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Deborah's Discovery

Page 12

by Fredrica Alleyn

  Pavin looked at her in surprise. ‘Ever since I can remember. I think most of us are if we’re honest. It’s just that society condemns it, or shall we say frowns on it. You get married and either stay married and have secret affairs or end up bored and divorced a few years later. This way everyone knows that at least once a year they can enjoy a different kind of sex from their usual daily couplings, and that probably keeps them going through the boring times.’

  ‘But what about when the holiday ends?’ asked Deborah as they slowly retraced their steps to the castle. ‘Isn’t it possible that a break like this could make things worse for some people?’

  Pavin tipped her face up to his. ‘Like you for instance?’

  She blushed furiously and tried to pull away from him. ‘No, not me! Anyone! Celia, Tansy, Richard, any of them might feel discontented once things got back to normal.’

  ‘It hasn’t happened yet, sweetheart. But I think you might be another story, because you’re only just coming to terms with your sexuality, which means you’ve got to rethink the kind of life you want when you go back to London.’

  ‘Just because I’m enjoying the holiday it doesn’t mean this is the way I want to live my life!’ she protested.

  ‘No, but somehow I can’t imagine you settling for another Mick after your film debut, can you? He forced you into a nurturing role. You’re a far more sexual being than you ever allowed yourself to admit before.’

  They were back at the castle now, and as they crossed the courtyard they could hear sounds of laughter and splashing coming through the open door that led to the recreation area.

  ‘Fancy a group swim?’ asked Pavin.

  Deborah shook her head. ‘I want to be alone with you tonight.’

  His blue eyes darkened until they were the colour of the night sky. ‘I think that’s a pretty good idea. What shall I have the kitchen send up? You must eat something to maintain your strength!’

  ‘Make it something light, I’m not that hungry.’

  He disappeared for a moment and then together they went up the beautiful staircase, past the first floor dining room and on up to their Elizabethan-style bedroom, where at last Deborah would be alone with him again.

  She went to bath and change, and by the time she’d finished one of the servants had brought up a plate of smoked salmon sandwiches, together with a mixed salad and a crème brûlée, all of which she devoured hungrily without even putting on a robe.

  Pavin watched her lack of self-consciousness as she sat on the side of the bed nude, now and then licking the tips of her fingers, and he remembered the way she’d looked when she’d first met him. She’d been beautiful, that was what had caught his eye, but so tightly coiled and withdrawn that he’d wondered if it was worth trying to get to know her better.

  Even he, used as he was to easy conquests, had been surprised when she’d made love with him that same night, and now he knew that it would be easy to expand her horizons even further because she trusted him and her body was made for sex.

  ‘While your food goes down, why don’t we watch a movie?’ he suggested, pulling her back against his bare chest.

  ‘I don’t want to watch myself,’ she said quickly, not yet willing to face up to how she must have appeared that afternoon.

  ‘I was thinking of something from last summer; before you were here. Wouldn’t you like to see Tansy, Paul and Brian enjoying themselves?’

  Deborah remembered Tansy’s curvaceous body in the cove that morning, and especially the clitoris standing erect like a miniature penis without its usual covering hood. She felt the first faint stirring of excitement deep within her. ‘Why not?’ she said as casually as she could.

  Pavin disappeared into the dressing room and reappeared with a video which he inserted into the console. ‘Right, let’s lie back on the pillows and make ourselves comfortable while they do the hard work!’

  As the picture appeared on the screen the first thing that struck Deborah was the high quality of the film. This was no normal cheap, home movie effort, it could have been done by professionals and she wondered how much Pavin had spent on the equipment in order to get such good results. Whatever it was, it was worth it because almost immediately she forgot anything but what was happening on the screen.

  It began with Tansy, nude apart from a bra with openings through which her nipples were visible, walking over the flagstones to where Paul was sitting on a high stool. His torso was bare but he was wearing jeans.

  When Tansy reached him she knelt down and carefully unzipped the jeans then sat on her husband’s lap facing him and, with her feet just touching the floor, slowly moved herself back and forth on his thighs.

  Paul put his hand on each side of her waist and every time she moved towards him he would kiss her neck and the top of her breasts, just above the line of the bra, while her exposed nipples would rub against him.

  Gradually her nipples began to expand and she pulled back a little to release what was obviously a rapidly swelling erection from Paul’s jeans.

  Deborah expected Tansy to then raise herself up and lower her body onto the erection, but instead Brian came and stood behind her then taking hold of her beneath her armpits he lifted her off Paul’s lap. The look of surprise on Tansy’s face was clearly genuine and she struggled, but Brian was far stronger than she was and with Paul’s help it was easy for the two men to keep Tansy suspended in the air.

  Paul put his hands beneath the tops of her thighs and Brian kept a firm hold under her arms so that they could move her lightly across Paul’s rigid penis, allowing it to keep sliding up between her outer sex lips and then over her permanently exposed clitoris.

  Soon Tansy was making small begging sounds and trying to push downwards but the men continued to tease her with Paul’s erection and at the same time Brian started to roll her nipples between his fingers.

  Deborah watched as Tansy’s mouth opened and her head went back. She was panting with excitement and seemed almost unaware of what was happening when the men suddenly carried her bodily to the centre of the room and laid her on a high wooden table, its surface covered by a satin cloth.

  It was only when Paul fastened a strap just below her breasts and secured it to the table beneath, while Brian slid a metal spreader bar up between her knees, that she started to struggle and by then it was too late.

  Pavin watched the unfolding scene and idly ran a hand down over Deborah’s stomach. She turned to look at him and her eyes were bright. ‘Did Tansy know what was going to happen?’ she asked softly.

  ‘Probably not, but she chose the men she wanted to play with so she knew the kind of things that could happen.’

  Deborah looked back at the screen. Now Brian had placed a tiny round pillow beneath the cheeks of Tansy’s bottom so that her entire vulva was pushed upwards, fully exposed because of the spreader bar between her legs. It was easy to see that she was excited because she had glistening beads of moisture on her lower pubic hairs and when Paul bent his head and drew one of the thrusting nipples into his mouth in a long pulling motion, Tansy’s outer sex lips flattened away from the centre, revealing her moist pink inner lips.

  Brian was busy at the side of the table and when he came fully into the camera’s view he had a small bowl in one hand and a tiny artist’s paint brush in the other. ‘I think you’ll enjoy this, Tansy,’ he said quietly, a small smile playing around his lips. ‘It will be interesting to see if your reactions are more intense since that interesting piece of surgery you’ve had done.’

  ‘What have you got there?’ demanded Tansy, lifting her head to look.

  ‘It’s the heat gel,’ he said shortly, and Tansy’s eyes went wide which shock.

  ‘Normally that’s something everyone likes,’ explained Pavin, his eyes still on the now squirming Tansy as the camera closed in on her. ‘But it was the first time Tansy would have tried it after her particular brand of circumcision and I think she felt a bit anxious!’

  Deborah could understand
that. Watching the American woman being serviced by two men was highly arousing, but she knew that the edge of danger that Brian’s presence seemed to bring was an extra aphrodisiac. The longer she watched, the more she wanted Pavin.

  After dipping the pointed brush into the mixture, Brian kept it suspended above the woman’s vulva for a moment and then moved round the table and instead swirled it over her nipples where they protruded through the open-fronted bra.

  As he moved the sable filaments firmly over her tender tissue the heat began to course through her and Deborah saw the way the entire areola swelled so that her nipples and surrounding flesh were forced even more tightly through the hole until the edge of the opening was cutting into her breast.

  Once she was painted to Brian’s satisfaction he left Paul to keep massaging it, making sure the blood continued to course through the veins of the breasts while he returned to stand to the side of her hips. This meant that he could reach the vital spot and not obscure the camera’s view of her reaction.

  Tansy’s head was moving around and she was moaning with the throbbing of her firm breasts. Her nipples stood out larger than any Deborah had ever seen. Paul seemed to take great delight in stimulating his wife as soon as the liquid began to cool, and his fingers scarcely left her alone even though, after a while, she begged him to stop.

  In the meantime, Brian was drawing the brush delicately along the inside of her inner lips, spreading the lotion thinly and evenly and then he drew the brush back down again to make sure it took effect. Within a few seconds Tansy was screaming out as a hot throbbing began deep within the centre of her sexuality and she tried to reach down to touch herself but Paul pinned her arms to her sides and she groaned in disappointment.

  It was clear from the picture on the screen in front of Deborah that Tansy’s unprotected clitoris, although not yet touched by the lotion, was being affected by the general sensation of spreading heat. It was filling with blood, darkening in colour and standing out proudly providing Brian with an easy target.

  Deborah wondered what Tansy had wanted at that moment. Had she wanted the lotion to be put on the tip of such a sensitive organ or had she been hoping Brian would only go around it? There was no way of knowing, but once the brush began to glide with careful precision upwards and Tansy knew beyond any doubt that he was going to touch her there, the American woman started to protest.

  ‘No! Paul, stop him. It will be too much! This isn’t fair! I’m burning up, for God’s sake. I want a man inside me, not more lotion.’

  ‘You should have thought of that before you had the operation done,’ said Brian. ‘As for wanting a man inside you, I thought women all wanted more foreplay. You should be grateful to us!’

  As he finished speaking he finally flicked the tip of the brush over the nub and twirled it around in the lotion.

  At once Tansy began to writhe on the table-top, her back squirming against the satin. Her face was contorted as a blazing heat seemed to fill every part of her with a frantic, despairing need for more stimulation, satisfaction and an easing of the pulsations she could feel in her breasts, belly and between her legs.

  She was nothing but a mass of overstimulated nerve endings, and when Paul massaged her already bursting nipples once more and Brian slid the brush up and down the stem of her clitoris, she at last felt her body convulse with the incredible sensations and her ‘Yes! I’m coming!’ echoed round the room and Deborah felt an answering throbbing heat between her own thighs.

  ‘Watch this next part,’ said Pavin softly, well aware of Deborah’s sexual excitement.

  Deborah watched, and as Tansy’s body began to go slack after her climax it suddenly tightened again and the muscles of her abdomen could clearly been seen bunching together as the continuing heat on her exposed clitoris, triggered afresh by the most delicate of touches on the tip by Brian’s brush, forced her into yet another tearing spasm of release. This time the waves of the climax seemed to go on and on and Tansy’s cries became cries for help not of bliss.

  ‘How long would that go on for?’ whispered Deborah, unable to stop watching the woman in the throes of multiple orgasms.

  ‘Quite some time I imagine, but don’t worry, they let her stop now!’

  As Tansy moaned and screamed, Paul and Brian each took a damp cloth from a nearby ice bucket and even as she twitched and spasmed in front of them they began to wipe the lotion from her protruding nipples and between her thighs.

  When Brian wiped her clitoris Tansy screamed again, but this time is was with pleasure, both at the release from the burning heat that had so overexcited her and from the touch of the cloth on her still aroused and exposed button.

  ‘She’s insatiable!’ laughed Brian as Tansy squirmed and moaned while a small climax made her judder against the table top.

  ‘Is the lotion all off?’ asked Paul. Brian nodded, and then Paul was walking round the table. He unfastened the spreader bar, climbed up on the table, pushed down his jeans and within seconds was thrusting smoothly into his wife.

  Because of the cushion beneath her hips and the stimulation her clitoris had already received, she was more than receptive to his movements and without its protective hood it was easier for him to make contact with the throbbing tissue as he thrust, so that very quickly Tansy was gasping in ecstasy while Paul’s long, slim penis plunged deep inside her. He rode her well, withdrawing sometimes to circle just inside her vaginal opening, stimulating the nerve endings there, and then thrusting back inside again and as he worked her towards her peak Brian was holding her head firmly between his hands while crouching over her breasts. Tansy opened her mouth to receive him there until finally Paul climaxed within her, Brian came inside her mouth and Tansy bucked violently as her body was suffused with her final orgasm of the session.

  As the bodies of the three participants went slack the screen went black and Deborah was left with a final image of Tansy, exhausted, tousled but undeniably totally sated while her own body was now on fire with desire for Pavin.

  He turned towards her in the vast bed and drew her head into the hollow at the base of his solid, muscular neck. She reached across and softly played with one of his nipples, running her fingers through the wiry hair that covered his chest. Very soon the nipple was hard and pointed and so she did the same to the other one and Pavin signed with pleasure.

  Encouraged by this – Mick had not really liked her to take the initiative – Deborah wriggled until her body was on top of the American’s and then she slid slowly down his body nibbling at tiny portions of flesh as she went. When she reached his navel she let her tongue dip inside it to curl around the hollow and she felt his growing erection start to nudge against her thigh.

  As Pavin lay back with his eyes closed, Deborah knelt between his parted thighs and carefully grasped his testicles in one hand. Then, as her other hand rubbed the shaft of his penis she increased the tension within it by holding the testicles firmly downwards.

  Pavin gave a tiny moan and Deborah thrilled to the sound of this obvious sign of pleasure she was giving him. For a few minutes she continued to stroke his shaft while keeping the testicles down. Then, when she sensed that he was becoming too aroused, she released them and instead lowered her head and took them in her mouth with exquisite gentleness, letting her tongue caress the crinked flesh.

  Pavin’s hands came down and gripped Deborah’s hair as she continued to use her mouth and tongue on him. She licked along the underside of the shaft, let her tongue flick lightly at the highly sensitive perineum behind the base of his penis and then drew the swollen glans into her soft mouth and ran her tongue around the ridge just beneath it until his hands were clutching at her hair almost frantically.

  He was now so hard that he didn’t want her to do any more for him. Instead he pulled her back up the bed and ran his hands along the sides of her body, then when they travelled across her stomach and the undersides of her breasts he used the tips of his nails to scratch lightly on her skin, not enough to mar
k it but sufficiently hard to cause a new and highly pleasing sensation to course through her.

  Next he laid her on her back and cupped her sex in his hand, pressing slowly up and down against it until she felt she’d scream if he didn’t part her sex lips and touch her more intimately, but he didn’t. Instead he simply massaged her above her pubic bone, his hand rotating in quite heavy circles so that she began to feel full and tight inside and again she felt an ache deep inside her.

  She was beginning to whimper with desire for him now, and so he allowed three fingers to slide across her pubic hair and then he pushed down on the clitoral hood, indirectly stimulating it as he went, before taking her outer sex lips between the fingers and pulling them even more tightly together which had the effect of rubbing all the sensitive inner tissue against itself and increasing Deborah’s desire even further.

  She was frantic for him now and he knew it. He moved back up the bed, leant against the pillows and grasping her by the hips helped manoeuvre her until she could lower herself onto his erection while sitting facing him. Then he pulled her legs out in front of her and as Deborah began to move they were both startled by the intensity of the sensations the position caused.

  Pavin’s hands now grasped Deborah’s breasts roughly. His fingers were no longer soft but hard and his grip painful, but she didn’t care because she wanted him this way, no longer thinking just of her but instead caught up in the power of his own passion. She wanted to bind him to her in every possible way, including the best sex he’d ever had.

  She could feel her climax slowly building, and when one of Pavin’s hands left a breast and began to stroke the base of her taut belly she knew that it was very close.

  ‘Lean back slowly,’ said Pavin, his voice tight with passion. ‘Move gently until your head’s on the bed, that way I’ll be pressing on the inside of your vagina. You like that, don’t you?’

  She knew that she did, that her G-spot was highly sensitive with this man, and carefully she did as he said until they were both lying with their heads at the opposite ends of the bed and Pavin could move steadily against the most sensitive spot in her love channel.


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