The Brooding Surgeon's Baby Bombshell

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The Brooding Surgeon's Baby Bombshell Page 13

by Susan Carlisle

  The buzzing of his phone woke him. He was needed at the hospital. Only hazy sunlight was coming through the windows when he slid out of bed. Minutes later he was ready to leave when he leaned over and kissed the still sleeping Zoe. He wanted to climb back in beside her but he was being pulled away. He took a moment to watch her. Would it always be this way for him? Leaving her behind? What was he allowing to happen? If he could stop it, would he?

  But what would he have missed if Zoe hadn’t come into his life?

  With the tip of his finger, he pushed a stray lock of hair off her cheek and forced himself to walk out of the room.

  Zoe woke to cool sheets beside her, but the hot memories of the night before had her whole body still tingling. The room was bright with light. She jerked to a sitting position. Apparently she had overslept. She didn’t ever do that. Making her way to her room for her phone, she called in and told the office she would be in soon.

  She stepped into the bath and saw the bag sitting on the counter. Unable to resist, she peeked inside. A smile spread across her face. How like a man. Not wanting to spoil Gabe’s surprise, she took the bag to the kitchen and placed it on the table. On the counter, she found a note.

  Honey, I’ll bring dinner home.

  Honey. The word was like golden sunshine on a cloudy morning.

  Zoe went through the day with a smile on her face. More than one person at her office commented on how happy she looked. She just smiled and kept her reason to herself. Saying why might make it disappear, and even if she did, what could she say? That she was in love with a man she wasn’t sure was in love with her. Their relationship wasn’t any more secure than it had been before. With her past, she’d learned the bitter lesson that not everything was always the way it appeared.

  Gabe invaded her thoughts in every spare moment. Had they turned a corner where things would be different between them? Could they, would they find a future? Did Gabe want to? The baby was a life-changing event in their lives and she couldn’t help but hope last night had been as well.

  He’d given so completely, been so tender and caring during their lovemaking. There had been none of the frenzy of their first time, but the experience had been just as satisfying. The night had included passion but it had been wrapped in caring, sharing, getting to know each other on a level like never before. Had Gabe been expressing his feelings through his actions?

  She could only hope. Yet a nagging fear remained that it might go away in the reality of everyday life. Zoe pushed away the negativity, determined to enjoy what they had shared and what she hoped would be between them in the future. She planned to make the most of Gabe’s attentions for as long as they lasted, even if it was only for a few months. Her mother’s illness and her father’s defection had taught her not to take any day for granted. She would grasp all the happiness she could.

  * * *

  It was late afternoon when she arrived home. As she suspected, Gabe wasn’t yet there. It was such a nice day and she’d been inside too much of it, so she planned to take a walk around the neighborhood. Zoe had reached the bottom of the driveway when Gabe pulled in.

  Her heart fluttered just at the sight of him.

  He stopped and rolled down the window. “Hi.”

  Zoe couldn’t help feeling nervous and a little shy. “Hey.”

  He watched her too closely for her comfort. “What’re you up to?”

  “I was going for a walk.” She shifted from one foot to the other.

  Gabe smiled. “Give me a sec and I’ll go with you.”

  She wasn’t sure but she was afraid she might have looked at him as if he was from another planet. That had been the last thing she’d expected out of his mouth. “Won’t dinner get cold?”

  “It’ll need to be warmed up anyway.”

  “Okay.” Wasn’t this the man who’d said he didn’t have time for family? Now he was home early, with dinner in his hand, and he wanted to go for a walk? It was too good to be true.

  He continued on up the drive. She walked behind him and waited at the porch while Gabe parked. Zoe watched as he strolled toward her with a sense of pride. Gabe was a tall, handsome male with a swagger of confidence that made him even sexier. The collar of the light blue shirt that matched his eyes was open and the sleeves were rolled up on his forearms. His pants were classic and fit him to perfection. All of this magnificence was hers. Gabe could be any woman’s dream, but he was hers to enjoy.

  When he reached her, he smiled and took her hand. “So how was your day?”

  She was still uncertain around him. After all the emotion of the night before, he seemed so calm when she was still walking as if on clouds. “Good. I stopped by to see Mom on the way home. She’s doing about the same. How about yours?”

  “The usual—but I do have some news I think you’ll like.”

  She looked at him. “What?”

  “The committee agreed to list Mr. Luther.”

  She grabbed his arm, stopping him. “That’s wonderful. Thank you!” She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him.

  He pulled her close. “None of it was really my doing. The committee all voted yes after the social worker and psychiatrist had spoken to him. He assured them that he’d do what he needed to do.”

  “Still, you were the one who agreed to see him in the first place.” If she had believed him wonderful before, he was her hero now.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Gabe was so humble about what he did for other people. Just another reason she was crazy about him.

  They continued down the sidewalk, their hands clasped between them.

  “You know, I’ve never taken you for a person who might enjoy a walk around the neighborhood. But I like it that you came with me.”

  “I can be full of surprises.” Gabe squeezed her hand.

  He was. Just a few weeks ago she would have sworn this day would never happen.

  They walked a couple of blocks and turned around. As they did so, Gabe said, “I called my mother today. Told her we were having a boy. She was excited. Said she was looking forward to meeting you.”

  What did his mother think about their situation? “I look forward to meeting her too.”

  That worrying thought was interrupted by someone calling, “Hi.”

  Zoe looked to see an older couple standing near a manicured flower bed.

  She and Gabe stopped.

  The balding man, followed by his wife, stepped closer to the walk. “You must be our newest neighbor. The one who moved into the brick house with the curved drive.”

  “Yes, sir, that’s us,” Gabe said, offering his hand to the man. The man took it and they shook. “I’m Gabriel Marks.” He put his arm at her waist and said, “And this is Zoe.”

  The way he left the introduction implied that they were married. Zoe wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Had Gabe just not wanted to go into the details of their relationship at a casual meeting?

  “I’m Richard Mills, and this is my wife, Maggie.”

  “It’s nice to meet you both,” Gabe said.

  Maggie stepped closer and smiled. “I see that you’re expecting a little one.”

  Zoe placed her hand on her middle. “Yes. He’s due in a couple of months.”

  “A little boy. How wonderful. We’ll need to get the neighbors together and give y’all a baby shower.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet but not necessary.” Zoe didn’t want to have to go into explaining her and Gabe’s relationship. The bubble of happiness she’d had minutes before had popped.

  “We could make it a block party and shower. It’d be a wonderful way for everyone to meet each other.” Her enthusiasm made her voice higher. “It’d be a lot of fun.”

  Zoe just smiled.

  Maggie continued, “A lot of us who live around here are grandparents but our grandkids are no long
er small. To have small children around will be wonderful. Ooh, to get to buy one of those cute little outfits.” She all but rubbed her hands together in glee.

  Zoe felt like a fraud. This couple thought her and Gabe were a happy couple in the process of becoming a happy family. She wished it was true. But Gabe had said nothing about that happening.

  Gabe’s smile had turned tight. “We need to head home. We’ve supper waiting for us.”

  “Great to meet you,” Richard said. “See you soon.”

  “You too,” Gabe said, as they started down the sidewalk.

  “They seemed like nice people,” Zoe said quietly. “They think we’re married.”

  “Yeah, I suspect they do.” Gabe didn’t look at her while matching his pace to hers.

  What was he thinking? Some of the joy of the day had dimmed. They continued in silence until they were in front of his house. She wanted their earlier camaraderie back. “I enjoyed our walk.”

  “I did too.”

  Zoe gave him a suspicious look. “What’s happening to you?”


  “I’d have never guessed the always-busy type A doctor would’ve ever said something like that.”

  He grinned. “Could be you’re a good influence on me.”

  Did she really have that kind of effect on him?

  As they entered the house through the carport door, Gabe said, “I brought us some of the best Italian in town. Or so I’ve been told. It’s from a little restaurant close to the hospital. I’ll get it warmed up.”

  “Then I’m on dish duty.” Zoe headed for the kitchen. She’d forgotten about the bag waiting on the table. Picking it up, she held it out. “By the way, you left this in my bathroom last night.”

  He gave her a wolfish grin. “I had other things on my mind.”

  Heat warmed her cheeks. She’d had other things on her mind as well.

  Gabe took it from her. “You didn’t peek, did you?”

  She shrugged and tried to look innocent. “Maybe a little.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” He dug into the bag. “What do you think?” Gabe proudly held up a ball and a tiny baseball glove.

  She smiled. “I think it’ll be a while before he can use them.”

  Gabe grinned. “Maybe so but he’ll have them when he’s ready.”

  “Yes, he will.” But would Gabe be around to play with him? Go to the games?

  They worked around each other for the next few minutes. During one of her passes by him, Gabe caught her hand and pulled her to him. “I haven’t had one of these in too long.” He gave her a tender yet searching kiss.

  The insecurity of earlier disappeared, replaced by the bliss of being in his arms again.

  His lips left hers. “I could do without a meal to have you again but you need to eat. You tempt me so much.”

  She tempted him? Had she ever received a more exciting compliment?

  After dinner Zoe stood at the sink, washing up the few dishes they had used. Gabe came up behind her. The heat from his body warmed her from shoulders to hips. His arms circled her before he pushed her hair away from her neck and gave her a kiss.

  She could get used to this attention. His change in attitude and all his actions were almost surreal but they were everything she had dreamed of having in a husband.

  “Forget those and let’s go outside and sit for a little while.”

  Her heart opened more. Even that simple statement made her melt. He wanted to spend time with her. The impression she’d had of him when they’d first met had been that he would never have slowed down long enough to enjoy anything as simple as sitting outside under the stars. Then his life had seemed to center on his career. “Almost done here. You go on and I’ll be right there.”

  Minutes later she wiped her hands off on the dishrag and headed to the patio. Gabe was sitting on the settee with one foot propped on the table. He looked relaxed and content. With his stressful job, he needed downtime. She was glad he could find it.

  She moved to take a chair but he grabbed her hand and tugged her toward him. “You’ll be too far away if you sit there.”

  She sat next to him. His arm went around her shoulders, pulling her close.

  “This is much better.”

  Zoe sighed softly. Much. The evening sounds of bugs and the occasional bark of a dog joined the sound of Gabe’s soft breathing. Could life get better than this? Only if it could be like this forever.

  “I’ve been thinking about a baby name now that we know what it’s going to be.” She sat so near she could feel the tension of anticipation in Gabe’s body. Did he hope the baby would be named after him?

  The calm of his voice didn’t give anything away. “Have you decided on something?”

  “I have.”

  “Will you tell me?”

  “William. Call him Will. What do you think?”

  “I like it.” The hint of disappointment in his voice didn’t escape her.

  She couldn’t help but tease him, prolonging saying more.

  In a huff he asked, “What about the middle name?”

  “Well...” She turned so she could see his face. “...I was thinking about Gabriel, after his father and grandfather. What do you think?”

  “William Gabriel Marks. That’s a fine, strong name.”

  “Avery. William Gabriel Avery.”

  He gave her a searching look. Would he argue? He couldn’t expect the baby to have his last name if they weren’t married. He nodded. Was it acceptance or appeasement?

  “Tell me what you know about your daddy. I’d like to know something about Will’s heritage.”

  * * *

  Gabe didn’t like the sour taste in his mouth that came with knowing his boy wouldn’t carry his last name. Yet he didn’t believe he could demand the name be different. He was well acquainted with Zoe’s strong will and determination. She wouldn’t easily change her mind. Neither probably should she.

  He wasn’t sure he was qualified to answer the question about his dad. This wasn’t how he would have imagined their romantic moments on the patio going. But then, he’d have never guessed he’d be enjoying an evening like this.

  Zoe wouldn’t let the question about his father go either. He could only name a few people he’d ever share the story with. “I don’t know a lot about him. Like I said, Mother never told me much. I think it’s too painful even to this day. He was from Arizona and a teacher. He liked the outdoors. I think my parents had a good marriage but a too short one.”

  He’d never thought about how deeply his mother must have cared for his father. Had his mother never remarried because she’d missed his father so badly she couldn’t bear the hurt of losing another? What would it be like to love that deeply? Could he? Did he already?

  “That’s a shame. It can be hard to find the right person, and when you do, to lose them so...” Zoe’s voice trailed off, as though she’d said more than she wanted to.

  She must know from experience. Her father had run out on her and she’d lost him, and now for all intents and purposes her mother was gone as well. She had to understand loss far better than he. Possibly love as well.

  “Zoe, if you don’t want to answer this I’ll understand, but would you tell me about your father?”

  She was close enough he felt her body stiffen.

  He squeezed her shoulder. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

  “It doesn’t make the hurt any less by not talking about it. I was crazy about him. He could do no wrong. If he was at home I was under his feet. I don’t know if I just didn’t want to see his unhappiness or I couldn’t, but it had to have been there.”

  She was too hard on herself. “You were a kid. You weren’t supposed to see.”

  “I know, but it would have been easier than him just not coming h
ome one day.”

  He hugged her again. It would have.

  “I asked Mom what happened and all she could say was that he just wasn’t happy. That he had to leave.”

  “You never saw him again?”

  “No. We found out a few years later he had died of an overdose.” The last few words were but a whisper.

  Her pain must be at a level he’d never experienced, yet she still believed in and wanted a marriage, husband and family. Misery filled him. That wasn’t something he felt he had the ability to give her, even if he wanted to. What if he failed her? He cared too much to have her hurt like that again.

  It was time for a change in subject. Talk about something more pleasant. “Have you given any thought to decorating the nursery? Especially since you know the sex now.”

  “Not really...” Her voice trailed off as if she wasn’t really listening.

  “I wish you would. Will needs a place to come home to.”

  “Mmm...” Her head rested heavily against his shoulder.

  Gabe just held her as she slept. A while later, he gently shook her. “Come on, sleepyhead. We need to go to bed.”

  “I didn’t mean to go to sleep on you,” she mumbled.

  “Not a problem.” He walked her inside.

  Zoe headed toward her side of the house.

  “Hey, where’re you going?”

  “To bed.”

  “Wrong way. You’re with me.” He extended his hand.

  For a second he worried she might not take it. To his relief, her palm met his. She curled her fingers around his as they walked to his bedroom. There he led her into the bath and turned on the shower, adjusting the water temperature.

  “Are you getting a shower?” Zoe asked, her voice drowsy.


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