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Hot SEAL, Bourbon Neat (SEALs in Paradise)

Page 5

by Parker Kincade

  Asher cocked an arrogant brow at her before turning back to Gregory. “Asher Dillon,” he said and shook Gregory’s hand. “And you are?”

  “Gregory Meeks. I run the resort. I heard about the situation yesterday. Thank you for your assistance.”

  Asher appeared to be sizing Gregory up. “I appreciate that, man, but I don’t need thanks for taking care of my girl.”

  “No, no. Of course not.” Gregory cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable.

  What was he doing? She was going to kill Asher if he messed this up for her.

  “Ash, honey,” she said through her teeth, adding as much saccharine as she could manage. “Gregory and I have been working on the new advertising campaign for the resort. We still have some work to do. Can I catch up with you later?”

  “No need,” Gregory said. “We’ve covered the basics. Now it’s time for you to get out there and experience the resort. Of course, if you have any questions, you know how to reach me. Otherwise, we can touch base at the end of the week.”

  Gregory turned to Asher. “Do you have a plan laid out for today? I’d be happy to offer some suggestions.”

  “I was thinking about taking the boat tour around the islands.”

  “Oh, you must! It’s a beautiful tour with several stops that are known to be quite romantic.”

  Asher grinned like a Cheshire cat. “What’d’ya say, sweetheart? Wanna go for a ride?”

  Brooke was definitely going to kill him.


  “Don’t say a word,” Brooke gritted out. “Not one word.”

  She stormed past him, following the path the manager had taken a few moments before. Asher’s legs were long enough he didn’t have to hurry to catch up.

  “Nice dress,” he couldn’t help telling her, despite the warning. She looked amazing. She wore very little makeup, if any; her hair flowed down her back, held out of her face by a wide black band. There was plenty of tanned skin showing, but not so much that he’d want to gouge out the eyes of any man who looked her way.

  The jealousy thing was new. It dropped over him like a bucket of ice water when he saw her in the arms of that fucking Brit. The guy had practically mauled her outside the restaurant, then stripped off half his clothes at the table. The possibility that the guy was her work contact was the only thing that kept Asher in his seat.

  Brooke stopped in her tracks and huffed. Holy hell, he wanted to know what that pique tasted like. Wanted it on his tongue, down his throat.

  “Not funny.”

  “What? You said one word. That was two.”

  Yeah, his little firecracker wasn’t having any of that. She started off again, angrily stomping through the sand. Asher cursed. He didn’t feel like chasing her halfway down the crowded beach, and he was running out of time. The boat tour started in twenty minutes.

  Why the fuck he decided Brooke should join in the family outing, Asher didn’t know. Having her there would definitely complicate things, but he was running on instinct at this point. Everything inside him demanded he go back to the restaurant and get her, so that’s what he’d done. He hadn’t thought much past that point.

  He spied an empty cabana. Perfect. Asher snaked an arm around Brooke’s waist, lifting her off the ground, pressing her back against his chest. She gritted out his name and tried to kick him as he marched the fifty or so feet to the place that would separate them from watchful eyes. Once inside, Asher set her on her feet and yanked the tied-back fabric loose, closing them in.

  First things first.

  Asher swooped down and pressed his mouth to hers. Using her surprise to his advantage, he dipped into her mouth and groaned. She tasted like his favorite brand of bourbon. A little sweet. A little spicy. Every ounce going to his head.

  He couldn’t get enough.

  He hauled her against his chest and then she was right there with him, her tongue pressing over his to gain access to his mouth. He wanted nothing more than to let her play, but his family was waiting.

  He broke the kiss, nipping her bottom lip then soothing the sting with a soft lick. He loosened his arms, letting her slide down his body until her feet were firmly on the sand.

  He rested his forehead against hers and tried to catch his breath. “Always so good with you, sweetheart.”

  “I told you,” she said, breathless. “I’m not here to hook up.”

  “You and I have very different definitions for what that means. Trust me when I say what we just did doesn’t even come close to mine.”

  He kissed her forehead and stepped back. “Are you ready to talk about what started that fire under your ass?”

  She didn’t waste any time laying into him.

  “Do you have any idea what could happen if the resort found out we lied to them? Or, God, my agency? My boss is a real bitch, Ash. She’s been gunning for me for years. She wouldn’t think twice about using this against me to either steal the account or get me fired for unprofessional conduct. And if I try to come clean now, I’ll look like an idiot to the client. Not to mention the trust I’d lose with the client and my company.” She was pacing now. “This is not how I do business. I feel like you’ve put me in an impossible situation.”

  “First of all, no one lied.”

  “You said you were my boyfriend!”

  “No, I insinuated I was your boyfriend. Not the same thing.”

  “I still don’t know why you’d—”

  “Hear me out.” He needed to talk fast. “We didn’t lie. That Gregory guy made an assumption and we didn’t correct him. It’s not the end of the world. I guarantee they don’t give a shit one way or the other, as long as you give them a kickass campaign. And from what I heard, Gregory liked the idea of us doing things together on the island, so why not? Our private business is just that. Not the resort’s. Not your agency’s. Ours.”

  “Ash, I—”

  “I’m not finished.” Damn, he wished he had time to think this shit through, but the clock was ticking. He wasn’t ready to let Brooke go just yet, and if he missed the tour boat, his mom and sister would murder him. Besides, he’d given his word that he’d be there, and he never went back on his word. Sink or swim time.

  “Your boss isn’t here, so there’s no need to worry about her. And besides, didn’t you say you landed this account on your own? If your boss is such a bitch, maybe you should consider taking the resort’s business and doing your own thing.”

  “I can’t just…” Brooke burst out laughing, easing the tension in his shoulders. “It’s not that simple.”

  Asher smiled and couldn’t resist pulling her into a hug. “I know it’s not, sweetheart. But, listen, I promise we can talk this to death later if you want, but right now I’ve got someplace to be and I want you to come with me. Can it be enough for now that I want to spend time with you?” Damn near begging now, he added, “Just give me today, and we can figure out the rest later. Can you do that?”

  It felt like a year before she gave a soft consent.

  “Good.” He exhaled and, because he could, caressed his thumb over the contour of her cheek. God, she was soft. “Now, take off your sandals.”

  “What? Why?”

  Asher kicked off his own shoes and hooked them with his fingers. “Come on, come on. You heard me, sassy girl. Take off those sandals.”

  Realizing he was serious, Brooke bent down and worked the straps on her shoes.

  He checked his watch and cursed.

  “Now what?” she asked as she shoved the shoes into her bag and dug her toes into the warm sand.

  He took her hand and tugged her out of the cabana.

  “Now we run.”

  Brooke was winded by the time they hit the dock. Ash didn’t give her time to collect her bearings before he jumped onto the back platform of a waiting catamaran. Since their hands were still linked, Brooke had no choice but to leap with him. He turned in time to catch her. She gripped his biceps as their chests collided, his hard and unforgiving enough against her brea
sts to draw a quiet oomph from her throat.

  Asher’s arms tightened around her middle. The husky laugh close to her ear went straight to her girly parts. Goosebumps branched out, leaving no part of her skin unaffected.

  Exhilarated from the mad dash down the beach as much as the man, Brooke gave in to the sensation. She wrapped her arms around his neck, threw her head back, and laughed with him as he spun her aboard.

  “Where are you taking me, crazy man?”

  Ash nuzzled her neck, the scruff that hadn’t been there yesterday making her nerves tingle.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered against her ear. “Don’t be mad.”

  He kissed her hard, then released her so fast Brooke had to grab onto the railing to keep from losing her balance and falling overboard.

  “Where have you been?” A shrill voice demanded from above them. “We almost left without you!”

  Together, Brooke and Ash looked skyward. Brooke’s elation suffered a swift death as she recognized the young girl on the upper deck as the one who was with Ash at the restaurant.

  Oh no. What was he doing?

  “Quit being dramatic, squirt. I said I’d be here. I’m here. Where’s Mom?”

  “Had to run back to the room for something. She’ll be right back.”

  “So you weren’t waiting on me after all.”

  The girl shrugged. “I see you’ve made a friend.” Her smile seemed forced, sarcastic even, when she glanced at Brooke. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” A swarm of butterflies took flight in Brooke’s stomach. Her heart joined in the flurry, making it hard to draw a decent breath. Of all the things she imagined he would plan for them, a boat trip with his family was not anywhere on her radar. Brooke could keep him at arm’s length as long as they kept this thing, whatever it was, casual and fun.

  This was not what she signed up for.

  She agreed—against her better judgment and because she never had been able to resist him—to give him a day. Twenty-four hours to spoil herself with the sexy, bossy man who pushed all her buttons. She could keep her heart safe for one day while they re-explored their chemistry, and took in the island. But, this. A family outing? If she had to spend the day watching them together, feeling the love and connection she’d seen at the restaurant earlier while she stood firmly on the outside … she wasn’t sure she could do it.

  She’d loved Asher once. She was afraid she could fall again. Her rational brain knew he wasn’t trying to hurt her, but the lonely girl inside her that craved love and affection thought it was cruel of Asher to flaunt what he’d clearly told her they could never have together. A future.

  She had to get off the boat and back on solid ground.

  “I’m Grace, Asher’s sister.” The girl’s gaze narrowed and Brooke almost laughed. She looked so much like her brother just then, fierce and protective, making Brooke’s heart ache a little more. “Who’re you?”

  “Don’t be rude, Gracie. This is Brooke Ramsey, a friend of mine from way back. She’s here on business and we ran into each other yesterday. We haven’t seen each other for a while, so I invited her to come along with us today.”

  “Of course you did.” Disappointment tugged at Grace’s pretty features. “And why wouldn’t you? It’s not like we’re required to spend any time together or anything.”

  Ash slid an arm around Brooke’s waist and pulled her in close. It was a possessive move. One Brooke didn’t understand. “We’re going to spend the entire day together, Gracie. All of us. It’ll be fun.”

  Fun wasn’t the word Brooke would’ve chosen.

  “Whatever.” Grace turned and dropped onto the bench facing the canopy-covered area where the captain sat preparing to get them underway. Grace leaned back and draped her arms over the railing behind her.

  “Grace.” The reprimand in Ash’s tone was clear, but the girl ignored him.

  Brooke stifled a groan. Damn it all. Why? Why would he put her in this awkward situation?

  He said they didn’t have to hook up in order to hang out. He also said a relationship wasn’t in the cards for him. So, what exactly did he want from her? Were they going to be friends now?

  Brooke didn’t know how she felt about that. The man had been inside her body, repeatedly and at length. She knew the sound he made when he came, the way his body and mouth moved on hers. Could she be friends with a man she’d spent the last eight years craving like a junkie fresh out of rehab?

  Everything about this situation, about Ash, confused her and she didn’t like it.

  You don’t have time to be confused. You have a job to do.

  “Ash, it’s okay.” In all honesty, Brooke couldn’t blame his sister for being upset. Grace hadn’t expected to have to share her brother with anyone. Why would she? They were on a family vacation, and Brooke wasn’t—and would never be—family.

  Brooke tried to pry her hand loose from Asher’s, but he held tight.

  “You should spend time with your family,” she said. “I need to get to work anyway. We can catch up later.”

  “No, it’s not okay and you aren’t going anywhere.” He pressed a gentle kiss against her temple and lowered his voice so only she could hear. “I want you here. Don’t worry about Gracie. She’s sixteen.” He tilted his face toward where Grace sat and Brooke would swear she saw his eyes slit behind his Oakley’s. “She’s not a bad girl, but it seems she developed an attitude during my last deployment. And the mouth to go with it.”

  “It’s not unreasonable that she would want to spend time with you. I can’t blame her for wanting you all to herself.”

  His shadow fell across her face, shielding her from the bright sunshine. He slid his sunglasses to the top of his head. His eyes were rich pools of caramelized sin. He stroked a finger down the side of her neck. “Is that what you want? To have me all to yourself?”

  Brooke couldn’t help it. Her gaze dropped to his mouth as her body remembered the kiss from the night before. “No, of course not. That would be against rule number one.”

  “There’s a rule?” His hand slipped around to cup the back of her neck. A gentle squeeze at the base of her skull brought her to the balls of her feet, inching her close enough to his mouth to feel his breath against her lips.

  “W-we talked about this.” The gentle sway of the boat rocked her into him. Their chests bumped and Ash tightened his grip, holding her flush against his body. Their hips brushed in a way that felt wicked in public. Brooke bit her bottom lip to stifle the groan when she felt him begin to harden.

  “Did we?”

  “Yes,” she said, wishing the word had come out stronger than a breath. “No sex. Remember?” Down below, her body denied the declaration with a quick clench and she had to remind herself why it wouldn’t be a good idea to climb on and grind him hard.

  “Having me all to yourself doesn’t have to end with sex, sweetheart.” His lips brushed hers, light as a feather. “There are so many other things we could do. Or have you forgotten?”

  Brooke closed her eyes, fighting against the images threatening to turn her into a horny slut right there in front of God and Grace.

  She hadn’t forgotten one moment of their time together. She’d had boyfriends, lovers, since Ash, but none of them had mastered her body as he had.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt,” a voice called out. “But can an old woman get some help aboard?”

  Brooke jumped back, breaking the contact. Oh God. He’d done it to her again. What was it about this man that made her forget … everything?

  Brooke’s face flamed hot as she took in the woman standing on the dock with her hand outstretched. Old, her ass. The woman who had to be Asher’s mom was tiny in stature, but not in presence. She was tanned and fit, confident in the sheer cover-up that barely shielded the sparkling green two-piece underneath. She had a kind smile and warm hazel eyes. A slight graying at her temples was the only betrayal of the youthful looking woman’s age.

  Asher took her hand and offered suppor
t as she hopped on deck with ease.

  “Thanks, kiddo.”

  A giggle slipped from Brooke’s throat. Only a mother could get away with calling a six-three behemoth of a man such as Asher “kiddo.”

  Asher’s lips twitched. “Mom, this is my friend Brooke. She’s going to join us today.”

  Oh, no, she’s not.

  Without his hands and mouth and sexy reminders to distract her, Brooke’s survival instincts surged to the surface. She couldn’t spend the day getting to know his mom and sister when she didn’t even know where she stood with Asher. She couldn’t get attached, to any of them.

  “Hello, Brooke. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Ellen.”

  “It’s nice to meet you as well.”

  “Now that everyone is on board, let’s roll,” the captain called down.

  The engine roared and Brooke’s time ran out. She darted a glance over her shoulder to gauge the distance to the dock. The boat slowly edged forward. She could make it if she moved, now. “I’m sorry, Ellen. I wish I could stay, but Ash seems to have forgotten I have work to do. I do hope you enjoy your trip around the islands, though.”

  Ellen’s brow lifted in curiosity as Asher’s slammed down.

  “What do you mean? Hey!” Ash yelled as she launched off the back of the boat, her feet barely making purchase with the edge of the dock. “Brooke!”

  She had a moment of panic, arms flailing, before she leaned forward and was able to right herself.

  “Damn it, what’re you trying to do? Kill yourself?” Asher growled from the boat behind her.

  Brooke took a second to compose herself. She adjusted the bag on her shoulder and turned to face the retreating boat. Ash stood strong on the platform, arms crossed, his body in perfect sync with the machine as it picked up speed.

  She knew full well he could make the captain stop or turn around at any moment, or, God forbid, jump ship and come for her. She wasn’t going to risk creating an even bigger scene. Ignoring the loneliness that settled in her chest, Brooke waved, blew him a kiss, then turned to run up the dock toward the beach.


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