Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #4: Sisterhood's End: [The 3 book 4th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 17

by Robert Iannone

  “Marvelous. Very ingenious . . . but coming from you, not unexpected. Now to the matter at hand, we wished to meet you so we could thank you in person for all your efforts this past year.”

  “I’ve enjoyed working with Tink’rrr and his team. They are very talented and carry on the scientific traditions of your kind with imagination, dedication and professionalism. It has been my honor to add what I can to their efforts.”

  The King and Queen looked at each other then turned back to their guest. This time the Queen spoke. “Very well put and we thank you for the compliment. However, we were actually referring to your work with the less fortunate members of our kind.” Then she quickly added, “and of humans and dragons, also.”

  “Well, that has been a joy. Thank you for the opportunity.”

  “Such modesty will not serve,” said the King not unkindly. “You have helped these individuals achieve more in the last year then they have in all the years before. You have given them self-esteem and a sense of purpose. Where once we saw serpents in broken bodies or minds functioning at a sub-normal level, we now have the pleasure of watching our children . . . for they are all our children . . . smile and go about their day with enthusiasm. We can never sufficiently thank you for your efforts.”

  “As one with a broken body, I feel a special affinity to those with similar challenges. Their smiles are the only reward I will ever need. I am only sorry that my expertise is not in medicine. But, once again, thank you.”

  “No . . . a simple thanks will not do. Not at all. As is our right, we hereby decree that from this day forward, you will be the Duchess to the House of E’ssss. And by the rights of your new title, all will address you as Lady Serenity and show the deference and respect your position deserves.”

  Serenity’s mouth dropped open as she stared at the royal couple. For some reason her mind refused to process the words she just heard.

  “Are you ill, my dear?” asked a concerned S’eeee.

  “I’m sorry . . . did you make me royalty?”

  “We did.”

  “Oh my gosh.”

  E’ssss laughed (yes, yes . . . I mean h’ssssed). “I think epic would be a better response”.



  “I’m bored.”

  “You’re always bored. Join another sports team. What about basketball?”

  “Not this year. We’re freshman . . . and they never put freshman on the varsity squad.”

  “So play junior varsity.”

  “That’s a joke, right?”

  Sylvia turned serious. “Egg, you’ve done really well adapting to . . . you know all the changes. I very proud of you.’

  “You’re just saying that so I’ll double with you and Zack this weekend.”

  Her friend laughed. “No, that never entered my mind.”

  “You are an awful liar. And I mean really and truly awful. I say that with as much love I can fake.”

  “You’re such a goof. But, I was serious. You’re handling it remarkably well. Do you realize this is the first time in about year you said you were bored? That is an all-time record.”

  “And now the circle is complete.”

  “What? What circle?”

  “We’re back to my first comment . . . I’m bored.”

  “That’s another thing . . . “

  “What is?”

  “Up till last year, I don’t think you knew what a circle was. Now, you’re studying and getting A’s. So . . .” Syl lowered her voice conspiratorially. “Did you learn about circles in geometry?”

  Egg punched the other girl playfully on the shoulder.

  “You’re lucky I don’t know self-defense. I would have grabbed your arm and flipped you over my shoulder.”

  Her friend smiled. “That’s it. You’re still my Feminion. Thank you.”

  “Now what are you talking about?”

  “I’m going to take Tae Kwon Do . . . like the guys. Give me a year or two and I’ll have my black belt.”

  “You don’t even know what Tae Kwon Do means.”

  “True dat. My Chinese ain’t as good as my English.”

  “Ain’t? Anyway, it’s not Chinese . . . it’s Korean. It means the way of the hand and the foot.”

  “You are so weird. Why would you know that?”

  “Come on . . . you can figure it out.”

  She gave it a few seconds. “Oh, right. Zack is taking it.”

  “It’s so cute to watch you think. It renews my faith in us humans.”

  “Now who’s the goof?”



  “Thank you for coming, Spirit.”

  “How may I be of service, Lady Xara?”

  “Your parents and brother, are they well?”

  Spirit smiled quizzically. Obvious the newly elected leader of Paradox had no real interest in her family. “They are well.”

  “Excellent. First, I must extend my thanks to you and your Sisterhood. Without them, we would still be a subjugated people . . . and I would still be in hiding.”

  “Please, Lady. I don’t think I can take any more heartfelt thanks. The Sisterhood did what it did because it could. End of story. I mean no disrespect.”

  “I understand. You and your sisters are truly unique. Do you think Queen Rose’Alynnia will reinstate the Hameggattic Sisters?”

  “Are you asking me if I’ve Thought Weaved the future?”


  “I choose not to answer.”

  Lady Xara nodded in understanding. “It will take us a while to feel free of the excesses of the prior regime. Not answering is your right.”

  “Thank you.”

  “That was not the reason I sent for you. I would like you to be my official envoy on a matter of considerable importance.”

  “Why me?”

  “Because the message is for Queen Rose’Alynnia. It is my understanding she will soon be elected as the head of government for her new Federation. It is in that capacity I need her help.”

  “You do understand that relationship between all of the former Hameggattic Sisters and the Queen is . . . strained. I might not be the right person.”

  “Oh, I think you are. But it will also require a sacrifice from you,” and she explained the what and why of her proposal.

  “The truth is I’ve grown a little bored with my life away from the Sisterhood. I would love the opportunity to visit my old friends and to contribute to your new government.”

  “Ours. It is our new government, not mine. We are a free people once more. And, one day I wish to honor all of the Sisterhood for their contributions to Paradox. I, especially, would like to meet Egg. She sounds extraordinary.”

  “She is that, Lady. And more. So much more.”



  The Sentinels rapped their lances on the floor. One of them announced “Ambassador Spirit of the planet Paradox.”

  Spirit strode up to the throne and bowed to her former friend. “Your Majesty.”

  These encounters always made Rose dejected. How she longed to hug her sisters for she could not think of them as anything else. ‘Perhaps one day’ she mused. But, today wasn’t that day. “Ambassador, I welcome you back to Aerianna.”

  “Thank you. It is always nice to see old friends,” but she was looking at Meggy standing behind the throne. The other girl smiled in return though it made her feel sad for the pain her mother must be suffering.

  “I am told that your newly elected President, Lady Xara, requests our help.”

  “Would it be possible to discuss the matter privately?”

  “Of course. Sentinel, please clear the room”. Everyone was ushered out except the Princess. “Now, how can we be of assistance?”

  “Lady Xara would like to enlist the aid of the scientists of the new Federation to eliminate the residual radiation that continues to plague our world.”

  “Besides the obvious need to remove something that is harmful to t
he environment, are there perhaps other reasons for doing so?” Rose was just so darn perceptive.

  “Yes. She wants no more . . . mutants . . . born on Paradox.”

  “Are not some of the mutations useful? Your ability to heal comes to mind.”

  “She is willing to sacrifice the good to avoid the bad. She does not want a repeat of what has only recently ended on Paradox. We cannot risk some ‘super abnormal’ coercing innocent people to do their bidding. If the radiation is removed, in a generation there will be no new mutants born. Our world will begin to evolve, as it should have before the terrible war. Once this has happened, Lady Xara is certain that Paradox would accept membership in the Federation.”

  “A worthy goal. However, an enormous investment in time and resources will be required to do as she asks. Is Paradox willing to pay the price?”

  “Not with treasure.”

  “I am listening.”

  “She has asked, and I have agreed, to be the Ambassador to Aerianna for the next three years. My Thought Weaving abilities will be at your disposal.”

  That caught the Queen off guard. “Intriguing.”

  “Lady Xara feels that this time will be critical in your efforts to insure a successful Federation. Perhaps with my abilities, problems that might not be obvious until too late can be anticipated and avoided.”

  “M’egg-Alynnia, I would have your thoughts on this proposal.”

  “It seems to be an offer too good to refuse.”

  “Indeed.” The Queen went silent for a few moments as she considered the implications. “Please tell Lady Xara that her Ambassador will be most welcome at court.”

  Spirit smiled. “Don’t be offended. But, I knew you would accept.”

  “Did you?”

  “Well, ninety-one point four percent sure.”



  The Queen had accepted Soo’s decision to hold her wedding in Nau’tika with equanimity. It was not unexpected considering all that had happened. To her daughter she said, “A bride should be able to have the ceremony wherever she is most comfortable. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend. Please, give Soo’nami and Ven’trrr my best wishes.”

  Even though Soo had protested, Tink’rrr said he had to invite Rose’Alynnia. Not to do so would be an incredible insult. “She knows how you feel. She’ll find some reason for not attending.”

  “Still don’t like” she complained petulantly.

  “Let it go, sweetheart. Half the population of Aerianna is mad at the Queen for what she did to Egg and the rest of you. The other half is sorely disappointed. No need to rub it in her face.”

  “You’re way too nice.”

  “And you’re way too beautiful. Let’s enjoy today . . . bitter feelings would just spoil things.”

  So the ceremony started off as planned. From the sisterhood, there was K’ssss, Tee’ka, Lady Serenity, Ambassador Spirit, Professor Aeri’elle, Legate BreeZee (the title given to the official representative of Zynn-Zaz’zia to all other worlds), Princess Meggy, Sassi and Bl’azzz – the maid of honor.

  Two of the three honorary members were also in attendance – Zazzi and Jynx.

  Other friends included Prince Ben’edikk and his fiancée Molly, Princess Ss’ong and her daughter Mystree, Kissy – Sassi’s daughter - and Jenny. Py’wackit had come as Bl’azzz’s date.

  Sadly, it was the two that were missing that caused the festivities to be a little more somber than they should have been.

  Oddly enough, M’egg-Alynnia at that moment was as proud of her mother as she had ever been. To give up the love of her sisters so that Eloise would not lose Egg’s love was a spectacularly selfless act. One day she would be able to tell her sisters the truth . . . a day that could not come too soon.

  Everyone bowed when King E’ssss and his wife swam into the ceremonial wedding pool. He nodded to a Sentinel who in turn nodded to a Serpent standing off to one side. The serpent began to blow into a specially carved seashell and the notes of the traditional wedding song washed over everyone in attendance.

  Taking his cue, Ven’trrr and Zazzi, his best man, swam out to their place in front of the King and Queen. The music grew louder . . . and Soo’nami swam in from the opposite side to join her husband to be. Next to her, struggling to walk in the chest-high water, was Bl’azzz. The look on her face was sheer terror . . . both from being immersed in water and from the thought that she might incinerate someone.

  Since there were very few weddings that included such a distinguished group of non-serpents, the King had modified the opening lines of the traditional Serpent ceremony

  When they were all in their appointed places, E’ssss began to address the gathering. “Serpents of the Deep, Dragons of the Keep (referring to their castle cities) and Humans who walk on Feet . . . I welcome you to this joyous occasion.”

  But the rhyming of deep with keep with feet was too much for Soo who was so nervous that anything could set her off. She h’ssssed so loudly and suddenly that she frightened Bl’azzz who was barely holding it together.

  The poor dragon yelped, then burped and burned.

  The guests in the front row . . . all non-serpents except for K’ssss . . . dove for cover and landed in the ceremonial pool with a huge splash. And the sacred ritual of matrimony, so near and dear to most sentient species . . . went from a well-rehearsed ceremony into a chaotic frenzy of motion, yelling, eeking and h’ssssing.

  After all the sputtering and coughing out of water ended, the stunned silence hung there until it was broken by a voice (no one ever admitted to it, but the smart money was on K’ssss) who yelled “MARCO”.

  All the other original Hameggattic Sisters, remembering the game they had played at Se’rene during the Quest, responded appropriately. “POLO”.



  “We made it.”

  “Yeah, we did. I just hated being a freshman. All the upper classmen thought they were so superior. Gimme a break.”

  “Well, now you’re a sophomore . . . or will be come September. What are we going to do for the summer?”

  “Grammy invited us to the mountains.” Every time they had done that in the past, it was so they could sneak off to Aerianna for an adventure.

  “What do you actually do in the mountains?”

  “The usual . . . take hikes, sleep, eat too much and one other thing.”


  “Like being Grammy’s maids of honor.”

  “SHE’S GETTING MARRIED,” screamed Sylvia. Hard to say if it was a question or not.

  “Yeah, she is. And she wants us to give her away.”

  “Well, absolutely. But . . . it’s going to be just the four of us?”

  “No. Ezra asked my dad to be his best man . . . so he and my mother will be there.”

  “And Ashley? She would never miss it.”

  “Of course not. She’s coming with Mobius. How weird is that to say?”

  “His name is Aaron . . . not Mobius. But, it’s weird.” She went silent for a moment. “You don’t think that there’s a connection do you?”

  “You mean with the real Mobius?” She looked at her arms. “No goose bumps.”

  “I’ve been meaning to tell you . . . that’s not very scientific.”

  “It’s all I’ve got.”

  “Anyway, it’ll be great. When is it?”

  “First two weeks of July. Oh, by the way, Grammy invited Mrs. Z.”

  “Really? And the guys?”

  “Yup, the whole family.”

  “Now that’s more like it.”

  “Do you love him? Zack?”

  “Yes. Maybe. No idea. How about you and Zeke?”

  “I can’t.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I haven’t given up believing that someday I’ll be Flying Girl again and someday the Sisterhood will be back together. That’s where I belong. That’s where my heart is. Am I making sense?”

  “If you were se
t on being an . . . I don’t know . . . um, an airline pilot. Well, you could do both . . . be a pilot and be with Zeke. But, he’s never going to be part of our other life. So, I think you’re right. Until you know for sure that Flying Girl is gone, the boy doesn’t stand a chance.” When Egg didn’t respond, Syl asked, “What now?”

  “That’s your second great idea this year. You are like the greatest Feminion ever. Thanks.”

  “You’re quite welcome,” Syl responded with great insincerity. “Perhaps you might tell me what that idea is.”

  “I’m going to learn to fly . . . all over again. I’ll get Ezra to teach me.”

  “I like it. I like it a lot.”


  Q’umulus, Council of Equals

  As Rose’Alynnia walked into the council room, those in attendance stood up and bowed. Present were E’ssss and S’eeee, King and Queen of the Serpents, F’Aerianne, the Rainbow Dragon and Lord Z’kkk. Princess M’egg-Alynnia and Prince Ben’Edikk had been invited but neither were members of the Council.

  The Queen sat and the others did the same. “Today we have matters of great importance to our world to discuss.”

  “Is it the new Federation you have been so busy with?” interrupted the Dragon queen. It was said as an accusation and bordered on insulting. The others in the room stirred uncomfortably at the woman’s insolence.

  Rose, however, responded in her usual calm fashion. “If you would but contain your unbridled curiosity, I will answer all of your unspoken questions (she emphasized the word unspoken). If at the end I have missed something, feel free to ask.” She said it without emotion, though she met the glare of F’Aerianne and held it until the other looked away. “First, I have asked for a report from Aeri’elle. As you all know, I changed the charter of the new university to include species from other worlds. Aeri’elle has traveled most of this past year visiting many of the planets in the soon to be chartered United Federation . . . as well as some that are not.” She tapped a button in front of her and the former Hameggattic Sister entered. She bowed first to Rose, then to the others.


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