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Hot SEAL, Bourbon Neat (SEALs in Paradise)

Page 12

by Parker Kincade

  Brooke Ramsey was more delicious than the best bourbon in the world. She was one hundred and ninety proof of smoky-sweet woman.

  Firming his tongue, Asher licked up her center, capturing her wet heat and drinking it down. He wanted to savor her, to memorize every sound and move she made as she ground her pussy against his face.

  Damn the god of time for always working against him.

  Using his thumbs, Asher spread her open. He dipped low, teasing the tiny rosebud between her cheeks with the tip of his tongue. Yeah, she liked that. His girl didn’t mind getting a little dirty. She moaned his name, her fingers diving into his hair and hanging on.

  He circled her again, then got down to business, finding her tight, swollen clit and curling his tongue around it. He took his cues from her, finding the rhythm she needed to fly. He worked her, without mercy.

  He pressed a palm to her stomach. Her muscles were tight, ready to contract and give him what he wanted. He teased around her opening with his fingers. She was so wet, he easily slid two of them inside.

  “I’m close, Ash. Please. Don’t stop.”


  He curled the fingers inside her, hitting her in just the right spot as he flicked her clit with his tongue. She came apart, screaming his name the way he wanted her to for the rest of his fucking life.

  He knew from the moment he saw her again that he was in serious trouble with this girl. Every day that passed he fell deeper and deeper. And any minute now his mom would knock on the door, bringing with her the reality of his situation.

  He wanted Brooke, but he didn’t know how to keep her. Not without hurting her. And after what he’d learned about her life last night, she’d been hurt enough.

  He placed a soft kiss against her mound and stood, staring down at her. Well and thoroughly pleasured looked good on her. He hated to ruin the moment.

  “Come on, sweetheart. As much as I like you tangled in my sheets, it’s time to get out of bed.”

  Brooke pushed up on her hands as he headed for the bathroom. He went to the sink and turned on the water. He leaned over and splashed his face, sadly removing all evidence of Brooke from his lips and chin.

  He had just grabbed his toothbrush when Brooke came in, naked and glorious, and god, he loved that she didn’t try to hide her body from him.

  “I like the jeans, by the way.” She grinned.

  He’d wear them every goddamned day. “You need to get dressed.”

  “What’s the rush?” She came to him, wrapped her arms around him from behind, and snuggled her face against his back. Asher caught her naughty little fingers as they slipped under his shirt to toy with the button on his jeans.

  “Don’t do that.” He immediately regretted the harshness in his tone, but fuck. He was about to pop and having her naked little body tucked against him wasn’t helping matters any.

  She stiffened and took a step back. “Sorry.”

  He tried to brush it off. “Don’t be sorry, baby. I just need you to get dressed. Please.” He shoved the toothbrush in his mouth and went to work.

  “If you want me to leave, just say so.”

  He spit toothpaste into the sink and rinsed his mouth. “I don’t—” The knock on the door cut him off.

  Brooke grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself. “Are you expecting someone else?”

  Asher stepped out of arm’s reach, in case she decided to take a swing at him. “That would be my family. The commander told my mom what happened last night and she’s concerned.”

  The color left her cheeks. “You knew they were coming and didn’t tell me?”

  Since he was already in the dog house, Asher decided not to give her any more reasons to keep him there. “To be clear, I don’t want you to leave. There’s an unopened toothbrush in the cabinet. Help yourself to whatever you need from my bag.”


  He backed his way out of the room. “Better hurry up and get dressed, sassy girl. You don’t want your breakfast to get cold.”

  Brooke did the best she could with what she had to work with. She’d fallen asleep last night with wet hair, so this morning it was a curly mess. One swipe of a brush and it would become a frizzy mess. She dug around in her purse and found a stray hair band. She finger-combed the worst of the curls. She secured the tresses in a low ponytail, leaving a few golden wisps around her face.

  She found the toothbrush Asher mentioned. Using the toothpaste he left on the counter she was able to scrub her mouth clean. She washed her face. She could use some mascara, but the natural look would have to do.

  Her dress was another matter. The material was horribly wrinkled from being on the floor all night. The lower part of the skirt was stained with salt-water, and there were smudge marks along the front. She did her best to wipe those away with a damp towel, and then she used a hairdryer to dry the spots.

  Brooke would’ve appreciated the opportunity to make a better second impression, since her first had been an epic fail, her jumping off the back of a boat and all.

  There was nothing she could do about it now. She wouldn’t have a hope in hell of convincing Asher that they belonged together if she couldn’t even face his family in less than stellar condition.

  She could do this.

  Squaring her shoulders, Brooke left the safety of the bedroom.

  “Brooke!” Grace bounced over and wrapped her skinny arms around Brooke’s waist, hugging her like a long-lost friend instead of a woman she’d only known for five minutes.

  “Oh. Um.” Stunned laughter fell from her mouth as Brooke patted the girl’s back. “Hey, Gracie.”

  Grace reared back.

  “What?” Oh god. Had she messed up already?

  “You called me Gracie. Only Joel and Asher call me that.”

  Had she? Shit. She’d heard Asher use the name and it just slipped out. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

  Grace beamed. “I like it. Come on.”

  Brooke was helpless against Grace’s bubbly excitement, so she allowed herself to be dragged deeper into the room.

  “Joel found these really great pastries,” Grace said as they reached the dining area. “You’ve gotta try one.”

  Asher came to the rescue. “Okay, Gracie. Give Brooke a minute to catch her breath.” He slipped an arm around her and pressed a quick kiss against the side of her head. “You’re always so beautiful,” he whispered for her ears alone. “You and Gracie seem chummy. Remind me later to get the story of how that came about.”

  Before she could respond, Asher’s mom was there. Shorter than Brooke by several inches, Brooke had to bend down when Ellen tugged her away from Asher and wrapped her in a hard and fast hug.

  “Are you okay?” Ellen asked. “Joel told us about last night. Come, sit.”

  Good lord. Brooke had been hugged more in the last five minutes than in the last five years, that was for sure.

  A man she recognized from last night on the beach stood. “I’m sorry we didn’t get the chance to be properly introduced last night. I’m Joel Taylor.”

  Brooke had surmised who he was before he even spoke. She shook his proffered hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Commander Taylor. Thank you for your help.”

  Something akin to approval shone in his eyes. “Please, there’s no need for formality here. Call me Joel. I’m just glad you’re all right.” He turned his attention to Asher. “And what about you? How’s that jaw this morning?”

  Asher guided Brooke into a chair. He slid into the one next to her. “Gracie hits harder than that jackass on the beach.” No one even raised a brow at his language. “Where are they now?”

  “I decided the best thing to do was get them off the island,” Joel said. “They’re on a plane back to Florida right now. But, don’t worry. I made a few calls. Technically, they are all twenty-one, but they all have parents who are paying for their school. I called their fathers.”

  “You talked to all of them?”

  “Every fucking one.”
  “Joel. Grace,” Ellen hissed softly.

  “I know the f-word, Mom!” Gracie called from her place on the couch. She was stretched out on her stomach, flipping through a magazine. “Asher says it all the time, too.”

  “Hey, thanks for tossing me under the bus, squirt.”

  “Like Mom doesn’t already know how you Navy boys are.” Grace snorted and flipped a page. “Please.”

  Brooke was fascinated. They joked and chastised, but the love and affection between the members of Asher’s family were evident. And a little overwhelming.

  Joel brought Ellen’s knuckles to his lips and he kissed them softly. “I also spoke to the dean of their college, the head of their fraternity, and their coach. One thing is certain, there are at least four college football players who’ll be riding the bench for the better part of next season, if not all. Not to mention facing probation and potential loss of scholarships. They won’t soon forget the mistake they made.”

  Asher nudged her shoulder. “He doesn’t mess around.”

  “Damn right I don’t,” Joel said. “Not when it comes to this family.”

  She wanted this in her life. She wanted people who would love her through thick and thin. People she could love and … depend on to have her back. She didn’t know how she’d fit in, not having any experience and all, but hey, she was the master at figuring shit out.

  “They should get kicked out of school for behavior like that,” Ellen declared. “And good riddance. I’m just glad they’re gone and Brooke and Asher are okay.”

  Ellen got up and grabbed a tray of delicious-looking pastries and set it on the table, followed by a tray filled with fruit. “Don’t be shy, Brooke. Grace, come get something to eat. We have a lot to do today.”

  Brooke put a Danish and some pineapple slices on her plate. “That’s right. Asher tells me the two of you are getting married in a couple of days. Congratulations. That’s exciting.” Next to her, she felt Asher stiffen.

  Ellen sat down and Joel dropped his arm over the back of her chair. They looked at each other with such warmth and affection that it made Brooke’s chest ache. How could Asher not see how happy they were?

  “Thank you, Brooke.” Ellen smiled up at Joel. “We are very happy. I still can’t believe it sometimes. We are in this beautiful place. The kids are here.” Ellen’s eyes filled with tears. “It couldn’t be more perfect.”

  Grace bounced over. “Are you coming to the wedding?” She reached over Joel’s shoulder and snatched a muffin off the tray.


  “I—” Crap. She’d wanted to talk to Asher about it first.

  “Oh, you must!” Ellen clapped her hands together. “It won’t be a big to-do. Just us and a handful of friends and family who wanted to make the trip. You’re more than welcome. Right, Ash?”

  Casual as can be, Asher slipped his hand under the table.

  “Of course she’s welcome.” His knuckles brushed the outside of her thigh, making her jump. The way they were positioned, Brooke knew no one could see, but he wouldn’t dare. Would he? No. Not with his mom and Joel sitting across the table from them. Brooke held perfectly still, chewing on her bottom lip as his fingertips teased across her leg to her inner thigh, going higher, higher, higher. “I’d love for her to come.”

  Brooke grabbed hold of his wrist, stopping him just short of her panties. Naughty man.

  “I’d love to come as well,” she said, feeling Asher’s fingers flex against her skin. “In fact, I wanted to talk to you both about an idea I had.”

  Ellen and Joel exchanged a glance. “We’re all ears,” Ellen said.

  Brooke held Asher’s wrist while she explained the reason she was at the resort, and then she outlined her idea for the ad campaign.

  “So you see, with your permission, I’d like to take photographs during your wedding to potentially use for advertising the new resort. I’m not a professional photographer, of course, but I do have a nice camera that I bought specifically for this trip. I’d be happy to give you copies of all the pictures. If the resort likes what I put together, I’ll have to get you to sign a release giving us permission to use the photos, but we don’t have to worry about that right now. Also, if we use the photos, you’ll be paid a standard fee. It’s not much, but just so you know.”

  “What do you think, Joel?”

  “I don’t see the harm in it. Sure,” Joel said. “Why not? Let’s do it.”

  “Really? That’s so great, thank you.” Brooke couldn’t contain her smile.

  Asher leaned over and put his mouth against her ear. “The resort is gonna love your ideas, sweetheart. I have a few ideas of my own to share with you.”

  “About my campaign?”

  “About how we’re gonna break in that new camera of yours.”


  Asher stood outside the door to his mom’s suite. The week had slipped away from him. The wedding was tomorrow and he still hadn’t had a moment alone with her.

  Six days ago he’d been so sure his mom was making a mistake in marrying Commander Taylor. Now all he could think about were the words Brooke had said to him that night on the beach.

  Brooke. Sexy, smart, creative, fun Brooke. After only a handful of days, he couldn’t imagine how he would go back to a life without her.

  He’d figured out a couple of things over the last few days. He loved Brooke, with everything that he was, and he was a Navy SEAL, through and through. Being a SEAL was in his blood. He wasn’t ready to leave the military.

  Which left him at odds.

  If someone had asked him a week ago, he would’ve stood flat-footed and defended the choices he’d made. He hadn’t subscribed to the bachelor life because he was against love and marriage—for other people. He’d done it because … fuck. He didn’t know anymore. He just knew he didn’t ever want to be the source of Brooke’s pain. If he kept his job, that was a definite possibility, no matter how hard he tried to make her happy.

  Was it really possible for them to make a go of it? Did he have a chance in hell of keeping both Brooke and his job?

  It was time to get some answers.

  Asher knocked on the door. When his mom opened it, he didn’t beat around the bush. “We need to talk.”

  “Sure. Come on in.”

  “Is Gracie here?”

  “No. She and Joel are down on the beach. They should be back in a couple of hours. Where’s Brooke?”

  It still surprised him how easily his family accepted Brooke as a part of his life. They hadn’t questioned him about how and where he had met her. Hadn’t questioned the incredible coincidence of her being on the island at the exact same time. They embraced Brooke with open arms, as if she’d been there all along.

  “She’s getting things ready for the pitch meeting on Monday. Thought I’d give her some space.”

  His mom sat down on one end of the couch. “You two have spent a lot of time together this week.”

  Every day—sometimes just the two of them, sometimes doing things with his mom, Joel, and Gracie. And every night they crawled into bed, hungry and ready for each other. He never slept so soundly than when Brooke was spooned against him.

  Asher took the other end of the couch, angling his body to face his mom. He stretched his arm along the top of the cushions. “We’ve had a lot of fun exploring the islands. She’s taken some amazing photographs to use for her campaign. She really run with the whole ‘couples experience’ thing. I’ve seen some of what she’s come up with. If I were in the market for a romantic getaway and saw her ads, I’d be sold. She’s very creative.”

  “You seem happy with her. Does this mean we’ll see more of her once we get home?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, yeah, that’s what I want, but…”

  “But, what?”

  “I don’t want to hurt her.”

  “Then, don’t.”

  Asher rolled his eyes. “It’s not that simple. You, of all people, should know that.”

o relationship is easy all the time, Ash. There is a reason the marriage vows include the words ‘for better or for worse.’ That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.”

  “You tried, and look where it got you. And you’re about to willingly do it again. I don’t get it, Mom. After everything you went through, I wouldn’t think you’d be so quick to jump back into military life.”

  She looked at him then in the way she used to whenever he pissed her off, which had been quite often throughout his teen years. Her eyes narrowed. She squeezed her lips together and tilted her head as if trying to Jedi-mind-trick her way into his skull. When that didn’t work, she started with the slow nod. Up, down. Up, down. Up, down.

  He knew from experience if he tried to talk she’d only cut him off, so he waited her out. After about a minute of lip squeezing and head nodding, she finally spoke.

  “I wouldn’t call ten-plus years quick to jump, so let’s just get that out of the way right now. Joel is a good and honorable man, as you well know. He loves me. He loves Grace. And whether you want to believe it or not, he loves you. He considers you the son he never had, although I’m certain he’s never told you outright.”

  No, but looking back, Asher realized the commander had done plenty to show him. And what had he done to show how much he appreciated Commander Taylor’s presence and support over the years? He’d been a total dick the night they announced their wedding plans.

  His mood sank.

  “Do you regret marrying Dad?”

  His mom’s eyes flared wide with disbelief. “How could you ever think that?”

  “How could I not? I was there, Mom. I remember the arguments and the hurt in your eyes whenever Dad had to bug out. I remember how sad you were that he missed the better part of your pregnancy with Gracie. I remember a lot more than that, too. And obviously, you were a mess when he died. You stayed in your room, crying for hours at a time. You were barely functional. You were such a mess that you didn’t even make it to the funeral.” It had been Commander Taylor—Joel—who had stood by Asher’s side that day. “You walked around like a zombie for years after.”


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