothes. “Zoe, how did this happen?”

  She tittered. “Why, Doctor, I thought you, of all people, understood the birds and the bees.”

  The Zoe with a sense of humor had returned. This was gro
und he was comfortable on. He huffed. “I don’t mean the physical process. I thought you had things handled.”

  “I thought so too. I guess the pill failed.” She sighed. “Or maybe the condom was bad. I don’t know. I just know I’m pregnant. I’m sorry, Gabe. I realize this isn’t what you wanted.”

  It wasn’t, but he could tell by her tone that she hadn’t planned it either. “Maybe not, but I’ll deal with it. Meet my responsibilities.”

  “This baby needn’t ruin your life. I have things handled. I can raise it. I want to. There’s no reason for you to change your lifestyle because of us. I know this wasn’t in your life plan.”

  “You’re not going to handle this alone. I’m here to help. I should help.”

  In the background, a woman called Zoe’s name. Was that her mother?

  “I’ll be right there, Mom,” Zoe said in an exasperated tone.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. And no.” Zoe sounded bone weary. “Mom’s Alzheimer’s has really progressed. She’s more confused these days. More demanding.”

  The faint sounds of Zoe’s name being shouted again reached Gabe’s ear.

  “Sorry but I’ve got to go,” Zoe said. “’Bye.”

  The click of them being disconnected was the last he heard.

  The next day between surgeries he couldn’t stop himself from texting her.

  Is there a good time for me to call?

  A few minutes later he received her reply.

  Tonight. No later than ten-thirty my time. I have an early meeting in the morning.

  Gabe typed back.

  Will call at ten.

  He needed to discuss his trip to her part of the world the next weekend. He would be looking for a house and wanted her to set aside some time to see him and discuss the baby’s future.

  His phone buzzed. He was needed in the emergency department. There had been a car accident. It turned out that his patient was a teenage girl who required surgery right away.

  Hours later, Gabe left the operating room and checked his phone. He groaned. It was already after ten-thirty. Remorse filled him. He’d promised Zoe he would call her earlier. This was just another example of why he shouldn’t have a family. He was so focused on his job. A wife and children deserved better than leftovers and afterthoughts. He would soon be a father. Where was he going to find the time? He had to show Zoe how serious he was about being a parent.


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