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Alien Romance Box Set: Alien Cube: The Sci-FI Alien Invasion Romance (Books 1-5)

Page 54

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “I’ve had so many pancakes in my life that I think I’ll be okay.” She said, smiling at me.

  I just wanted this event to be over, actually. I wanted to be alone with her more than I had ever wanted anything in my life, but the night dragged on, and I felt as though I couldn’t get away. I was the Corin leader, after all. Perhaps I would have to get used to this kind of socializing. The thought of it made me tired and annoyed.

  “You look different,” Candice said, putting a hand on my forearm.

  “I am different. I am no longer cursed.” I replied. I moved in to kiss her and then stopped myself. I could just feel we were being watched by the other guests, and I must have kept my decorum up. And I wanted her to myself. Candice blushed at my failed attempt.

  “My whole life is about to change.” She said, looking out at the other guests.

  Yes, your life about to change. Now you’re mine and mine alone.

  “I promise to give you everything that you want in life,” I said, trying to ease her anxiety about the transition.

  “Well, at this moment, there’s only one thing that I want in life.” She said, her cheeks turning pink again.

  “What is that?” I asked. “Jewels? Gowns? Chocolate for days? Whatever you want you will have.”

  “To be alone with you.” She replied.

  That was it. I didn’t care if I was now the Corin leader. I was getting out of here. I took Candice by the hand and retreated, practically dragging her along.


  “Gentle, now,” I said, pulling on his hand.

  He grunted a little.

  “Oh, my apologies.” He replied.

  It was endearing that he didn’t have any sense of his own strength. That, unfortunately, would be something that I would have to teach him.

  I was surprised that he just stoop up and left the feast like this, but I was also excited. My heart was pounding in my chest. I didn’t know where he was taking me, but I could only imagine that it was back to his tent. This was what I had been waiting for so long.

  “I have something to show you.” He said, pulling me along quickly.

  “What is it?” I asked, but he didn’t reply.

  We went into the elevator, and Arias pushed the button for the top floor. He pulled me into him until our faces were inches apart, and there was hunger in his eyes. He stopped to consider something and pulled back again, in a similar way that he did at the feast. Why was he hesitating?

  The elevator chimed and the doors opened to what looked like a palatial penthouse. It was the most luxurious dwelling that I had seen on Hecate.

  “Oh my God,” I aid, stunned. “What is this?”

  Arias took me by the hand and walked me towards the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  “These are my new living quarters. The Corin offered it to me before, but I refused until the war was won.” He said, looking out upon the stunning landscape of Hecate down below.

  “This is….beautiful.” I managed to say.

  “It’s your home now.” He said, turning to me. My hand was still in his. “You can do with it as you like. I’m not much of a decorator.” He said and smiles.

  “It’s already perfect,” I said, looking out onto the horizon.

  “Now it’s perfect,” Arias said and kisses my hand. “Come.” He said, and led me to another room.

  When he opened the door to the bedroom, my jaw dropped yet again. It was stunning. Perfection. It also just happened to be the largest bed that I had ever seen.

  Without saying a word, Arias picked me up in his arms and laid me down on the bed, positioning himself above me. His breathing turned heavier, deeper.

  He undressed me, reverently, slowly, gently. The gown that I was given for the feast fell off of my body effortlessly, and I was lying there beneath him, completely naked. There were goosebumps on my skin.

  “You are cold.” He said with concern.

  “Your skin will be enough to warm me,” I said and attempted to take off his soldier’s uniform. Even as the leader of the Corin and the master of the Orion galaxy, Arias still insisted upon dressing like a humble soldier.

  “Not yet.” He said and pulled my hand away from his clothes. “I just want to savor this moment a little longer.” He looked at my body and his eyes narrowed.

  “That’s not fair,” I said with a laugh. He put his fingers over my lips and began to kiss my neck. His other hand was gently gracing my waist.

  The heat rose in my body instantly, and I could feel a warm glow coming from my lower stomach. The feel of his hands on my body filled me with a throbbing electricity that burnt brighter than any laser sword.

  “Every inch of you is perfect.” He said, now kissing across my chest and delicately grazing my breasts. I moaned and my back arched towards him.

  “Please, let me feel your skin,” I said, placing my hands on his barreling chest. I wanted to feel his unclothed body next to mine. I was hungry for it.

  A kind of fury came over Arias, and he ripped off the top of his uniform and pulled me on top of him. He was lying on his back now and from this position, over him, I could take in just how perfect this man was. Like a God. I was to be the wife to a living, breathing God. A smile broke across Arias’ face.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked, joining in his smile of delight.

  “This is the most pleasurable moment of my life. And for the first time, there were no consequences.” He said. It was true. We were free. Free to enjoy each other just like this, and for the rest of our days.

  “There is one consequence,” I said with a serious face. He knitted his brow in confusion.

  “What is that?” He asked, pulling me in tighter.

  “Since there is no Gate to fall through, we may be compelled to do this more than once tonight,” I said with mock gravity.

  Arias grunted and did not speak. He flipped me over with one hand and pulled his pants loose. He was now fully naked before me, and I felt as though I could faint just at the sight of him. It was as though he was made out of marble or stone.

  Slowly, gently, while looking into my eyes, Arias entered me, and I cried out, the pleasure was so intense, and the feel of him within me was so exquisite. A low, deep growl came from him as we moved to each other’s rhythm, picking up the pace and the force. He was going deeper and deeper, and I felt like I could collapse from the pleasure at any moment. I turned my head away.

  “No, I need to see your face.” He said, pulling me back so that I was facing him. His expression was more intense than I had ever seen it before.

  Arias’ movements were practically artful. He was touching me in places, reaching spots inside me, which he had never reached before. He had the force of a soldier, but it was not too much for me to take. It was never going to be too much.

  “I’m so close.” I moaned, not wanting to finish too quickly. I wanted this to go on forever.

  “Let go, my Love. Let go.” He said holding my face in his hands.

  “I don’t want it to end,” I said with a hushed whisper.

  Arias gently kissed me. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

  “It never has to end.” He said. “We have all the time in the galaxy.”

  With those words, it was as though my body completely released and I was overwhelmed by a rush of pleasure that had been building up for so many years. I felt like I had finally let go for the first time in my life. Years of anxiety, pain, hope, and loss were all converted into a wave of pleasure that filled my entire body. I cried out his name and grasped his back, trying to hold on and keep this extreme sensation from transporting me someplace other than here, at this moment.

  I closed my eyes and behind my eyelids, I saw stars and galaxies, rushing by me on both sides. I heard the whistle of the wind blowing past my ears. I felt a cool breeze on my face.

  Where am I?

  I opened my eyes, and he was still there above me, with his hand on my flushed cheek.

  I am home....

/>   The End

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  Scroll one more page to read my Upcoming Space Exploration Romance by Ashley L. Hunt.




  Important Terms

  Artificial Intelligence (AI): A sentient program that is self-aware.

  BASE jumping: diving off of a tall, man-made structure for sport, usually thrill seeking.

  Epicanthic Fold: the unique form of upper eyelid possessed by many Asians, which gave them their distinctive eye shape.

  Fabricator: an advanced 3D printer, capable of assembling almost any solid object, so long as it had access to the requisite materials.

  Former: one of the hundreds of expendable, minimally trained young men and women sent out by the Foundation for Humanity’s Future to spread human colonies all over local space. The Formers were part of a “first wave” of colonists, whose purpose was to ensure that humanity was not wiped out in the event of another nuclear war. Former is short for Terraformer.

  Gauss Weaponry: A type of gun, similar to a railgun, which accelerates a small piece of ammunition to hypersonic speeds, causing it to strike its target with a force much greater than that of conventional bullets. Gauss weapons can fire in zero gravity and underwater, and have replaced gunpowder weapons entirely.

  Nanite/Nanobot: microscopic robots that carry out advanced tasks, acting as a swarm.

  Phoneme: the sounds humans make, that when put together, form a language

  Powered Armor: An armored spacesuit that reinforces and increases the physical capabilities of the wearer.

  Terraform: To change the climate and characteristics of a planet or moon such that it more closely resembles that of Earth.

  Tidally-Locked: When a planet or other celestial body is trapped in an orbit with another object in which it is always facing the same side of that object.

  Words and Terms from the Erin-Vulur Tribal Language

  Burug: A large predatory insectoid creature, native to Chalice/Ravanur. It can be anywhere from the size of an average city bus to the size of a small building. The Erin-Vulur hunt them for food and crafting materials such as their chitinous armor.

  Chalice/Ravanur: Chalice is a moon of the giant gas Tisiphone, tidally locked into its orbit and permanently on the dark side of the planet, eclipsed from the sun. The Erin-Vulur call the moon Ravanur, and often refer to it as “the great mother”, or “our dead mother”. Chalice is completely encased in a global glacier, giving the false impression that the planet has no terrain. In fact, the planet has valleys, mountains, continents, and seas, but all of these things are currently encased in a seemingly permanent ice age.

  The Deepseeker: One of the Elders of the Erin-Vulur ruling council. This ancient shaman has been alive as long as anyone can remember, and frequently ventures into the deep tunnel networks searching for “magicks”, which he brings back and uses to assist his people. The nature of these magicks is as yet unknown.

  Dukkar: A seal-like creature, native to Chalice. Raised by the Erin-Vulur to farm their milk and meat. They live in deep crevices in the ice, where nearby geothermal vents create liquid water for them to swim in.

  Erin-Vulur: A tribe of the carnivorous humanoid natives of Chalice, whose mythos claims they were brought to the frozen world by their central god, Palamun.

  Erinye: pronounced “Ay-RIN-ya”, the name for the overall species of carnivorous humanoids that sparsely populate Chalice, gathered into tribes that live beneath the frozen glacial surface of the moon.

  Palamun: The Erin-Vulur name for Tisiphone, the gas giant around which Chalice orbits. This name is often used in curses or epithets by the tribesmen. Palamun is also referred to as “the great father”, or “the veiled one”, and is the central god of the Erin-Vulur religion.

  Stormcaller: Acolytes of one part of the three-part Erin-Vulur religion. They can be men or women, though women have the greatest aptitude for the powers bestowed upon them. A stormcaller is largely immune to Chalice’s lethal outdoor temperatures, and can call up specific winds and direct them at their command. Stormcallers can also summon up armor and weapons made of a black ice harder than any steel, which seems to grow right out of the glacier as they need it.

  Vulyak: A shaggy, goat-like creature with a thick wooly pelt like that of a terrestrial yak. They live in small herds in pockets under the ice, where the tops of buried volcanic mountains allow the existence of entire ecosystems in relative warmth.


  Chapter One: A Shot in the Dark



  "When I look down at the men and women before me, I see heroes." The President's voice was filled with pride, as he gazed out over our assembled ranks as we stood at crisp attention. Our navy-blue uniforms were creased to a dangerous edge, our heads were shaved a shining bald, and our faces were solemn and reverent, despite the glare of the setting sun in our faces. It was a beautiful moment, one crafted and shaped for the cameras, and broadcast to all the people of the Pan-American Dominion. The moment said "Hope" to them. It said, "Triumph" to them. To the President, it was the crowning moment of his career, the point where he finished dragging the people of the American continents back from the brink of destruction and showed the rest of the world, which was still putting itself back together, that the PAD would lead humanity into a bright new future. "In years past, we used the word ‘hero' to refer solely to the soldadesca. And though our brave soldiers were always, and continue to be heroes, today we have the opportunity to honor a new form of bravery.” From beneath my uniform cap, I found the President’s face with my eyes.

  He was everything the people needed in a leader. A tall, charismatic leader, young enough to be handsome, but old enough to be experienced, the legacy of his own war experience worn in the burn scar that marred the left side of his honey-bronzed face, and, if you looked closely, twisted the skin of his hands. “Today, we send our bravest, our brightest, out into the stars, to make a way for humankind to follow. People of Pan-America, I give you the new frontiersmen, our especuladores, who will boldly go where no man or woman has gone before. May I be the first to offer a solemn salute to our heroes, the Formers!" The President snapped to attention behind his podium, and his right fist slammed over his heart. After a moment, in which the snapping and clicking cameras captured that moment of perfect patriotism, my classmates and I returned the salute, fists thumping into our own chests in a dramatic echo of the President's gesture. The gathered, ethnically diverse crowd of P.A.D. citizens burst into applause at the exact right moment. It was the perfect moment of Panamerican pride, of patriotism, of victory in the face of the last decade of war. It would be plastered all over the news homepages, it would be written into the history books, it would be spoken of in hushed tones for the next hundred years… and it was all bullshit.

  The ceremony ended as the sun lost its own war with the horizon, and we filed back into the Foundation's open gymnasium, where, away from the cameras and reporters, we stripped out of our uniforms and hung them on the waiting racks, which had been wheeled in for this purpose. Beneath the uniforms, we were all wearing matching gray skintight jumpsuits, the elastic fabric of the clothes woven with nearly invisible wires and fabric circuits. A bored looking intern took inventory of the uniforms, which would undoubtedly be reused for the next class of Formers, and completely ignored the guileless attempts of several of my classmates to hit on her. I followed her lead when the attention of my horny classmates turned to me. We were going to be shot into space tonight, never to return to Earth. There wasn't a hell of a lot of a point in giving up the goods for any boy when he and I would both know there would be no tomorrow. Though, as I thought about it, maybe that was why a lot of the others were trying so hard. As the uniforms were carted away to storage, w
e were herded by even more aloof interns through the tunnels that connected the Foundation complex to the launchpad. We didn't need to stop to pick up our belongings because we weren't permitted to bring any. That would have just meant more weight, and where we were going, every gram was at a premium.

  At the launchpad, we were packed like sardines into little, boxy, windowless shuttles, fifty at a time- an inglorious way of reaching the stars. Of course, contrary to the president's glowing words, nothing about the Foundation or the Formers was glorious. It wasn't intended to be. My classmates and I, weren't the cream of the crop. Shit, we weren't even part of the usual crop. We were the chaff. Wards of the state, the young indebted, disgraced soldiers, even a few young criminals who'd taken a Former contract instead of the short drop and sudden stop. We didn't have families, we didn't have lovers, we didn't have kids. The whole point was that we weren't going to be missed. The shuttle bucked beneath us and began climbing cables that stretched miles into the sky, slow at first, then faster and faster. I felt my stomach drop down into my toes, but I didn't get sick. Our bodies had been stuck full of all kinds of cybernetic hardware, and I'm pretty sure I couldn't have gotten motion sickness if I'd wanted to. After all, the Bullet would be worse. The ride lasted maybe an hour. We chatted about nothing, made gallows-jokes, and most of all didn't talk or think about what was coming. I joined in with the jokes, mostly for something to do, but I didn't have friends in the shuttle with me. Actually, I didn't have any friends among the Formers at all. At least to me, it seemed that there was less point in us making friends than there was in trying to seduce an intern on the way out the door. We were literally never going to see each other again. When the shuttle finally drew to a halt, the joking stopped. It was time. We filed out of the shuttle into Exodus Station, where Foundation personnel were waiting to receive us. I might have liked to look down at the Earth from the station's perch in orbit, but the floor was solid and opaque, so instead I looked across the station at the Gun.


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