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Doggy Style

Page 12

by Albertson, Alana

  The family beams at their new puppy. “Oh, we can’t wait to breed her!”

  Oh fuck. I don’t even need to look at Yessi. I know she’s going to go off.

  “Well, too bad for that, because all of our dogs are fixed, including the puppies.” She’s smiling, but it’s probably more accurate to describe her expression as a shit-eating grin.

  The man’s eyes nearly bug out of his skull. “Fixed? You fixed all the puppies?”

  “Yes. She’s actually four months old. She was fixed last week. Dissolvable stitches, so they don’t need to be removed. But our adoption policy requires all dogs to be fixed before placement. When would you like to set up your home check?” Typical Yessi. Straight to business.

  His eyes glaze over. “Home check? Lady, we’re about to spend eight hundred on this puppy. And you fixed her, so we can’t make our money back. Now you want to come to our home too? What else do you want? Our firstborn child?”

  I want to laugh but decide to hold my tongue.

  Yessi calmly continues, “We understand how much money you’re about to pay. But you’re very lucky to get this puppy, as she will be one of the last purebred bulldog puppies we’ll ever get. We’re turning the store into a shelter-only adoption center. Home checks are required. We aren’t trying to judge the way you live, but we need to make sure you have a secure fence and gate around your pool if you have one. You don’t have to adopt this dog. It’s your choice.”

  “Then forget about it.”

  “Already forgotten,” Yessi retorts.

  The man’s little girl bites her lower lip. “Please, Daddy? You said we could get a puppy.”

  He kneels down to her level. “But Princess, we wanted to get her so you could witness the miracle of birth.”

  I reach out my hand to stop Yessi before she launches into a verbal tirade. But I’m too slow.

  “The miracle of birth? What a joke. Want to see the results of that miracle? Go visit the local animal shelter and see all the homeless dogs there who’ll be slaughtered because of people like you who want to breed puppies.”

  Yessi picks up the bulldog and takes her back to her cage.

  “Hey, that’s my dog. I changed my mind. Bring her back.”

  “Sorry, sir. You’re not approved to adopt her. And you said forgot about it,” Yessi yells.

  Oh fuck. “Excuse me. I’m sorry about her. She’s a bit on edge. Please wait here. I’ll be right back.”

  I race over to Yessi. “Babe, come on. You can’t just deny them because they wanted to breed her. She’s fixed so they won’t be able to.”

  “Yes, I can. And I just did. This is my rescue, and now all the dogs’ adoptions are done through the rescue, including your puppies. Once you agreed to use our adoption contract, Pugs N Roses became liable for all these dogs. I don’t think they’re the right fit for this puppy.”

  Breathe, Preston, breathe. “You haven’t done the home check yet. You could at least check them out and see.”

  She scoffs. “What’s to see? I’ve already seen everything I need to know.”

  I’m crazy about this woman, but she drives me insane. “Yessi, dammit. They want to adopt her. Give them a chance.”

  She grabs their application. “Did you see this? They want to crate her all day and night. I have no problem with using a crate for housetraining, but I don’t want her stuck in a crate for her entire life. Who would crate a puppy? I bet they’ll lock her up all day.” She pets the bulldog. “Poor baby doesn’t want to be in a crate, do you? You’re a good girl. Yes, you are.”

  “You’re unbelievable.”

  Yessi pouts like a child, but I have a hard time saying no to her. “No, I’m not. I just want the perfect home for her. We can find an amazing family with bully experience. Maybe someone who has senior bulldogs and will never ever buy one. I can list her. Don’t make me give her to them.”

  I turn around and see the family walking out of the door.


  “See, they didn’t want her anyway,” Yessi says with a shrug. She goes back to fussing over the bulldog puppy. I groan and place my hand on my forehead.

  “Yessi! Are you serious right now? I needed that sale. We won’t be making much on your rescue dogs. And I already slashed the prices of the puppies when we fixed them. I know money’s not the point, but I need to be able to pay the rent.”

  “You’ll have to switch your business model, that’s all. We can do yappy hours, puglates, doga? Maybe your ex can teach a class here.”

  “Doubtful. She flaked on the opening. Look, I’m happy you and your friends are working with me, especially since Hugh ghosted, but you can’t drive customers away. They’ll kill us in online reviews.”

  The bulldog moans when Yessi rubs her ears. “Fine. I’m sorry. I’ll try to relax. Being around all these breeder puppies is hard for me. But I’ll make it up to you.”

  Now we’re talking. I lower my voice. “What did you have in mind?”

  “I’ll show you later tonight.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  After another long day at the shop, we’re finally closed. We secure all the dogs in their kennels for the night, say goodbye to Wanda, Avril, and Eden, leash up Gidget, and leave the store.

  In the week since Doggy Style has been open, I’ve spent every night with Preston, but it wasn’t just because I wanted to jump into this relationship. My landlord raised my rent and I can’t afford the increase. Well, I technically could with my new salary, but I’d rather find a bigger place. All of my own dogs are staying with Avril, and all of my foster dogs are staying at the store. Next week, I’ll finally have time to look for a rental house with a big yard, but until then, I’m happy Preston’s been so gracious and let me stay with him.

  And we’ve had fun. I mean, in addition to the mind-blowing sex, we actually get along. When I first met Preston, I immediately assumed we didn’t have a single thing in common, but we actually share a lot of similar interests. We’ve spent many nights this past week getting takeout and indulging in horror movies or discussing our favorite true crime books. When we cruise around town in Preston’s truck, we’ve been blasting our favorite heavy metal bands.

  But one thing we haven’t done is talk.

  I mean really talk.

  I want him to open up to me. I want to understand what’s going on with his father.

  And I want to confide in him about my own past. If he’s going to run away, I need to know now before I get even more attached to him. A voice in the back of my mind whispers, too late, but I choose to ignore it.

  Preston takes my hand. “Let’s go out for dinner tonight instead of staying in. Have you been to Sharkeez? They’re dog-friendly so we can bring Gidget.” I smile. It’s like he read my mind.

  “I love Sharkeez. They did a fundraiser once for Pugs N Roses.”

  “Cool. Let’s walk.”

  We leave the store and walk hand in hand to Sharkeez. The sun begins to set, and the cool ocean breeze blows the day’s worries away. I know I came off harsh to that family who wanted to adopt Lola, the bully, but I don’t care. Although I do hope Preston doesn’t resent me. I’ll find her a good home.

  The hostess seats us at a table. After we ask for some chips and guacamole, I order a hand-muddled strawberry margarita and vegan enchiladas, and Preston orders a Corona and steak fajitas.

  After a few sips of my margarita, my nerves relax. “Hey, sorry about earlier. That family just rubbed me the wrong way.”

  “It’s okay. I didn’t like them either. Just try to be a bit more patient when you explain to people about rescue dogs.”

  I try not to get annoyed by what he just said, but it’s hard. I suppose he’s right. I should be more positive and upbeat. Like Avril. Like Eden. I shake off my frustration.

  The waitress brings us our chips and guacamole. I watch Preston and notice him eyeing everyone in the restaurant. Not rude or like checking out other women, but just studying them, like he�
�s either about to hold up this place, or arrest someone.

  I exhale. Time to go deep. “So, what happened to you over in Iraq?”

  His turn to exhale. He knocks back his beer. “We were clearing buildings. Some insurgent threw a hand grenade into the building. My buddy, Grady, jumped on it and saved our lives, though Rafael, one of our buddies, got blown to pieces. Grady’s face was blown up, too.” He speaks as if he’s reciting a report, detached entirely, almost robotic.

  I get it though. Sometimes I need to separate myself from my emotions to hide my pain. Like I said, maybe we’re more alike than I initially thought.

  And wow. That’s intense. I reach out to touch his hand. He doesn’t pull back. “I’m sorry, Preston. I had no idea.”

  “It’s fine, I’m fine.”

  But he doesn’t sound fine. I should move on, change the subject. Instead, I blurt out, “I don’t get it. You’re a war hero. Why does your dad hate you so much? Just because of the tape?”

  His eyes glaze over. “Well, that put the nail in the coffin. He really believes I leaked that video. I didn’t. He doesn’t believe that a woman would leak it. Kira denied it to his face, as she did to mine, but he believes her and not me. But I promise you, Yessi, I didn’t leak it. I don’t know what to believe.”

  I need to let it go, but I can’t. “But that’s it? He hates you so much just because of that? There has to be more.”

  “I mean, of course, there’s more. I was a punk ass kid before I joined the Corps. The Marines made me the man I am today. Dad had wanted me to move back home when I got out and work for him. He runs a restaurant on the North Shore. But I wanted to make my own way. So he thinks I sold out and ruined his name, all for the notoriety. I didn’t, but he won’t listen to me, so that’s that.”

  “That’s never that. I mean if I had a family, I would do anything to repair the relationship.”

  His shoulders drop, and he stares intensely into my eyes. I can see him soften. “Sorry, I sound like a selfish asshole. At least I have a family. Your turn, babe. Tell me about your past.”

  Well, I asked for it. No turning back now. “Not much to tell. My mom was a drug addict. I was lucky that she didn’t use when she was pregnant with me, but after my dad left, she became a hooker and addicted to smack. Her family had disowned her. CPS took me in when I was five. They couldn’t locate any of her family, or so they said. I think they did find her family, and they just didn’t want me. Anyway, it took a while to go through the courts and terminate her rights, so I wasn’t up for adoption until I was twelve. No one wanted to adopt a twelve-year-old. I even did one of those Wednesday’s Child segments on television where they try to guilt people into adopting. For my day out, they took me to an animal shelter, and I started volunteering there but didn’t get into rescuing until after high school. Back then, I would just read to the stray cats and dogs. So, after no one adopted me, I just aged out of the foster system. Met some guy, Juan. I always liked to draw, so he taught me how to tattoo. And that’s that.”

  Preston blinks rapidly like he’s trying to hold back tears. “Babe, I’m sorry. You’re so strong and tough. I can’t even imagine growing up like that.”

  “I’m fine. It’s better in some ways. I have no one to disappoint. No one to tell me what to do.” No one to love.

  “Hey, stop. It’s not better. Stop trying to make it seem like you’re above love and pain. Being sad about it is okay. It’s okay to dream of having a family. It’s okay to want love.”

  Ah, fuck. I do not want to cry. Not at all. The waitress brings our meals, and I thank her as she places my food in front of me. I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to be vulnerable in front of Preston. The rest of our meal is shared in silence.

  After dinner, we walk on the beach with Gidget.

  Preston kisses me under the moonlight.

  “Yessi, I know we haven’t known each other long, but I think I love you.”

  My heart jumps through my chest. Loves me? It’s so soon. Does he really mean it?

  But I know he does. Because I feel it too.

  “I love you, too.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I awake in the morning to a sweet kiss, but I quickly realize the giver of the affection is Gidget, not Yessi, who is still sound asleep, her long dark hair tousled on the pillow. She’s so naturally gorgeous even without a lick of makeup. I’m thankful she’s my woman. Though we’re very different people and have different beliefs, we complement each other in so many ways.

  I roll out of bed, pull on my pajama bottoms, grab my phone, and leash Gidget up. She stretches into a perfect downward dog and then reverses direction to an upward dog. I adore her, too. She’s seriously the sweetest dog. I can’t believe her owner and Hugh both dumped her.

  I take the elevator down to the grassy area outside and let Gidget use the bathroom.

  Time to reconnect with the digital world. I pick up my phone and see that it’s blowing up with messages.

  Damn, dawg, she’s hot.

  You’re the man.

  Dirty devil dog—can’t believe you did another sex tape.

  Wait—what the fuck?

  My heart races in my chest. This can’t be happening to me again.

  I click on my Snapchat and see a bunch of messages.

  And there it is—for the whole world to see.

  A clip of me doing Yessi doggy style in my apartment, from the other week.

  Rage boils through me. How is this happening again? Is there a camera in my home? Who put it there?

  Breathe, Preston. Breathe. Don’t freak out. Calm under pressure. Think rationally and don’t jump to conclusions.

  It couldn’t have been Yessi. That would make no sense. I don’t believe she would sell me out like that. With Kira, it made sense because she wanted to live in the limelight. But Yessi doesn’t care about fame at all. She’s happy taking moonlit strolls on the beach with me. We’re already planning a trip back to Hawai’i to finish our vacation and get Cuffs, who’s finally recovered. Poor guy had giardia, worms, mange, and a ton of other issues I can’t even pronounce. The vet says he’s the sweetest dog, and I’m just grateful we saved him.

  But Yessi wouldn’t do this. And I didn’t do this.

  Then it hits me.


  Oh my god! Hugh!

  How could I have been such an idiot? He has a key to my place. Wanda told me that he said he was heading to my place when she last saw him. And I always let him stay there when I was still with Kira.


  Fuck. I blamed Kira for the tape. Wouldn’t listen to her when she denied leaking it. I’m such an asshole. That tape ruined our relationship. I won’t let that happen with Yessi.

  Gidget finishes her business. My hand shakes as I hold her leash.

  I race upstairs with Gidget in tow. Yessi is now in the kitchen brewing coffee. The aroma of the freshly ground beans mixed with the salty sea air fills my condo, but I feel anything but relaxed. I drop the leash, go into my bedroom, and stand next to my bed, my eyes scanning the space like when I was a sniper.

  A few seconds later, Yessi walks in. “Pres, what are you doing? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  I don’t even answer her because I finally see it—a small black camera hidden next to my speaker.

  That motherfucker. How did I never notice this? Some Marine I am—I’m supposed to be always aware of my surroundings. And not only could I not protect myself from this violation of privacy, but also I couldn’t protect the women I’ve been with from it either.

  I jump up on the bed and swat the camera down.

  “Preston, what the fuck? Oh my god. Is that a camera?”


  I peer into the camera, assuming it’s still recording. “Hugh, you’d better hope I never find you.” I don’t want to destroy the camera so I can have it as evidence, but I open it up and remove the battery, so I know it’s not recording anymore.
/>   I turn my attention to Yessi. She probably doesn’t know about the tape. Unlike me, she isn’t glued to it twenty-four seven. She has a full life that doesn’t involve technology. She spends her days reading, sketching, and playing with her dogs, just being present.

  And she has no idea that our intimate moments have just been broadcast to the world.

  I take her hand and gently sit her down on the bed next to me. “Babe, I need to talk to you.”

  Her eyes get big. “You’re freaking me out, Pres. What’s going on?”

  I take a deep breath. I need her to believe me.

  “I just saw that there was a tape of us leaked online.”

  She frowns. “A tape? What kind of tape?”

  “A tape of us having sex. I swear to god I didn’t know there was a camera recording us. Hugh must’ve planted it. He’s the only other person with a spare key to my place. I bet he leaked the one with Kira also.”

  I study her face, expecting her to explode. But she doesn’t yell. She doesn’t accuse me.

  Her shoulders drop, and she exhales. “I believe you. Hugh’s a piece of shit.”

  I want to kiss her right now. She believes me? No one ever believes me. Not my father, not my mother, not Kira. Well, to be fair, I never believed Kira either.

  “I swear to god I’m going to find him even if it’s the last thing I do.”

  Yessi shrugs, surprising me again. “Honestly, I’m more pissed that he dumped Gidget. Who cares about a sex tape? It’s not your first one. And I don’t have any family to embarrass. Hopefully, we look amazing in that video, and I’m not ashamed of having sex. I’m a tattoo artist, not a nun. If anything, it’ll bring publicity to the rescue.”

  What the fuck? I narrow my gaze at her. Why is she so flippant about this? Most women would freak. Then again, Kira didn’t.

  Maybe Yessi leaked it?


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