Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 16

by Robert Iannone

  “And from that you concluded . . . ?”

  “Ben’Edikk told me he inadvertently let slip to Eloise that her granddaughter was being held captive by Violetta. Her reaction was, as you would expect . . . she almost fainted. If it was not for her friend Ezra, she might have fallen to the ground.”

  “Go on.”

  “She told you this had gone too far. Her granddaughter was too young to continue to lead the Sisterhood. Until she reached an age – either eighteen when she will graduate school, or twenty-one, which on earth is an arbitrary measure of adulthood – there could be no more Flying Girl. She would forbid putting Egg in mortal danger.”


  “You probably tried to talk her out of it, but she remained adamant. So, since it was to be inevitable, you decided to let the decision be yours. This way, Egg would hate you and not her grandmother.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “First, to repay the debt you owe to both of them. As importantly, you did it because that is your nature.”

  Rose stared at the Princess. Then she stood, walked up to the girl and gave her a hug. “You, my dearest daughter, will make a wonderful Queen.” She broke the embrace, reached into her pocket and removed two rings. She held them out for Meggy to take.

  “Are these Egg’s and Sylvia’s rings?”

  “Yes. I wish you to take possession of them.”

  The Princess did just that. “Will you tell me now what my brother was tasked to do with Egg’s ring?”

  “I sent him to Sighing Whorl. He was to ask the Myst Tree to disable Egg’s ability to retrieve her suit . . . until the Tree determined she was ready to resume being Flying Girl.”

  “Why, if I may ask?”

  “First, I assumed . . . incorrectly as it turned out . . . that Egg would take back the ring so she could return to Aerianna and visit her former sisters. Second, I felt that she would be better able to accept the Tree’s decision as to her fitness to resume her former duties as leader of the sisterhood. The Tree graciously agreed.”

  “So, if I were to return this to her, she could not retrieve her suit.”

  “Correct. However, with the circumstances changed by Egg’s behavior, I command you not to return the rings until she has graduated school. Furthermore, you may not discuss any of this with your former sisters, your brother or, to be precise, anyone. Do you understand?”

  “Not completely, but I shall reflect on your decision. Regardless, I will obey.”

  “Take very good care of those rings . . . this galaxy needs Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”


  Talon’s Perch

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, really. You hardly burned me.”

  “Py’wackit, excuse me for a second. I’m going to jump off this cliff.”

  Py laughed. “You do know you have wings, right?”

  “I’m not going to use them.”

  “There’s never been a case where a dragon fell because he didn’t use his wings. Can’t be done.”

  “Watch me.”

  “Come on, Bl’azzz. It’s okay, really. I should have been quicker.”

  “Yeah, like it was your fault. I’m just worthless.”

  “Oh, please. You helped saved two worlds . . . and that’s not counting the ones in the Starlight Alliance. I’d say you’re pretty amazing.” He gritted his teeth for courage then added, “and pretty darn cute.”

  Red dragons can’t actually blush . . . but Bl’azzz almost did. “You have lousy taste in women.” If she said what she really felt, it would have been “and you’re the best looking dragon ever.”

  “Listen, I have to go . . .”

  Bl’azzz interrupted. “Sure, I understand. Nice meeting you.”

  Ignoring her comment, he said, “I have to go see the Prince. But, will you have dinner with me tonight?”

  “Where?” Now that’s not how you respond to an invitation from someone you really like. But, the poor F’yre Dragon only had one other boyfriend and that was almost four years ago.

  “How about my place. I’m a pretty good cook.”

  “I’m a vegetarian.”

  “Oh, yeah . . . I forgot. Um . . . that’s okay. I can cook vegetables.”

  “Really? When was the last time?” she teased.

  “That would be tonight” he replied and they both laughed.



  “Absolutely not. I forbid it.”

  “Dad, I wasn’t asking your permission. I was just letting you know that Soo and I are getting married next month.”

  “I’ll say it again, no.”

  “I love her.”

  “My decision has nothing to do with love.”

  Soo wanted to cry. “It’s because I’m stupid, isn’t it?”


  “Soo, sweetheart, you’re not stupid”.

  “Yeah, I am. I should never have fallen in love with you. I don’t deserve someone as smart as you are. I should find a nice, average serpent and go back to selling sea shells.”

  “What is she talking about?” asked Tink’rrr.

  “She thinks you’re against this marriage because she isn’t as bright . . . no, no I mean because she isn’t intelligent enough to work on sub-atomic particles or something.” He shook his head in confusion. “Actually, I have no idea what she’s talking about.”

  Now it was Tink’rrr’s turn to shake his head – this time at his son. “What are you talking about?”

  Luckily, K’ssss chose that time to come through the space portal. “What’s going on?”

  “Your dad doesn’t want me to marry your brother because I’m stupid.”

  “What? Dad, did you say that?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Yes, you did,” snapped his son.

  “I most certainly never said any such thing.”

  “STOP,” demanded K’ssss. “Let’s start over. Brother, what did you say?”

  “That Soo and I are getting married next month.”

  “You are? That’s wonderful. Congratulations.”

  “But your dad said no,” added Soo.

  “Dad, your turn. What did you say?”

  “I said absolutely not. I forbid it.” Hearing that statement again seemed to take the air out of Soo and she sagged down like a balloon deflating.

  Ven’trrr was about to yell something but K’ssss stopped him. “You’ll get your turn. Father, why can’t they get married?”

  “What are you talking about? Of course they can get married.”

  “I think he’s sick,” whispered his son.

  “I heard that. I am not sick.”

  “Okay, everyone. Let’s stay calm,” pleaded K’ssss. “Dad, if they can’t get married but they can, I think you’re sending a mixed message. Which one is it?”

  “Ohhhhh. I see the confusion. Sorry. What I meant to say is that you can’t get married next month. Your mother would go completely insane if she had to plan a wedding in that short of time. Especially since the Queen invited you to have it at the palace. No, next month is out of the question. Next year would be much better.” To a serpent that lived for five hundred years, a year was like a few weeks to us humans.

  If Soo had hands, she would have slapped her face in exasperation. “Good grief.”

  “So, is everyone okay now?” asked the overly plump serpent.

  “Yes. And Dad, I’ll agree to the delay. We’ll make it next year. Okay with you, sweetheart?”

  “Next year is great . . . but we’re not having it at the palace.”

  “What?” cried Tink’rrr. “But the Queen . . .”

  Soo lifted herself to her full height. “Dazzle disbanded the Sisterhood. Worse, she hurt Egg. Worster still – don’t you dare say that’s not a word – worster still, Egg doesn’t have her ring and she’ll never be back. I won’t forgive the Queen . . . ever.”

  “But your mother-in-law
, she’ll be devastated. It was such an honor.”

  “No palace. No Queen. No way. No how.”


  Peekaboo Prime

  "May I introduce my husband, Lord Z’kkk.”

  “And this is my son Prince Ben’Edikk and Aeri’elle . . . one of the original members, but now retired, of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  The three had been in the visitor’s gallery watching Rose’Alynnia make her speech to the gathering of heads-of-state from the former Starlight Alliance. She had talked for almost an hour but her message was really very simple and she summed it up very concisely. “Let us take this unique opportunity to form a federation of planets, bound by a constitution, and governed by duly elected representatives from this august body. Let us insure that no one can ever again corrupt this organization for personal gain. As importantly, let us pool our combined wisdom and resources for the betterment of all our peoples.”

  She received a thunderous ovation that went on for too long . . . making Rose a bit uncomfortable. Even with this enthusiastic approval, there would be an enormous amount of work to be done to bring it to fruition. She involuntarily shuddered at the thought.

  The reception afterward gave the Queen an opportunity to meet the delegates individually. All in all, it was quite an experience. Perhaps half of the beings were humanoid in appearance. But many were not. To her mind, the oddest was the One Eyed, One Horn, Sighing Purple Steeple Bleaters . . . both their form and their single-minded personalities. She made a mental note to discuss this species with Aeri’elle who had mentioned her desire to invite one of them to the university.

  Since this was a more informal gathering, she took the occasion to introduce her husband, son and former sister.

  But when she introduced Aeri’elle, something extraordinary happened. Within a few heartbeats of Rose’s introduction, the entire room suddenly became very quiet. Slowly, they all started to make their way to the dragon.

  Rose and the others looked around to see what was happening . . . but were at a loss.

  Finally, one of the delegates said, “Did you say Aeri’elle is a Hameggattic Sister?”

  “Yes, though she has recently retired to work on building a university. That is why she is here, to talk with anyone who might wish to contribute to her efforts.”

  But no one was listening to the Queen. They were all murmuring amongst themselves. Finally, the same delegate said, “This is an extraordinary honor. Welcome to Peekaboo Prime. On behalf of everyone present, I thank you and your sisterhood for accomplishing what no one else could.” He then bowed low. And, again, as if on cue, everyone in the room joined in.

  Aeri’elle didn’t know what to do . . . or to say. She looked at her Queen with eyes wide. Rose took the hint . . . and took charge.

  “Please, rise. On behalf of the Sisterhood, Aeri’elle thanks you for your homage. But, as you will find out, they do not like to be so honored. It is against what they stand for.”

  The delegate stood up. “I don’t understand?” Not accepting the accolades of anyone willing to give them was a foreign concept to most diplomats.

  “They do what they do because it is right and because they have the ability. To be honored for doing what is just insults them. They have no higher ambition then to serve those in need. That is why they are unique.”

  “But that is extraordinary.” It was such an alien concept that it was difficult to fathom.

  “They are extraordinary women.”


  Earth, Thanksgiving

  Egg and Ashley had talked for virtually the whole day. Mrs. Graystone was thrilled . . . it was just what her younger daughter needed. However, she had no idea what could be that interesting to keep them occupied for so long. Oh well, she would probably never know.

  But we do, of course. Egg talked about Violetta and Dazzle and the end of the Sisterhood. Ashley listened until her younger sister had exhausted herself then she offered a little advice. “It’ll work out. Trust me.”

  “Please. I’m not a kid.”

  “Egg, it’ll work out. The good that you do as Flying Girl is not coming to an end. That isn’t the way the universe works.”

  “But I have no way to go back.”

  “They have a way of coming here. I presume the portal still works. And what about Serenity’s ship? And, for that matter, what about the Seven?”

  “Yeah. I guess I forgot.” She felt a little better until she remembered. “I’m not going to apologize to her. I don’t care if she is the Queen.”

  “My guess is that you’ll do whatever it takes.”

  Egg smiled. “Maybe.”

  “I have some news. I’m breaking up with Brad.”


  Ashley laughed. “Don’t want to know why?”

  “Cause he’s a jerk and he’s not good enough for you.”

  “Ohhh, that’s so sweet. But, it’s not the whole story. I met someone.”

  “Why you shameless hussy . . . three months at school and you found yourself a new man,” teased her little sister.

  “Meeting him was so weird . . . “and she told the whole story.

  “When do I get to meet him?”

  “We have five weeks for Christmas break. He’s going to come then. But, there’s something else.”


  “His last name . . . it’s . . . it’s . . . Mobius.”

  “NO WAY.”


  “How epic is that? Hope he’s a little cuter.”

  “More like drop-dead gorgeous.”

  “Oh my gosh . . . you are a hussy,” and they both laughed.


  The next day, after Thanksgiving dinner, Ezra finally got Egg alone. “How are feeling?”

  “Better. Thanks.”

  “Your grandmother said you play chess.”

  “She should know; she taught me. She said it’ll teach me different ways to think about strategy.”

  “That’s very true. I hear you’re pretty good.”

  Egg got the not too subtle hint. “Ezra, would you like to play a game?”

  “Well, now that you mentioned it . . .” and he smiled.

  So they set up the board and Egg, with the white pieces, got to go first. That gave her a big advantage.

  “Eloise told me what you said . . . about why you went out of your way to push Violetta.”

  “Figured she would.”

  “She thought it was a good strategy.”

  “Better watch what you’re doing . . . my Queen just took your Bishop.”

  “Oh. Didn’t see that coming.” So he went quiet and concentrated on the game.

  But Egg kept taking his pieces . . . all the time forcing his King into a corner.

  “Looks like you’re pushing me the way you pushed the Empress.”

  “Looks like it. And, it looks like you’re going to lose like she did.”

  “Same strategy, same results. I should have seen it coming.”

  Egg moved her Rook and threatened Ezra’s King. He moved a Knight to distract her, but she saw it and her Rook took it. “Ha.”

  He looked up from the board and smiled at his young opponent. “Checkmate in three moves.”

  “Really?” She thought he meant she would beat him.

  “Really . . .” and he moved his Queen.

  “Oops,” and she counter moved.

  He moved it again and she moved again.

  Ezra looked up once more. “Checkmate” and he moved his Queen clear across the board and trapped her King behind a line of Pawns.



  “But . . . but . . . how did you do that?”

  “I let you think you were pushing me around. It made you overconfident and distracted.”

  Egg stared at the board then looked up at Ezra. “So sometimes pushing people – people like Violetta – is the wrong thing to do. Better to let them think they’re winning . . . so they let their guard down.�

  Ezra broke into a huge grin. “Well done. And you came to the right conclusion without your Feminion.”

  Egg walked around the chess table and gave Grammy’s boyfriend a hug. “Thank you.”

  Chapter 7 – Year 2: Changes in Latitude


  Capitol of the Realm of the Serpents

  She had never been invited to meet the King and Queen and this invitation was totally unexpected. Making her way to their Throne Room, the ever-present Sentinels opened the doors for her and she rolled in and waited for E’ssss and S’eeee to acknowledge her presence.

  “Welcome, Serenity” said E’ssss. “Thank you for coming. I must apologize for not inviting you sooner.”

  “He can be a bit dragon-brained,” quipped his wife.

  “She meant no offense to our brethren of the sky,” added E’ssss hastily.

  “I, of course, appreciate the opportunity to meet with you. Was there some particular reason for my visit at this time? Something I can do for you, perhaps?”

  “Ah, right to the point. I like that.”

  “Forgive my husband. He is getting a tad impatient in his old age.”

  “I am not old. Four hundred and twenty is . . . is . . . middle aged. Do you not agree, my dear?” he asked Serenity.

  She smiled and replied, “I am certainly no expert . . . but I would have guessed you were no older than three hundred years. Three twenty tops.”

  “Dear girl, such compliments will only serve to swell his already oversized ego,” teased the Queen.

  “Nonsense, she is absolutely right. Very perceptive, young lady.”

  “Thank you. How may I be of service today?” In reality, she had a ton of things to do and was anxious to get at them. And though this invitation was an honor, she was not in awe of kings and queens – or any royalty, for that matter - regardless of who they were.

  “First, that contraption you sit upon . . . it is most impressive.” For serpents, any mechanical device was a novelty.

  “Actually, I just modified it with these anti-grav jets,” and she tapped the wheels. “It allows me to hover so that I can cross terrain that would otherwise impede me.”


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