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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

Page 15

by Robert Iannone

  “May I ask what you intend to do?”

  “I will ask her permission. The sister argument trumps everything else.”


  “Oh my gosh, I don’t know what to say?”

  “Tee, like K’ssss’ dad said, I would just be fixing a programming error that my mother made. She should have thought of it herself . . . but, of course, her mind was focused more on stopping Violetta than on creating a perfect hostess.”

  “I need to talk to Egg . . . she would know what I should do.”

  “Tee, you have to let her go. She’s no longer part of our lives.”

  “Serenity, you could not be more wrong. I think of her every day.”

  “How about I put Egg into those memories?”

  “I already have them.”

  “No, I mean what if I make Egg a friend from your childhood?”

  “I had no childhood.”

  Poor Serenity was getting frustrated. “I know you didn’t. Those are the memories I’m going to give you. I’ll just add ones of Egg also.”

  “I would not like that. They would not be real.”

  This wasn’t going as well as Serenity had hoped. “They would be real to you.”

  “No. It would ruin my memories of when I first met Egg . . . and when we became friends. I wouldn’t want that.”

  Now that made sense. “You’re right. It was a foolish idea. But what of the others? Parents, childhood companions, a brother and two sisters and maybe a pet Shamie?”

  Tee’ka gave that a lot of thought. “Serenity, I appreciate what you’re trying to do. But I can’t accept it. I would then miss my parents and the rest of my family as much as Spirit missed hers, or BreeZee’s hers. That would cause me more pain. It won’t work but thank you for thinking of me.”

  Serenity let out a big breath. “I understand and you’re probably right. It could make it worse.”

  Tee’ka gave the girl a hug. “You are a good friend. Thank you.”



  Serenity couldn’t let it go. There had to be something she could do to fill the void in Tee’ka’s life. But what? And if she did find a solution, should she implement it without anyone’s knowledge or approval? Involuntarily she thought, “What would Egg do?” Too bad the device Tee’ka secretly returned to Egg couldn’t be used. Unfortunately, they were too far apart . . . Earth being a couple of trillion miles from Aerianna.


  “Before you leave for Zynn-Zaz’zia, I have something to show you.”


  “Actually on my ship. It’ll only take a few minutes.”

  “Okay. Can we do it now? I really need to meet with BreeZee and her parents.”

  “Absolutely. I’ve installed a transporter in the lab. It’ll beam us up to the ship. Let’s go.”

  So Tee’ka and Serenity went to the lab, entered the transporter and beamed up to The Shadow. “I wanted to show you the changes I made to Egg’s avatar. I modified the color and was wondering if I got it right this time. You would know best.”

  They walked to where the avatar was stored and Tee’ka inspected it. “Looks perfect. But why do you still need it?”

  “I don’t . . . I just couldn’t get rid of it. You understand, don’t you?”

  “I do and I can’t blame you.”

  A minute or two later they beamed backed to the lab, said their good-byes and Tee’ka went through the space portal to her new home.

  She also went with some memories that her friend had imparted during the transference to the ship. For better or worse, Tee’ka had a past . . . and Serenity had a secret she could never share.


  “Tee’ka, these are my parents. This is Zephyr and this is Azure.”

  “Welcome to your new home Tee’ka. We’ve converted some empty offices into a residence for you. You’ll be happy to know they are on the ground floor so you won’t have to climb a tree to go to sleep.”

  The girl smiled. ”Thank you, sir. It’s been a while since I’ve had my own home.”

  BreeZee looked surprised at that statement. “I didn’t know you had a home? You’re not talking about a virtual one inside the computer complex, are you?”

  “Yes. But to me it was as real as your home is to you. I lived with my mom until she passed on. Then I moved in with friends. Actually, I don’t think I ever told anyone about any of that . . . except Egg.”

  “You certainly never said anything about parents.”

  “Well, for an artificial intelligence like I was, it was a little different. I never had a father because I’m not made of flesh and blood. I mean I wasn’t. As for my mom, you have to remember that Astral Sing was still trying to perfect her creations.”

  “I’m sorry,” interrupted Azure. “Who is Astral Sing?”

  “Serenity’s mother. In a way, I am her offspring.”

  Bree liked that idea. “Then you and Serenity are really sisters.”

  “Tell us the rest,” requested Zephyr, intrigued by the whole concept of artificial beings. “In your case, I don’t understand the concept of a mother? I mean she wasn’t . . . well, I mean . . .” He stopped, embarrassed at how poorly he was expressing himself.

  “It’s okay. Yes, she was a computer generated artificial life form but we were all modeled after real beings. In the case of me and my mom, Astral Sing used herself and Serenity as the models . . . to create that bond between her and me.”

  “Does Serenity know that?” asked Bree. This all seemed a little strange to her.

  “There is no reason that she would. When I was created, she was probably a year or two old. And, I haven’t told her. I didn’t want her to feel any special obligation to me.”

  “I guess that makes sense.”

  “Not to be insensitive, but how did your mother pass?” asked Azure.

  “Remember that Dr. Sing was trying to make us as lifelike as possible. My mother was a first-generation hostess. When the second generation was perfected – that would be my generation – hers became obsolete.”

  “So your mother was what – just turned off?” Azure was horrified at the idea.

  “No. Dr. Sing wanted me to learn from the experience – not be hurt by it. What I remember was my mother growing old. It seemed very natural at the time – as does the memory now. Before she passed, she sat me down and we reminisced about our wonderful life together. Though it had only been a few years in real time, to us it felt like a long and rewarding lifetime. I can still remember her last words to me as she peacefully faded away.”

  “Would you share them with us?’

  “Sure. She said ‘live, learn, love and laugh’. It wasn’t until I became flesh and blood that I mastered the art of laughter.”

  “What a wonderful sentiment for a mother to pass to her daughter.”

  “I think so. What’s also amazing is that it was Serenity who gave me this body. I guess that really completed the circle of my life – from Astral Sing’s mind to a body created by her daughter. How lucky I am.”

  “Indeed. A remarkable journey. And now you are one of us.”

  “Thank you, sir. It does feel like I’m home.”


  “This is going to be a problem, isn’t it?”

  “What’s that?”

  “You can sail wherever you need to go. I can’t.”

  “But I can carry you.”

  “Only if we’re both heading in the same direction.”


  “What about that big dragon?”


  “Is that really his name?”

  “I guess. But you know he’s like a very mean guy.”

  “I thought he saved the Nauti village?”

  “He did. But he also turned against the people of Aerianna and helped Mobius.”

  “Everyone makes mistakes. I think risking his life to save all those people should count for something.”

  “Tee, you’re too nic

  “It’s what Egg would do.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. Let’s go ask Howl.”

  Howl knew what Bree and Tee’ka were tasked to do – find a way to make Zynn-Zaz’zia a more productive society. “I have no problem with that. And, Bl’udd has no choice. I’ll tell him.”

  “No. That’s not right. I’ll ask him.”

  “He really has no choice.”

  “He did when he saved your people.”

  Howl stared at the wingless girl. “Yes he did. Go ahead.”

  So Tee’ka found the big, red dragon lounging in an open field. “Hello, Bl’udd.”

  The dragon looked at the girl quizzically. “What happened to your wings?”

  “I’m not from this world. Never had any.”

  “Let me guess . . . you want to borrow mine.”

  “If you’re willing.”

  “Like I have a choice.”

  “Everyone has a choice.”

  Chapter 6 – Year 1: Evolution


  Egg had found the device that Tee’ka had slipped into her pocket . . . but she had no idea how it got there. She looked at it one last time . . .

  . . . then put it in the same little chest where she had once stored her suit and jewelry. Next, she took out her diary and wrote an entry . . .

  Sept. 2nd. It’s really and truly over. I’m no longer Flying Girl and the Hameggattic Sisterhood has been disbanded. I’ve never hated anyone in my life . . . Grammy always said that particular emotion has no place in our hearts. I didn’t hate Mobius or Bl’udd or Violetta . . . and they were evil. But, I hate Dazzle. She betrayed my sisters and me. She’s worse than the others.

  She closed the book and dropped it on her desk.

  She crawled into bed . . . and cried herself to sleep.


  “Egg, Sylvia is here. Are you ready? You haven’t even eaten breakfast.”

  Egg walked out of her bedroom and yelled to her mother, “I need another ten minutes,” she lied, “Tell Syl to go ahead. I’ll walk.”

  “Are you sure? You don’t want to be late after missing the first day.”

  “It’s okay, Mom. I’ll make it on time.” Without waiting for a response, she walked back to her room and peeked out the window to watch her friend drive away. She was fully dressed having been up earlier than she needed to be. But, she didn’t feel like being with Sylvia. Her Feminion . . . make that her ex-Feminion . . . was part of the past. If she hung out with her, all they would talk about was sisterhood stuff and she didn’t want to. The only way to get over what she lost was to put it behind her completely. And that meant she needed to find a way to avoid her former best friend. It was time for Ham and Egg to move on . . . separately.


  It didn’t take Sylvia very long to figure out why Egg was avoiding her. The thought of losing her closest friend along with the sisterhood was unbearably painful. But Egg would be hurting even more. So, being the good friend that she was, she stayed away. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be for too long.


  Two months later, and it was pretty hard for Mr. and Mrs. Graystone not to notice the changes in their daughter. First, she had joined the soccer team and apparently, she was like the old Egg . . . fiercely competitive. Her parents went to a couple of games but soon stopped going. It was a little embarrassing. Their daughter tried to score every goal . . . even when teammates were more open than she was. And though she was usually successful, the coach would lecture her on the side.

  If she made any friends on the team, they never came over. Nor did they ever invite Egg to their house.

  In fact, no one came over except Zeke. However, more times than not, Egg would tell him she was too busy and send him away.

  Sylvia’s absence was the most disturbing. At first, she called a few times but their conversations were short and didn’t seem particularly friendly. When Mrs. Graystone asked about it, Egg just shrugged and said it was nothing. They had different classes this year and they were drifting apart. It was no big deal.

  Of course it was. Mrs. Graystone called her mother to discuss it. “I’m very worried. She’s been acting strangely ever since she got back from the mountains. Are you sure nothing happened?”

  “They did spend time with Ezra and Max. That seemed to go very well.” It was a half-truth, which to Grammy was better than a lie.

  “Mother, do me a favor and invite her over this weekend. Talk to her and find out what’s bothering her.”

  Grammy knew what the problem was . . . and talking to Egg meant that she would have to make up a story to tell her daughter afterwards. “This weekend won’t work. I’m going to Ezra’s . . .” and let the thought just hang there.

  “I understand. But do try to call her, please.”

  “I will. I wouldn’t worry too much. She’s making the transition from a girl to a young woman. We both know how confusing that can be.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “Is Ashley coming home for Thanksgiving?”

  “Absolutely. Can’t wait to see her.”

  “I think she might be the best person to talk to Egg . . . don’t you?”

  “You’re right. Good thinking, Mom. Okay, have a great time with Ezra. You did invite him to Thanksgiving dinner, didn’t you?”

  “I already told you he was coming.”

  “Oh, of course. I’ve been so distracted with Egg, I forgot.”

  “Just give her time. It’ll work out.”

  “I do hope so.”



  K’ssss understood what Zephyr was trying to accomplish – both with his desire to advance Wind’dancer/Nauti society and to give his daughter a task to foster her leadership skills. So even though under normal circumstances either she or Zazzi should have taken the lead, they happily deferred to BreeZee.

  Today’s meeting was to review the suggestions that had been put forth by all the parties. Joining the two serpents and the two former sisters were Howl, his wife Gale, Zephyr and his wife Azure. Bree chaired the meeting.

  “I think we agree that this planet would make a great vacation spot for all the species of Aerianna,” and everyone nodded. “However, Tee’ka has voiced a concern and I’ve asked her to share it with the rest of you. Go ahead, Tee.”

  The girl no longer looked embarrassed to be the center of attention. She was learning to enjoy her new life as a flesh and blood person . . . and she was determined to be a good friend to the people of Zynn-Zaz’zia. “Thank you. My concern is that we, the inhabitants of this world, treasure its beauty and pristine nature. Somehow, we need to insure that visitors also show the respect that this planet deserves.”

  “Tee’ka, excellent point,” bellowed the normally loud Howl. “We can’t assume that others will treat the environment as respectfully as we do. I suggest that Gale and Azure draft the first rules for tourists to observe.”

  “All those in favor?” asked BreeZee.

  Everyone agreed.

  “Motion is passed. Next, I would like to voice a concern. We shouldn’t allow visitors completely free access to Zynn-Zaz’zia. We need to know in advance, who wishes to come, and what their general plans are. This way, if we have too many guests at any particular time, we can limit them before they get here or divert them to another location. We don’t want their visit to be unpleasant nor do we want to overwhelm our people or resources.”

  Zephyr beamed with pride. His daughter’s concern was well thought out. He caught the eye of his wife and gave her a little wink. She gave him back a smile.

  And so the meeting went on for a number of hours . . . well managed by BreeZee. At the end, with everyone tired from their efforts, the girl asked, “Any more business before we adjourn?”

  “I do have something.”

  “Yes, Tee?”

  “I would like you to consider using Bl’udd as a . . . law enforcement agent. I think the sight of him will strike terror in
to any visitor thinking of doing something wrong.”

  BreeZee laughed. “That’s just what Egg would do, wouldn’t she. Put a criminal in charge of the law. I love it. All in favor?”

  It was unanimous.



  “When do you leave, Mother?”

  “In two days. Serenity has loaned us the use of her ship.”

  “Who is us and why do you need a ship? Is the space portal not functioning?”

  “Besides your father and brother, I have asked Aeri’elle to join us. It will give her the opportunity to discuss her plans for the university with other members of the federation.”

  “I am sure she is all atwitter about the prospect.”


  “And the ship?”

  “We will be traveling between worlds. The portal, as you well know, connects us to whichever planet we choose. Until, and if, we give the technology to others, there is no way to travel between them except by ship.”

  “That will be a difficult decision on the transference of the technology. There may be some you wish to share it with while others you might not want to have access to it.”

  “Exactly. Was there something else on your mind, Daughter?”

  “I believe I have determined the reason for your actions with my Sisterhood.” She emphasized the word ‘my’.

  “Do tell.”

  “Since it was out of character for you to behave that way, you were doing it for someone else. You did it for Eloise.”

  Rose wanted to smile but forced herself to show no emotion. Without acknowledging the correctness of her Megg’s conclusion, she asked, “How did you come by this assumption?” By answering with a question, she was adding a bit of doubt and uncertainty in her daughter.

  “Eloise knew what you were going to say. It came to me as I replayed in my mind what had occurred. At one point Egg looked at her grandmother expecting to see her smile at the proceedings. I happened to look as she glanced at her namesake. Seeing the expression on Eloise’s face, she muttered ‘oh my gosh’. Egg’s intuition on such things is beyond understanding . . . for she is always right.”


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